College High

By M J

Published on May 8, 2003


Disclaimer: If you are under age, or if it's illegal to look at stuff like this, please leave now. Otherwise read on, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. This story is fictional, it's not true in any way, it's all from my dirty little mind.

College High 4

I woke up at 2:00 am freezing my ass off, so I put some boxers on my naked body and went to my bedroom to finish my sleep. A few hours later I was woken up by the sound of my oh so wonderful alarm clock buzzing loudly in my ear. I hit the button and looked at the time...9:00. Shit, I was about to be late for my English class, so I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom to do my business. Five minutes later I was done and off to class. I got there on time thankfully with about 5 minutes to spare and took my regular seat and started reading up on the chapter we were studying. As I read I noticed something was missing, actually it was someone. Jean-Paul was always there 15 minutes before class, but today he wasn't , and the fact that mid-terms were coming up really surprised me. We had chatted during class a few times about different stuff, but we didn't really know each other. Class came and went just like every other day, and after the professor gave the class our paper to write I was gone.

I stopped at the cafe to get a cup of coffee and relax a little. I took a seat and was just watching people passing by going about their day minding their own business. There were some folks dressed in all black, there were girls wearing slutty skirts and tops, and guys with tight muscle shirts and jeans. Watching people was a lot of fun because you could laugh on the inside at people, just seeing the clothes they wore, and the way they walked. But one guy in particular walked by me wearing a white T-shirt tight enough to reveal very nice pecs, he had a white bandana on his head, and loose fitting jeans. As he was walking by I glanced down to check out his butt, and when I looked back up I saw he was looking at me. I went back to my coffee and I saw him walking over in my direction.

"Hey Brian what's up dude?"

I raised my head up and took a closer look at this guy who was talking to me, then it hit me.

"Jean-Paul?! Damm I didn't even recognize you."

He had on glasses today, I'd never seen him wearing glasses but they made him look damn sexy.

"Yeah, I decided to give the Gucci and Versace a rest today." He said.

We both laughed at that, but it was true the boy could dress and he was always looking hot no matter what he wore. Whether it was just a pair of black slacks and a nice polo shirt he was looking very good. Today he was dressed down and he was fine as hell! I had to keep my mouth closed so I wouldn't drool all in my coffee. Out of all the times I had talked to him I still couldn't figure out if he was gay or not. I thought I had pretty good gaydar, but then again living with a guy for a whole semester and then finding out he's gay doesn't exactly put my gaydar on above average levels does it? Jean never let on, and never made any indications that he was so I was clueless.

"Ah I see, dressing down today, you had me fooled" I said.

"Yeah, so what did I miss in class today, anything important?"

"Um, no, just a paper due next week then finals in three weeks, well mid-terms I mean. Nothing big you know?" I responded smiling.

He just smiled his flashy teethy smile and asked,

"Uh huh, so what's it supposed to be about?"

"Have you read Chapter 12 yet?"


"Neither have I, but you gotta read the chapter then write a summary on it. It's gonna be a little tough. Then after that we have mid-terms."

Jean looked around for a minute, then looked back at me.

"Hey maybe we can study together for these next few weeks just to make sure we're on top of things for mid-terms." His facial expression looked so happy and jubilent I almost started laughing, but at the same time it was like music to my ears.

"Sure, that sounds cool man, so when do you wanna hook up?" After I said that I realized that the question could've been taken in different ways, and I couldn't help but let my mind think dirty little thoughts.

"Well, I have a class at 2:00, so how about around 4:00?" Jean said looking at his watch.

"O.K. 4 is fine, see you then."

"Laters." He mimicked a bow and turned around to start walking, but he stopped in his tracks and turned back around and walked over to me.

"By the way, what dorm are you in? That might be some good information to know." He said.

"Yeah, just maybe, uh...I'm in the Westwood Hall room 325."

"325, cool see ya man." With that he ran off down the hall and around the corner.

After a few more minutes I packed my stuff up and went to my room. When I got there Ricky was on the phone looking very frustrated, so I went into the bathroom because my stomach was giving me big problems, and I bet it was that coffee. Ten minutes later I walked out feeling much better until I saw Ricky. He had his face buried in his hands and he was leaning on the counter. I went to the kitchen and got some orange juice, and looked at Ricky. He looked so sad and frustrated, I wondered what was wrong so I finally decided to ask.

"Hey, what's wrong?"



"Ricky come on what's-"

"I'm just having some family problems alright's no big deal." He said interrupting me.

"Man I've got plenty of those." I said laughing trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work lighten anything.

"Oh so it's funny now? Go ahead and laugh Brian, it's funny that my little brother might die any day. Yeah, that's so fucking funny!"

Oh my God, I felt like the biggest idiot in the world. How the hell was I supposed to know that someone in his family was sick or hurt? Ricky's whole body was tensed up and I could see how angry he was, not just at me for my comment, but for the whole situation in itself.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea Ricky, you know that."

He mumbled something audible but not understandable, so I asked him to repeat it.

