College Gay Group

By Kenneth Rodman

Published on May 21, 2015



Dan was on time for his appointment with the Dean Of Men. "Dan, I hope you can help your college with a project we need organized. There are now 9,453 men enrolled here and you have been involved with this school longer than I have. Statiscally guessing, there must be over five hundred of our students who are gay. We need someone who can form a discussion group to answer questions they may have and help them find a safe and healthy way to pursue their needs. I have procured a room at Hendrix Hall for the first Tuesday of each month 9:00 to 10:00 PM, and I hope you can run the program. You found your way and seem comfortable with your life, you are respected as a teacher and man and I hope you can take it on."

Dan ran an ad in the school newspaper weekly announcing the group, dedicated to finding your way as a gay man. He counted 23 guys at the first meeting. He introduced himself and began by stating the purpose: "Like Kermit said, "It's not easy being green.", and it's not easy being gay. This is a pretty friendly gay town and on the easel over there I have listed places that are gay friendly and on another column, places not gay friendly. As we go along, feel free to add anything to the list that you have experience with."

"Some of you may know my background. I played center for our basketball team that won the state championship five years ago. I had guesses I might be gay from the time I was a kid but I taught it off. The feelings kept getting stronger and by the time I was a freshman I had to choke my chicken before every game and practice so I wouldn't pop a boner in the locker room. You can imagine some of those guys had awesome equipment. Particularly our black players. Anyhow, after I graduated I came to accept my gayness, came out of the closet and life has been good since that time. So we are here to discuss issues with the gay lifestyle. Needless to say, what happens here stays here. If I find out there is bullying or intimidation or individuals not maintaining silence about our meetings, I will personally beat the crap out of them." At six feet six inches of a trim and muscular 240 pound man nobody doubted that he could carry out his threat. "Now, I propose that clothing will be optional. It's more of an informal and togetherness group so meeting naked should be a plus." He proceeded to shed his clothes. Notable was a very large penis, hanging at least seven inches flaccid. One by one boys began to undress and eleven of them started the session bare. Some quickly became erect. As the meeting went on all but four were naked.

The first question was from a boy who was still dressed. "How come you never turned pro"

Dan: "Notice the scar over my left knee? I was in a car accident the summer after graduation and bashed my knee up. They couldn't repair it and I had to have a knee replacement. In a way it was a blessing because I traded a pro career for graduate school in architecture. And the operation finally made me come to grips with my gayness and got me an early start in my architectural career." One of the boys raised his hand and asked how an operation on my knee got me in touch with my gayness. Dan said, "Well before the operation a nurse came in to get me prepped. Male nurse, a handsome blonde haired dude. Lifted up my hospital gown and began to scrub my leg with antibacterial soap. So there was my tool about two feet from his face and of course it got hard. The nurse looked me in the eye and asked if I were gay. And before I could answer he smiled and said, "Your penis speaks louder than words. I can't wheel you into the operating room like that so I can leave and you can deflate it yourself. Or I can do it for you."

"Guess which option I took. It was my first sexual contact with a man and the guy was very, very good at oral sex. That first time stays with you forever and thankfully it was a lovely one. Now, does anyone else care to share a first time adventure with us?" Silence. Nobody moved. Then from the back of the room a tall skinny boy stood up. He had a long skinny boner. "Good. Now tell us your first name and your experience."

"Al. I was home alone and choking my chicken in the bathroom. My buddy from school walked in on me. I guess I was so hot I didn't hear the doorbell. I tried to cover up but he said. "Hey no problem. I need to drop a load too. Let's do it together." So he dropped his pants and we sat on the floor and started to jerk. I'd never seen another guy's boner before and it was pretty neat. After a couple of minutes he picked up my hand and put it on his dick and we jacked each other off. It was a lot more exciting than doing it by myself, I can tell you that."

Another boy asked if they did it again and Al said, "Yeah, every chance we got."

Dan stood again, thanked Al, and said, "It's important that we talk about safe sex, so this is an opportunity to talk about mutual masturbation. That is about the safest gay sex, but syphillis and herpes can be transmitted that way so never let a hand touch your penis that has a rash or open sore on it and wash your hands and penis thoroughly afterwards. Any more questions? OK, we meet again in a month. My telephone number is on the easel, so feel free to call me if you need a question answered before the next meeting."

Dan opened the next meeting and was happy to see more kids attending, and the majority began the meeting naked. He gave the same introductory speech and asked if anyone had any questions. One hand went up, and the boy asked if Dan and the nurse ever got together again. "When I was going through rehab I ran into him again. It turned out he had a live in boyfriend but I asked him to come over to my room because I owed him big time for his introduction to the gay world. He came over a couple of days later."

He started to change the subject but the kid who asked the question said "Hey, no fair. Tell us what happened."

"Well, when he came in we sat down and had a beer. He wanted to know how the rehab was going etc. I told him things were going very well, but I couldn't kneel on it yet. He said that sounded like an invitation for a 69 so we left a trail of clothes on the way to the bedroom."

"I'm sorry I can only get half of that heroic organ in my mouth," he said. "You told me you hadn't yet had a penis in your mouth, right?" I nodded my head, and he said, "OK, you must have played plenty of "horse" on the basketball court, so pay attention and do to me what I'm doing to you. Oh goody, you have a droplet of precum oozing out of your meatus" He licked it off and smacked his lips. Then he squeezed his boner and a little drop of precum came out for me. I licked his off and it was ambrosia. For some reason I had never tasted my own. And then we started to suck. He was using his tongue a lot to massage me and I followed suit. He changed the speed and the tightness of his lips and the angle of his head and I did my best to copy him. I came first. It was my first oral giving experience and that was hot, but to have my tool pleasured at the same time pushed me over the edge way too fast. The feeling we all treasure, that progressive pressure behind our 'nads and the increasing sensitivity of our boners, just lasted a couple of seconds before I warned him I was on the edge. This time he didn't swallow, he slowly stroked my cock. I mean slowly. I wanted to cum! The pressure in my belly was almost painful, but the more I whined the slower and lighter he went. Finally I exploded and to this day I remember it as one of the best orgasms I've ever had. Then it was my turn to bring him off. His stiffy tasted terrific and I figured out later it was the precum he kept putting out. He was lying on his back now and when he warned me he was about to shoot I did the same feathery handjob. When he came, his balls bounced up a little with every squirt. I guess you never forget your first time, and his boner throbbing in my hand and his jizz squirting up in the air stays fresh in my mind."

"We have time for another story, who's going to volunteer?" Dan said. "Same deal, tell us your first name and your experience."

"Pete. It was at the start of ninth grade and I was trying to become a member of the school orchestra. I had my own instrument and had been taking lessons since sixth grade. I thought I was doing OK but the music teacher's assistant told me to stay after class so he could show me a better technique. The assistant was sort of a foppish guy with a pony tail and rumor had it among the kids that he was gay. So everybody but us left the room and he said he wanted to show me a better position to hold my violin. He stood close behind me, adjusted the height I held it and how far in front. I felt something poking me in the butt, put my hand back and felt a hard dick. I yanked my hand away, but it was like my arm was operating by itself and it went back to his hardon."


Next: Chapter 2

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