College Life

By ds elliot

Published on Apr 16, 2004


College Life

Part One

by ds elliot

This story has a Copyright 2003. It is for your enjoyment on this site only. You many not link this story to another site, publish it, or post it at any other location without the express written permission of the author.

This story involved a growing sexual relationship between two college men. If you are offended by such a story or if you are not of legal age to read such stories or if such stories are illegal in your area, please stop now and redirect your browser to another site. I would appreciate your comments and constructive criticism. Please contact me at:

and now Part One of this story...

It seems like I have been waiting for this day to arrive my whole life. Granted I've only been alive for seventeen - nearly eighteen years now, but everything seemed to focus on this day - my first day at college. I'd been on the Greyhound bus for the last several hours. My destination was only two hours away, and it seemed that the closer I got to my destination the more doubts and insecurities flashed through my brain. I was nervous and excited - wondering what was ahead of me. There were so many things to consider... how hard would the classes be? would I be able to do the work required? would I be able to stand out when compared to the other students? what would living in a dorm be like? who would my roommate be? would we get along? would we be friends? what were the other students going to be like? would I be homesick? would the food at the cafeteria be any good? would I be able to find my way around campus?

The questions seems to come faster the closer we got. All of the self-confidence I had during my senior year felt like it was evaporating. I tried to chalk all of the self-doubts up to a lack of sleep and general nervousness. This bus trip started nearly twenty hours ago. During that time I had only dozed for a couple of times and only for very short periods. It seems that everytime I got comfortable we were stopping to pick up more passengers or allow others to get off at their destination. To be honest I was too excited to sleep much anyway. I had never been this far from home. I had never been to the east coast. I had never even seen an Ivy League campus. Sure I had seen some the pictures from the various brochures, but I hadn't actually seen it - experienced it. My anticipation was rising the more I thought about what was ahead.

I'm from a small midwest town - hicksville to most people. My father was the Episcopal Priest at the largest church in the community. I was the third of eight children. We were no worse off than anyone else in the community. In many respects we had it better than some. We didn't have a lot of money or material things, but we really did have what we needed. There was always food on the table and a solid roof over our heads. My family was loving and caring and very compassionate and understanding. None of us were compared to any of the others. We were supported in our endevours and encouraged to always do our best at whatever we selected. For me that was school. I was eager to learn and enjoyed discovering the knowledge books and teachers seems to hold. I excelled in school. That isn't to say that I was a geek. I played sports too, but I excelled where the grades were concerned. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't have played sports had I not been drafted to do so, but when you live in a small town everyone gets drafted to play on a team regardless of interest or ability. I was on the wrestling team in the fall and played baseball in the spring. I tried to play basketball for two years, but there simply were other guys who had the skills I didn't. I graduated first in my class - Valedictorian for a graduating class of 44 students. That was a huge honor to me, but I can see why it isn't all that impressive to others. The competition wasn't huge when it came to grades. Most of the guys would be going to work on farms in the area and most of the girls would be marrying and becoming mothers in the year after high school. Some would go to college in one of the larger towns, but none were going to an Ivy League school. In fact I was the first from my small town to have the honor of attending. Even more important was the scholarship I received that made it all possible. One of my teachers pushed me to apply for the scholarship. I really didn't think it would be possible for me to win, but win I did. It seemed that the whole town was proud of my accomplishment. My picture was in the town paper along with a story about me and the competition for the scholarship. To say I was proud of my accomplishment would be an understatement. I was on top of the world. It didn't seem that like could get any better.

For graduation I received new luggage for the trip, more money than I thought possible - nearly $1000.00, and a new computer with a good printer. For those gifts I really have the town's people to thank as well as many relatives, my teachers, and the church congregation. I really felt that I was heading off to school in style!

The taxi ride from the bus depot to the dorm was the last leg of the journey. I had finally arrived. The driver helped me to unload all of my belongings. And here I stood on the sidewalk with several suitcases, some rather large boxes, a suit bag, and me staring in awe at the building ahead. I carried a load of things into the lobby of the building then went back to collect more. Four trips later I had all of my possessions in the lobby of my dorm. Special arrangements had been made for me to check in Sunday afternoon. I found the Residence Manager and was given a key to my room. I started the trek to my new home for the next nine months. The Residence Manager took a load of things and showed me the way to my room on the third floor. I made two more trips and managed to get it all inside the room.

I didn't know where to begin as I looked over the bags and boxes. I decided to start with the clothes. Once they were put away I opened the three large boxes and put the contents away and set up my new computer. I had finished unpacking in less than three hours. I was pleased with the arrangement while at the same time wondering if anyone actually brought enough things to fill all of the storage space. I had only managed to fill two of the four large drawers under the bed and the closet was far less than full. I hadn't even used either of the two drawers in the closet. At first I thought perhaps it was designed for either men or women. It seemed that any one of my sisters would have easily been able to fill all of the space. My last project was making the bed. It only took a few minutes to accomplish the task. By the time it was finished I was tired. The excitement had caught up with me. I decided that what I really needed to do was take a shower and find a place to eat since the cafeteria wouldn't actually open until Wednesday noon.

I slept soundly that first night. I didn't even wake until after 9:00 the next morning, which was very unusual for me. I showered again and dressed for the day. It was already warm outside so I donned shorts and a t-shirt and decided to explore the campus. The first thing I did was locate the buildings where my classes would be held. I then found the library, the recreation center, and the cafeteria. From there I ventured off campus a ways to see what surrounded an Ivy League school. While exploring I stopped at a fast food place for lunch. We didn't have places like this back home so it was a treat in some ways, but I really prefered my mom's cooking even if it was only a sandwich.

Back on campus I spent the afternoon reading after I made a call home to my family. We didn't talk long, but in that brief time I came to realize that I missed all of them very much. I felt lonely when I hung up the phone.

On Tuesday I explored more of the campus and some of the buildings. That made me feel more comfortable and I suppose more secure. I got back to my dorm just after 2:00 in the afternoon and was thinking about a nap when I heard the door knob twist. I looked at the door and watched it open. My roommate had arrived. He came in all smiles with his family following behind him. All of them were carrying something. He unloaded his load on his bed and walked the few feet up to me and introduced himself. His name was Ryan. After we shook hands he continued with the introductions - first his mother and sister and finally his father. They seemed like a very friendly and happy family. Meeting them made me wish that my own family could have afforded to make the trip with me. I missed them! I offered to help if there were more things to unload - and there were. Ryan, his dad, and I made several trips to their huge SUV to bring up many items in boxes as well as a full array of sporting gear and equipment. In our room his mother and sister were busy unpacking and putting things away for Ryan. They spent a few hours unpacking and sorting through the many clothes and shoes. I think he easily had three times more clothes and easily five times as many pairs of shoes. While his mom and sister worked on the clothes, he and his dad found places for most of the sporting gear. As they seemed to be running out of space for everything, I offered the use of the drawers in my closet since I wasn't using them. Everyone seemed to appreciate that and the drawers were quickly filled.

