College Judo

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Nov 7, 2011


All rights reserved by Author. Do not sell or post without permission of Author. You must be of legal age to read this story. Standard disclaimers apply.

There is unprotected sex in this story. But fantasy characters can't contract AIDS or any other STD. Always play safe and wrap it up.


I replayed last night again and again all day. The result, I was hard and horny when I arrived home. Tossing my briefcase to the chair I flopped on the couch and loosened my tie. Grabbing my crotch I started to grope myself as the amazing sex played through my head. I grabbed my crotch hard, squeezing my nuts until they ached. Opening my eyes I noticed something off to one side and remembered that I had tossed Shane's drenched jock in that direction. Walking over I retrieved the now- stiff jock. Lifting it to my face I saw the typical stray pubic hairs and as it moved closer I was submerged in the smell of college boy cum and sweat.

Moving back to the couch I eased my now throbbing dick from the fly of my wool slacks. Jerking on the throbbing piece of meat between my legs I crushed the jock over my mouth and nose. Assailed by the taste and scent of Shane my nuts drew up as the natural lube dripped from my prick. As I sucked on the jockstrap, the taste of warm cum again flooded my mouth. Panting hard, the taste and smell of college cunt overwhelmed my system and my dick began jerking as it expelled streams of cum. As my body jerked with the final waves of orgasm, I looked down to see my dress shirt and pants striped with sperm. Smiling to myself I collapsed against the couch, tucking the jockstrap under the cushion for later. Slowly rising I made my way to the bedroom, for a quick shower before going to teach the judo class.

Most of the students were using the time before class to practice, including Shane. Quickly changing to my gi, I bowed onto the mat having the younger black belts warm up the class. Then I paired up the class to begin the instruction on ne- waza or groundwork. After I made the last pairing I realized that I had to work with Shane. As we worked through the grabs and pins it was obvious that neither of us were playing by the rules. A quick, hard grab to the nuts, crotches grinding, sweaty chests slipping over each other, after a short time of it I was so horny I wanted to rip his clothes off and power fuck him in front of the whole class. Realizing that the class was going to notice I called a halt and called for the pairs to swap. Time in the class moved at a glacial pace for me with my hard cock trapped inside its restraining jock. I breathed a sigh of relief once the time finally lapsed. As the students began to change clothes I heard some of them question Shane about the bites on his neck, which he quickly dismissed. I laughed to myself and wondered if anyone in the class realized they were too large to be made by a college girl. But my musing was interrupted when Shane walked over to me.

"Hey I was about to pin your ass when you called new partners. I fuck'n know you did it because I was about to nail your ass to the floor. I want a rematch fucker!"

I looked over as the next martial arts class walked into the room. "Shane our time is up. The next class is starting. We'll have to work on it next time."

"Fuck no! That's bullshit! Surely you can think of somewhere to grapple . . . Sensei."

I looked at Shane and frowned, wondering what he was up to since he almost never used the Japanese honorific for teacher. I decided it was time to take him down a notch.

"Yeah. Ok, I have a small rec room in my basement. Part of it is some workout equipment and I have a mat down there. We can do a little grappling."

"Fuck'n A! Sounds great to me. Meet you at your house."

I looked up in time to see Shane walk out the door, not even bothering to change out of his gi. I shrugged in dismissal and finished changing. Quickly making the short drive to my house I found him standing by the front door with his arms folded. As I got closer I heard his mouthy litany.

"Come on old man. Lets fuck'n get in the goddamn house. I'm ready to thump your fat ass."

As I opened the door I looked over at him and scowled. It was time to show this young stud who's in charge.

"Yeah whatever. Get in!" I said as I shoved him ahead of me, closing and locking the door behind me.

Climbing down the stairs we moved to the practice mat that I'd setup several years before. Shane retied his belt as I stripped again, putting on the rug-heavy gi top. As I tied the wide black belt around my hips I moved toward the practice area. As soon as my foot touched the mat Shane attempted a leg takedown. Oh, I thought to myself, this was how we are going to play the game.

"Hey, you want to grapple or do you want a full out match? 'Cause leg takedowns aren't grappling."

"Yeah, whatever fuckhead. I'd fuck'n nail your ass in a real match."

"Really? You got something to back that up big man?" I retorted.

"Like what? You know I'm broke. Shit I ain't got no fuck'n cash. I'd just be bett'n my ass away."

"Actually I was thinking more your mouth. You lose . . . I get your mouth however I want it. You suck my cock and swallow my jizz. How's that sound mister college jock."

"Fuck that's nasty! I ain't suck'n your dick!" Shane said.

"Whatever, you're the one who got all up in my shit."

"Fine fuckwad, cause I ain't gonna lose. But when I win, I'm fuck'n your ass!"

