College High

By M J

Published on Apr 3, 2003


Disclaimer: If you're here and you know you shouldn't be, then leave now. If you're here and you know you can be, then by all means stay and read on...But either way read it.....Enjoy

College High 3

Where could he be? Class? No, his first class wasn't until 2:00.

So he must be somewhere else. It was only 10:30, so I went to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal, then sat down in front of the tv to watch a basketball game. About half an hour later, Ricky walked in wearing black Adidas running shorts that showed off his very nice legs, and a white tanktop that formed perfectly again over his chest and stomach. Damn he looked good! I was staring at him for a while before he spoke.

"Uh, do I have a big stain on my shirt or what?"

"No, I was just wondering where you were this morning," I said.

"Well, I'm afraid that if I tell you that, you might blow up again and cuss me out. Hey man, what the hell was that about last night anyway?" Ricky asked me.

"Look Ricky, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. There's some...well there's a lot of things I need to tell you."

"Uh huh, so what is it then?" Ricky said as he made his own bowl of cereal.

Where would I start? Well they say the best place is at the beginning, so that's where I began.

"I want you to sit down for this. It's pretty serious, and I've never talked with anyone about it before."

I was really nervous about doing this, but I had to.

Ricky came over and sat down on the couch next to me and was waiting for me to start talking.

"O.K., um.....ok. My senior year of high school I....." I paused for a while because I was so scared to tell him I was gay. I didn't know how he would react to it. Would he care? Would he want to move out? I just didn't want that.

"Hey man, we're roommates; it's important that we're honest with each other if we're going to be living together," he said. I could tell he was serious.

"O.K. my senior year of high school, me and my dad had a falling out, and ever since then we have barely talked to each other."

"So, what happened between you two then?" Ricky asked.

"Oh, just a big misunderstanding. I wanted to go to a party one night, and he didn't want me to, so we argued." I was dodging very well...or so I thought.

"O.K. so last night when you started cussing him out, you said no matter what, you would always be his son forever. Now, I don't want to sound like I'm a know-it-all, but I don't think a disagreement on a party will make that much of a bridge between you two."

Fuck! He was good, but I wasn't going to let him in on my secret. Why the hell was I avoiding the inevitable? I wanted to tell him, but my mouth wouldn't form the words "I'm gay".

"Uh...well, um.....he caught me drinking in the house one night, and we went at it again. We actually fought that night, and he whooped my ass, but I got in a few good shots, though."

I was really lying now. My father never caught me drinking anything, I was just trying to avoid the questions.

Ricky was just looking at me with a confused look on his face. I didn't know if he was buying it or not, so I kept going, filling in holes.

"My dad trips on shit like that man. He's an asshole. One little thing, and your on his shit list for life."

"Wow! That's messed up. My parents get mad, but they don't hold grudges. Damn. I can see why you cussed him out then."

He bought it...WHEW! Sweet relief!! He got up off the couch and walked over to the kitchen to put his bowl away, and my eyes were locked on that ass. Those shorts formed the shape of his ass perfectly, and I could see his strong smooth legs. It was really turning me on, too. The way he walked turned me on, the way his hips switched from side to side, not too much like he was effiminate but enough to make you stare for hours. I decided to take a surprise shot at him and asked,

"So Ricky, do you have a girlfriend man?"

He kind of froze in place, and I could tell he was nervous and trying to think of a quick answer. He cleared his throat hard like he had something stuck in it. I wasn't stupid though.

"Uh, no I don't. Why?"

"Well, you asked me a while back, so I figured I'd ask you the same thing."

I'm such a devil.

"So why not?" I asked as I stood up.

"I don't know, I just don't need one. It's not really all that important to me," He responded very smoothly. Then he walked over and stood in front of me, looked me directly in my eyes and said,

"Plus.....I'm gay anyway, so why would I want a girlfriend."

Then he gave me a wink, a quick smile, and walked into his room.

I stood there in shock. Did he just say that he was gay? He did...holy shit he just came out and told me he was gay, without a problem at all. How the hell did he do that?! I walked into his room and had to make sure he was serious...

"Hold up man, did you just say you were gay?" I asked chuckling.


He was reading a book and didn't even look up as he answered.

"And you had no problem telling me that? No problem at all?" I was so amazed at how he was just so cool about it.

"Why would I, Brian? It's true, and if we're going to be living together you might as well know now, rather than walking in on me fucking some guy's brains out."