By this time it was nearly 5:30 in the evening. Ryan's family was going to take him to dinner before they left to return home. I was surprised that they invited me to join them. I tried to politely refuse since I was sure they wanted to spend as much time with Ryan as possible before they left him, but his mom and dad both insisted that I come along. I told them I would have to change. I took a pair of slacks from the closet and my dress shoes and put them on the bed. No one made an effort to leave. I turned to pick up my clothes and head to the communal bathroom when Ryan told his parents that it would be a good idea for them to head to the car so I could change. I know I blushed, but they quickly got the point and made their way downstairs. I took off my shoes, shorts, and shirt and changed into slacks, a dress shirt, black socks, and black shoes. I checked the mirror and fixed my hair some. Ryan told me I was pretty enough as he laughed. We headed out the door to join his family.

They picked an Italian restaurant a few miles from campus. I was impressed with the interior - fancy by my small town standards. We all ordered and seemed to not stop talking the entire time I we were there. His family had many questions for me: Where was I from? What did my parents do? What was my major? Did I have good study habits? Did I play any sports? What were my hobbies? As I answered questions for them, they told me about themselves and their son. I learned quite a lot about all of them - more than I would remember. When they dropped us back at our dorm, I thanked them for a wonderful dinner. I offered my hand to his mother, but instead of shaking my hand, she hugged me. I got hugs from his sister and his father too along with good wishes for a great year.

Ryan was appologizing for the hugging as we walked up to our room, but I told him I thought it was nice and something my family would have done. Ryan and I continued to talk the rest of the evening. It was late when we finally turned in for the night. I was thinking about the day before I drifted off to sleep. I liked Ryan and his family and was very glad that we were sharing a room. We seemed to be a good fit. He was much more outgoing than me and smiled at the drop of a hat. He really did have a great smile - one that lights up his whole face and even causes his eyes to sparkle. One can almost see a bit of mischief in his angelic smile.

I was accustomed to sharing a bedroom, but Ryan was not. He wasn't snobbish or a problem of any kind, but he seemed to feel that I was company more so than I was an occupant of the same space. At bedtime we both stripped down to our boxers and climbed into our beds. I woke early as usual. I quietly went down to take a shower and dressed as quietly as possible so as not to disturb Ryan's sleep. Once dressed I started to read some of the material given each of us by the college. I was certain all of this would be covered during the orientation that started today at 1:00 and continued until Friday just before dinner. Friday evening there was a freshman mixer. It was a gathering for all of the freshmen. Attendance wasn't required, but it sounded like a good way to get some idea of how many people were new to the university - and maybe meet some new friends in the process.

Ryan finally woke up at 10:30. He seemed disoriented when he first opened his eyes - looking over his new surroundings. I don't think he really saw me sitting in the chair by my desk. He threw back his covers and rather jumped out of bed. At some point during the night he must have discarded the boxers he wore to bed because he was completely naked when he landed on his feet. I had never seen another erect penis until this morning. I smiled and greeted him with a cheery 'Good Morning!'. Seconds later I heard myself saying. "You must be really excited to see me this morning." He cocked his head a little to the left and then instantly realized that he was scratching at his balls and standing naked in full view.

"Ah fuck!" was all that came out of his mouth as he tried to cover himself with his hand while desperately trying to find something to put on to hide his morning wood. I just snickered. What else could I do? After nearly ripping the bed apart he found his boxers from the day before. He climbed into them getting them on backwards, but he seemed to be more concerned about his dignity than being correctly dressed. When he turned to face me his erection was gone. He also noticed his boxers were on backwards. He was blushing a dark red when he smiled at me and said," I'm really not an exhibitionist or anything. That was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. I'm not use to sleeping with clothes on or sharing a room so I guess I forgot. I hope you weren't offended or anything." "Don't worry about it Ryan. I wake up the same way. I am use to sharing a room with my younger brother. I wasn't offended at all. It is normal and natural. You don't need to be embarrassed."

Ryan rummaged through his things getting a towel and his shower gear. I went back to reading. He was gone for what seemed like a long time, but I guessed that he took his time in the shower and then shaving. When he came back into the room he told me that he thought all of the guys were in the bathroom at the same time. He had to wait for a shower and then for a space at the sinks so he could shave and brush his teeth. I told him that when I got there I had the place to myself. He asked what time I got up. I told him I was in the shower at about 7:00.

I watched Ryan dressed as we continued chatting. I couldn't help notice how similar we were. He was about 5'10", only an inch shorter than I. He probably weighed 10 pounds more than I, but it was all in muscle. His pecs were bigger and so were his thighs, but not by all that much. I was guessing that he was close to 180. He did have sixpack abs - something I had tried to attain but hadn't managed yet. Neither of us had much if any body fat. We were in great shape. I'm sure he got that way from all the sports. I got that way from several years of summer jobs on farms hauling bales of hay and other things as well as chopping wood a weight training course that was part of our high school requirements. We were both blond - he a few shades lighter than I and we both had nice tans. His eyes were a bright green with flecks of gold. Mine were a smokey blue that I was told turned to gray when I was unhappy. His hair was a little longer than mine, but he tended to wear it in a similar style - sort of spiked and messy at the same time. I guess I haven't told you yet, but my name is Jacob. I was called Jacob at school and planned to keep it that way here too. My immediate family called me Jake. I told this to Ryan the day before when we introduced ourselves. He immediately started to call me Jake. I think I would have been offended if it had been anyone else but him.

"Hey Jake... Are you ready to eat?" "I just waiting for you Ryan. I'm starved! I thought about going off campus to eat this morning, but I decided to wait for lunch."

We left the dorm and headed to the cafeteria. The line was long to get in and fed, but we waited our turn. As we waited more than a few guys and girls came up to talk with Ryan. He seemed to know several people from his hometown and school who were also going to school here. He introduced me to each of them as Jacob. I really did appreciate that and was sincerely pleased to meet his friends. Some of the guys seemed to be a bit on the wild side, but I suppose it was because it was their first time being on their own and were testing the waters and themselves.

We sat together through our afternoon orientation session and talked between ourselves. Several guys he knew sat around us and were at times a distraction to Ryan. We ate dinner with some of his high school buddies. I saw a little different side to Ryan that I hadn't yet seen. There was lots of talk about the girls as well as some of the crazy things they had done in the past. In all it was entertaining and informative.

That night I set the alarm because our morning session started at 9:00. We both went to the bathroom together. We showered and shaved and brushed our teeth together. It seemed a little strange to be doing all of that with someone else, but I was fine with it. I got back to the room a few minutes before him so I was nearly dressed when he came in. We stayed together during the day for our sessions as well as our meals. By the time dinner time arrived there were four guys from Ryans high school in our room waiting for him to join them for dinner. I was feeling like a fifth wheel, but Ryan insisted that I go with them. I did.