I paused for a second, thinking about the ramifications. "Yeah. Good. You're going down pretty boy."

"Yeah!" said Shane, exploding across the mat at me.

Twisting free of his first rush I grabbed the sleeve of his gi, almost making the throw but Shane shifted his weight just in time. Jockeying back and forth for a hold we lunged across the mat. Sweat dripped from our faces to disappear into the weave of the thick gis. Panting as hard muscle collided and strained with each of us struggling to overcome the other. The inevitable missed hold occurred, landing both of us hard on the mat. As soon as we hit the floor I scrambled to put Shane in a chokehold, only to have him break it at the last possible second. We writhed across the mat, each of us trying to pin the other. The gi tops are torn open with the effort, our sweaty chests sliding over each other. Although the match seemed to go on forever, I was carefully waiting for an opening. I knew that while Shane was as strong as an ox he didn't have my level of endurance, so for me it became a waiting game. Finally the pause I was waiting for surfaced as he hesitated a split-second too long before moving.

My hands quickly slid up his collar, yanking it into a constricting chokehold. Shane fought like a wild man, trying to break my hold. His face turned deep red as the strangle hold tightened. I began to wonder if he was really stupid enough to actually pass out rather than submit. But I refused to lose to this pup. As my arms began to scream with fatigue I finally felt the quick tap on my arm. I immediately released the grip and Shane rolled to his back gasping for air.

As Shane recovered my lust was peeking, the competition having filled my system with testosterone. My mind focused on only one thing, using Shane's mouth until I am satiated. Standing up I dropped my pants and moved in front of Shane. Grabbing his gi collar I yanked him to his knees, then trapping his head, crushing his face against the straining pouch of my jock.

"Suck it! Eat that jock!"

Shane moaned as the cloth rubbed across his face. After a few passes he dove into my crotch, sucking and licking everything he can reach. Leaning back slightly Shane grabbed my jock and yanked it off. Diving back into my groin he kissed over my now exposed balls and sampled the clear honey seeping from my cock. Gripping my dick in his hand he began gnawing on my cockhead, causing waves of pleasure to surge through my already amped up system. Not wanting this to end too quickly I yanked him off my cock and rubbed my exposed nuts over his face.

"Lick'em! Suck the sweat off my nuts!"

He dove into my crotch, licking and rubbing my balls on his face, coating himself with the smell. Watching the incredibly horny college boy service me I decided to go for more. I push him backward as he strained to reach my dangling balls again. Pressing his body against the floor I quickly move to his face, spreading my ass over it.

"Eat it. Lick my butt!"

"Ohfuck. That's so fuck'n nasty," Shane said with a moan.

There was a pause as I pressed my ass against his face. I wondered if I'd misjudged and went too far. Then I felt the first tentative lick on my exposed hole.

"Oh yeah. That's it. Eat my ass."

The warm, wet sensation escaladed as Shane began to feast on my ass. Soon his powerful hands were prying my cheeks wider so he can dive deeper into my tunnel. The moans and wet sounds added to the amazing rim job that Shane was doing, building my body's need for release. His tongue began driving into my hole, over and over as he attacked my asshole with amazing tenacity. I crouch on all fours, rubbing my ass over his face. The incredible job Shane was doing drove me crazy as the heat built in my groin. I knew I had to have that mouth soon; I had to fuck that hot college boy face and jizz all over it. I slid my ass down his body, reluctantly leaving his talented tongue but ready to ram my leaking dick into his face. I crouched on his chest and gripped my throbbing hard dick. Slapping Shane's face with my dripping cock, I covered his hot scruffy face with trails of viscous precum.

"Open up college boy! My dick needs sucked. Get ready for your protein shake for today!"

"ohfuckgoddamn . . . I don't . . . fucker . . . so fuck'n hard," said Shane with a moan.

"That's it stud. Open up. You want a taste of man juice."

"Ohgod. Asshole! Shit . . . "

Shane lurched up, sucking the engorged head of my dick into his mouth. His enthusiasm more than compensating for his lack of technique as he sucked and licked everything he could reach. I leaned forward, trapping his arms under my shins as I start to face fuck this hot man under me.

"That's it. Suck it. Lots of tongue," I said as I reached down and slapped him lightly on the face. "Watch the teeth!"

I groaned and began moving in and out as his hot wet mouth enveloped my throbbing dick. Arching my back I hit a rhythm with us crashing together and then apart in an amazing symphony of hot man sex. As the pressure built inside me I rose to my toes, pushup fucking his mouth, our only point of contact his hot mouth on my aching cock. Rapid-fire hip thrusts rammed my cock hard into his mouth. Shane gagged with the deep face fucking but I was too far gone to care. Feeling the tingle beginning in my nuts I dropped back to my knees and tried to slow down. Feeling Shane's hands swarm over my ass I gasped and involuntarily resumed pistoning in and out of his face. Feeling his fingers slide up and down my ass crack I know I'm at the point of no return. Just as my load rocketed from my nuts I felt the tip of his finger slip into my wet ass. My body locked as every sinew of my being fed into my orgasm.