He laughed at his comment, and I couldn't help but laugh with him. A million thoughts were racing through my head at that time...He's gay, so am I his type, is he attracted to me? Oh, why am I like this. Why can't I just tell him I'm gay. That I want to kiss him for hours, and that I want to be with him. Not yet...I can't get close to anyone, because I'll get hurt again. I snapped myself back to reality...

"Yeah, I'd rather not see that." Which is true...I didn't want to see him fucking anyone unless it was me.

"Well, I'm gonna get a bite to eat before I head off to class. Wanna join me?"

"No, I'm good, man. Thanks though. I'll get something a little later."

"Suit yourself. I'll see ya later."

"Yeah, see ya." *********

Weeks and months went by, and school was going smoothly. Ricky and I were getting closer and friends. We hung out at the movies, we cooked dinners, and we were really great friends. My feelings were growing more and more everyday I saw him. I loved everything about him: the way he laughed, the way he made me laugh, his voice, his beautiful brown eyes, his great lips, hot smooth body.

It was torture not being able to open up to him because of fucking fear. FEAR! I was afraid of getting rejected...but he was gay too so he wouldn't reject me or hurt me, right? I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. I had to tell him this time, so finally one night after he got home, I told him everything.

I was waiting for him to get back from his night class at 6:30, so he would be in at about 8 or so. But he didn't get back at 8 or 9 or 10. I was getting worried and was about to call him on his cell phone when the door opened and he walked in. 11:00...I had a class the next morning at 7:30 so I should've been asleep, but I couldn't. I wanted to tell him I loved him and wanted to be with him.

"Brian, hey what are you still doing up kid?"

"I was just watching some late night t.v.. Hey, you have a minute?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I just need to talk to you. It's really important." My voice was so calm and quiet, I was really thinking about this. Ricky took a seat next to me and went into listening mode.

"O.K., do you remember a couple months ago when I got in that fight with my dad on the phone?" I asked, waiting for a response.

"Yeah, I remember," he said.

"Well, I wasn't totally honest with you, man. I left a lot of stuff out of that story, and made some of it up. But I want to apologize in advance for lying to you and not being truthful."

My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, I could hear it.

"So, what weren't you honest about then?" he asked.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time now, and I want to just say it, so could you just listen first then say whatever you want after I'm done?"

He just nodded his head.

I cleared my throat and began.....

"My senior year in high school was really tough for me because of certain things that happened to me. My relationship with my mom and dad was great. We would laugh, watch movies, and go out and do things together, just like a normal family.....until I told them I was gay."

I looked at Rick. He had his mouth slightly gaped open in shock.

" I know, I know, it's a bomb, but I couldn't tell you before because I didn't know how you would take it. Then we started hanging out more and getting to be better friends. I didn't know what to do. When I told my parents I was gay, they totally changed, especially my dad. He barely talked to me, and he acted like I didn't even exist anymore. I tried so hard to be a good son to them, but they wouldn't accept me for me. That night when I started cussing at my dad? I did that because.....he said that I wasn't his son, and no son of his... would be a faggot."

Oh God, I was starting to cry, I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it. The tears just came streaming down my face. Ricky scooted up next to me, wrapped his arms around me, pulled me into him, and held me there while I balled my eyes out. He was so comforting, and I was just melting in his arms.

"Hey, come on man, it's gonna be ok. I'm here for you," he was saying over and over to me while rubbing my shoulders.

"I never wanted anything to change," I said.

After a few minutes of crying, I finally calmed down and lifted my head off his chest, which was wet with my tears. I had my head down, sitting there sniffling and trying to compose myself, when I felt Ricky place his hand on my face, caressing it and wiping my tears. I looked up and we locked eyes for a second and he smiled

"Hold on Ricky, there's something else I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Um.....a few months after I told my parents I was gay, I went to a party over at a friend's house. I met two guys there, and we started talking about different stuff, and they were really nice, or so I thought. Anyway, it was getting late so I decided to go home, I didn't have a car, so I walked. It was only 20 minutes, and I needed the air. They offered to walk with me and keep me company, and I accepted, so off we went. About five minutes away from my house, there was a shortcut that I took through some trees, and when we started going through them, I felt one of the guys grab me from behind and throw me on the ground. He told me to give him my money, and when I told him I didn't have any, he punched me in the face and yelled at me to give him my wallet. So I gave it to him and thought that would be all.....but it wasn't."