Friday's session was only in the morning. After lunch some of Ryan's friends came by the room to get him for a basketball game they were organizing. With him they had all the guys needed so I declined to tag along. I spent the afternoon getting all of my text books from the bookstore. I hadn't been back for too long when Ryan came in. He was flushed from the exercise, but he seemed calm and happy. We talked while he stripped down to head to the showers. He told me that he signed us both up for a conditioning class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. I was a little pissed that he would do that, but I didn't say anything to him. He told me that he really needed someone to help him stay motivated for a conditioning class and he thought it would help keep us both in shape.

I had forgotten about the Freshman Social that evening, but Ryan had not. He seemed anxious to go. I was feeling more than a litle ambivalent about it, but eventually Ryan's excitement began to be contagious. We both dressed for the evening. Ryan looked at me and then started rummaging through the closet and drawers. He pulled out a light blue cashmier sweater that he told me to put on instead of the shirt I had selected. He told me it brought out the blue in my eyes. I thought it was a nice jesture, but I tried to decline. My biggest fear was that I would ruin it somehow, but he brushed my concerns aside and waited for me to change.

Ryan was a hit at the social. He seemed to know several people. I mingled and talked with some of the people I recognized from our dorm as well as a couple of girls I had met. Some thought Ryan and I were twins or at least brothers. Ryan came over to where I was talking with a girl from the dorm next to ours. I had helped her carry some of her things to her room Tuesday morning. I introduced Ryan. When he spoke I could tell that he had been drinking. I asked if he had been and he smiled that mischievious/angelic smile of his and told me that he'd had a few and offered to get me a drink too. I declined. I didn't drink or at least had only had a few beers so far. I had uncles who were drunks. I didn't want to take the chance that alcoholism ran in the family. I also didn't want to blow this Ivy League opportunity. We had both heard the same lecture during orientation about underage drinking on campus. We both knew it happened, but I didn't want to be the one caught.

It was after midnight when I decided that I was ready to go back to the dorm. I looked around for Ryan just to let him know that I was going back to our room. When I found him nearly 30 minutes later I could tell that he was drunk. He was slurring his words and his angelic smile was now just a dopey grin. I told him I was heading back.

"Ryan, are you gonna be okay?" "I'm just a little buzzed." "I think you are drunk." "You aren't pissed at me are you Jake?" "No Ryan, I'm not pissed. You're a big boy and I'm sure you can take care of yourself. I just wanted to let you know that I was leaving so you didn't waste time looking for me later when you're ready to head back." "I think I'm ready now. I don't want to drink anymore."

Ryan and I walked back to our room. Actually I walked while Ryan staggered and stumbled. I held on to him as we navigated the three floors of cemet stairs. I had visions of him falling down them and splitting his head open. I stopped at the bathroom so I could take a leak. He took one too and it seemed urgent as he fumbled with his fly. He did rinse his hands, but he didn't zip back up. In the room I began to get undressed. While my back was turned I heard a thud. As I turned I saw Ryan in a heap on the floor with his pants partly down but the rest of his clothes still on. He had this look on his face that said he just had no idea how he got on the floor. I couldn't help but chuckle. I helped him to sit on his bed. I untied his shoes and took them off. I removed his socks and pulled his pants the rest of the way off. I took off his jacket and sweater and t-shirt. By this time he seemed to be nearly asleep while still sitting up. I guided his head to the pillow and then covered him up. I went back to getting myself ready for bed. I heard Ryan say, "Thanks Jake. You're the best!"

I woke up as usual on Saturday morning. I showered and went to breakfast. I snagged a couple of things for Ryan, but he was still dead to the world when I got back to our room. I wrote a letter home as he slept. I was about to head back to the cafeteria for lunch when I heard Ryan moan.

"How ya feelin' buddy?" "Shit! My head hurts. I feel like shit." "Would you like a glass of water - maybe some asprin? "Yea... I could use a new head too."

I walked to the bathroom and filled the largest glass we had with cold water. I took it back to him and dug some asprin out of one of my drawers. Ryan was sitting up now. He looked a bit worse for the drinking he'd done from the night before, but I knew he'd live. I got him another glass of water.

"Ryan, I'm gonna head to the cafeteria for lunch." "What time is it?" "It's 12:30." "Fuck! Hang on and I'll go with you." "Are you sure you feel up to it? I can always try to snag some things for you while I'm there. You look like you could use the sleep." "What? Are you saying I need more beauty sleep?"

I laughed at him. He got up a little unsteady at first, but he got dressed. We got to the cafeteria just after 1:00. After eating I saw a noticeable improvement in Ryan. He seemed to perk up. His eyes were no longer red and puffy. His friends came around later in the afternoon, but Ryan declined to go with them. I think he was still feeling a little pain from the previous night. We went to dinner then to the bookstore so he could get his books. He picked up all of the things he thought he'd need. He didn't buy cheap things or used text books. He easily spent three times what I had spent. When he paid for all of it, he put it all on his dad's American Express.

We had an early night. Sunday morning I got up while Ryan was still sleeping. I showered and dressed for church. I missed last week because of the bus trip so felt I really needed to go today. I walked to the Episcopal Church about six blocks from campus. It was a familiar service and really made me miss my family more than anything else. I was so use to all of us sitting in the same pew. Here I was all alone. Aside from the lonliness, I did feel recharged spiritually. My dad's sermons were better, but perhaps I was a little prejudiced.

When I got back to the room Ryan was up. He asked where I'd been. I told him church. He said he forgot that I was from a religious family. His family wasn't. He asked if I'd already eaten. I told him that I hadn't yet so we went to the cafeteria together. We were both complaining about the food today. Nothing so far was anywhere near as good as home cooking, but today seemed exceptionally bad.

Ryan and I went swimming in the rec center pool. We spent a few hours there swimming and horsing around. As we rinsed the chlorine off and prepared to leave Ryan told me that we were going to go out to dinner tonight. I told him that I really couldn't afford to go. I explained that I was on a very strict budget and that I had already spent a bit more than I had planned so far. He told me that he owed me for taking care of him Friday night. He said that if I hadn't made sure he got home and to bed he'd likely still be wandering around campus or worse. I laughed at him and again tried to decline, but he was insistant. As we dressed for dinner Ryan insisted that I wear the light blue sweater again. I again expressed my concerns about ruining it, but he told me it looked way better on me than it did on him so it was mine. I told him that I couldn't accept it because I suspected it cost far more than I could ever pay. It was like talking to a wall. When Ryan made up his mind there seemed to be no way to talk him out of his plan. He was stubborn in a cute way - not pushy or demanding or whiney. He just seemed sure of himself.

Dinner was wonderful. We went to a steak house. Since I was trying to order the cheapest item on the menu, Ryan took over and placed both our orders. We had plenty of food - very good food for a change. When the bill arrived Ryan put it on his dad's credit card. I asked if his dad would be upset.