"FUCCCCKKKKK!!!!!" I screamed.

I hosed Shane's mouth as he sucked and swallowed, transformed into a cum hound as he tried to catch every drop. My revved muscles finally released and I slumped on top of him and then collapsed back onto the mat gasping for breath. Shane crawled between my legs, nursing the last white cream from my expended dick. Finally able to speak I grabbed his face and pulled him up my body.

"Fuck! You gotta stop dude. It's sensitive!" I said.

"Tastes yummy!" said Shane with a shit-eating grin.

I moved over Shane, gripping his pants and pulling them off to expose the jockstrap covering him. I reached down and gripped his jock, squeezing it, then reaching up to yank them off his muscular torso. Pressing them against my nose I inhaled deeply, enjoying the heady smell of hot college boy. Finally tossing them aside I raked my eyes over his body, his cock reared from his groin like an angry red dragon. I moved over his chest, pinning him to the mat. Reaching down I wrapped my fist around his cock and squeeze.

"What're you-" begins Shane, "Oh shit."

Shane arched his back, thrusting into my fist and coating his throbbing cock with the boy juice running from it. I focused on the head of his dick, roughly sliding over the edge of his glans with each pass. I ran my other hand over his chest and lightly rubbing his nipples as I wondered how tender they were from last nights activity. Hearing his gasp as I caressed one nipple I slowly moved from one to another, deciding to not further abuse his tender chest, for now. Watching as his cockhead popped in and out of my fist, the speed of my strokes increasing.

"How's that Shane, do you like my strok'n your fuck stick. You wanting to jizz there college boy?"

Shane groaned loudly in response to my dirty talk. Thrusting up hard as he tried to hit the best spots on his cock. Rubbing my hand over his face I slid the tips of my fingers over his lips.

"Open up boy, suck my fingers and I'll ram them in your fuck'n ass!"

Shane groaned and sucked my fingers into his hot mouth. Coating them with saliva, he sucked them like they were my cock. My body responded to his suction causing my cock to inflate again. Pulling my fingers from his lips with an audible pop I moved toward his furred ass. Shane's legs flew up and spread the second he felt my fingers trail over him. I renewed my efforts on his cock as I began to finger fuck his hole.

"Oh! Holy fucking hell! Goddamn! Fuck that hole! FUCK!" Shane squirmed under me. Lost in the feeling as a torrent of inarticulate words mingled with animalistic sounds flowing from his lips. Knowing he was close I decided to prolong the orgasmic precipice and pulled my hand from his throbbing cock.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" screamed out Shane, grabbing at his cock to blast his load. I intercepted them and pinned his arms to the floor and watched him air fuck, his glans turning almost purple in the need to ejaculate.

"FUCKER! Goddamn sadistic asshole! Let me cum! FUCK LET ME SHOOT."

"I don't know Shane," I teased. "What's in it for me? What will you do for me?"

"ANYTHING! FUCK! Just let me shoot." he said with a sob of need.

"Anything? Hmm, anything at all?"

"Shit yes you fucker! Just get me off!"

I chuckled, grabbing his wet, hard cock and moving into overdrive as I pounded his cock with my fist. Knowing he was seconds away I buried my fingers deep into his hole and jerked his dick harder and faster. His body tensed in my hand as he began shooting, the first volley hitting him squarely in the face, followed in rapid succession by two more. It seemed like Shane's balls were turning inside out to drain every sperm cell he has ever made onto his convulsing body. With a last massive groan and convulsion Shane collapsed to the mat, panting for breath.

"Oh . . . fuck . . . amazing." Shane said between the gasps.

"That was hot. Fuck was that hot! And now you owe me dude!" I cheerfully pointed out.

"Owe you? How do I fuck'n owe you?"

"Dude you said you'd do anything if I got you off, anything."

"Oh. Yeah. Fuck, whatever." said Shane, his gasps subsiding.

I moved behind Shane and spooned against him, wrapping my arms around his thick chest. I was surprised when instead of the usual loud denials of such an act Shane pressed back against me with a sigh. The rough texture of the gi jackets ground against our skin as we lay entwined for several long minutes, enjoying the post-orgasm drifting. Slowly I realize that my semi-hard cock was nicely nestled in Shane's hairy butt crack as I began to rub against it.

Shane looked over his shoulder at me and smiled. "The little fellar seems to be awake again."

"Yeah, your hot ass seems to get him excited."

"So, he likes my bubble butt huh?"

"Oh yeah, he really likes your butt."

