College: Getting to Know John

By Wayne C

Published on Aug 28, 2012



The following story contains graphic images of homosexual sex between consenting adults. If you are offended, or, if this material is illegal where you are located, then please leave now.

The setting of this story is prior to the appearance of HIV and depicts unprotected sexual activity. Please don't be stupid, taking risks with your health or the health of your parter and use protection.

My name is Wayne. It was late summer of 1981. I was in my third year with the marching band and it was our second day of band camp. I played baritone horn. I'm 5'9" and about 135 with long brown hair and blue eyes. I have a nice build, but nothing special. I've realized since High School that I'm gay since I prefer to be around the guys. Oh, I've had some pussy before, but something was missing. Anyway, a bulging crotch or a nice tight ass on a guy would always turn my head.

On the afternoon of the second day, Mr Smith, our director, had the musicians lined up on the sideline as we prepared to continue with our work on the show. Mr. Smith called for the auxillary units, the flags and the rifle guard, to move into their opening places. That's when I first laid eyes on him. Moving directly in front of me and holding a rifle was this red headed Adonis standing 6'2" in gym shorts and a mesh tank top. My mouth dropped open as i devoured every inch of his perfect body. He began to stretch and as he did, his shorts showed off a perfect ass and I could see the definition of his abs and his nipples through the mesh. How I didn't pop a boner right there, I don't know.

He turned toward me. Smiling, he extended his hand, "Hi, my name's John."

"Oh, yeah, I'm Wayne." I managed to croak out as i shook the hand of this Greek God standing in front of me. I couldn't help staring into his eyes, the bluest eyes I had ever seen. His smile was dazzling with perfect, white teeth.

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Wayne."

"Same here, John" I said, our hand shake lingering a bit longer than normal.

"This is my first year here at college. How about you?" he asked.

"I'm in my third year."

"Cool" he said. "Maybe you can help me get adjusted to life here on campus."

Just then, the drum major called us to places and our conversation ended. But I had a wonderful view from the rear as John stood 5 yards in front of me on the 35 yard line. My head was spinning when we were called to attention and all thought of everything but the show was erased from my mind.

As rehearsal continued, the heat began to take its toll and the sweat began to pour down our bodies. As usual, all of the guys started peeling off the t-shirts as we sought some relief from the relentless heat. So much eye candy to see, but it was nothing that I wasn't used to. Then John stretched to remove his tank top. Oh, my god. His torso, hinted by the mesh was everything I had imagined. Well defined muscles, gorgeous chest, and a blondish red treasure trail leading into his gym shorts, which were concealing a nice bulge.

My eyes were wide at the sight of him, standing there looking at me with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. The tingling sensation in my groin was betraying me as my cock responded to the feast that my eyes were enjoying of this gorgeous hunk. I licked my lips as my eyes lingered on his crotch and I saw him wink when I broke off my gaze.

I felt a light slap on my butt and heard a familiar voice whispering "take it easy, stud." It was Chris, my best friend and roommate. We met at band camp our freshman year and had bonded immediately. We were inseparable. Folks who knew us really well would say that our quirks were complimentary. Chris was as straight as straight could be and he stood by me when I came out first to him and then to a select group of friends early in my sophomore year.

"Is it that obvious?"

"As a fucking freight train, man," he paused. "But, damn, he's cute... for a guy," he said with a twinkle in his eye as we moved back to our places to resume the rehearsal.

Focusing on the show got me through the next 30 minutes of rehearsal. As we gathered around the podium for notes, John sat down beside me. It took every bit of concentration that I had to pay attention to what was being said, but I made it through.

When we were dismissed, John and I stood up as Chris came over to where we were standing.

"Hey dumbass, aren't you going to introduce me?" he said to me.

"Oh yeah, John, this dickhead is my roommate, Chris. Don't pay any attention to him. He's harmless."

"Harmless my ass" he said as he shook John's hand. "Nice to meet you, John"

"Same here, Chris."

"Hey Wayne, I forgot to tell you that I'm heading over to Sharon's for a bit. No need to wait up for me... if all goes well."

"Have fun." I said.

"Always." He smiled as we high fived each other as he began a jog to his car parked not far away.

"Can i give you a ride back to your dorm, John?" I asked as we walked together toward the parking lot.

"No thanks." he said. "But if you'd like to get something to eat..."

"I know the perfect place. You like pizza?"


"Great. My car's just over here."

When we got to the car, I unlocked the passenger side, put my horn in the trunk and got in behind the wheel. As I placed the key into the ignition, I felt John's hand on my knee. I turned my head and his face was moving toward mine as his hand began to move up my thigh. Our lips met in a kiss. Tentative at first. Then I moved my hand behind his head and our tongues began to battle as he began to massage my crotch.

After a moment, I broke the kiss.