"My dad gave me this card to use. All I have to do is let him know about how much I've charged each month so he can match the charges on the statement." "Ryan, I'm sure he didn't intend for you to take me out to eat at his expense." "If I had a date I would use it so I guess we'll just consider this a date. Does that make it better? "Ryan this is serious." "Jake... relax. It really is okay. Would you feel better if my parents tell you that? The next time they call I will have them tell you that they aren't going to be upset if I spend some money on you." "I just feel bad that I can't return the favor." "You don't have to. You took care of me the other night. I don't suppose you noticed that none of my high school friends were around. I guess that shows you they weren't too concerned. It is my way of saying thanks for taking care of me. I would return that favor, but I just know you will never get drunk so I won't have the chance."

Classes started Monday. Ryan and I had our first class of the day together - an English class. My next class was a history class while Ryan's was a math class. I had a break for lunch while Ryan had a two hour break. My last class of the day was a writing class while Ryan's was a geology class. I was back in the room doing some homework when Ryan arrived. He flopped down on his bed for a bit before he opened a text book. We both worked for a while when Ryan announced that it was time to head to the conditioning class. I didn't want to go, but Ryan seemed excited about the class so I gathered my things. I didn't have a sports bag so he threw my things in with his. The class was a good workout for both of us. We spent most of the period lifting weights. Since we were in similar shape our instructor had us doing the same things which were designed to increase our tone. We showered with most of the guys from the class and dressed in our street clothes. We decided that it would be smart to have dinner on our way back to the dorm. I wasn't hungry yet, but I knew I would be soon.

School went on as I expected it would. I worked hard to get the grades I needed. Ryan worked hard too. He said that my study habits were wearing off on him. On the weekends Ryan seemed to have a party to attend or a date. I usually didn't have much to do on the weekends aside from things that were free on campus. There were movies and plays as well as poetry readings and some group functions. They all occupied my time and I thought helped round out my experiences. I can't say that I enjoyed all of the things I did, but at least I experienced them. Ryan stayed out all night a few times. I didn't ask too many questions because I really didn't want to hear all of the details. I suspected that he had either met someone and spent the night with her or was too drunk to find his way back and passed out somewhere. I did end up putting him to bed twice more during November and December. We still did lots of things together and he was occasionally successful dragging me along to a party. I always had a good time, but I just hated to watch Ryan get drunk. He had such a great personality when sober, but he was a bit of a sloppy drunk.

Finals came and went. I felt that I did well. Ryan wasn't as sure of his results. Grades wouldn't be ready for two more weeks so we were both in a wait and see mode. My bus back home was leaving on Saturday morning. Ryan had planned to leave on Friday after his last final, but decided to get a fresh start on Saturday. I was all packed and ready for the trip home so all I had to do was wait. I was anxious to see my family. It seemed like years instead of months. I talked with Ryan about it as well as his plans over the holiday. When I woke up Saturday morning I was excited to be leaving. Ryan took one of my bags while I carried the other. We drove to the bus depot in near silence. Once there he parked and insisted on carrying my bag in for me. He waited until I had my ticket and my bags were checked. We said good bye to each other shaking hands at first then moving to a hug. I felt myself misting up as we parted. I thought Ryan was in the same condition. A few sniffs and a swipe of our hands over our eyes we parted.

As anxious as I was to get home to my family, I found myself just as anxious to get back to school. I really missed Ryan. He called my home the day I arrived just to make sure that I actually made it in one piece. We talked for nearly an hour not really saying anything. He also called Christmas day to wish me a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I told him that I would be back on campus for New Years Eve. He asked if I had a hot date he didn't know about. I explained that it was just the way the bus schedule was for travel from my home to school.

Ryan had called my parents after I had boarded the bus for the trip back to school. He found out what time I was supposed to arrive in town. To my complete surprise he was waiting for me when I got off the bus. I was glad to see him and hugged him tightly.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?" "I came to pick you up Jake." "Why? You didn't have to drive all the way here just to give me a ride back to campus. I could take a taxi. How did you know when I'd be arriving?" "I called your parents to see what bus you were on and when you would arrive. I didn't have anything else to do today so here I am... just think of me as your driver..." "You have a long drive back home after you drop me off. You are crazy..." "I'm not going back home. I'm staying here." "Why would you do that? You don't have to end your vacation for four more days. That is four more days with your family and friends." "I couldn't leave you here all alone. How fair would that be? Besides I think I've had enough family and friends for a while."

We went to the dorm. We turned off the heat while we were gone so the room was cold. We quickly turned it on and I began to unpack. While I unpacked Ryan sat on my bed watching me put things away. He wanted to know about Christmas. I told him all of the finer points of the day. He asked what I got. I told him clothes - things like socks and underwear, a couple of sweaters, a warmer coat. I asked about his. He pretty much repeated what I had said. I knew that his was likely much more just because his family could afford to spend much more than my parents could. I wasn't at all jealous of him or the money his family had.

The last item I unpacked was a gift I bought for Ryan. I tried to make it the perfect package, but the trip had crushed the box and the bow. I handed it to him telling him 'Merry Christmas'. He blushed and smiled. I told him to open it. It was a scarf/muffler. It was a rich forrest green with gold flecks. When I saw it in the store it immediately reminded me of Ryan's eyes. I had to buy it for him. He really seemed to appreciate it more than I would have expected. He took it out of the box and wrapped it around his neck. He preened in front of the mirror. I laughed at him and he continued to smile. Ryan went to his desk and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a box that was beautifully wrapped. He gave it to me with the same "Merry Christmas" wish. I really didn't expect anything from him and really was shocked that he would bring me a gift. He kept urging me to open the box. I did. Inside the box was a beautiful watch. I knew the brand name and knew they were extremely expensive. My mouth dropped open when I saw it. I tried to tell Ryan that it was too much, but as usual he wouldn't even listen. He took it out of the box and grabbed my arm. He put the watch on my wrist locking the clasp as he held up my wrist to admire my gift. He was very pleased with himself - as pleased as I was really. I couldn't stop saying "Thank You'.

We both got our grades while at home. We were really both very proud of our standing. I had a 4.0 gpa while Ryan had a 3.7. We both made the Dean's List. It was a first for Ryan. He told me that his parents were beside themselves when they read his grades. He said they thought he'd played some sort of prank. He told them it was all me.

Classes started again. This time we had a Pshchology class together. Ryan signed us up for the conditioning class again for the same time frame as last quarter. The work seemed to be at least as hard if not even a bit harder. We did manage to have some fun, but it seemed that we both spent more time at our studies. Ryan got drunk again at a party we both attended. This time though he was obnoxious and a little mean. He said a few things that were hurtful, but I chalked it up to the alcohol. He didn't try to fight me, but he was acting beligerent. He drove us to the party. I was thankful that he gave me his keys after he parked and locked the car. I loaded him into his car and drove him back to the dorm. Getting him up the stairs was difficult. There were times when Ryan struggled against me. I finally got him to the room. Ryan had a few more hurtful things to say as I was trying to help him get into bed. He finally shut up. I got his clothes off and tucked him in. I moved a trash can near his bed just in case he needed it during the night.

