College is a Whole New World

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 10, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Mom drove me back to the dorm well after sundown. As we pulled up, she turned to me and I smiled, dreading and looking forward to the next part at the same time. "Well, Son." she said to me. "I guess this is it."

"I guess so."

"You coming home for Thanksgiving?"

"Of course I will."

" be a good boy, okay?"

"Sure, Mom."

And the part I'd known was coming, worthwhile only because it was the last part. "Oh, Honey, I'm going to miss you so much!"

"I'll miss you too, Mom!"

"You're going to get so lonesome here, I just know it!"

"I'll be all right."

"College is just so different from everything else, it's not like summer camp, there won't be anyone to watch out for you, you'll be on your own!"

I sure hoped so. "I'll be all right." I repeated.

"College is just such a...well, it's a whole new world for you, baby! I'm worried about you."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I love you, baby!"

"I love you, too, Mom."

She leaned over and so did I, and we kissed and I opened the door as I went back and bailed out. Got far enough away in case she decided to try to come out for a last hug. This may sound callous, but we'd arrived with my stuff at the dormitory at ten this morning, and I'd just spent the last six hours saying good-bye to my mother. Enough was enough already! I was going to college, not the Foreign Legion! She'd see me again in about ten weeks' time, after all. But I'd heard the "whole new world" routine from her a dozen times and had known, KNOWN, she planned to end with it, just like she did.

So I stood and waved good-bye as she drove off and when she turned the corner at the end of the driveway and vanished behind some bushes, I heaved a sigh of relief. On my own at last! Like Mom had said over and over again, this was going to be a whole new world for me!

And high time for me to get started on it. Freshman orientation was tomorrow and my first classes started Wednesday, and I hadn't even met my new roommate. All I knew was that he was a sophomore, a year older than me, and had rather sloppy dorm room habits. And, to my intense mortification (Mom had found the girl's used panties on my bed) was something of a ladies' man. I just hoped he didn't freak if/when he found out I was gay. I was going to stay in the closet until I knew him better, that was sure.

I went up to the rooms and some girls were giggling in the corridor not far outside my room. This was a co-ed dorm, girls in one wing and guys in the other, with the rules of fraternization being that everyone was an adult here, just keep it quiet, keep it consensual and keep it clean (no screamfests in the hallway when you broke up, for example), and nobody would check on you. I apologized as I squeezed through them (no choice, they blocked the whole corridor) and when they saw me stop outside the door, one of them said, "Who are you? Gareth's roommate?"

I knew Gareth O'Connor was my roommate's name. "Yeah, that's me." I agreed.

This got more laughter from the girls.

"What's so funny?" I wanted to know.

"You'll find out. Go on in." and the girls suddenly turned en masse and went running (well, walking fast) down the corridor.

I put the key in the lock and turned it and opened the door. Got most of the way inside when I saw him.

A big, muscled, naked, curly-black-haired man lying on the bed, hands tied to the backboard, blindfolded, cock erect. "About time you got here!" he breathed huskily.

I closed the door behind me, dumbfounded.

"Lock the door, won't you, Vivian?" he said next. "And throw the deadbolt, too. Don't want my new roommate to come in and surprise us."

I started to speak, in turn, I locked the door including the deadbolt. It let the room be locked without being able to unlock it from outside; I'd noticed it before as an item probably not on the approved dorm list of materials, I was sure. He heard the key turn in the lock and said, "Yeah, baby, now we're private. Doofus can't get in until we let him in. Hope he doesn't show up until tomorrow. Hope he doesn't ever show up, he's a real Momma's boy!"

He must have looked at the picture of me and my mother Mom had proudly placed on my desk. I intended to get rid of it soon as I got back to the dorm. I expected some flak from my roommate about it, but this absolute scorn was something else. Pretty big talk for a guy who was now tied naked and blindfolded to his bed. And those girls...I was going to have to be the one to untie the guy.

