College Fairy Tales

By Father Goose

Published on Nov 6, 2014


College Fairy Tales Chapter 2: Harry By Father Goose (

Harry loved getting rimmed. There was nothing he wanted more in life than to have his ass hiked high in the air, feeling some dude's tongue sliding around his tight hole. Perhaps the only thing better was the moment just when the tonguing stopped and the guy behind him straightened up, only to press his dick against Harry's now ready and waiting hole.

Unfortunately, Harry was trapped. He had been confined to the top floor attic space of his frat house. Harry was on the college rowing team, which provided him with an excellent living situation off campus. It also meant he kept in top physical form. He loved admiring the pronounced muscles of his chest and abs in the mirror, his front side covered in a light down that ran around to his butt and covered his legs.

Harry had hoped that frat life would be a little bit hotter, more like the jerk off fantasies he'd concocted in his mind as a teenager. That would have involved constant hazings in which younger members were told to suck an older brother's dick, and orgy parties that ended in exhausted pleasure. In reality, there was plenty of brotherly camaraderie without all the porno situations.

Still, he like being a rower, even when it meant keeping his sexuality hidden from his frat brothers. That didn't end up mattering much; he still managed to get a good amount of tail with nary another person knowing.

As one of the more junior members of the house he didn't get first choice on rooms. Which is why he was stuck in the barely-built crawlspace above the tallest tower of the frat house's Victorian frame. Again, he was pretty chill with it. His room contained a large pillow-stuffed bed, a few black light posters covering the old wood, and enough pot, papers, and pipes to keep him often stoned.

Best of all, he had an internet connection. Harry spent quite a few blazed hours perusing the men-for-men section of Craigslist, finding other hot dudes to hook up with around campus. Which is actually how he came to be trapped. After getting his rocks off with a soccer player, he had crawled home in the wee hours of the morning. The house president, Damon, had been waiting in his room.

Damon should have been a sex god. He had beautiful green eyes, light brown crew cut hair, and a body to kill for. Harry had taken to thinking about Damon's cute ass, which he had seen many times in the showers, when he jerked off. Problem was, Damon wasn't interested in sex. He was interested in the rules. And in his stoner sex-focused mind, Harry had forgotten that it was his turn to help clean the house.

Harry didn't like the punishment (maybe he'd been hoping it could have come with a side of "get down on your knees") but accepted being grounded as best he could. He lit up a joint and leaned back into a giant pillow.

Damon fun killer. That's what the other frat guys called him behind his back. Harry thought about him as he sunk into the high. Damon was hardly ever seen drinking and he definitely didn't smoke. He also didn't hook up with a million girls like the other dudes. Maybe he was gay? That would almost make sense, thought Harry, especially considering Damon's major homophobia. It was the house president's discomfort that prevented Harry (or anyone else for that matter) from coming out. But wasn't it always the most closeted guys who secretly wanted to stuff two dicks in their ass?

Harry was starting to get himself all horned up with these thoughts. He fired up the computer, bent on tracking down some good porn. But then he had a better idea. Sure, he couldn't get a live cock in front of him, but there was always the option of tele-jerking-off.

He searched for and found one of those free cam sites. It required a username, which he set as HighTower, chuckling to himself. The website even had an option for finding dudes nearby. He turned his webcam on his crotch, and started idly pulling out his dick. Harry was one of those shower-not-grower types; his cock was 10 inches both soft and hard. Right now, it tangled down over the smooth silk sheets, just starting to wake up.

Harry got a ping. Prince723 wanted to join him for a stroke sesh. The user was in his area and his same age, 20. Harry accepted the connection and the window opened up in his browser.

Before him was a beautiful sight: A fat blunt next to a fatter dick. Harry gave a cheer.

"Nice one, dude," he typed, showing off his own half-smoked joint.

"I could say the same," came the reply. "Damn, son, that thing is huge."

Harry smiled, his dick rising to a steeper angle. He asked if the other guy wanted to pull back, so they could see each other's faces. Prince723 agreed.

The laptop in front of Chance (Prince723's real name) was pushed back, slowly panning up his naked body. He was sitting cross-legged on a small bed, his hard 9-incher in one hand. He had a healthy hippie natural fuzz on his legs and crotch, and a cut physique from hiking and ropes courses at the climbing gym. Harry liked his crooked smile, his stubble, the plugs in his ears, and his mangy mop of hair. Chance, in turn, admired Harry's well-toned rower's arms and the clean-cut frat boy look that contrasted nicely with this obvious stoner.

The two boys smoked and stroked themselves for a while, exchanging pleasantries over the website's chat function. Harry happened to mention his love of ass licking.

"Getting or receiving?" Chance typed.

"Either way, it's a fucking fine thing," wrote Harry.

Chance agreed, pulling tighter on his dick. Damn, he would love to meet up with Harry right now and get to know each other more intimately. Harry was on the same wavelength, but he said he wasn't allowed to leave his room.

Chance clicked on his laptop's keys. "What are you, in high school?"

Harry laughed, and explained his situation. "I guess I could just fly the coop, but I don't need to piss off my teammates even more."