"You want to skip dinner?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Good. My apartment's not far."

I started the car and drove the three blocks to the apartment. He followed me as I quickly moved to the entrance of our ground floor unit. I opened the door as he stepped by me. Then I entered and closed and locked the door.

His arms surrounded me from behind, one hand fondling my crotch as the other rubbed my nipples through my t-shirt as I felt his breath on my neck as his lips pressed against my skin.

"Oh fuck, yes." I moaned softly.

I reached behind me, grabbing his butt and pulling him into me, the heat of his cock radiating through his shorts feeling so good to me.

I turned around. My hands now grabbing his mesh tank top and pulling it over his head. Once he was freed, he did the same to me. As we stood there in the entry, I started kissing down his chest, pausing to tease and suck each of his nipples. Then licking my way down his torso to the treasure trail that had been had earlier caught my eye, I pushed my hands into the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down. I released his cock from the jock that held it captive and inhaled his scent.

In front of me was this perfect specimen of circumcised manhood. The shaft had to be 8", the head forming a perfect helmet with a drop of precum forming in the slit. I eagerly pounced on his cock. Tasting his precum as my tongue devoured his cock, circling the head, sucking it lightly before opening my throat and taking him almost all the way before my gag reflex kicked in.

He pulled me up and we kissed again. His hands moving to my shorts, pushing them down and wrapping his hand around my 7.5" uncut member, leaking pre and throbbing at his touch.

And there we stood in the entry hall of my apartment. Two ultra horny guys who had just met a few hours earlier. Naked, except for our socks and shoes.

Without a word, I took John's hand and led him back to my bedroom. Kicking off our tennis shoes, pulling off our socks and groping each other as we went. I pushed him down on my bed, opened my throat and took his cock, my nose buried in his pubes as he began to gasp and moan. I massaged his balls as I began to slowly bob my head on his manhood. His pre now flowing freely and tasting so good on my tongue.

To the chorus of his moans, I came off his cock and traced the vein on the underside to his ballsac. Licking and sucking on each of his low hanging balls as my finger began to tease his hole, brushing and pressing against him. Pushing in as he pressed back against me.

His strong arms reached down and pulled me back up on him as we kissed deeply and passionately as he rolled over on top of me. He quickly moved down to my cock, deep throating me in one quick motion. The sensation was so good that I arched my back to meet him and moaned loudly. This dude really knew what the fuck he was doing.

I had the presence of mind to reach for the bottle of lube that I kept by my bedside and let him know it was there. He looked up and smiled and then proceeded to push my legs apart as he dived into my ass. His tongue working miracles on me as he tongue fucked my ass.

"Damn, John. Oh fuck yeah!"

He just moaned. The waves of pleasure rolling though me were almost enough to cause me to explode, but he backed off, laid out on top of me, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss, I whispered, "Fuck me... please."

"What did you say?" he asked teasingly.

"I want to feel your cock in me, John. Fuck me."

With a shit eating grin on his face, he reached for the lube and began working it into my hole with one, then two fingers, spreading me apart, teasing my prostate.

"Damnit John, Fuck me!" I shouted, not caring if anyone heard me.

He slid a pillow up under my ass, pressed the head of his lubed cock against my sphincter and began to slowly press into me as I opened up to him. Pressing back and squeezing my muscles against this pleasure pole moving into me.

My eyes open wide, my mouth open, making gibberish sounds as John pressed into me. Kissing my neck and nibbling my earlobe, my newfound lover was taking me to the brink as his love muscle was making its way into me. The pain quickly giving way to an immense sense of pleasure as his tool filled me until he bottomed out. His cock buried deep in my ass.

We kissed with passion as he slowly began to long stroke me like a pro. Making me moan like a cheap whore. It felt so fucking good.

Picking up speed, the two of us beginning to work together like a fucking machine. Driving his cock deep in me, meeting his thrusts as he began to pound my ass. The two of us moaning loudly as sweat began to form on our bodies. Our kisses passionate as we were enjoying the pleasure of being together.

Getting louder as the headboard began banging the wall. The two of us yelling out "Oh god... fuck yeah" as we were reaching climax. Finding I couldn't hold out any longer, feeling the pressure beginning to build in my balls, I cried out "OHH FUUUUCKK" as my cock began to unleash a torrent of cum, hitting both of our chins and covering our pressed together bodies.

The shock waves of my orgasm sent John over the edge as he yelled out "OH YEAH!" and I felt his seed filling my ass as we both just continued to cum together. It was the most massive orgasm that I could remember.

We continued to hold each other, kissing passionately as we were spent from the exertion that we had shared together. After a few minutes, we drifted off into a post-coital sleep with John still buried deep in me.

******************************************************************************* Feel free to contact me with comments or suggestions:

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