College Judo

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Nov 29, 2011


All rights reserved by Author. Do not sell or post without permission of the Author. Standard disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any persons living or dead or any actual events are purely coincidental. If you are not of legal age to view this type of material in your town/county/state please leave immediately.

There is unprotected sex in this story. But fantasy characters can't contract AIDS or any other STD. Always play safe and wrap it up.


I watched Shane's tight, muscular ass as he dug through the fridge for something to eat. The pile of food on the counter quickly reached an impressive scale as he piled possibilities on it. He finally paused, and then grabbed two beers, passing one to me.

"Thanks," I said. I motioned to the pile on the counter, "Do you think that's enough food?"

"Yeah, if we fuckin' need more, I guess we'll order a pizza." said Shane in all candor.

I watched in amazement as my hot college stud inhaled food like he hadn't eaten in months. Apparently sex helped Shane work up an impressive hunger. I picked at a few things but mostly watched in fascination as he ate. As I watched him go back to scan the refrigerator for any remaining food, I was given a free shot of his still wet asshole as it winked at me through the thatch of hair surrounding it. Signaling the last of the food with a huge burp, Shane leaned against the counter, polished off his third beer and smiled at me.

"That was fuckin' great! You had me doing things I'd never even thought of. My hole is goin' to be sore though. You rammed me pretty good jerkwad," said Shane.

I swatted Shane's ass hard and then laughed as he sighed slightly. "It was amazing. Some new shit for me too."

Shane laughed and rubbed his ass cheek, seeming to enjoy the slight burn. Surprisingly, he moved so that we were chest to chest and he ran his hands over my chest. "So, can I crash here for tonight?"

Startled I looked into his eyes and wondered what the hell was going on with us. Finally I realized that I had let the silence go on for too long, well for anyone except Shane.

"Sure," I said. "But I only have the one bedroom. I guess you can crash on the couch if you want."

"Well, I was thinking your bed was big enough for us both. Don't ya think?" said Shane.

Oh fuck, I thought, what have I let myself in for. "Sure, yeah. That sounds fine to me."

Shane helped as I cleaned the kitchen and put back the tiny amount of food that was left. Somehow it just felt natural that both of us were still unclothed. As I walked behind Shane to the bedroom I admired his tight bubble butt again. My cock plumped up a little in response, but three orgasms in one night had satiated it. After a few perfunctory bedtime tasks, we crawled into the bed together. As I pulled the sheet over us both, Shane spooned against me and almost immediately fell asleep.

I woke the next morning to an empty bed. Padding through the house with my morning erection leading the way, I quickly determined that Shane had left sometime during the night. No note, no goodbye. It pissed me off that he was so oblivious to any kind of consideration for me. With that dark cloud hanging over me, I showered, dressed and headed off to work. , wondering what the hell the little prick had been thinking this time.


I was shocked when Shane showed up for judo that night. No acknowledgement or explanation, although I could concede that talking about why he wasn't in my bed when I woke up might not have been a great conversation for the dojo.

As the class dragged on I watched him, but could detect no change in attitude. He seemed his normal, obnoxious self. As the class wound down I looked up to discover Shane standing in front of me.

"Hey," said Shane.


"We need to talk."

"Fine. I could use a beer. Let's go to George's," I said naming one of the seedier bars in town.

"Yeah, ok."

We left separately. Thinking Shane was going directly to the bar, I headed there. I pulled into the almost deserted parking lot and parked on the side. Walking in, I sat down in a dark booth to the back of the bar and motioned to the bartender, a young college guy. He walked over and took my beer order. Leaning back against the cheap vinyl booth I settled in to wait for Shane.

By the time two hours had passed I had downed quite a few beers, and was really pissed at Shane. Looking at my watch again, I decided this had gone on long enough and got up to leave. Of course, as I walked toward the door, it opened and Shane walked in. He paused at the door, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness, and then he saw me and nodded. As he walked over, I ground my teeth in frustration at this hunky man, who had the social skills of a horny 13 year old. I walked to my just-abandoned booth and fell back into the seat. Looking up I watched in frustration as Shane sauntered up and sat across from me. Unclenching my teeth I spat out,

"Where have you been? I thought you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, I fuckin' do. Hang on." Shane signaled to the bartender for a beer. Turning back to me he smiled "So yeah, I fuckin' showered and cleaned up. A buddy stopped by and we got to shootin' the shit. You know how it goes."

I was furious. Was I so low on his priority list that he'd leave me waiting for two hours while he was bullshitting with a friend? Leaning across the table I snarled at him.

"You fucking inconsiderate asshole. I've been sitting in this god forsaken rat hole for hours while you were shooting the shit with a buddy. You're a fucking inconsiderate bastard. You could've at least given me a call, asshole!"