" Cancer.....fuckin cancer Brian!! My brother is dying of cancer and he's only 17 years old." By this time he had gotten off the counter and started yelling out loud about everything, and he was starting to cry so I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't...don't do that ok, just...leave me alone." He said throwing my hand off his shoulder.

"O.K., I'll leave you alone, I was just trying to help." I said quietly.

"Well, I don't need your help ok."


I didn't say anything else after that. Ricky sat back down on the couch and was crying uncontrolably. I wanted so bad to hold him and try to make him feel better, but I knew he didn't want that right now. He wanted to be mad, so I was going to let him be mad.

"Fuck, I need to get out of here! I'll see you later." He wiped his face with his hands, then he stood up grabbed his coat and left.

Damn, what the hell just happened? I don't know but I hope by the time he gets back he will feel better. I looked at my watch and it was 2:00, damn I had a lot of time before my hot guest arrived , so me being the video game freak that I was, I decided to play a little bit of Madden 2003. I was starting my 3rd season as head coach of the Raiders, with only 1 loss in my first Super Bowl appearance. I played through one game and was about to start another when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and looked through the peephole and lo' and behold it was Jean. Doing a quick inventory of the room, basically it looked like shit, but I opened the door and let him in anyway.

"Hey Jean what's up man? You're early, it's only 3:30." I said.

"Yeah sorry about that, I would've called you but I didn't have your number."

"Please exuse the mess, I was planning on cleaning up before you got here. Come on in man." I was frantically trying to pick up cups and plates from the tables and off the floor.

Jean was just smiling the whole time watching me. "Hey, Brian really it's no big deal man. Trust me, if you were to come in my room you would be walking all over clothes and books. It's like an obstacle course in there."

"Well, I'll make it presentable at least for you." I said with a smile.

"O.K.....Ah, playing a little Madden huh? Is this your franchise or just an Exhibition game?" He said walking over to the t.v.

"This is my franchise, I just started my 3rd year with the Raiders. My only loss was my first Super Bowl appearance the first year. I've gone undefeated since then." Boy did I sound full of it.

"Cool, but try building a team from scratch. I took the Bengals from a nothing team and turned them into a powerhouse after two years of team building. No created players, no tweaking players' attributes...all natural baby. My third year I went to the Super Bowl and won the next two. Now I'm on season six and am unstoppable."

"Well," I said as I cleared my throat. "I don't feel like the shit anymore."

Jean just laughed a bit and said, "Alright so let's get some studying done."

"O.K. sounds good."

We took out our books and studied for two and a half hours straight. Talking a little bit about school and classes in between, but then we stopped........because he challenged me to a game of football, and Brian Croftin NEVER turns down a challenge from anyone. I don't care if it's a seven year old boy and I whoop him by fifty points and he starts crying. He made the challenge and he should be prepared for the results.

"Sure man but how are you gonna use your "powerhouse" team?" I asked curling my fingers in the quotation signs.

He smiled and reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a memory card.

"Whoa, you mean to tell me you bring your memory card everywhere you go man?" I said in between laughs.

"Always good to be prepared." That's all he said as he slipped his card into my machine.

We started the game and I won the first, and he won the second. So we had to play a tie breaker. I'm one of those people who love to talk shit no matter what I'm doing, especially playing video games, and I learned quickly that Jean was too. He would not shut up. Every play he made he was sure to let me know exactly what happened, and how the running back made the perfect cut and broke for twenty yards. But the both of us were all over the room screaming and yelling and laughing. Our third game went into overtime, and we traded punts back and forth. I finally won when I was scrambling with my QB, then I broke a 65 yard run for a touchdown. After the game was over I put my controller on the table and just looked at Jean. He was trying not to look at me, but he finally gave in and looked. I just pointed at the t.v. so he could look at the score. 55-49.

"I can't believe that! My defense totally broke down, but that was a good game man! Best game I've played in a long time." He said

"Yeah man, I've never been played that close before! You're good." I said.

"So, I've been told." Then he flashed a huge grin. Was that a little innuendo perhaps?

"Hey, do you have anything to drink? I'm thirsty."

"Do I have anything to drink? Who's room do you think you're in man? We got soda, OJ, water, anything you want."

"Uh...I'll take some water Bri, I'm really trying to cut back on the soda."

I looked over at him and started laughing. He had a confused look on his face so I filled him in.

"You know you're the only person who calls me Bri? Nobody else calls me that."

"Well, it's my pet name for you."

I walked over and handed him a bottle of water and sat down on the couch next to him. "Oh so now I like belong to you or something?" I asked trying to flirt a little bit.

"Hey, only if you want to buddy."

"Uh huh, I'll be right back I gotta use the bathroom."

I went in the bathroom and just sat on the toilet, I wasn't using it, I was sitting there.

