College High

By M J

Published on Mar 22, 2003


Disclaimer: If you're here and you know you shouldn't be, leave now....if you're here and you want to be then read on....By the way this story is not true, it's all fiction and made up from my imagination. Enjoy

College High 1

Moving out of state and going to college is exactly what I needed in order to escape my past, my pain, and my old life. It had only been one year since it happened; my senior year in high school. It was the worst time of my life. But I'll get to that later, let me tell you a little bit about me. My name is Brian Croftin, and I live in Los Angeles, California, and have lived there my whole life. I have dark skin, 6'1" or so, 167 lbs. I'm pretty skinny, but I have a good build and decent muscle tone. I also have good body structure going for me, which makes me look bigger than I really am. I have what I've been told are very nice deep, brown eyes, and I like to keep myself fit. I don't smoke, or do drugs. I have drunk alcohol before, but it's not something I do on a regular basis.

Anyway, enough personals, let's get down to business, and I'll tell my story. Pay attention and try to feel where I'm coming from....

Upon arriving at the Seattle airport, I went right to the baggage claim to get my bags, then walked what seemed a mile to find the shuttle that was headed for my university. On the way to the school, I was just like a tourist; looking around at the scenery and taking in the atmosphere, like a kid in a candy store.

After an hour of riding, I finally stepped out onto the college grounds and started trying to find my way around campus. I went around questioning a couple of people, walked around, questioned more people, did some more walking, and finally found my dorm building.

I walked in and told the guy at the front desk my name, and he looked me up in the system. He gave me my room key and proceeded to tell me to go up the steps, turn left here, and yada yada yada. As I made my way up the steps I saw three girls screaming and laughing with each other, obviously happy to see each other again after the summer break. I found my room all the way down at the end of the hall; Room 325.

I stuck my key in the door, unlocked it, and stepped into a big-ass room, decked out with a living room area, a kitchen, and two large couches. Pretty good size to be for just two guys to live in, I thought. But hey, that just means more room for the both of us. After standing in awe for a few moments, I got down to business and started unpacking my things. I took my shirts and pants out and actually hung them up, rather than throw them in the dresser drawer to get wrinkled. Then I got my undies and T-shirts and put them in the drawers. I totally rearranged my bedroom to my liking and was working up a pretty good sweat. So I decided to put on a tanktop and some shorts for more comfort. Tired of lugging furniture around, I turned on the TV and sat down on the couch to watch some cartoons. I must've dozed off because I was jarred awake by a loud voice behind me yelling.

"God dammit!!".

Startled, I jumped up and turned around to see what all the fuss was about. All I saw was the backside of a guy who was struggling to get a big bag through the door. This must be my roommate, I thought. So me being the gentleman I am, I ran over and gave him a hand.

"Hey, let me help you with that," I said, as I grabbed one end of the bag. Damn! This bag was heavier than it looked. After a few tries, we finally got it through and sat it down on the floor.

"I always over pack. Thanks man, I appreciate it." He said kindly.

"No problem."

"I'm Richard Nalos, but you can call me Rick," he said as he extended his arm and offered his hand.

"Brian Croftin," I answered, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, man." I sounded almost too giddy with excitement.

Goodness, this dude was HOT!

Oh, in case you don't know, or haven't figured it out yet, I'm gay. I love guys. I fantasize about guys. However, I've never acted on my feelings before. I've never had a blow job. Hell, I've never even had a real kiss. This, of course, put me firmly in the "virgin" category. All I had is my trusty right hand to keep me company, but I did have high hopes that would change while in college.

After getting most of our things settled and put away, we sat down and got to know each other. Ricky started the conversation.

"So Brian, where are you from, man? Tell me about yourself."

"All right, um, well I'm 19, and I'm from California, where I've lived my whole life. I like to sing, dance, and make people laugh." Why do I sound like I'm putting a personal in the paper?

"Back in high school, I played football, which was pretty co-"

"No shit! So did I, man," Ricky said, interrupting me. "I was cornerback, how about you?"

"I was a wide receiver. It was pretty fun. I had a great time playing sports; it kept me sane and busy, you know."

"Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean, Brian. Sports kept me out of trouble and probably away from some bad shit," he paused, then added with a smirk, "I bet I could've held you down on the field."

"Shiiiiit! Please, man! I would've smoked you every down," I said equally joking, but serious.