The next day when Ryan finally got out of bed at nearly 3:30 he was remorseful for his behavior. I told him that I understood he was drunk, but I further told him that some of the things he said were hurtful. He appologized profusely the rest of the day as he seemed to recall the events of the night before.

It was finals time again. We both studied hard for the tests ahead. This time we were both finished on Thursday with our last final being Psychology. Ryan had asked what my plans for the break were. I was staying on campus since it wasn't worth the expense to go home for only a few days. He told me he was thinking about going to his uncle's cabin on some lake a couple of hours from town. He asked if I wanted to go along. I told him that I couldn't really afford the trip and that he'd likely have a lot more fun with his friends from high school. I knew the guys expected to be invited to the cabin. A couple of them had mentioned it and wondered if he was going there for the break.

As I thought about it I was surprised that he hadn't already asked them and made all the plans. That wasn't like Ryan.

I looked at Ryan. He seemed down. I asked him how his finals went. He told me that he thought he did well. He hoped that he did as well as last quarter. I asked if anything else was wrong. He let out a huge sign and sunk down to sit on my bed.

"I was really hoping that you'd want to go to my uncle's cabin with me for the break. I thought it would be nice to have a calm and peaceful break. If I take the guys with me it will be ten days of drinking and being drunk. I don't really feel like doing that. I don't want to go alone either." "I didn't think it was a big deal. I thought you'd want to be with your friends." "I don't want to be with them. I've seen enough of them." "I didn't know you really wanted me to go." "Please will you go with me? If you hate it there I promise I will bring you back whenever you want just please go with me."

I couldn't believe that he was practically begging me to go along. I told him that I'd be happy to go with him. I looked at my watch and realized that I had less than an hour to go to the bank to get some extra money for food. He told me that I didn't need to worry about it he had everything we'd need in the car. I told him I should grab some clothes and went to the closet for a suitcase. He told me he had taken care of that as well. He looked at me and told me to grab a book if I wanted one. I looked at him amazed...

"When did you pack my things?" "Jake don't worry about it. I got up early this morning and put all of the things you'd need in a bag." "How do you know you packed all the things I would need?" "I packed the same things for you as I did for me so we're set." "What about groceries?" "I shopped last night. The other things we need we can pick up at the market up near the cabin."

We locked up the room and left. We had been driving for about an hour when I just couldn't help but laugh. He looked at me...

"What's so funny?" "I can't believe how easily you manipulated me back at the dorm." "I didn't manipulate you." "I was set to stay on campus and now here I am going to a cabin on a lake. How did you do that?" "No one can resist my pouting routine. I've been practicing and perfecting that one for years. It works every time!"

I laughed even harder. Ryan laughed with me. I think we both laughed the rest of the way to the cabin. I'd stop laughing for a short time, but if I looked over at Ryan he would give me the pouting look and I'd start laughing all over again.

Ryan stopped at the market before we stopped at the cabin. He bought a few hundred dollars of groceries - milk, bread, meats, eggs, cheese, and more... all things that wouldn't make the trip in the car. Once at the cabin we unloaded all of the groceries from the car and into the kitchen. When everything was put away we went back to get our things from the car. Ryan had indeed packed for me. He had all of the basics as well as a new pair of hiking boots. I thought they were his, but he told me they were for me so that we could go on day hikes in the wooded hills around the lake. I had learned not to argue or try to refuse. When Ryan make up his mind to do something, he rolled right along and he expected those around him to roll along as well.

Ryan announced that he was hungry. He looked at me and asked if I could cook. I told him that I could a little. He smiled and told me that he'd fire up the barbeque while I decided what we would eat. I made a salad and cleaned two corn cobs and wrapped them in foil. I also made a barbeque sauce from items I found in the kitchen. I took the items to the grill and started them cooking. I set the picnic table by the barbeque and brought out milk and salad dressing. Ryan just sat at the table smiling. The steaks were medium rare and the corn was done. I loaded our plates and poured milk for both of us. Ryan rubbed his hands together and started eating. He didn't stop until all of his food was gone. He looked at me with that angelic smile and told me it was at least as good as home. That was very high praise. I got up to clear the table. Ryan told me to relax.

"You cooked so I'll clean up." "I don't mind clearing the table and doing the dishes. You paid for all the food. It is the least I can do." "I didn't invite you because I wanted you to be my servant. Ok so I really do want you to cook. You did good. I don't want you to pick up after me too though. We can share the duties."

We watched the sun set before either of us got up to go inside. By the time the sun had set it became too cool to be outside without a coat. Ryan built a fire in the fireplace and we sat quietly talking about school, family, our dreams. When the fire died down we were both sleepy. The cabin had two bedrooms - a master with a huge king size bed and the second with two twin beds. We both walked into the room with twin beds. He told me I could have the master if I wanted it, but I told him I'd probably get lost in that huge bed. We stripped down to our boxers and crawled into bed.

Our next few days were spent hiking, swimming, taking the boat out. I woke up earlier than Ryan so would get up and start breakfast. I made omelettes with home fries the first day. I made Eggs Benedict another day. I made pancakes another day and French Toast another. Ryan ate everything I put in front of him and always had a very contented smile when he finished. We fished the lake one day and Ryan caught a couple of trout. I cleaned them and cooked them for dinner. Ryan thought that was great. It was the first time he had ever eaten the fish that he caught in the lake.

On the fifth day Ryan and I were sitting on the deck swing that overlooked the water. It was hot that day. We were just lounging in the sun ejoying the warmth. Ryan seemed to be quieter than usual, but I thought it was probably the relaxing atmosphere here at the cabin. After lunch Ryan told me that he wanted to talk. We settled in on the swing again with a huge pitcher of ice tea.

"Jake, give me your hand." "What?" "Just give me your hand." I put my hand out and Ryan laced his fingers through mine and rested our hands on the seat of the swing. "I have some things on my mind. I want to tell you what they are. I don't want you to interrupt me or say anything until I'm all finished." "Sure Ryan. Whatever you want." "I'm serious Jake. This is important to me and no matter how much you might want to comment or leave, I want you to hear it all."

I was a bit nervous. I didn't know where this was coming from or what he could possibly have to say that would cause me to stop him from talking or make me want to leave. I was a little scared as all sorts of negative thoughts began racing through my mind.

"Whatever you need Ryan. Your my closest friend and I'm here for you no matter what." "You're my best friend too Jake. That is why this is so important to me. Please just listen to me."

Ryan was leaning back in the swing as it gently rocked us. His eyes were closed, and he had that angelic smile. I had been looking at his face for some clue, but there wasn't one there. As he started to talk I leaned back into the swing.

