College Judo

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Oct 25, 2011


All rights reserved by Author. Do not sell or post without permission of Author. You must be of legal age to read this story. Standard disclaimers apply.

There is unprotected sex in this story. But fantasy characters can't contract AIDS or any other STD.

Always play safe and wrap it up.


College Judo 3

I cradled Shane in my arms as I leisurely explored his tight body. Running my hands over Shane's chest, kissing down his neck and biting at his ears while Shane recovered from the assault on his tits. Reaching down I ran a thumb over Shane's abused nipple.

"Oh fuck Matt. Don't. They can't take more. I'll be lucky if I can put my fuckin' t-shirt over them tomorrow"

I heard his faint chuckle and felt Shane wiggle against my chest, seeming to enjoy the feeling of my chest hair as it rubbed against his back. Reaching down I squeezed his cum-soaked jock again, adding pressure until he sighed and opened his legs wider, inviting further exploration. I continued to fondle the sexy man in my arms for several blissful minutes. Then lifting Shane slightly I slid from beneath his solid bulk and slipped to the floor between his meaty thighs. Resuming my attention on Shane's full and wet package, I ran my fingers under the edge of the cum-soaked jock relishing the wet sounds as it released from Shane's skin. Reaching both hands up I grabbed the wide strap, pulling the jock down slowly. I savored the slow reveal of whitewashed boy skin until his still chubbed cock flopped free from its confines. Slowly sliding it down his legs, I remove the jock from his body, bringing the pouch to my nose and inhaled the heady scent before tossing it to the side. Griping the underside of Shane's thighs I pulled him closer and pressed my face into the wet crotch under my nose. Leaning forward I run my tongue from the base of his cock to the piss slit, enjoying its boy cream coating.

"Yeah fag, suck my fuck'n dick!" said Shane as he relaxed on the couch.

I raised my head and glared him for a second and then grabbed both of his nipples and twisted hard.

"GODDAMN ASSHOLE! I fuck'n told you my nips were tender. Why the fuck did you do that!"

Resting my hands dangerously close to Shane's swollen nipples, I said, "Listen you little prick. You will never call me that again. Got it!"

"Call you what? You mean f-" Shane paused, "Yeah. Ok. Whatever. Don't get so goddamn worked up. I didn't mean anything by it."

"Just as long as we understand each other. You got it asshole?"

"Yeah, yeah. I got it," said Shane, looking more than a little apprehensive.

Sitting back on my heels I gripped my throbbing cock through the shorts, rubbing my package as I fumed over Shane's comment. Surprisingly my cock never left full mast in spite of the drama, my boner caring more about getting more hot ass and less about his smartass remark. Pulling off my own shorts I moved closer and gripped his cock in my hand and squeezing it while rubbing my own throbbing baby maker up and down Shane's thickly thatched ass crack. As I pumped Shane's dick I felt it inflate as it recovered from the recent ejaculation.

"Oh yeah Matt, that feels so good. Jack me."

Shane signed and began running his hands over himself. I watched as he ran his hands over his chest and then through the dense blonde bush. Shane's head rolled slowly from side to side as his cock arched upward toward his navel. I felt my leaking cock deepening the coating on Shane's asshole, while fondling Shane's dick and balls I remembered his earlier crack and my anger flared. As the rage enveloped me, I decided to extract retribution and grabbed Shane's dick, yanking him close. Pausing to look into his face I thrust violently forward, ramming my cock to its root into his unprepared college hole in one angry shove.


Shane continued to yell and struggle but I had him trapped in my muscular grip. As he tried to escape I let my cock slip out slightly, then rammed it back deep inside his chute. Noticing Shane's cock had gotten harder during the assault, I gripped tighter on his free flowing pole feeling my hand awash in clear juice. I pulled the weakly struggling college boy tight to my crotch, pressing my cock hard into him, my balls bouncing against his pale muscle ass.

"FUCK!" screamed Shane, "Oh god Matt!"

There, I thought, what do you think of having hard fag cock buried balls deep in your ass? Smiling to myself, I pulled out slightly and then rammed back in hard. Finding a fast rhythm I started rabbit fucking Shane's tight ass. His squeals of pain subsided to deep moans and an even harder cock in my fist. Rising slightly I aimed for Shane's fuck spot, wanting to drive him crazy as I rampantly fucked his tight ass. Finally ramming the last of my anger into Shane's fuck hole I paused with my cock buried deep in his ass. Moving my hands over his body I slid my fingers up the length of Shane's penis until I reached the nerve center on the underside of Shane's cockhead. Rubbing my thumb hard against his frenulum I watched the body in front of me tense with the sensations even as his sphincter convulsed around my cock. I knew then that our party was about to explode.