"Uh huh, well, think what you want. So what's your major man?" Boy, he seemed to be really interested in me. But I guess if we were gonna be rooming together for a year, we might as well get to know each other. So I kept talking.

"My major is high school education. I wanna teach at the high school level after college." I said.

"Oh yeah? What subject?" Ricky asked.

"I don't know, probably English or something. I'm good at writing and all that, so that's probably what it will be."

"That's cool, man. I'm doing Business Management. I hope to own my own gym in the future. I've always dreamt of being my own boss and doing what I want, when I want. Plus, I've always loved the atmosphere of a gym. So owning one would be a dream come true for me. I'm only 19 right now too, but I want to be a huge business mogul by 25!"

Man he sounded excited talking about his dreams. Speaking of dreams, I must've been dreaming because this guy was smokin' hot. He had to have a mix of Hispanic and Asian in him, that much I could tell. Mmmmm, that's a perfect mix. His hair was short and black, with a little bit of a spike at the top, along with beautiful light brown eyes. I couldn't keep my eyes off of those sweet full lips of his. My goodness, his lips looked so tasty. I would have no problem kissing him for hours. The skin on this boy was nice and tanned, but not like a fake-n-bake. As my eyes moved downwards, I could tell he lifted weights by his nicely sculpted pecs and arms. His body was perfect, like a Greek god. Then all of a sudden he asked,

"Sooo Brian, you got a girl?"

Whoa! That caught me way off guard. I didn't expect that question until after a few more days, but he was asking it right off the bat.

"A girlfriend? Nah, I don't have a girlfriend." I said, trying to sound sure of myself.

"Why not?" he asked.

Oh no. This wasn't going to happen to me. He was digging, and I wasn't about to let that happen. So I gave a short answer and changed the subject.

"I just don't need a relationship right now. It's the first day in a new place, and I want to get settled in and comfortable first. Shit, I'm hungry, man. You wanna get something to eat?"

With a half-satisfied smile, he got up, grabbed his coat, and we were off to eat. Luckily, it wasn't that busy, so we grabbed our trays and piled the food on and took our seats. The food didn't last very long as we were both very hungry, and we ate it like we had never eaten before. Then we sat for a while and talked about family, sports, music, movies, and all the other stuff people talk about. By the time we were done chatting it was dark outside, so we decided to go back to our room to chill out. It was hot out, so when we got in, I told Rick I was going to take a shower. I hated feeling dirty. I went to my room and started getting undressed. I took off my shirt, shorts, and boxer briefs, and wrapped a towel around my waist. I was on my way to the bathroom when Rick walked in ahead of me and shut the door.

"Ah, come on, man! Don't stink it up in there. I gotta take a shower!" I said, pleading my case. But he wasn't falling for it. He started laughing and yelled out:

"Well, someone has to break this bathroom in, and it might as well be me!"

All I could do was sigh and sit down on the couch to wait for him to get through. We had turned the AC on in the room and as I sat down, the cool air was going right through my towel and hitting my cock, giving me an instant hard-on I hadn't had a chance to jack off for about two weeks due to trying to get my things packed up and making sure everything was in order for school. Needless to say, I was hella horny. I'd have to wait until Ricky got done introducing himself to the bathroom, hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.

Five minutes later, he came out with the most maniacal smile on his face. I really needed to beat my meat, and I didn't care if it stunk in there or not, so I walked in the bathroom and turned on the shower so I wouldn't be heard. I took the towel off and sat on the toilet and started stroking my hard dick with a passion. The steam from the hot running water was making for a very comfortable environment. As I got into it, I closed my eyes and began moving my hand faster and faster. Two weeks without bustin' one had been torture, but this would make it worth the wait.

My breathing was getting heavier, and I could feel that wonderful tingling sensation rising up in my shaft. It only took a few more seconds before I exploded with a very intense orgasm. Cum shot all over my chest and landed on my stomach. I tried to muffle the moans, but one escaped my mouth. Damn, that was one of the best loads I've ever let loose. I even felt a little dizzy afterward.

CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP I heard directly in front of me. My eyes flew open to find Ricky standing there, leaning back against the wall with a big grin on his face, looking right at me.

Alright there's Chapter 1 for ya.....Comments, questions, suggestions, and critiques are always welcome. Tell me what you thought, good or bad I'll answer all. Part 2 is on the way.

J ;-)

Next: Chapter 2

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