"Hey dickhead! Don't get your pussy all in a twist!" said Shane.

"You inconsiderate fuckhole! You pant and moan when I screw you. Then you want to spend the night. But I fucking wake up and you're gone. No note, no message, nothing. You little cocky piss ant, you are not the only boy pussy in the world you know," I snarled out as my frustration boiled over.

Shane leaned over the table, his muscles tightened, looking like he was about to launch himself at me. "Listen asshole! I left because I had dawn ROTC. I'm not your fuckin' bitch that I have to leave you goddamn love notes."

As we both tensed for another round, a shadow fell across the table between us. The bartender was standing there with his arms crossed, toying with an empty beer bottle in his fingers. He looked at us both, "Look guys, I don't know what's going on. Don't really care. But everyone in the bar can hear you, so take it outside." He pointed to the back exit that was only feet from our table.

"Fine." I said with disgust.

"FINE!" yelled Shane as he got up from the table.

Walking through the door, I quickly realized we were in a blind alley. I turned on Shane as he cleared the door.

"Are you happy asshole! You got us thrown out of the bar!"

"Fuck you! You were the one going on like we were fuckin' lovers! You pussy!"

Before I knew it, my fist had slammed into Shane's jaw. He slumped sideways, catching himself against the rough brick wall. My fury boiled over and I grabbed his arm, twisting it behind him and smashing his face against the wall.

"You fucking bad ass! I'll show you who's the pussy!" I grabbed his loose cargo pants and yanked them down. His ass was bare and open for the taking, framed with his classic jockstrap. Glaring at him, I slapped my open hand on his left ass cheek, eliciting a slight moan from his barely parted lips. Moving faster, I slapped his ass over and over until it was glowing red from the stinging hits. His response was continually escalating volume of moans.

"There bitch! Now who's the pussy?"

I yanked down my zipper, freeing my granite hard dick. I grabbed my throbbing dick and ran it up his hairy crack, coating it with precum. Releasing my steel hard cock, I roughly shoved my finger into Shane's boy twat. Again gripping my cock I stroked it as I frigged his ass, loving Shane's escalading moans of pleasure. Finally I grabbed his ass with both hands, pried it apart, and ramming my wet cock against his hole.

"How's that bitch? You want to be my pussy don't you boy! Tell me you need my dick!"

"Yes , fuck. Please Matt, plug my hole. I'm your bitch. Just fuck me!"

Anger still infused my body as I rammed forward. I buried my cock completely in Shane's dry hole as my body pinned him against the wall. He screamed as I began humping his dry ass, my precum providing the only lube he was getting. Quickly his screams of pain became loud moans as his ass accommodated my dick. I power fucked him hard and fast, letting all the anger and frustration I had built up against him drive my cock.

Soon I realized that Shane had begun pressing back as he tried to force more of my dick inside his hot ass. I slammed into him over and over. My balls pulled up as I got closer to firing my load into his steaming hot tunnel. Shane thrashed and moaned as I rammed in a last time. Molten semen boiled from my balls and flooded his fuck hole with man cream. I pinned him against the wall until the last of my cum had spurted into him. Then I stepped back, yanking my deflating cock from his hole.

Shane gripped the wall, unable to move as my load slowly ran from his gaping hole. Moaning he slid down to the filthy alley pavement. As he slumped against the wall I could see that he had shot his load at some point during my pounding. His soaked jock pouch was testament that my fucking had again sent Shane into an intense orgasm.

"Oh fuck," said Shane between gasps. "If that's angry sex I'm on board."

I gasped out a laugh as the anger and frustration in this contradictory man drained from my body.

"I guess that was angry sex, but I don't think I can do that on a regular basis," I said.

Shane snickered and then ran his fingers into his slowly closing hole. "Yeah, I don't think I can take many of them either."

I laughed and tucked my now flaccid penis inside my jeans. "Come on jackass. And pull up your pants. I think the cops would frown on finding two half naked men fucking in a back alley." I extended a hand and helped Shane up. Watching as he fixed his clothing so it looked a little more presentable, I then motioned him toward the parking lot.

"Come on dickhead. Let's go to my house. Where we can have an actual discussion," I said. And maybe more, I thought.


I walked through the door and tossed my keys onto a convenient table. I turned to look at Shane as he sauntered through the door. His shorts sported a huge wet spot where his cum soaked jock had soaked through them in the short drive from the bar.

"Take off the shorts, and the jock. I'll throw 'em in the washer." I said with a smile.