"Now, how about you get over here and play my skin-organ for me, huh? Like you play the flute in the band?" Gareth went on. "I bet you can blow real pretty on my flute. Let me hear a real marching tune, huh?"

God, the ego on this guy! I ought to...I ought to.... God! He was so fucking gorgeous! No wonder the guy thought he was God's gift to women! He had an actor-handsome face on him, all square and solid-looking, and his body was the result of long years of steady effort by him to turn it into raw male physical beauty.

"Come on, baby, you've been driving me insane here! Tying me up, blindfolding me, you're such a fucking tease, baby, come on, get over here and take me out of my misery, please, baby, please!"

I swallowed hard. A hot guy was begging me to suck him off. This virgin's fantasy! A whole new world, indeed! What a hell of a start to my new life! I couldn't stand it, I walked over and leaned down and grabbed hold of that magnificent dong of his! Over nine inches long, thick, pale-gold in color, a delicate arc to the shaft that bent it back towards his face, the head a graceful morel-mushroom shape in golden-pink shade slightly redder than the shaft, all of this resting upon two darker-brown balls nestled in a thatch of black hair so thick that his hairless chest had to be the result of shaving most of his body, for his arms, legs and chest were all totally hairless. Only the silvery sheen of the lights accented that form, delineating his muscles for me as I stood over him, his cock in my hand and he moaned, and a pearl of clear precome formed on his cockhead.

"Yeah, baby, now, come on, play this flute for me, put your lips to it and blow, honey, please, baby, please!" Gareth begged me.

God, he was so fucking cute! In many ways, my dream stud was lying here, bound and blindfolded, on this bed. He'd never forgive me, I'd have to move to another dorm room, he'd make me the laughing stock of the entire college...but meanwhile, here was this hard dick in my hand, attached to a body like I'd always wanted! So I knelt down and took it into my mouth. I knew what to do from reading books, but not much beyond that. I knew I had to get my mouth worked up with spit and to keep my teeth away from it (one line in a book, "Don't bite me, you bitch!," that is), and to otherwise bob back and forth like a maniac. I could do that. God, I'd dreamt about it so much, I could do it! I pushed my lips over it and my saliva poured out without any effort from me.

Gareth felt my lips, felt the wetness and he groaned, thrusting his hips up at me. "Oh, yeah, Viv, suck me, suck me, play my fucking skin-flute." he moaned. "God, baby, you're so fucking hot! Faster, baby, faster, we don't know when my asshole roommate will get back!"

His asshole roommate! I thought about biting this jerk. Instead, I sucked him harder.

"Shit, this is so fucking hot! I can see why you blindfolded me, it's so hot not knowing what you're going to do next. Not that I could stop you if you took it off! Ah, shit, baby, I'm so fucking hot. Oh, oh, baby, not so fast, shit, I'm about to come as it is! Please, baby, let go, honey, I don't want to come yet!"

I lifted off and took his pud back in my hand again. Looked at him. The blindfold obscured a lot of his face, but he was still so fucking gorgeous. The body was so muscled, smooth and delightful.

I reached up and began to stroke his chest, feeling the muscles, stroking his body, lightly and he moaned and writhed under me as I did so. I leaned up and my lips kissed one of his nipples, and he moaned anew, my tongue playing over it. I wanted to kiss him all over, drive him to the very wall of his pleasure without touching his cock, feel his joy vibrating through him.

"You're still dressed?" he asked out of the blue. My shirt was brushing his stomach.

I raised up.

"Are you still wearing your clothes?"

I hesitantly gave him a "mm-hmm" sound, as lightly as I could manage it.

"Come on, baby, get them off, I want to feel your bare, warm body on mine." Gareth urged. "Come on, baby, get naked and rub on me, I want to feel you up against me."

I wanted that, too. I stood up and hastily began peeling off my clothes. I was only wearing shirt, shorts, socks and sneakers, and they were easy enough to remove. The shoes made a clunking sound as I removed them. "Yeah, come on, baby, strip out of all of it. Get naked and get on me. I want you to ride me like you'd ride a horse. Get this saddlehorn up your pussy and ride me, baby!"