Chance was now pretty rilled up with thoughts of Harry's cock pressed against his cock as they rubbed themselves back and forth. He didn't want to let this opportunity pass. "Harry, Harry, I need to get down on your dick," he typed.

Harry laughed uncontrollably (it's probably funnier if you're stoned). Then he watched as Chance pulled out his grinder and began to roll another blunt. When Chance was done, he presented it to the camera. "This one is for both of us."

"What are you going to do?" wrote Harry.

"I'll find a way to sneak in."

The cool night air sharpened Chance's mind. He had quickly pulled on some sweatpants and one of those colorful sweaters that looks like its from Machu Pichu. He had backed the blunt in his backpack and taken off to frat house row. He was still pretty lit and, as he walked, not quite sure how he was going to get up to meet Harry HighTower in person.

Luckily, Harry had come up with half a plan. Remembering what grounded kids always did in those movies about high school, he had rolled up an extra sheet, tied it to his duvet cover, and was slowly tipping both out the window just as Chance came up. He waved down to the hot guy below and gave a whistle.

Chance watched as the jury-rigged rope descended from the circular attic window. Harry was about three floors above him, a pretty good distance. As the rope fully unfurled, both boys realized this wasn't going to work. The end of the duvet cover only came to the top of the first floor, several feet above Chance's head. Damn, they both thought.

But Chance hadn't been rock climbing for years without learning a thing or two. If he could get up on the window sill, it was possible he could reach the rope. He clambered up, hoping there was nobody in the frat house living room to see him. As he balanced, he thought, well, I've always wanted to do parkour.

Harry watched as Chance stretched up, his fingers grazing the makeshift rope he'd constructed. Chance caught it! After testing its strength, Chance began to pull himself up. Nice technique, thought Harry as he held the other end of the rope. He watched with awe as the clearly experienced climber scaled up the side of the building.

Unbeknownst to both of them, Damon's window was right below Harry's. And when he saw some hippie dude hiking past, Damon nearly blew up in a rage. Damon knew that a team needed good discipline and leadership. Anyone disobeying his orders was going to get cut. He watched Chance climb, his eyes resting for perhaps a little too long on the outline of the boy's butt through his cotton pants. That's when he saw something that sent him over the edge: as the climber made it to the top, he kissed Damon's frat brother right on the lips.

Gay dudes were sick in Damon's mind. With his moral upbringing, he knew that such a lifestyle was deranged, which is why those guys were always trying to convert you. He had to constantly be on guard to not fall for some cute boy asking to suck his dick, or beg him to stick his ramrod cock in their ass. That's what Father Ben had always told him (never mind that Father Ben had been found last year deep-dicking a deacon). And Damon had kept ever vigilant.

Even when the rowing team had made one of those hot videos where they all strip down to fight cancer or something, Damon had controlled himself. Sure, there was plenty of homoerotic butt grabbing and guys whipping around their tools, but Damon had kept his eyes averted. He didn't want to find his gaze traveling down the ripped body of one of this teammates, settling his sights on their half-stiff dicks and imagining the pleasure that could be gotten from feeling one of those beautiful cocks down his throat.

Damon had to put a stop to Harry's unnatural excesses. He raged down the hall and up the stairs, his mind focused on only one thing: preventing any enticing boy-sex from going on under his roof. If any of the other brothers found out about it, they might be inclined to check it out and see what all the fuss was about.

He opened the door to Harry's room, only to start coughing. The attic space was filled with a white haze of smoke, which smelled herbal. Damon waved his arms around, trying to cut through it and get to the back of the room. That's when he saw the hottest thing he'd ever witnessed in his entire life.

Harry was on his bed, face down, ass up. His chest was pressed against the sheets as he tried to hike his hole ever higher to meet the face of his window lover, who was full-in between those fine cheeks. Harry was moaning in a rapturous way, his eyes rolling up as his lover deep tongued his eager ass. Both boys were completely nude and hard as hell, their sex instincts gearing them up for an incredible session.

Damon stared, mouth agape and dick instantly bulging against his pants. What was he supposed to do? And why did he feel so strange all of a sudden? One part of his mind tried steeling itself. Gay guys are always trying to show you how hot their sex was, and get you to join in. But now, seeing the enthusiastic ass eating in front of him, Damon was starting to wonder what the big deal was.

Harry looked up in a blazed bliss. Was the house president really standing there staring at him and Chance and not saying a word? Or was Harry just really fucking high? He motioned with his head for Damon to come over. Almost as if he couldn't resist, Damon slowly padded toward the bed, bringing his crotch just above Harry's head.

Harry gave Damon a it's-now-or-never look. "Whip is out, bro."

So whip it out Damon did, unleashing his enormous cock from its tight pants imprisonment. "Shit!" cried Harry as he saw the beast emerge. Long and thick it was, with a luxurious head peeking out from a taught foreskin.

Wasting no time, Harry got down on that dick, bringing the cockhead to his lips. This was amazing. Not only did he have a fine friend putting a tongue all over his slippery hole, now his super-closeted house president was getting in on the action. He slurped the length of Damon's gargantuan dick, feeling it fill up his mouth and throat. There was almost nothing that could be better than this.