"Jake, I really meant what I said. You really are my best friend. I don't think I've ever had a best friend before. We've only known each other since mid September, barely six months, and I can't believe how much my world has changed. Because of you I am taking school more seriously. Your ethics have rubbed off on me, and I like that change. Three of my high school buddies will be asked to leave at the end of the year because their grades are so poor. I'm pretty sure I'd have been asked to leave too if I wasn't living with you. I also want to thank you for taking care of me when I've been drunk. You've made sure I got home safely and even put me in bed. You've brought me water and asprin in the morning and been considerate enough to keep the room quiet while I slept it off. I know you've taken care of me at least four times. What you have to understand is that back in high school I was drunk at least one weekend night and usually both of them. None of my 'friends' worried about where i spent the night or if I drove home in that condition. I grew up with all those guys. Each time I've been drunk I make a promise to myself that I won't do it again, but I seem to drink again. You've never lectured me or said anything about me or to me when I've been drunk, but I have seen the disappointment in your eyes. I don't want to disappoint you so I really do try not to drink but sometimes everything gets to be too much for me to handle and I guess I search for peace in the bottle. The thing is, Jake, that I know why I drink until I am drunk. I hate being drunk and making an ass out of myself. I know why I do it to myself. I want to tell you why I do it so that maybe it will help me to stop. I think it might help me because I have slowed down so much since last year and the only thing that is different is having you in my life."

Ryan paused. I thought he was finished. I sucked in air like I was preparing to talk, but Ryan stopped me by saying.

"I'm not finished yet so hold your thoughts. I'm in love, Jake. I'm in love with someone I can't seem to have. I've known this would be the case for the past couple of years. At first I thought it was a thing I would grow out of or maybe even learn to live with, but neither has happened. I am in love with the most gentle, caring, loving, attractive, intelligent, and trusting person in the whole world. Do you believe in love at first sight? I didn't, but I do now. First I thought it was just lust or an imfatuation, but the feeling of love just grows deeper and stronger. Have you ever loved someone so much that it litterally hurts inside? I do. Sometimes the pain is so great that it seems to be eating away at my insides. That is why I drink. It helps to ease that pain for those few hours when I'm drunk or passed out. It's a bitch you know. It's a bitch to be so completely in love with someone who doesn't love you back."

Ryan squeezed my hand tighter. I squeezed his hand back. As I released the pressure on his hand I realized that he was still squeezing my hand tightly. He pulled my hand closer to him. He breathed in sharply and exhaled hard. His next breath was measured.

"Jake, I'm in love with you. This is the strangest thing because I really thought I could take this secret to the grave with me, but that was before I met you. I've known I was gay since I was sixteen, but I've suspected it since I was about twelve. I've never met a guy that made me feel the way that you have. The strangest thing is that you haven't done anything other than being your normal self - that kind, gentle, caring, amazingly handsome, intelligent, loving, and trusting man that you are for everyone who encounters you. The funny thing is that you don't realize how damn attractive you really are - and I'm not just talking about your physical beauty. You are beautiful on the inside too. I first realized how attracted to you I was that first time you brought me home drunk. Do you remember that night? It was the Freshman Mixer. My friends had a bottle so I had several straight shots. I already knew that I was attracted to you so I drank. That night though when you helped me off the floor I had to fight the urge to grab you and pull you on the bed with me. When you knelt down in front of me and took off my shoes and socks I thought I would die. As your hand touched my ankle I felt bolts of electricity running up my leg to my brain. I thought I was short circuiting for a minute. I'd never experienced anything like that before. I was stunned. If I'd had my wits about me I know I would have responded by trying to kiss you. So you should be glad that I was drunk that night. I think sometimes I got drunk just so you'd help take my clothes off and put me to bed. That really sounds sick and desperate, and I guess that I am. When you told me that you didn't want to come up here for our break I was nearly beside myself. You have no idea how awful Christmas break was for me. I made it through the first day, but I couldn't sleep that night because you weren't in the room with me. I moped around the house the next several days. My parents wanted to know what was wrong with me. They even threatened to make a doctor's appointment for me because I was so depressed and sullen. On Christmas Eve I finally couldn't take it any more. I broke down and told them everything. Up to that point I was so afraid to tell anyone that I thought I might be gay. When I told them I wasn't thinking about anything but trying to find a way to releave the ache in my heart from missing you. After I blurted it all out to my parents I realized what all I had said. My mom and dad were so supportive and helpful and loving. I felt so much better just having told them - better because I no longer had this secret hanging around my neck weighing me down. For the first time in years I felt like things were going good in my world. I came back early from that break to be with you and to tell you too, but I just couldn't. The fear of being rejected by you scared the hell out of me. If you had just looked at me like I disappointed you I would have died inside. I didn't think you would reject me or call me names or anything like that. You are far too kind to do something like that. I know though that I could read your eyes. I was afraid of what I would find there"

Ryan paused again. He was still squeezing my hand tightly. I had tears running down my cheeks. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't seem to get my brain to kick in or catch up. He had told me so much and a million questions seemed to be filling my brain as I tried desperately to organize them and prioritize them. Ryan started again.

"I don't expect you to say much. You really don't have to say anything at all if you don't want to. I suppose this probably comes as a total shock to you. I would understand if you wanted to leave now. I would also underestand if you wanted me to move out of our room. I did some checking and I know one of the guys on our floor won't be coming back next quarter so I could always stay there for the rest of the year. I hope I can count on you not to tell anyone else about what I have told you. I'm not ready to be out to the world so if we could keep this secret between us I would really appreciate that. I also want to tell you that I have lied to you. I lied about the dates and the sex. I have been on dates with girls for the last several years. I have done some kissing and touching, but never anything more than that. I didn't want you to think I was using girls to make myself feel. I'm also sorry I told you this way. I didn't want to ruin your break, but I just had to tell you. I'm finished now."

I was squeezing his hand as tightly as he had been squeezing mine. It was like I was holding on to him for dear life. I could feel the tears pouring from my eyes. I opened them but my vision was blurred by the tears. I closed them again and tried to steady my breathing. When I felt a little more in control of myself I pulled his hand close to me. We were sitting far enough apart that he had to slide over a little as I brought his hand to my chest. I held his hand over my heart. I could feel it beating so fast. After a few moments I raised his hand to my lips and kissed his hand. I could feel that Ryan was looking at me now. In my mind I could see his head cocked slightly to the right as he tried to figure out what was happening. It was a trademark Ryan expression - just like his angelic smile and his pout. After I kissed his hand I held it to my lips for a short time. When I lowered his hand to my lap I said.

"Ryan I had no idea. I am so glad that you had the courage to tell me. I honestly know how difficult that was for you to do. The thing is Ryan... the thing is Ryan, I love you too. I do believe in love at first sight because that was when I fell for you. I don't know what I would do if you left me. I have tired so hard to love you from a distance so I could have you in my life. I never in my wildest dreams thought that it even remotely possible that you could love me too. It never occurred to me that you could feel about me the way I feel about you. I love you so much."