God, the ego! But I didn't squawk. I had some Vaseline in the bathroom, I scooped some of it up and shoved it up my asshole hastily. I smeared it more than I got inside, but I figured it had to help. I could suck his cock a bit more before I tried to shove it in me.

"Baby, where are you? Vivian?"

I hastily came back out of the bathroom, and stroked his leg in lieu of speech. One word from me and the game was up. "There you are!" he said, breathing in relief. "For a moment, I wondered if you'd left me like this. But you couldn't have, the door is locked. Nobody can bother us until we let them. We can do this as long as you like."

Long as I liked. All night long. Yeah!

I crawled into the bed with him and laid myself on top of him. So warm, so nice, the feel of him, our naked bodies together. My cock on his stomach....shit!

I raised up hastily and got straddle of his stomach. Gareth, thank God, didn't notice that I'd just smeared his stomach with my own precome. "Oh, baby, come on, stick it in and ride me, come on, ride it hard, you won't break me!"

I slid backwards and fumbled for his prick. I'd forgotten to slick it up again, but as I wriggled it up toward my ass, it got a lot of the Vaseline on it from my asscheeks, so when I managed to push it up to my ass, everything was slippery enough.

"Oh, God, I can feel the heat of your pussy on my cock!" Gareth moaned. "You got to get it in you, quick, baby, I'm about to fucking explode! Get me off and then I'll eat out your pussy for you, long as you want, okay?"

"Mm-hmm!" I moaned carefully.

"Yeah, come on, get it in, God, oh, God, you're tight!" That last was because I was pushing his cockhead up into my ass, and it was hurting me like hell! "Shit, baby are you a virgin?"


"Oh, man! Wish I'd known, God, you played me like an expert. I'll be gentle, hell, I'll lay here and you do it all as slow as you need to, okay, baby?"

"Mm, hmm!" I was going to need all the time he'd give me! Shit, it hurt! If I didn't know that this was my only chance with him, that this might be the only time I got with anyone for a while, I might have backed off. As it was, by dint of worming about and total effort, the glans popped inside my butt. I groaned and cut myself off, alarmed. But Gareth was groaning himself, he hadn't heard me.

"Oh, baby, yeah, come on, deeper, baby, deeper!" Gareth urged me.

I pushed back steadily on him. My cock was on his stomach again, but Gareth never noticed it. I couldn't notice anything else! God, my cock resting on a man's stomach as his own plunged steadily into my ass! I gushed so much precome that Gareth must have felt it...but he never said a word. Maybe he thought it was pussy-juice, or sweat. But it was my precome, gleaming on his stomach like a jewel resting in the small concavity of his navel.

I pushed back and felt the stopping-blocks of his balls against my ass. I had it, I had the entire length of it inside me.

"Oh, man, you got it all!" Gareth had felt it, too. "The whole thing. Now ride me, baby, ride my fuck-rod, I need to come, baby, come so hard, and then I'll lick on you until you get your own juices flowing. That's a promise, baby, a promise!"

I began to move back and forth and oh, God, the feel of a hard cock in my ass at last, at last, was so good I felt fucking amazing. I must have used enough Vaseline for my pain, which had never been excruciating, for it was nearly gone now, and more than made up for with the pleasure of that prick of his rubbing against my prostate (I'd done a lot of reading up on gay sex, everything but doing it, I knew), and I was climbing right up into heaven.

I was worried about coming--I mean, a man's jizz squirting onto your chest and stomach and you're going to figure out it's not a chick riding your cock, for sure!--but Gareth groaned before I quite made it to nirvana and he cried out, "Oh, God, I'm coming, Vivian, I'm coming, oh, oh, AH, AH, GAH, AH, AHHH, AHH-AH-AH-AHHH! Ahhhhhh!" And while all this was going on, my ears ringing with his passion, I had hot spunk shooting up inside my ass, so fucking hot, so hot! I shuddered, and then I started squirting. Hot jizz flying up onto Gareth's body and he was coming in my ass, so busy ejaculating that he still didn't notice what was going on!