"That's it Shane. Just enjoy, let it happen. Enjoy my boner inside your tight fuck hole"

I started dicking him again. Pulling back and then shoving in, realizing that if this is going to last I needed serious lube. Letting my cock slide out, I reached under the couch for the jar of Elbow Grease strategically hidden there. Raking my finger through the tub I reached up and spread it over Shane's swollen and gapping asshole. I ran my finger around his distended hole, his ass hair matting as it was coated with grease. His moans escalating as I slip two fingers into his ass and slide them around, locating his prostate and rubbing it.

"Ahhh Fuck! Damn that feels good Matt"

Gathering more lube on my fingers, I spread it over my cock, coating it from piss slit to balls with the slick gel. Leaning against Shane again I ran my cock over his hole, rubbing the slick head over his red, distended ass. Parting his anal forest with my cock I slowly slide back in, never pausing until I am buried balls deep again. Moving his legs to my shoulders I begin to fuck him in earnest, ramming my dick into him over and over again.

"There Shane, is that what you like? You need a hot beef injection into your muscle ass?"

Shane groaned, spreading his legs wider as he tried to get more cock into his hungry ass.

"Yes Sir! Fuck me Sir! Use my hole!"

My eyebrow rose as I listened to my ROTC boy surrender his ass to my invasion. Tightening my butt muscles I moved faster as I drove into Shane's tight boy pussy over and over. Pulling out I reached up and grabbed Shane by the back of the neck, pulling him against me. Biting down on his neck, I then yanked him into the floor.

"Get on your stomach! Get your hairy ass in the air boy!" I said with a growl.

As he moved to comply I pressed my hand between his shoulder blades, forcing his chest against the floor. I moved behind him, sliding my cock back into its favorite hole. Rising up into a crouch with my hands splayed over his back I began fucking him in earnest. Over and over I rammed deep into his wet hole. The only sounds in the room his grunts and moans of pleasure and the slap of hot flesh colliding. Grabbing his shoulders I rammed my fuck pole hard into Shane's wet opening, then changing rhythm I pulled out completely and jammed my battering cock deep into his college ass. Shane gasped and moaned louder, dropping his chest to the floor, reaching back with both hands as he pried his ass open even wider.

"Oh holy fuck Matt. Yes! Harder! Oh! Oh! Oh! Fucckkkkkk!" Shane gasped out.

I reached beneath my fuck boy and grabbed the rock-hard and dripping cock that I knew would be waiting for me. Squeezing the head tight in my fist, I began to twist my hand around the distended glans as I continued to fuck deep into Shane's hole. Twisting into a judo move I grabbed one of Shane's shoulders, yanking him onto his back. Pinning him under my body I rolled Shane up onto his shoulders and began thrusting into his ass again. My cock raked his butt nut with each pass, slamming him with enough force to cause Shane to slide across the floor with each powerful thrust. Sweat dripped from both of us as our hot session built into a writhing ball of hot judo flesh.

"OH! GOD! OH! FUCK! SHIT! OOOOOHHHHH!" screamed Shane.

His body tensed as it entered the throes of a hard, powerful orgasm. Shane's muscle ass clamped down on my cock as his thick white jizz started shooting from his throbbing cock.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" moaned Shane as his body jerked with its intense orgasm. His cock distended to its fullest as it shot off like a sprinkler, coating both of us with his second load of the night. I felt the hot boy jizz splattering my chest and arms as I pumped harder and harder into Shane's ever tightening asshole. My balls hugged my shaft as cum race toward my piss slit. Ramming in hard one last time I buried my cock inside Shane as my over-due cum party began filling Shane's gut. My body tensed and released with each volley of cum as I filled Shane's gut with fuck juice. My thrusts slowed as I enjoyed the wet sound of my dick pushing through the cum in Shane's well-filled ass.

"Oh fuck. Amazing. Just goddamn fucking amazing." said Shane.

Shane dreamily ran his hands over his chest adding this new layer of man cream to his already coated skin. Feeling my dick slip from his well-used hole he sighed and relaxed. I slumped on top of him, the boy juice soaking into my chest hair as we slowly slid together. After a few minutes I realized that Shane had passed out under me, starting to snore softly. I smiled and shook my head, reaching over and grabbing a blanket to cover both of us. Spooning against Shane, my half-hard cock nested in Shane's dripping ass crack, I drift peacefully to sleep.


"Fuck! What the fuck! Goddamn it!"

I yawned as Shane's exclamation jars me awake. "And good morning to you too Shane."

"Fuckwad! Why did you sleep with me! I don't sleep with a . . . " Shane recalled his lesson from last night before it slipped out, "With a guy!"

I stretched and yawned, ignoring Shane's tirade. Inhaling, my senses are assaulted with the smell of stale sweat and dried cum. Scratching my belly I found clumps of dried cum covering my belly and chest. Looking at Shane I saw him watch as my fingers snagged on yet another spot of dried man cream. Chuckling at the odd look on his face I leaned down to kiss him, but he turned his head aside. I continued, planting my kiss on his neck and then licked up the length of his neck, reveling in the taste of boy sweat. Sitting back on my heels I slapped him on the ass.