I opened my eyes finally and used my other hand to wipe the tears away. As I cleared my eyes I could focus in on Ryan. He had the biggest, sweetest smile on his face. His eyes were bright and sparkling. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as he moved to sit right next to me. As he did his lips came closer and were touching mine in a very timid and tentative manner. That first brush of his lips on mine sent currents running through my body.

He said, "Can you feel it?" I said, "Yes I can feel it."

I put my other hand on the back of his head and pulled him in for a full and complete kiss - the kiss I'd dreammed of sharing with him from that first afternoon in our room. That kiss was filled with more passion and love than I ever thought possible. When our kiss broke we were both panting for air. My lips felt as if they were on fire. As I looked at Ryan I was aware of only him. I couldn't feel the sun or see beyond his face. He was my world, and my heart was overflowing with the feeling that I was his world too. We just gazed in each others eyes. There were so many thoughs, so many emotions, so much love. I'm not at all sure how long we sat there holding each other, but it seemed like forever and yet time seemed to be racing by. Time just didn't seem to matter.

"Jake, of all the possible ways I thought this could end, I never ever expected this to be the outcome. I feel paralized wtih happiness and emotion. What do we do next?" "Lets go inside Ryan. I think it will all happen naturally."

We helped each other to stand - leaning on each other because our legs felt like rubber. We giggled a little as we made our way across the deck and into the house. Without speaking we both headed to the master bedroom with the huge king size bed. At the foot of the bed we started kissing again. Ryan opened his mouth as I brushed my tongue across his lips. Our tongues danced and dueled in each others mouths - tasting and exploring and savoring the sweetness. As we continued kissing I ran my hands under his t-shirt and thrilled feeling the muscles of his back. I pushed his shirt up and when we broke our kiss he raised his arms so that I could pull his shirt off over his head. I guided Ryan towards the bed and had him sit. I knelt down and romoved his shoes and socks. When I had them off I looked into Ryan's eyes. I could see the excitement and the anticiaption. I reach to his shorts and unfastened the button and slid the zipper down. I tugged at the waist of his shorts and boxers. Ryan lifted himself slightly as I pulled what remained of his clothes to the floor and removed them from his feet.

Ryan was a vision. I had seen his erect penis six months prior and it was exactly as I remembered it. It jerked with each beat of his heart. I ran my fingers gently from his feet up the sides of his legs to the inside of his thighs. As it ran my fingers over his inner thighs he opened them to me to allow me access to all of him. He gasped as my fingers caressed his full balls. I swirled my fingers over his hairless sack as I leaned in to kiss his throbbing penis. It was so hard and hot and smooth. Ryan moaned as I continued to kiss it from the base to the tip. He pulled my head back and clawed at my shirt as he tore it from my body. I stood and kicked off my shoes. Ryan's hands came to the waist of my shorts. He looked in my eyes as if seeking approval. I could do nothing but smile. It seemed to happen in slow motion. He unfastened the clasp and pulled down the zipper. He pulled the shorts open and they fell to the floor. Ryan then pulled down my boxers and gasped. I looked at him and his stare was fixed at my crotch. It dawned on me that he hadn't seen me before at least not in this state.

"Geez Jake, how big is it?" "I'm not really sure. Why does it matter?" "It's huge. I've never seen one that large before. It has to be at least nine inches. The head it huge. It looks like it's wearing a fireman's helmet." "I'm sorry. I started to bend down to pull up my shorts." "No! I didn't mean I didn't want it. It's perfect - more than I expected. I was just surprised is all."

I snickered. I came closer to Ryan and pushed him back on the bed. I put my knees on the edge of the bed between his legs. He scooted back on the bed and I crawled up between his legs and rested my elbows on the bed on either side of his chest. I leaned in and kissed him as I rubbed by penis over his. I couldn't believe how erotic this scene was to me. I was leaking huge amounts of precum. Mine combined with Ryan's was making his penis and abs so slick. As my penis would glide across his and over his abs I could feel my balls pulling up and tingling in anticipation. I had moved from Ryan's lips to nibble on his earlobe. He was moaning. I was getting intense pleasure as I tried to increase the volume of his moans. I soon discovered that kissing and nipping that tender area below his adam's apple elicited the loudest moans. After a few minutes of concentrating on that area he pulled me away gasping for air. I licked from his neck to the center of his chest and was drawn to his left nipple. I licked to it and across it then started swirling my tongue around and over it. He grabbed my head with his hand as he pulled my mouth down on his nipple while he arched his back forcing his nipple into my mouth. I sucked on it and nipped it with my teeth. I could feel his legs tense up as they pressed tightly against me. Soon his whole body tightened and I felt him cum between us. His hot cum blasted against my chest. It was so intensely hot and seemed to sear my body wherever it landed. There were five strong spurts before his body began to relax. I watched his face during his climax. I had never observed such shear bliss as his muscles relaxed and his lips broke into his biggest smile yet. I crushed my body to his as I kissed around his mouth and sucked on his lower lip. His breathing took forever to return to normal. When it did he opened his eyes.

"Oh God! I've never felt anything like that before. I can't believe how intense that was. It felt like my balls were going to shoot through my dick. My whole body is still tingling. You can't imagine how amazing that was. Damn! You really are good. I guess this isn't your first time." "Ryan it was so incredible to watch you cum. I haven't done this before. You are the first and only one I have ever really wanted to have this experience with. I felt like my body and mind were on auto pilot. Honestly, I was enjoying you moans of pleasure and simply tried to make you moan more and louder. Your pleasure was my motivation. I do love you Ryan." "I love you too Jake. Now it is my turn to try and make you feel what I just experienced. I hope I can be even half as good." "Just being here with you - being here this way and sharing this experience is the most exciting experience. I feel like I will explode if I just think about your body here with me."

Ryan rolled us over on the bed so that he was not on top of me. My penis felt so hard that it ached for release. I knew if I could just touch it for a minute it would explode. Ryan kissed at my earlobe and my neck, but he was quickly kissing down my chest to my stomach and below. The closer he kissed to my penis the more intense the feeling of pleasure. I was pushing into the mattress one second then arching my back or thrusting my hips the next. I had no control over my body. My body was responding to Ryan's touch. His lips and tongue felt cool and soothing as his kissed and licked over my burning skin. As he touched my penis to move it to lick my navel My hips thrust high into the air. He pulled back and just looked at my body. I could see lust and longing in his eyes, but there was also a burning passion behind those feelings. He stroked my inner thighs and my legs spread open - like he had found the magic key. He licked my balls and sack. I could hear myself whimpering and begging for more. I don't know if any of the things from my mouth made any sense to Ryan because my brain seemed to be on overload... too many sensations coming in to register and catalog. He ran his finger up the side of my penis and down the other. It felt even harder as it stood away from my body. If I concentrated on my penis it felt so hot and super sensative - like raw, exposed nerves that only the slightest touch sent sensations flooding my conscious thought. I felt his kiss the base of my penis. I was aware that Ryan was talking to me - saying something about my penis, but I couldn't comprehend with all of the things I was feeling. There simply wasn't room in my brain for more. I felt him lick and kiss from the base to the tip. As he licked over the head of my penis my body went instantly rigid. I was clawing at the sheets when I felt the start of my release. That first shot felt like a cannon blasting. My hips bucked as that first shot was propelled from my body. More cum shot from my penis, but I couldn't tell you how much or how many. It felt as though my balls were drained as they were squeezed so tightly against my body. I was gasping for air. It felt like I would never be able to get enough. It was more intense that running five miles or more.