Shane stripped without a word. His limb dick waved as he balanced from foot to foot to get his jock off. Handing me the wet clothes, I enjoyed the sight of him standing in only an oversized shirt, and looking hot. As the faint smell of cum drifted across my nostrils I smiled and pressed the sperm soaked clothes against my face and inhaled deeply.

"Ah, college spooge. Smells so nice," I said with a smile.

"Yeah, you fuckin' horn dog. You fucked the cum right outta me again. Damn that was hot!"

"We really do need to talk Shane, if we're going to keep from killing each other."

"Yeah, I know. It's just that sometimes, you know, stuff just fucks with my head."

"Look I'm not asking you to not be yourself. I don't even mind the cocky ass attitude . . . usually. But you're not going to treat me like shit," I said.

"Fuckin' A! I know! I just, it just, sometimes . . ." said Shane as he threw up his hands in frustration that he can't articulate what he was trying to explain.

"Ok, look. Let's try something strange," I said with a smile. "Let's talk to each other like humans. Because as good as it felt, I really don't enjoy angry sex."

Shane cocked his head as he started playing with his cock. "But man, that was amazing!"

I sat down beside him, taking his semi-erect cock in my hand and started rubbing him. "The sex was amazing. It was the angry part I'd like to avoid."

I leaned down into Shane's lap, taking his rapidly stiffening cock between my lips and teasing his slit with my tongue. Slowly I sank his dick into my mouth until it was knocking at the back of my throat. Relaxing my throat muscles I let the last fraction of his length slide in until my lips felt the scrape of his blond pubic hair. Relaxing for a minute I started moaning around his dick, knowing what the vibrations would feel like to Shane.

"Oh god yes. Fuckin' take it all! Holy fucking mother of god!" said Shane as his body convulsed.

I knew this wasn't going to be a long drawn out love making session. I just wanted some boy juice straight from the source. I moved my lips faster up and down the steel shaft my lips were wrapped around. Glancing up I saw Shane twisting his nipples as I dove onto his rod over and over again. In a surprisingly short time, I felt the telltale tremor move through his body. Moving so just the head was in my mouth, I locked my lips around his dick and rammed my tongue into his gaping piss slit. Suddenly my mouth was flooded with hot, sticky, slightly bitter, and wonderfully delicious boy juice. Swallowing as quickly as possible, I managed to swallow most of the load. When the flood of cum stopped, I sucked his tube like a straw, draining it of the last drops of that wonderful elixir. Once I was satisfied that I had drained every drop, I let his used dick fall from my mouth.

"Mother fucker! That was outstanding!" said Shane.

"You liked that huh? Well your fuck juice was tasty, too," I said as I licked a bit of the cream from my face.

Shane moved to his knees in front of me. As he chewed on my cloth-covered bone I started to get a familiar itch in my ass. I don't get it with many men. But when I get it, it takes a man's tool to scratch it. Looking down, I discounted Shane though. Maybe I'll hookup with a rough top over the weekend and get my ass fucked. But Shane just wasn't the one to fuck me like I needed. I pulled Shane's face away from my crotch and brought him to his feet. Feeding him my tongue, I knew he would taste the remains of his load. But I was surprised when he plunged into my mouth, seeking the pockets of spit-soaked cum that still resided in there. Finally with a sigh I separated our lips.

"You hungry?" I asked.

His eyes looked glazed for a minute and then what I'd asked finally registered. "Fuck yeah! I'm starved!"

As I'd hoped, the mention of food sent Shane into a feeding frenzy that stopped only when he couldn't find anything else edible in the house. Turning to me he belched loudly, and then scratched his lightly haired belly.

"Fuck, I'm full!" said Shane. Looking at me with a sheepish look in his face he continued hesitantly. "Hmm, can I . . . spend the night?"

I locked my gaze into his. "All night? I fuckin' don't want to wake up alone again!"

"No, no. I got it. It was just . . . nice," said Shane and then he looked away.

I reached up and wiped a spot of catsup off his chin and kissed his cheek. "Yes, it was nice. Come on. I'm ready for bed."

Moving through the nightly ritual we both undressed, which for Shane consisted of taking off his last piece of clothes, his shirt. Going into the bathroom, I handed him a new toothbrush that I keep for overnight guests. As we finished, I indicated for Shane to put his in the holder next to mine, which seemed to make him happy. We moved back to the bed, and Shane curled up behind me. His cock was wedged tight into my crack. Feeling content, I was dozing off when I felt Shane's hot breath on my ear. He kissed my ear lobe and lightly chewed on my neck. Raising his head he asked, "So do you . . . ever get . . . you know."

"Fucked?" I said.

"Yeah, fucked."

"Sometimes, with the right guy," I replied. "Why?"

"Because. I really want to fuck you." Shane said in a whisper.