"This doesn't sound good at all man, I hope you're not going to say what I'm thinking," Ricky said.

"Well, after I gave them my wallet, he starts to unbutton my pants and starts pulling them down. I put up a fight, but the other guy comes over and punches me right in the stomach and holds me down while the first guy pulls off my pants and underwear and starts...starts to rape me. I was trying so hard to kick and fight, but I couldn't because of the way I was held down, and they both took turns on me. When they were done, they gave me a good ass whoopin and beat the shit out of me and left me there. I just laid there crying and in so much pain. God I've never felt so much hurt in my life." My voice was cracking, and I was starting to cry again just thinking about it.

"O.K. soooo I take it you went to the hospital?" he said rasing his eyebrows at me.

I couldn't sit down anymore, so I stood up and started pacing around the room

"Oh, yeah of course, I'm not that dumb, man. I went and told them what happened to me. I stayed overnight, and I had to have fifty fucking stitches. I got some painkillers and left in about a week. It was really hard for me to talk about anything after that. I mean I wasn't like zoned out staring off into space or anything like that, but I was just different, ya know?"

"Uh huh, well you sure do hide stuff well, man. I would've never guessed you went through all that shit.

"Well, it was rough after that, especially for my parents because they didn't know how to start talking about it with me. So I kind of went on with my life and tried to put it behind me."

I was leaning up against a wall and Ricky got up and stood in front of me. He was looking me in the eyes and smiling.

"What the hell are you smiling at?" I asked in a joking tone.

He walked up to me and said. "I've been thinking all these dirty thoughts at night about you. I've had feelings for you since the first time I laid eyes on you, but I figured that you were straight, and was just not looking for a girl. But then you drop this on me."

"I had liked you ever since I saw you too, but I didn't know how you would react to having a gay roommate, but then when you told me you were gay, I was so surprised and I didn't know what to do."

"Damm man, so what the hell took you so long to tell me?" he said.

"I don't know, I guess...I don't even know really."

"Well, now we know, don't we?" Ricky said with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes, we do."

He put his hands on my hips and moved in and gave me my first and the most sensual kiss I have ever had in my life. It felt like slow motion how everything happened. He moved his face up to mine, and just planted the softest most electrifying kiss on me. Oh my gawd, I felt like I was going to pass out. He moved his hands from my hips to my ass and squeezed it and pulled me closer to him. Then I moved my hands down and cupped his ass. He grinded his hips into me and I let out a loud moan. My dick was getting harder with every second that passed.

We were grinding our cocks together kissing each other, and my horomones were on overdrive. I unbuttoned his pants and stuck my hand inside and grabbed his very hard cock through his boxers and started rubbing and stroking it. He moaned and pushed his hips harder into me. This was the best feeling I'd ever had, and if this kept up I was going to shoot right in my pants, so I had to stop. I broke our kissing and grinding and stood there panting trying to catch my breath.

"What's wrong?" Ricky asked looking a little worried.

"Nothing...uh, whooo, I was getting really close there." I said with a slight laugh.

"Oh, ok so you want to take it slow then?"


"O.K. you got it, we'll take it slow." He gave me a big grin and looked at me with evil eyes like he had something planned.

We walked over to the couch, and he told me to take off my clothes.

So I took everything off. When I took my pants off, he told me to stop, so I was standing there in nothing but my tight white Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Ricky just looked me up and down several times then told me to sit down on the couch. I sat down and he started to take his clothes off really slow.

I was getting turned on by the way he was moving his body, and it seemed like the clothes just slid right off him. Before I knew it he was wearing nothing but his boxers. He walked over to the couch, leaned over and gave me a long hard kiss; tongue and all. Then he moved down to my neck, kissing me so softly and licking me behind my ears, all at the same time running his fingers lightly over my thighs and rubbing my inner thighs, which really got me going. He turned around and sat down on my lap, then started grinding his ass in my crotch.

"OH MY GOD!" was all I could manage to say as Ricky was giving me a Cruel Intentions treat. Danm, he felt so good, and I started to run my hands all over his smooth muscular chest, making sure to give his nipples a lot of attention. He was getting more excited, so I decided to give him a little more. I grabbed his dick through his boxers with my right hand and started giving it a Grade A massage, rubbing the material against his hardness making him moan out loud.