"Fuck! That was amazing! I can't believe that I was able to do that to you. Jake, that was the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed. I felt like I was experiencing you pleasure right with you. How did it feel? Was it as intense as it looked?" "Ryan, yes it was and you are asking too many questions. My brain hasn't quite recorded it all yet."

Ryan moved up beside me and rested his head on my chest while he entwined his legs with mine. We just held each other enjoying the afterglow of the experience we'd just had. Ryan was rubbing our cum into my chest, lazily drawing patterns on my body in the remains of our passion. I stroked his back as I enjoyed the feeling of being more relaxed and more comfortable than I had ever felt before.

After a while Ryan seemed to doze off. I allowed my thoughts to run freely as I considered how brave he was to tell me that he loved me. It took more guts than I had. There were so many times when I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but I was so afraid that he would reject the emotion and me at the same time. I had had a couple of crushes before, but I had never want so much to take care of someone as I did Ryan. I knew I was gay from an early age and I also knew about he stigma attached to being gay and especially being gay in a small town. I didn't want all those negative experiences for myself and I especially didn't want them for my family. It was easier to be in the closet and keep my secret. I was successful at it. I don't think anyone ever suspected or knew. I had safely hidden my secret behind my interest in learning. Everyone knew or seemed to understand that I didn't have time to date or have a relationship because I was too busy with school. Everyone knew that I would be heading for college. Everyone seemed to understand that college was my goal and more important than anything else. I felt Ryan relaxed in my arms. His hand was resting across my chest. I was still hard, but the urgency for release was gone. Ryan was breathing steadily. I knew he had dozed off. I allowed him to sleep as I let my mind wander.

When I'd had enough of my idle thoughts, I rolled Ryan gently to his back. I moved down between his legs. I really wasn't sure what I was doing, but I knew it would all be good - good for both of us. As I let my eyes travel over my sleeping lover I needed to be part of him - to have him inside of me in some way. I licked at his penis then drew it into my mouth. It was soft and tasted like Ryan smelled - a bit musky and masculine yet somehow sweet. I ran my tongue over and around his penis more exploring new territory rather than trying to elict a response. Ryan stirred and as he did his penis began to swell. I continued to run my tongue over and around his penis as it grew hard in my mouth. I knew the basics - don't bite it or drag my teeth on it, but I really didn't know any more. I just kept licking and sucking and then gradually established an up and down rythym. I felt Ryan's hands in my hair so I knew he was awake. Knowing that seemed to give me a green light to continue and do more. I couldn't get all of him in my mouth, but I could get most of it. I did want it all, but I would gag when I tried to take more than my mouth could accomodate. While running my tongue around the head and bobbing up and down my hand wandered to his balls. I was gently squeezing and fondling them as I sucked. Ryan responded with sharp gasps for air and deep moans. I allowed my fingers to wander as I continued to suck. My fingers strayed below his balls and began working their way towards his hole. It was hot and moist down there. My fingers were drawn deeper into the divide. As my fingers grazed the opening his hips bucked. When that happened I was rewarded with what seemed to be a large amount of precum. It was a salty-sweet flavor. I continued to run my finger over and around the opening. The more attention I paid to the opening, the more excited Ryan became. I continued to run my finger there and would press against the opening. On one pass with more pressure than before, my finger slipped inside. Ryan moaned loudly and was gasping for more air. I thought I might have hurt him, but he wasn't pushing me away to I continued to slide my finger inside while I sucked on his penis. When my finger went as far as it could I slowly pulled it our and slipped it back in. Ryan was bucking his hips like he was at one moment trying to get more of his penis in his mouth and the next trying to get more of my finger in his ass. On the next slide in Ryan's ass muscles tighted and gripped my finger stopping the progress. He arched his hips and stated cumming in my mouth. I stayed on his penis continuing to suck as his orgasm ebbed.

I really hadn't considered the outcome when I started licking and sucking on his penis. As Ryan shot in my mouth I was surprised at first and then enthralled to be tasting and sharing his essence. Having never tasted cum before I had no idea what to expect, but now I knew that it was thick and creamy and had an enjoyable flavor. I swallowed all that I could get and before the experience was over I knew that I would always crave more from him. When Ryan began to relax I could finally remove my trapped finger. I was a little surprised that it was clean. I removed Ryan's penis from my mouth when I discovered that I would get no more from it at this point. He was smiling contentedly as he settled more into the bed.

"Damn Jake... I knew sex would be good, but I never imagined just how good. This is better than an hour in an unattended candy store. I can't believe that you make me feel so incredibally good. When I think that I was willing to be content just to be a friend and roommate... well I must have been crazy. It's probably good I didn't have this knowledge when we first met or I probably would have tackled you and done you right in front of my parents."

We both giggled as that vision played out in our minds. I had crawled on top of Ryan again and kissed him a few times. I felt the need for a shower despite another painfully ready errection. I told Ryan my plan as I was getting out of bed. I offered him a hand and pulled him into a sitting position on the side of the bed. As I stood before him he licked the head of my penis. I took his head in my hands as he licked all over my throbbing penis. I wasn't prepared for the feeling of entering his mouth. It was so warm and velvety soft. I sigh escaped my lips. That seemed to motivate Ryan to suck me. He was bobbing up and down on my penis trying to take more of it each time. He had about half of it in his mouth when he started to gag and choke a little. I tried to pull him off, but he gripped my hips and continued to nurse on my penis. I was enjoying the blissful feelings when he began kneading my ass cheeks with each of his hands. I was over the edge in seconds. I shot in Ryan's mouth before I really knew it was coming. I was holding his head - not trying to force more of me in his mouth, but to steady myself as my legs quickly went to rubber after i'd spent my load. Ryan continued to lick the head, but it was now too sensative so I pulled him off. He stood up and we shared a kiss. I could taste my cum in his mouth. I flashed back to a time - likely when I was twelve - when I thought sex and bodily fluids were gross. I couldn't help but laugh now knowing that I craved more sex and certainly more of the fluids. At the same time I just couldn't conceive of doing any of this with anyone other than Ryan. I pulled Ryan to the shower. It would be our first time showering together - really together - washing each other. The thought of that was making me hard again.

Thanks for reading my story... I've come to the end of this installment. It went on a little longer than I expected, but this feels like a logical place to stop. If you have any comments or constructive criticisms, please contact the author at:

Thanks for reading my submissions!

Peace and Love.

ds elliot

Next: Chapter 2

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