I'm not sure where the short circuit happened, if it was that I was already horny, or his soft "oh so not Shane" whisper, or some combination. But suddenly getting fucked sounded toe-curling amazing and I wanted it like a two-bit whore.

"Yes. But it's not going to be a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am ride. You're going to get me ready, nice and slow. " I said. As I look over my shoulder I can see the look of conflict on Shane's face and laugh.

"Don't worry stud. You can get the hard fuck you want. Just get me ready."



"I've never. I mean I haven't."

"At all?"

"No, not at all. Never found a girl who would take it up the ass."

I laughed, "Well they don't know what they are missing, do they?"

Shane smiled, "No. They don't"

Reaching over I pulled the bottle of lube from the drawer. Handing it to Shane, I rolled onto my stomach.

"Ok, squirt some on your hand and let it warm up. Then rub it over my hole. We need to work up to three fingers. You know what felt good to you? So do the same to me."

I lay on the crisp sheets, opening my legs to the expected cool gel. Eager for the college cock to be buried in my ass, I was almost panting in anticipation. I felt Shane pry apart my ass and I sighed. Liquid coated my hole, but I suddenly realized that it was hot and wet, not what I expected. I tried to sit up but found a large hand pinning me to the bed.

"Shane, what's going on? What the fuck-"

I gasped and moaned as I felt Shane's hard tongue dive into my hot hole.

"Oh fuck! God you don't have to. Oh shit!"

Shane moved away from my wet hole and smiled as he worked his digit deep into my bowel. "You said do what I like. Well, I love you eating my ass. It makes me want to get fucked!" At that Shane dove back in, rimming my ass like a champion as I writhed on the bed below him. He continued eating me like it was his latest meal, until my ass felt like mush and I needed something harder and longer than a finger or tongue.

"Please, come on. Fuck me already!"

Shane laughed as he fucked my ass with three fingers. The slick, calloused fingers easily penetrating my needy hole. "What's this dude? You need a hard army dick up your ass?"

"Yes, you asshole! Fuck me! Ram that fucking dick inside me!"

With that declaration he moved on top of me. Squirting a blob of gel over my butthole, he pushed his steel-hard cock down until the dark red knob rubbed over my hole. I moaned from the heat as it rubbed against my needy hole. Wanting it inside, I tried to lift myself, to do something to relieve my lust, but I was again pressed down by the large hand on my back. Finally the bulbous head breached my ass and rested between my inner and outer gates. Moaning with pleasure, I knew this was going to be one amazing fuck. The expected burn of penetration was absent, just the needs of a horny man.

After what seemed like hours, but was in reality a few seconds, I felt the pressure again as he began burying his dick deep inside me. The feeling was indescribable as my tunnel stretched to accommodate this invader. Very soon I felt the crush of Shane's full weight on me, his pubic hair rubbing against my ass. My world swam as the sexual nirvana overcame me. Slowly my senses returned, and I realized that Shane was going slow, gently moving in and out as he fucked me. Knowing what I needed, I twisted suddenly under him, reached back and grabbed the hair between his pectoral muscles and pulled, hard.


I let go and fell back on the bed. Groaning, he started fucking me harder and harder, his dick finding my itch like few had before. Suddenly stars erupted in my vision, an amazing sensation erupted from my ass when he plowed hard into my prostate. I screamed out his name, begging him to pound my ass. The sweating fuck machine of a muscled college boy fucked my hole like it was a military imperative, and I loved it. As he kept me pinned to the bed, I felt his thick cock ram against my prostate over and over again. My dick was shooting jets of clear juice with each thrust of his fuck stick. As my own orgasm began, I felt Shane's body shake as his climax destroyed his fuck rhythm. The sensations were so intense that my body became a mass of twitching muscle and nerve fiber as one of the most amazing climaxes of my life swept through me. Shane collapsed on my back, trapping me under his bulk. Between the warmth of Shane's body and the fullness in my ass, I knew this was one of those moments to savor. Becoming aware of the world again, I realized that my young lover was also coming down from his orgasm. I reached back awkwardly and stroked his leg.

"Damn that was amazing," I laughed. "I actually saw stars!"

Shane kissed my neck and sighed. "Yeah, that was fucking amazing. Holy shit!"

Enjoying the feeling of the college stud on me I reach over and pulled a blanket over us. Soon I realized that Shane had fallen asleep with his cock still in my ass. I wiggled my butt slightly, enjoying the sensation and decided this was fine for a few minutes. I closed my eyes and relived the last few minutes, quickly collapsing into a deep sleep.


Thanks for all the comments on the earlier chapters. If you have any suggestions, comments or just want to let me know you enjoy the series drop me a line at

Thanks again John for the edit and proof reading assistance.

Next: Chapter 6

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