Even when I was done with my own climax, Gareth was squirming still in his joy even though his cock had stopped spurting, still shaking from the intensity of his climax. He was loving this helpless riding of his body, being forced to pleasure his partner whether he would or not. That had intensified his joy, made this the most acutely powerful climax he'd ever had. Not that I knew him, but his very reaction, the way his body stayed in orgasmic bliss beyond the jetting of his jizz, told me that I'd given Gareth the best damned climax he'd ever had!

"Oh, baby, oh, baby, oh, baby!" He groaned. "So hot, so fucking hot!"

I laid down on him and his lips kissed at my neck and I turned my head and we kissed, Gareth and me, and God, what a kiss! Lots of tongue and spit, the two of us kissing and tasting each other, his cock still imbedded in my ass.

"Oh, God!" Gareth groaned as he let go. "Now, get scooted up here and I'll work you over until you scream! Just like I promised, baby, just like I promised!"

There was nothing else to do now. Instead of sliding up and sticking my cock in his mouth (and how long would he still think I was a girl if I did that to him?), I reached up and pulled off his blindfold.

He looked at me, blinked, puzzled, then mad. "Who the fuck are you?" His eyes were a beautiful clear blue.

"Brian Maywood." I said. "I'm your new roommate."

"But then...if you...." Remember that Gareth had a limited view, it took him a moment to realize that I was naked on top of him, and from there, what I'd just been doing with him/to him.

Gareth looked down our bodies and from there, it all snapped into place. "Oh my fucking God!" he yelped. "You fucking...God! Get off me! Get off!"

"I already did." I said as I raised up enough to let him feel the stickiness between us. "And so did you."

"That was? Oh, God, I can't fucking believe it! How did you get in here?"

"I used my key. After that, it was just a matter of keeping quiet and doing exactly what you said."

"Oh! Oh, oh, shit! Get off of me!"

"You know your cock is still up my ass." I mentioned to him.

"Up your...oh, God! I fucked you?"

"I rode you like a horse." I said.

"Oh, shit!"

"Don't panic. I'll untie you." I said to him. I reached over and began to work at the knots. Vivian had one a hell of a job on them.

As I did, I worked my body back and forth, not trying to do anything, just my movements as my hands worked on him. But as I did...

"Hey, Gareth, I think your cock's getting hard again."


I wormed my body back and forth, on purpose this time. "Yeah, it's definitely getting hard." I said. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to get it out of my ass at this rate." I kept on working at his knots on his left wrist. "There, that's got the first one." I moved over to his right wrist and worked on it. My ass, I kept working back and forth, back and forth.

I had him mostly untied when his free hand caught hold of my cock and began working it. I moaned and finished untying him. "You're free now." I told him and then the telephone at my desk (we each had our own phone in this dorm) rang. "Oh, now what?" I moaned. It'd be my mother, I just knew it!

Well, better to answer it than to have her leave a message like she'd leave on my machine! I got up and laid sprawled out over my bed to reach the phone before the fourth ring, and answered it. Yep, it was Mom.

"Hi, Mom!" I said.

"Now, baby, how are you doing?" Mom must have pulled over by the roadside to call me so quick!

"I'm fine, Mom, honest! It's been less than an hour, sheesh!"

"I know, baby, but I worry about you. College is just so different from, well, it's a whole new world for you, baby."

I felt Gareth crawling on top of me and I braced myself. "I'll be all right, Mom."

Gareth's cock found and rammed into my ass.

"A whole new world, baby! College is a whole new world, and I'm worried about you."

"Don't worry, Mom." I said as Gareth began to fuck me, never mind I was on the phone with my mother. "I know college is a whole new world, but don't worry. I think I'm going to like it!"


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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