College High

By M J

Published on Mar 28, 2003


Disclaimer: If you're here and you know you shouldn't be please leave now.....but if you like this kind of stuff, sit back and read on....This is total fiction, none of it is true, it's all from my imagination.........Enjoy!!

Chapter 2

"Oh shit Rick, what the fuck man!" I practically shouted at him.

"Well, Well, looks like you were having a little bit of fun with your friend there," he said with a smirk and slight laugh.

I grabbed my towel and started to clean myself off, I could feel my whole body flush. I was so fucking embarrassed.

Rick sensed it right away and said, "Hey man don't worry about it. I heard the shower on so I figured you were in there. I just came in to brush my teeth, but I guess I should've knocked first. My fault totally."

That made me feel a little better because, yes, he should've knocked. He walked over to the counter and started brushing his teeth. As he was standing there, I thought I saw a slight bulge in the front of his pants, but then again it could've just been his pants too.

"All right, I'm gonna shower this time man." I said with a laugh, I was feeling much better now for some reason.

I stepped into the shower and let the water run down my body. It was so relaxing, and I just stood there getting my whole body wet. My hair was a little extra dirty, so I ducked my head under the water and let it run over my head for a while. After a minute I glanced over to see what Ricky was doing. When I looked, I caught him looking at me. He saw me and turned away fast, then shut the water faucet off and left the bathroom. Another five minutes and I was done and out the shower.

I stepped into my room and put on a pair of boxers. I went out to the living room and told Rick I was going to hit the sack since the first day of classes were starting tomorrow. He said all right and that he should probably do the same so he would be well rested. We both said our goodnights and headed to bed ready for the next morning.

I woke up at 8:30 and got ready for my first class at 10:00. I did my usual morning routine: take a piss, wash my face, brush my teeth, do something with my hair, and put my eyes (contacts) in. Then I got dressed and walked to the Commons building. My watch read 9:15. Damn, that's early! But I'm sure the class will start filling up by 9:30, so I was making good time.

I got to my class at 9:30, and walked into the room. There were about five people in the room, so I chose a desk on the right side of the class, sort of in the back, but not all the way. About fifteen minutes later I felt someone standing next to me. I looked up and found myself staring into the eyes of an absolutely gorgeous guy.

He asked if the seat next to me was taken yet. I took a look around the class and saw it was a little fuller than the last time I had looked. There were still seats he could've taken, but hey, I wasn't about to start complaining. So I smiled and told him no, indicating the seat with a small nod of my head. He smiled and sat down.

I was reading a little of my book before class started when this guy starts talking to me.

"I heard this professor was really good. Have you heard anything about her?" he asked.

"No, actually I haven't. I just needed an English class to take, and this was at a time I wanted, so I chose it. But I hope she's good." I answered.

"Yeah me too. I don't want the first class of my major to suck, you know."

"You're majoring in English?" I asked. "That's cool man! So am I. Are you going to be a teacher, or what?"

"Uh, I hope to. I've always wanted to teach. I have ever since I was in Junior High."

Right then, the teacher walked in. She was probably around 35 or so. She started off with a few jokes to set everyone at ease, which is something I appreciate in teachers. She came in and threw her books on the desk, panting and saying she'd had to run here because SHE had overslept after a wild night of drinking. After a few more jokes, she started handing out the syllabus to everyone, explaining that we should rip it up into little pieces and eat it.

The whole class started laughing, and I was feeling really good. Class went by fast with her joking around and explaining what the class would be like and what assignments we would have to do. When time was up she dismissed us, and I walked out the classroom. I hadn't gone very far when the guy I'd met in class called out to me.

"Hey man!" he shouted.

I turned around and met him face to face.

"Hey. What's up, man?" I said, smiling.

"Uh, I didn't get your name. I'm Jean-Paul Elliot."

"Brian Croftin. Nice to meet you, Jean-Paul."

Not only was this guy cute, but he had a sexy name too. That's two good looking guys in two days time that I've met. I was on a roll.

