College Judo

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Oct 14, 2011


All rights reserved by Author. Do not sell or post without permission of Author. You must be of legal age to read this story. Standard disclaimers apply.

The next several weeks of judo classes were uneventful. Shane was there, as always, but there was no indication from him that the hot fuck session at his apartment had ever happened. I was starting to think it was going to be yet another repressed memory from a guy I thought had serious issues anyway. Just chalk it up to another one night stand.

Today's judo class was no different. I worked with everyone, including Shane. To wrap up the class though I threw in an hour of practice doing foot sweeps and throws. It's one of those deceptive combinations that look easy, but after an hour even the most hard-core judoka were exhausted and drenched with sweat. Once I dismissed class, exhaustion quelled the usual chatter as we put on street clothes. Even Shane was not his normal obnoxious, boisterous self as we filed into the parking lot and left in our individual cars.

Arriving at the house drained, I toss my judo bag into the corner and begin peeling off my drenched clothes. Even my t-shirt and shorts are so soaked with sweat that they hit the floor with a splat as I strip and toss them aside. Pitching the last stitch of clothing I head to the bedroom, unconsciously running my hand through my dark bush, then scratching my hairy nuts. Tugging slightly on my flaccid cock as I enjoy the cool air flowing over my damp body. I stop and grab a beer from the frig as I walk through the kitchen. Tipping the bottle back I almost drain it with my first drink, enjoying its icy chill as I rummage through my drawers for clothes. Finally sliding on a pair of loose basketball short that will let my junk hang, I head back into the living room. Stopping briefly to grab a second beer before I drop to the couch, clicking on the tv and begin flipping channels.

Settling in to yet another mindless television show, suddenly I'm catapulted from my exhaustion- induced coma by what sounded like someone trying to beat my door down. I sprint toward the door, but before I can reach it the pounding fires off again, so hard that I start to wonder if it's the cops banging at my door. Wrenching the door open I am frozen at the sight before me. It's Shane. Wearing the traditional college male outfit of a sleeveless t-shirt that's slit down the sides, flip-flops and oversized nylon shorts. I gape at him, at a loss for words.

"Hey fuckhead, are you going to let me in or just stand in the fucking door and make fish faces?" Shane chuckles at his lame joke, but it brings me back to reality.

"Yeah, sure, come in Shane. What the hell bring you over to my place?" stepping back I look at him inquisitively as he marches through the door.

"Fuckin' great! I got the new Jackie Chan movie. Thought you might like to see it!"

"Sure, whatever. Sounds fun." I walk back over to my spot on the couch, retrieving my beer. Quickly draining it, I walk back to the kitchen.

Glancing back over my shoulder, "Hey Shane, you want a beer?"

"Sure asshole! But don't think you are going to get me drunk and cornhole me dude!" Shane smiles and gives me a throaty chuckle.

"Yay, whatever you dick!" I turn and stomp off to the kitchen. I'm not sure why I let Shane get to me like I do, but he does get under my skin. Opening the frig, I grab a couple of bottles and walk back into the living room, handing Shane one.

"So, put in the movie Shane. What are you waiting on?" I smile and point to the TV and player.

"Yay, ok. Sorry." Shane turns and walks to the DVD as I enjoy watching that bubble ass move away from me. As he squats down to load the DVD his shorts slide down, revealing the wide top of a white Bike jockstrap. My cock begins an immediate accent as I stare at that crescent of perfect ass. Slowly the shorts slide even lower, revealing the hairy trough of his ass crack minimally framed with the butt straps from the jock. Shane finally gets everything set and stands, walking back, but not pulling his shorts up. He gets to the couch and plops down beside me.

I glance over at him and smile but decide not to comment on the fact that he sat next to me instead of in one of the other chairs. The movie begins and we watch the action, commenting on specifics as only martial arts student are want to do. I keep an eye on Shane as the movie progresses and notice that more and more often he is cupping and adjusting his package. After a few more bottles I begin to feel the beer and stretch out on the couch, draping my arm behind Shane as he leans forward to study the action. Tossing his head back to drain the beer from his most recent bottle, he leans forward to drop it on the floor, causing his shirt to slide up his back, exposing the patch of curly blonde hair at its base, as well as another shot of the white jockstrap. Letting my hand drop down and reach over, I begin to run my fingers through the wonderful patch of boy fur.

"Ummmmmmm" sighs Shane.