With my left hand I was feeling all over his chest and stomach, feeling every curve and muscle he had. This guy was making me so hot, and I must've been doing the same to him because he started going faster. I grabbed the waistband of his boxers and told him to lift up so I could take them off. When I slid them down off his butt, he took them down and kicked them off, and I got a look at what he had been hiding all these months. The most beautiful cut prick I've ever seen in my life was within my grasp, literally, and I couldn't resist.

I wrapped my hand around his at least 7.5 inch tool and started slowly stroking up and down. I was trying to make this feel as good as possible for Ricky, as this was my very first time ever being with a guy doing anything. I was jacking him with my right hand, and I started rubbing his balls with my left. I started to kiss the back of his neck with soft pecks and licks, licking his earlobes as he did to me.

"Ahhh, yeah that's good," Ricky said as he reached behind and grabbed me and started to rub my dick through my boxer briefs.

This was great, but I wanted to get more of him. Ricky must have been a psychic in another life because he stood up and turned around, then dropped down to his knees. I slid my briefs off, and he went to work on me, running his fingers all over my thighs, and very gently caressing the insides of my thighs. After doing that, he started licking up and down my hard rod, his wet tongue working wonders and bringing me feelings I never thought I would feel. He flicked his tongue over my head a few times before totally engulfing it in his mouth.

"Oh shit, yeah Ricky, that's awesome," I said between breaths.

I was getting my first blowjob, and it was better than I imagined! He was bobbing his head up and down on my cock, licking the underside of my cock, sending chills through me. His tongue swirled around my head as he came up, and I thought I was going to shoot right then.

"Mmmm, oh suck it baby..."

I felt kinda stupid saying that, but hey it felt damn good, and that's what was coming out of my mouth.

I started moving my hips up and down in rythm with his sucking, and I placed my hands on the back of his head prompting him to go faster and harder. He got the hint and started sucking me like crazy! Ricky was giving me long hard sucks with his mouth, and he switched from time to time to short and fast. I could see that he was jacking off while he was sucking me. It seemed like he had been sucking me for hours when actually it was only about 10 minutes or so. I was getting more turned on by watching him work my cock and his own at the same time.

Then he stopped, looked up at me and asked. "You enjoying your first blowjob, Brian?"

"Hell yeah, now shut up and keep going!" I said to him.

"You got it big man." Then he went to work on me again, and everytime he started again, the feeling got better and better.

My heart was beating about 1,000 bpm, and I was breathing really heavily. I felt like I was going to have a fucking heart attack from all of this, I was so overwhelmed.

"Ahh, Ricky I'm about to cum!" I could barely talk.

He just went harder and faster for a few more seconds hoovering my hard dick in his mouth, and massaging my balls, gently pulling and squeezing them. Then I felt that unmistakable feeling going all through me. My body tensed up really tight, and I had the biggest cum of my life.

"OHHHH MY GOD, AAHHHH Fuck yeah." I screamed at the top of my lungs as I bucked my hips up and down, fucking Ricky's face and shooting my cum down his hot throat.

I just kept cumming and cumming, and it was getting stronger every passing second. I couldn't do anything but throw my head back and let out a wild scream. I was so loud I was sure someone would come knocking on the door. Ricky was swallowing every gallon it seemed of my sweet juice as I kept shooting my load. As my orgasm finally died down I was totally spent, and I was struggling to catch my breath. Ricky came up and sat down on the couch next to me and began kissing my neck and rubbing me all over my body again, and that actually calmed me down some more, and pretty soon we were kissing each other very slowly and softly with our tongues invading each other's mouths.

I wrapped my hand around Ricky's very hard member and started stroking wildly, and it didn't take much to bring him to a body rocking orgasm as he tensed and let out a hefty amount of cum over his stomach. I bent over and licked every bit of it up, to his surprise, and gave him a kiss. We sat there for a minute before Ricky broke the silence.

"You do realize now that we absolutely have to sleep in the same bed, right?"

"Absolutely, I don't think that would be a problem at all." I said with a smile.

"I'm gonna go to bed; I have class in the morning. Goodnight."

Then he got up and gave me a long kiss on the lips and walked into his room.

"Goodnight babe." I said as I sat on the couch naked.

I sat there thinking of what had just happened. My first experience with a great guy, with hopefully many more to come. It brought a smile to my face, and I laid down and went to sleep.

There's #3 guys...Give me some feedback on this one. As always; questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome, and I'll get back with all who write me...Later!!

Next: Chapter 4

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