He chuckled when I called him Jean-Paul, and he told me to just call him Jean. I agreed and really did want to talk with him some more, but he had a class to get to and he didn't want to be late. So we said our good-byes and went our separate ways.

I didn't have my next class until 3:45, so I decided to go home and chill a little bit. I walked in the door and saw Ricky sitting on the couch watching TV and eating a pizza. He looked like a pig in just a shirt and shorts, and I wondered when he had class.

"Hey, Rick! What's up, man?" I asked.

"Nothing much, Brian. How was your class?"

"It was pretty good. I think I have a great English teacher!" She's funny and cracks jokes on the students already. I like her already." Did I sound like a little kid or what?

"Cool, man. Well, my class got canceled tonight, so I'll be here hanging out."

"O.K., well, I'm gonna take a nap for a few hours,"

I started walking back to my room, then turned around and asked, "Hey, if I'm not up by 2:45, could you wake me up?"

"Sure, man, no problem," he said without taking his eyes off the television.

I went in my room, plopped down on the bed without even taking my shoes off, and quickly fell asleep. When I woke up, I figured it would be maybe 1:30 or so, but when I looked at my alarm clock, it read 3:00.


I jumped up and ran out my room. I saw that Rick was knocked out cold on the couch. Oh well. I ran out the door and sprinted through the walking area to the Commons to try to catch the shuttle. It was pulling off right as I ran out the door, and I had to shout to get his attention. Luckily for me, he stopped and let me on. The shuttle took me to my building, and I ran in to the classroom, barely making it on time. There I stayed for the next 2.5 hours.

After my class was over, I went to grab a quick bite to eat in the dining hall before going back to my room. When I got back to the room, I saw Ricky was gone, so I picked up the phone and called home, hoping to talk to someone. My mom picked up the phone first, and even though I had wanted to leave so badly from home, there was nothing like a mother's voice to soothe you and make you smile.

"Hey, mom! What's up?" I was so happy to hear her voice.

"Hi, Brian how's school going? Are you turning in all your work on time?"

Gosh, typical mom. Still, I was glad to hear she wanted to know how I was doing, and how much fun I was having.

"Mom, it was the first day of classes today. We don't have any homework yet."

"Oh. Well, when you do get some, you better make sure to turn it in on time, you hear me?" she said with a laugh.

"Yes, mother, I hear you. So can I talk to dad real fast?"

I saw the door open, and Ricky walked in with his bookbag in hand. He sat right down on the couch and turned on the TV

"Now, Brian, you know your father," my mom said.

Yeah, I did know my father, and I hated my him. Ever since I came out to my parents, he's acted like he doesn't know me anymore, like I don't even exist. I just wanted to say hi and that's all.

"Well, does he even want to talk to me, mom?" I said pretty angrily. "Not even a 'hi, son, how is college going?' I just wanna say hi to...oh, hey, dad how's it going?"

My dad was on the other line. I was very surprised he'd picked up the phone.

"What do you want?"

Ugh, I hated the tone he took with me, especially the way he sighed at the end of every sentence. So I started talking.

"You haven't said a word to me since before I left, and I just wanted to see how things were between us." I could hear the shakiness in my voice as I spoke to my dad for the first time in a long time.

Silence on the other end. I was starting to get mad by this point.

"It's been like a year, and you're still not over..." I was interrupted before I could finish.

"Look, Brian. I'm not going to go over this with you again. I don't want to see you, talk to you, or have anything to do with you, ok?"

My dad is such an asshole. I started to get louder on the phone and was almost to the point of yelling at my dad, when I noticed Rick looking over my way, staring at me bug-eyed.

Then my dad said something I will never forget...

"I don't consider you my son anymore, Brian. That's just the point. No son of mine is going to be a faggot."

Those words shot right through me, and I felt like I had gotten stabbed with a knife right through the chest. When I felt the tears come to my eyes, I went off. More than that, I went ballistic.