"Come on, we need to shower." I reached down and snagged one of the dried cum patches on Shane's chest and tugged. "Both of us."

"Ouch! Dickhead!" said Shane as he clambered to his feet.

As we arrived at the bathroom door Shane stuck his head in and looked around. Looking back at me, "So where is the other head. I need to shower too fucker."

I pushed Shane into the large room and pointed to the large corner shower. "Look. I just had the bathroom remodeled and a huge shower installed. It has multiple heads, the whole works. We can both shower and neither of us be late."

Shane glared at me suspiciously and then nodded. Taking that as agreement I walked over to the shower and quickly made all the adjustments. As the steamy hot water cascaded from the multiple orifices I stepped into the shower and sighed as the hot water drenched my body. Turning to Shane I motioned to the large shower stall.

"Come on in, the water's fine."

Shane hesitantly walked forward, testing the water with his hand and then stepping in as the warm water flowed over his dry-cum coated skin. I squirted the shower scrubber full of gel and turned, rubbing soap over Shane's back.

Shane jumped sideway, turning to face me "What're you do'n?"

I opened my hands so Shane can see, "Soap, it will get the cum off. . .you remember soap don't you college boy?"

"Yeah asshole. I know what the fuck soap is! I just haven't..."

"Haven't had a guy wash your hot body?" I asked, realizing the instant I said it what had slipped out.

"Hot? You think I'm hot?" Shane flexed his chest and smiled at Matt. "Do I fuck'n turn you on?"

I grabbed Shane's balls and dick in my soap covered hand, rubbing my hand over Shane's genitals.

"What do you think dumbass? Did you think my dick was hard and in your ass because of your charming personality?"

Shane started to answer but a tight squeeze of his nuts stopped whatever thought he was forming.

"That feels good." Shane said with a slight sigh.

"Turn around. I'll show you something you'll really like."

Shane turned hesitantly, braced against the glass wall of the shower as he watched me kneel behind him.

"What, what are you doing?"

I separated Shane's ass cheeks, watching the water streaming down his hairy cleft and over his still swollen ass lips. Reaching in I rubbed the pink ring of flesh. Shane moaned softly and opened his legs wider, giving me better access to his hole.

"Ohgod. . ."

"See. Just enjoy it Army."

I continued to rub over the boy pucker in front of me. Teasing the ridges and folds of his ass, soon Shane's ass lips flexed and a glob of white cum oozed out.

"Hmmm, Looks like we're still juicy from last night!"

I turned off the shower in the steam filled enclosure and then turned back to the glorious piece of college butt in front of me. Sliding in two fingers I began to rub the slick and smooth inner lining of Shane's hole.

"Fuckin' A! That feels so goddamn good."

"If you like that, I'm about to send you to heaven."

I gripped Shane's ass and leaned in to enjoy the fine odor of boy butt. Finally pressing my face into his crack I licked and sucked on his swollen ass lips as Shane moaned and swore. My tongue traveled deep into his used cavern as I drank in the liquor that was the heady combination of my own cum and his college butt. Beginning to tongue fuck him in earnest I grabbed Shane's hips for leverage, driving my thick tongue into his hole over and over, my face becoming coated with juice and Shane's profanity getting louder and louder.


I dove in again. Eating, tonguing, sucking, I lunched on his delicious ass. Suddenly I felt Shane's hole contract, forcing out my tongue as he shot his wad against the glass wall. I rubbed my finger over Shane's well-used hole watching it flex as his throes crested and subsided. As the last cum dribbled from his dick Shane slid down the shower wall, panting as he leaned against the glass wall that he had just coated with cum.

"My turn," I growled.

Standing I wrapped my hand around my own rock hard cock and moved closer to Shane. He gave me a vacant stare as I grabbed his head and began rubbing my cock over his face. My swollen red organ pumped out a trail of precum over Shane's scruffy face with each pass. I began to stroke my cock faster while grinding my dick against the roughness of Shane's face.

"Oh yeah boy. That scruffy face is fuck'n hot."

I jacked frantically, feeling the cum boil from my balls. My almost purple cock erupts, shooting globs of white cum onto the rough boy face under it. I rubbed my oozing baby maker over Shane's face, coating it with man juice. Stripping the last drops of juice onto my fingers I smeared them over Shane's lips and watched as Shane's tongue emerged, cleaning the white juice from his lips. I gripped the boy's chin and leaned down with my eyes locked on Shane's, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

Standing up I grabbed Shane's arm and pulled him to his feet, "Alright fucker. Now we actually do need to shower."


Thanks for all the comments for the earlier chapters. If you have any suggestions, comments or just want to let me know you enjoy the series just drop me a line at

Next: Chapter 4

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