Chance had noticed the other guy come in. But, since he barely said anything, Chance figured he must have been another one of Harry's sex buddies. Dude was sexy and horny as fuck, so Chance paid him no mind, keeping at the work of polishing Harry's rower ass.

"Jesus," said Damon, panting. "Oh fuck, oh fuck."

You think that's good, thought Harry, well then check this out. He gently encouraged Damon to shuck his clothes so that his full naked body could take in the pleasure that awaited. And then he spun Damon around, parting his cheeks (like slabs of stone they were) and touching a wet finger to the frat boy's hole.

Damon was somewhere beyond pleasure. He couldn't understand why he was submitting to these fine feelings, finally giving in to the urges that he had kept buried for so long. All he knew was that it felt incredible, and he had to have more. When Harry's textured tongue made contact with his ass, he sighed and gave in.

Harry dove straight into Damon's hole, giving it the tonguing it deserved. He felt the frat president's body relax with each second that passed, as shivers of ecstasy moved through Damon's body. Chance was so taken in by the sight before him that he just had to move to the next level.

He straightened up and pressed his cock against Harry's hole. "Fuck yeah," called Harry, taking a second from his worshipful enjoyment of Damon's ass. He gladly accepted Chance's inches as they disappeared one by one into his hungry chute.

Pretty soon, Chance was full up in Harry's ass, as Harry worked over Damon's. Each boy was reaching rhapsodic levels of enjoyment, though I might be most envious of Harry, who got to start off in the middle. He could feel Chance's hard cock pumping away at his hole while simultaneously getting down on the delicious (and practically forbidden) morsel in front of him.

Chance gave a few deep strokes, and pulled out enough for a few shallow ones. Harry's hot ass around his cock felt amazing. But he was getting the itch now himself. He licked a finger and wriggled it up his own hole, heightening his pleasure. After pushing himself back and frothier between Harry and his hand, he had enough.

Damon was bent over getting the tonguing of his life. He could scarcely imagine feelings greater than the ones he was now experiencing. Why had he taken so long to accept the radical pleasure of boy sex? This was the greatest thing ever and all he wanted now was more of it. Luckily, there were sexy dudes around to provide.

Chance maneuvered his way under Damon, spreading his legs wide and reaching them around the frat boy's toned body. "Fuck me, dude," he cooed at Damon.

Damon obliged. His gigantic cock was a bit of a match for Chance's firm hole, but they managed. Chance wanted to experience every bit of that massive tool, working it further and further into himself. Damon was soon burying his cock into an amazing honeypot of enjoyment. His own pot-addled brain was struggling to take in all the sensations he was getting: the tight ass moving back and forth on his long dick, the wet tongue writhing all over his hole, the hands running around places on his body that he had never imagined could feel this good.

Harry saw how relaxed Damon had gotten. He wondered if this no-longer-virgin could handle anything more. He wasn't sure, but he had to try.

Harry straightened up and began to rub his hard dick against Damon's ass. He pulled Damon's body in close, reaching around to circle those little nipples with his fingers. He buried his face in Damon's neck, kissing him as he bucked his hips in time with Damon's fucking of Chance. Oh yeah, this guy was ready.

"I'm going to stick it in, man," he whispered in Damon's ear. He took the grunt he received as an affirmation.

Damon felt that hard knob on his hole. It made his entire body tingle. Almost without trying, the head slipped into his ass. The pleasure doubled, and kept doubling further and further the farther Harry's cock went in. Damon felt the dick in his ass, the ass around his dick, the amazing mixing of completely new sensations.

Chance loved watching Harry work his way into this new inductee. From below, he had the hot sight of two dudes going at it, Damon turning his head to kiss Harry, grinding his hips back to get more cock. But a certain emptiness took over him as Damon pulled completely out of his ass.

Damon couldn't control himself. The cock buried deep inside him was too amazing. He wanted even more. Taking control of the situation, he removed his dick from Chance's hot hole. Then he swing his hips forward, making sure Harry followed along and didn't remove that incredible shaft from his ass. He lowered his hole down so that Chance's head was now pressed against it.

Chance could take things from there. Though it was tight, he wormed his hardness into Damon's cock-stuffed ass. This guy really did want two dicks up there. Damon's wonderful hole made room for the both of them. Both Harry and Chance were on cloud nine, barely believing that this man had been a cock-and-ass-virgin just earlier that night.

With both sticks deep inside him, Damon was ready. He felt his nuts contracting, getting ready for the final pleasure. He jacked his own massive cock, grinding down on the two within him. Pretty soon, he felt it. The giant explosion of an orgasm made his body shake uncontrollably, his cum geysering from his dick. It covered all three boys in a sticky mess. Driven wild by this hot sight, both Harry and Chance simultaneously achieved their own nut, filling Damon's hungry ass with seed.

All three boys damn near passed out from the pleasure. They settled down into Harry's sheets, passing the pipe around one final time and then cuddling to sleep.

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