College Life: Break Even

By jericko delos santos

Published on Jun 30, 2014



[Kevin POV]

I am Kevin, a first year student at a well-known university taking up Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. And this second term, I will start taking major courses. I will have to leave my old classmates and meet new ones. I am so excited to take Calculus and other advanced math subjects. Yes! I am a Math geek. Ever since grade school, I always have been selected to represent our school in local and national math competitions. I even graduated salutatorian in high school. That's why I didn't have a hard time getting admitted to the top university of my choice. I am having a good time in college. I can focus well on my studies, since I am surrounded by people who are in the same level that I am at. Unlike in high school, where there are jocks and bullied that I tried to avoid. It's like being a math genius is a social suicide. That's why I decided to be cool at the same smart in college. Luckily, I was able to achieve that. I have a girlfriend and we've been going out for 5 months and we're going strong. Though we make out, I never have had sex with her. I always tell her I am saving that for the right moment. In short, I am still a virgin. People say I am very handsome and mysterious. I can't talk to people I am not close with. Maybe that's one of the reason many people likes me. In short, I am smart, handsome and still virgin, but the latter will change when the next term comes.

My first class is Calculus I, and I am so excited for this course and yet nervous since I am getting to meet my new classmates. I entered the class, and I saw ten people. Luckily, I know one of them, Ericka, who was my classmate from the first term. I sat beside her and we talked. Then, others students come in until the class is almost full. Then one guy comes in and our eyes met. We stared at each other for about 3 seconds, and then I suddenly saw my girlfriend coming in. Yes. She took the same course with me. She sat beside me, and we began to talk. I tried to look again for the guy, but then he was talking to another guy. Then the teacher came in, and started with her orientation about the course, and jibber jabber. Then she asked us to introduce ourselves in front of the class since she explained it's our first day to take the major courses, and we will be together for the rest of our stay in the university. Then everyone is given a chance to introduce. When it was my turn, I became nervous since I am not comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. So I just planned to make it short. I stood up in front, and I saw girls giggling and talking to their seatmates. I just recited my name and where I came from. But while I am speaking, I can't help but to look at the guys direction. And I am not wrong. He was looking directly at me and we stared again and it seems like he's trying to say something in his eyes. Suddenly, I heard my girlfriend clap so I got back to my seat. Then other students introduced themselves until we are down to the last two. Him and another guy he's been talking to a while ago.

John: Hi everyone, my name is John. And I am from Michigan. Actually, I am not that good in Math but really want to learn. That's why I have my cousin over there to help me.

While he was talking, I also hear some girl giggling and talking. And I know why. This guy is so handsome. He is wearing glasses, with white skin and black hair. And while talking, I noticed that he kept on looking to my direction. Then he sat down, and his cousin introduced. He's also cute, though he's a bit girly in the way he talks and moves. He also keeps on looking at me, but seems like he's mad at me. But I just didn't look back and didn't pay attention to him.

Then everyone is done and teacher explained a few things, then she gave us home works to work on. Then the day passed by fast and I have to go home to my aunt's house. Though I don't want to, I have no choice but to live at my aunt's house and help her with their restaurant as a payback for my stay. My mother only works at a small bakery in our town, and my father left us when I was still 2 months old. So only my mother raises me. That's why I decided to help on my Aunt's restaurant at night. I also need to keep my Scholarship to have free tuition fee and stipend.

(2 months later)

Classes get more serious and complicated. Few of our classmates withdrawn because they say it is really hard. As expected, I am working too well that's why my other classmates come to me for help. We also formed a small study group with my gf and a couple of students, and we really formed a bond. Others also formed their own except for two people, John and his cousin, David. They're always together, during lunch and always seatmates during classes.

Then we have one minor subject that we have to do a project to be done by a pair. I assumed that I will be with my girlfriend but the teacher said our partners will be chosen by fate - draw lots! So we picked papers in a hat where our names are written on pieces of papers. Then I am surprised when I saw the name on the paper I got - JOHN.

Hope you enjoyed it. If have suggestions, reactions or comments please email me at

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