"How the hell could you say that to me? Get over yourself, dad! You act like you're the shit, but you aren't. No matter what you want to think, I'll be your son forever, so get it through your head alright.

I was surprised that I was finally taking a stand against my dad. But it was only because I was on the phone. I would never have done this face to face, but while I had the chance I was going to say what I needed to say.

"Well, you say what you want, Brian, but my mind is made up."

Oh, I hated the calm voice he used, and it's so true when you're mad at someone and they're talking calmly it pisses you off more.

"You know what? I don't care! I don't give a shit! SO FUCK YOU! YOU HEAR ME, YOU ASSHOLE? FUCK YOU AND GO TO HELL!"

With that, I slammed the phone down and stormed out of the room without even acknowledging Ricky. I know that he must've been thinking the same thing as me though: I can't believe I'd just said all that to my own dad. Oh well, he needed to hear it. I walked out and knew exactly where I needed to go. The gym. I needed to pump out some iron and get some frustration out.

When I got there, I was the only one which made it much easier to get around. I went at the weights like I never have before, and for 2 straight hours I went back and forth lifting. I finally got through and actually felt a lot better, so I cleaned up and headed home. I took my time walking, taking the long way because I wanted to clear my head a little more before Rick pounded me with worrisome questions. As I figured, as soon as I opened up the door, Ricky was waiting for me. I walked in and put my stuff in my room.

"Hey, where did you go, I was worried about you," Rick said, standing at my door looking a bit worried.

"Oh, I just went to the gym and lifted a while," I said.

"Dude, what the hell happened? All of a sudden, you're cussing your dad out and then you storm off outside. Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking."

I was really not wanting to talk about this right now.

"Well, are you sure, because you..."

"Ricky, I'm fine, and I'm really NOT in the mood to talk about it."

I unconsciously started scratching my head. That happens when I get annoyed with something.

"Come on Brian, you know they say it helps if you talk out your problems and issues with someone you know. Maybe I could help you out."

Who the hell does he think he is, my fucking psychologist? I don't think so. Before I knew what was happening I was up on my feet yelling at the top of my lungs at my roommate.

"You don't know me, man, and you don't know shit about me! Why don't you back the hell up off my back, and get the fuck out of my business!!"

The whole time Ricky was just standing there, not moving a muscle, looking at me like I had just lost my mind.

"Dude, I'm just trying to help. I'm not trying to get in your business or anything."

"Get the hell away from me. Get out of my room and just leave me the hell alone!!"

Then I pushed him out of my room and slammed the door shut. I jumped on my bed and proceeded to have a tantrum like a little kid. I was throwing shit around (nothing breakable, thank goodness), and screaming up a veritable storm. I threw my pillows and tore the sheets off my bed and threw them against the wall. I had never been this angry before in my life, and I was bound and determined to get it all out now. I was screaming and cussing every word known and unknown.

When my fit of rage died down, I started crying hard. I slumped down on my bed and laid there crying my eyes out. For hours I was gone; totally lost to the world around me, thinking about my dad and how he hated me because I was gay. Thinking of my senior year in high school when my life changed. It was all finally coming to the surface, and I couldn't control it. My throat was sore, my face was soaked with tears, and I just laid there allowing it to come and go.

I fell asleep sometime during the night, and when I woke up the next morning I felt like I had lost about 500 pounds of baggage. I got up and got dressed, then went to Ricky's room. He wasn't there. Oh man, I really needed to talk to him, I needed to straighten everything out and apologize. It was time to tell Ricky about me; about the real Brian Croftin.

Well, there's Chapter 2 in the books, tell me what you thought. Good or bad, and as always comments, questions, and suggestions are highly welcome here. Chapter 3 will start to reveal things about both of the characters not yet known, so just "hold on". I'd like to give a special thank you to Christian, who has helped me very much in editing my stories so far, and helped the flow stay steady. Thanks man!!

Next: Chapter 3

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