"Holy shit. Oh man, calm down Brian." I was repeating that over and over. I was flirting, and that was something I never did before. I have always been so shy about being gay even when I came out, I could check guys out and all but I never made a move. Now all of a sudden I move away to college, I meet my roommate who turns out to be gay, and now....I'm flirting with Jean-Paul. I couldn't help but smile at how things were going. After a minute of composing myself I got back up and opened the door and walked out. I walked over to Jean who was holding a DVD in his hand reading the back, and as soon as I got close enough to him I noticed it wasn't just any was one of my pornos! He saw me walking over and looked up at me and smiled.

"This yours?" He asked.

Oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT!! What the hell was I going to tell him? Well, he was looking at it and reading it, so maybe he was interested. But what if he was reading it and looking at it in disgust? Oh fuck it.....

"Yeah it is." I said.

He flipped it over to the front and pointed at one of the models.

"This guy right here is really hot, I like him."

"Huh, oh...uh...yeah he is." Is this for real I thought to myself.

"Yeah, I've got like two or three videos with him in them." He said smiling at me.

"Really? Yeah, he's, where...where did you happen to find that?" I asked still stumbling over my words.

"Well, I was looking at your entertainment system here, and this was just laying in there."

"It was just sitting there on the shelf? Shit, mental note: next time don't leave gay porn laying around Brian." I said.

He laughed a bit.

"Hey it's o.k. man, but what does your roommate think about you?"

"Uh, well my roommate is gay too so it really doesn't matter."

His eyes got big when I said that.

"You have a gay roommate too, shit you're lucky man."

"I guess." I said.

Jean was staring at me, looking at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

"So hey, you're gay and you're roommate is gay...soooo...are you two know..." he didn't finish his question, so I acted like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Are we what?" I asked.

"Come on, are you two fucking or what?"

I busted out laughing after he finally asked the question. I was laughing for a good, oh 2-3 minutes before I finally calmed down enough to give him an answer.

"Well, actually we only found out about each other last night."

Once again his eyes widened and his mouth gaped open.

"You've been living together with this guy for what a semester and your gaydar didn't go off at all?" he asked quite shocked.



We sat there on the couch for a while just watching t.v. and drinking our drinks when I asked.

"So Jean, did you have any idea I was gay?"

He smiled and shook his head a few times then spoke. "Actually not until two weeks ago."

"What happened two weeks ago?"

"You remember when I came in with those tight ass jeans on that

morning?" He said smiling. He sure does smile a lot I thought to myself.

"Oh yeah, I remember."

"Well, I saw you staring at me when I walked in, and you couldn't keep your eyes off of me the whole class."

"Was I that obvious? Damm." I was sort of embarrassed that I got caught checking this guy out and I didn't even know it.

"But earlier today was when I really knew." He said.

After he said that, I think he was waiting for me to say something like 'what do you mean' or 'how did you know today' so I went along.

"Earlier today?" God I sounded stupid playing along with this game.

"Yep, when I was walking by you at the cafe..I caught you staring at my ass."

Oh man, I put my head down and looked at the floor.

"Hey, I didn't even know it was you." I said.

"Well, that doesn't matter, the point is you got caught checking me out right? Anyway, enough about that stuff man, I think you're a great guy...and....well I was thinking maybe now that we know about one another, we can know...uh..." He looked down at the floor obviously very nervous. Now it was my turn to play games with him.

"Maybe we can what?" I said trying to fight back a smile.

"Well we both know each other is gay right?"

"We've established that already, yes." I said.

"O.K. then, do you wanna go out sometime?" He said it so fast I almost didn't understand him. But it was a struggle for him to even ask so I decided to give him a break.

"Sure I'd love to man. You mean like catch a movie or go out to eat or something?"

"Yeah, or whatever you want to do." He was relieved I could tell, and he was looking back up at me. "How about I give you my number...better yet, why don't you give me yours too so we won't have to worry about someone not being able to call."

"Alright." I said as I wrote my number down on a slip of paper and gave it to Jean. I couldn't believe it, I was about to get his number, and we were going to go out together. Yes, yes, yes...I was smiling so hard my face was hurting but I didn't care. I took his number and memorized it right there on the spot.

"O.K. so I guess I'll call you tomorrow, is that good?" he asked.

"Uh, call me anytime. My cell is ALWAYS on." I tried to put an emphasis on always so he would know he could call me anytime he wanted.

"Good, then I'll talk to you tomorrow."

He got up and put his shoes on. "See ya Bri."

"Later Jean, take it easy man." I said.

The door shut, and I went crazy. I ran around the room like five times screaming and yelling, I jumped on the furniture and ran in the kitchen and threw water on my face. You would think I had just won fifty million dollars or something, it was just a phone number. But it was so much more than was years of shyness and me being so afraid to flirt with guys, or even approach them. Now, I was feeling damn good, I was happy and nobody would ruin my moment. I sat down on the couch and turned my football game back on, then I heard the door open. Ricky was standing in the doorway.....

"Oh my God Ricky, what the hell happened to you?!"

Wow, I kow it took a hella long time to write this one, and I'll try to do better about posting. What did you guys think? I love feedback...good or bad. Questions, comments, and suggestions are always welcome. Also, for those of you who don't read the disclaimer, this story is fictional and totally untrue...

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