Shane wiggled his ass against me, my cock slowly filling as need rose inside me. Staying in this position we moved slowly against each other, the mix of skin and cloth creating an amazing heat. I leaned down and kissed his neck. Trailing kisses lower to his shoulder as we became a joining of need. My cock hardened and began to burrow for the opening that it knew was between the muscular cheeks. Rubbing over Shane's wet hole I pressed inward slightly, feeling the delicious heat from Shane's ass, his butt lips seemingly curling around the tip of my dick. Pulling back slightly I rolled to my back, my cock waving in the cool air.

"Come on Shane. Ride it. Fuck yourself on my dick."

Amazingly with no argument I watched as Shane moved to his hands and knees to crawl over me. As he started to turn his back to me I gripped his massive bicep.

"No, face me. I want to watch you as my dick fucks your hot ass."

Shane turned with a slight groan. As he moved over my cock he took it in his hand, carefully aiming it at his hole. Again I felt the kiss of his asshole to my boner and it opening as Shane relaxed. He locked eyes with me and then began lowering himself, his gi almost completely open providing a sensual framing for his hot body. My head spun as the hot steamy interior of Shane's ass surrounded my hard cock. Realizing he wasn't stopping I watched as I disappeared into his ass. He paused, a slight grimace on his face as he adjusted to my girth. Then I felt his sphincter relax and a look of pleasure flashed across his face. His eyes closed as he rotated his hips, feeling my cock sweep his ass I let out a small gasp of pleasure. I enjoyed the show as Shane rotated his hips with my dick firmly planted inside. His cock swung with the momentum as it again hardened and stretched to his navel. His breathing became more labored as he lost himself in the pleasures surging through his body.

Leaning down and putting his hands on my stomach Shane started sliding his ass up and down on my crotch, ramming my cock into his prostate with each thrust. His cock spinning out threads of precum over me as his hands roam higher. Reaching my chest he grabbed both nipples and started tugging on them. I moaned at the building stimulation and ran my hands over his back and then through the hair fanning across his chest.

"Damn Shane, you're fucking sexy," I said.

Moving quicker he opened his eyes and smiled down at me. Leaning down he kissed me hard. My eyes flew open and shock wracked my system at his stolen kiss. I opened my mouth to speak, and then decide this ride was just too amazing to screw up with thinking. Shane's riding continued, building and receding, neither of us feeling any urgency as we enjoyed the slow delicious sex. Eventually I heard mutterings from Shane.

"What?" I asked.

"I gotta get my nut. Your cock feels too fuck'n good."

"Go for it stud!"

Shane grabbed his cock and started jacking furiously as he worked over my throbbing cock with his ass. I leaned back, enjoying the show as his body flushed with the impending ejaculation. I grabbed his nipples and twist them back and forth as his body became a blur above me. Listening to his labored breathing I began tugging on his chest hair as my hands roamed over his body. Shane's response was a litany of loud groans and cries of pleasure. With no additional warning his cock exploded, gouts of creaming liquid shooting on my belly, I moaned at the wonderful warm feeling as the small pool of man cream gathered. Shane released his cock, his ass still pulsing around my dick as he looked down into my eyes.

"Damn that was fuck'n good!"

"Yeah, I'm not finished yet!" I said.

Never removing my cock from his ass I rolled Shane onto his back. As he rested on his shoulders I frantically fucked his loose hole. Our judo jackets twisted around our bodies as our flesh met over and over again. Pounding hard, I sought release as he squealed softly with each thrust. My legs begin to tremble with fatigue as I felt my cum release. Pinning Shane under my hips I drained the contents of my balls into him. Emptied again I fell on the mat beside him, my body shuddering with the latest release.

"Oh shit. That was amazing."

Shane turned his head and looked at me, scooting closer he kissed my neck and then exhaled.

"I'm fucking starving!" he said.

I look over at him in disbelief and then cracked up. Still laughing hard I bury my face in Shane's chest.

"Well fuckwad I am, I'm hungry."

"Yeah, me too. We did release a lot of protein," I said as I licked off a stream of cum running down Shane's neck. "Hang on, lets clean some of this shit off us and then we'll go raid the fridge."

I walk over the tiny wet bar in the corner and dampen a towel. First roughly wiping myself clean I rinse the towel and move over to Shane. This time as I clean him off he had no compunction about my touch. Finishing I stand and slide off the gi jacket, tossing it in the corner as I started up the stairs. I see Shane quickly mimic my actions and rush ahead of me to the kitchen. Watching his ass as he moved up the stairs I smiled as I saw a small runlet of white cum leak from his ass and run down his leg.


Thanks for all the comments on the earlier chapters. If you have any suggestions, comments or just want to let me know you enjoy the series just drop me a line at Also thanks very much to John for taking on the task of editing this chapter.

Next: Chapter 5

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