Encouraged by his response, and the fact that he is still leaning forward, I begin to let my fingers roam over his taut muscular back. The beer and his hot body have their effect on me as I become more aggressive. Reaching under his shirt, I slide my hands across his smooth back finally reaching Shane's shoulders. Then using my fingers like talons, I drag my fingernails down his rounded back.

"ohholyfuckingshityesssss", erupts from his mouth.

I smile and rake his back again and again, varying the location as I turn his back into a network of pale pink lines. "You like that Shane? Do you like it a little rough big boy?"

"Fuck yes, god damn that fucking makes my cock drool."

As his arms droop lower I push his shirt over his head, watching as he shrugs out of the shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Seeing the tuffs of hair erupting from his hairy pits I comb my fingers through the still damp curls and then tug at them. I pull and caress his pit hair until he is emitting constant soft moans. As I tug harder Shane gives out a louder guttural moan. Between the gentle torture of his back and my play with his pits the scent of hot college boy overwhelms me, filling my nostrils.


As his profanity strewn sounds of pleasure escalate he begins to arch his back against my fingers as I return to raking his torso. Finally as he presses harder yet I allow my arms to slide under his, pulling him against my chest. As I begin creating the same latticework of pink lines on his taut stomach and muscular chest, I enjoy the texture of college boy fur under my fingers. Seeing his erect half-dollar size pink nipples I reach up and flick them with my fingers.

"OHFUCK YES! Yes Matt, that feels so good. More! SHIT MORE!" Shane scream out as I begin my assault on his now fully contracted nipples.

"Oh my, did I find another hot spot Shane? Do you like this?" I quip as his body bucks in my arms. I grip both nipples between my muscular fingers and twist hard. Shane's pelvis thrusts up, air fucking harder and harder as I continue my attack on his hard pink nipples.

"You like that Shane? You like the nipple action don't you." Moaning louder as he presses his head back against my now sweat drenched chest. His short buzz-cut hair working my own nipples like a fine brush, making my cock throb as he thrashed against me. Shane is lost in the stimulation from my nipple work, grinding his ass against the couch and then thrusting upward. His gyrations inch his shorts lower and lower until they finally slide off his ass, leaving his bare, hairy butt exposed. Now fully framed with the white straps of the jock, the sight of his furred treasure causes my steel hard cock to pump precum like a faucet. His own hard and aching cock fights the jock like a viper seeking release, spitting precum with each twist of his nipples.

"FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK YESSSSS, GOD DAMN" Shane's body arches violently as I continue to work his nipples, twisting and pinching them in the vice grip my fingers have become. Releasing one nipple I run my hand over his chest, catching his college boy fur between my fingers and tugging as the other hand continues its assault on his nipples.

"You like that Shane, do you need to cum big boy? Does your cock need to shoot your hot college ball juice?"

"FUCK YES! Make me cum Matt, please make my cock jizz" Shane screams as his thrashing becomes more urgent. Smiling to myself I move both hands back to his now reddened nipples, running my nails over them and enjoying the intake of air as I scratch across his boy tits.

"Like that Shane, is that what you need?"


"Alright stud boy," watching his face closely I close my nails over his nipples. Digging hard into his turgid nipples that are already sensitive from my careful ministrations. I drive my fingernails deep into his tender nipples, stopping just short of drawing blood as I twist and tug his twin chest cocks.

"FUCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!" explodes Shane. His body twisting in convulsions as he frantically air fucks, thrusting rapid fire, his ass clenched into twin spheres of granite. As I twist my fingers, abusing his nipples even more, his entire body is suddenly drenched in the sweat of his sexual overload. His torso arches over and over, his eyes clenched shut, mouth open in a silence scream as his body desperately seeks relief. Suddenly Shane throws his head back hard against me as every muscle in his young body locks, signaling his massive ejaculation of white hot cum. His pelvis shudders as his trapped cock begins shooting out muscle jizz. Shot after shot of white-hot molten boy juice explodes from his ensnared cock. The last volleys so strong they shoot through the drenched fabric. His body reduced to waves of small convulsions as Shane tries to recover from the massive orgasm.

"Holy Fuck Matt! That was...amazing" Shane sighed as he collapses against me. Running my hands down his torso I gently squeeze his jizz soaked man package. Coating my hand with his ball juice I smear a light coating of fresh college jock sperm over his stomach. Leaning down I kiss his neck lightly and whisper.

"Oh big boy, we are only getting started..."

I appreciate the comments from College Judo chapter 1. Any additional comments or suggestions would be welcome.

Next: Chapter 3

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