College Daze

By moc.loa@7226semaJR

Published on Apr 17, 2000


Hey fans, I know it's been a while since I wrote the first installment to this series. College, my birthday, and having no man takes a toll on a guy's inspiration. Anyway, without further interruption, here is Part 2 in the College Daze series.

P.S.-I'm creating a tantalizing gay story about a sexy new 18 year old rapper named Lil' Zane (in that video from the movie Next Friday, talk about abs and dimples baby). Anyway look out for that. It will be called "A Lil' Affair".

Now here's the story

College Daze Part 2- Xavier's Secret By Richard James

Xavier was lying in his bed looking blank at the TV monitor. He felt bored and really out of it. He thought to himself, that he actually envied Michael. The reason he said that was because of one reason in particular. Here he was, sitting home doing nothing while, Michael was at a school surrounded by nothing but gorgeous guys. He felt, in an ironic way, sort of jealous. He shook his head and stopped thinking about it and snapped out of his dazed state. He went to get up and go to the kitchen, but was stopped by the ringing of the phone.

"Hello?," he answered.

"Hey baby, how you doin'," the voice on the other end answered.

Xavier all of a sudden became tense.

"What do you want?," he said in a very demanding voice.

" know that by now," the voice answered.

"Look, Hector I don't have time for these games," Xavier said angrily. His face started to become heated with intensity, and he felt like he was about to burst at any moment.

"I'm sorry X, I didn't mean to upset you," Hector said with a dash of sympathy.

"Well you did," Xavier snarled. "Look why are you even calling me?"

"To talk."

"There's nothing to talk about okay, I understand. I understand that you weren't man enough to tell me that you were taken. I understand that you wanted to taste some sweet virgin ass than actually date a guy. I understand that you wanted so bad for me not to tell anyone that I had to keep a big secret from my best friend. Who also happens to be someone that I never keep things from. I understand---."

"Okay Xavier...I get the point."

"No I don't think you do. I'm sitting here. Alone. With no one next to me. You want to know why that is? It's because I spent the last year of high school fawning over you. Then when I finally see my dream finally come true, it ends up coming with a price."

"You agreed to it."

"I know that but because I did end up slacking off. Even though I graduated I still thought we would finally be happy. We never did. You became distant and then you went and decided to be with...with him, indefinitely."

"I told you the reason for that Xavier."

"Yeah I know, he could give you the things that I couldn't even if one of those things wasn't love."

"I never meant to hurt you."

"Well, you did."

Xavier felt enraged at this point. The nerve of him to call me, he said to himself. He slowly began to cry.

He asked Hector again,"What do you want from me."

"I...I want to see you," Hector whispered in a monotone voice.

"Why?!" Xavier asked loudly.

"Because I miss you."

Xavier stood there crying uncontrollably and fell on the couch and said, "Where."

Michael rushed to and from class for the rest of the week. Trying to avoid Franklin like the plague. Then one day, on a Thursday morning, during one of his breaks in between classes, Franklin approached Michael in the cafeteria. He was hesitant to confront Michael at first, but decided it was time to clear the air.

He went up to him at a lunch table Michael was sitting at.

"Is this seat taken?," Franklin asked.

Michael looked from a book he was reading and quickly frowned when he saw Franklin's face.

"It's a free country I guess," Michael said coldly and went back to reading.

Franklin sat across from Michael and said, "Look, I know I should've told you I was taken before we messed around, but...I was really feelin' you."

Michael put the book down and gave Franklin a stern look. He asked him, "I assume this person is Angel?"

Franklin sighed and said, "Well, kinda, there's more to the story that I really don't want to get into. Look, you have every right not to talk to me or anything like that, but I really like you, and I was wondering if we could get to know each other a little better."

Michael had a shocked look on his face.

"Are you fucking serious? You messed around with me and then tell me you are seeing someone and have the balls to try and step to me!!! You gotta be smoking something," Michael yelled.

People in the lounge area started looking at their table. Franklin saw the spectators and decided this wasn't the place to talk with Michael.

"Yo, I suggest we talk about this some place else. Can you come with me to my house?" Franklin suggested.

"What? Nigga you are out of your fuck---"

"Please Michael?"

Michael looked into Franklin's eyes at that point and saw the puppy dog, sad face that he always felt for with guys.

"Fine but I have class. So let's make it quick."

They left and went to Franklin's house. Which was a basement apartment in a brownstone. Michael and Franklin sat on Franklin's king-size bed.

"Now, you got me here so what do you really have to say for yourself," Michael demanded.

"What I have to this"

On that note, Franklin forcefully kissed Michael. Michael too became aroused by the kiss that he just sat there kissing Franklin back. After a few minutes of the make-out session, Franklin stopped and said, "I want to make love to you Michael."

Michael just looked at him and hesitantly said, "'s been a while."

Franklin smirked and said,"How long ago?"

"At least over a year."

"Oh...that is a while. We don't have to go all the way you know. We could fool around again if you want to."

"I don't even know if we should be doing this. I've dated a guy with a man before and I ended up getting hurt. I don't want to relive that again, Franklin."

"Michael, the thing is...I'm not dating Angel. We are's complicated but trust me we are not together."

Michael looked into Franklin's eyes and saw that he was hiding something but decided not to bother him about it. Besides, it's been so long since there was a man that liked him, and a year of no sex makes him very, very horny.

"Alright, I want you to be gentle though."

Franklin smiled and whispered in Michael's ear, "Just as long as you can handle it."

Michael unbuckled Franklin's pants and stripped down his boxers. He quickly held Franklin's throbbing, 9 1/2 inches cock. He started to suck on it slowly. He deep throats it first and lubricates it with his tongue.

"Oh yeah suck it baby. Suck it real good," Franklin moaned.

Michael went through this up and down process for a few minutes. Then, Michael took off his clothes also. While Michael was doing this, Franklin reached for the lubrication and a condom in his top drawer by his bed. He put it carefully on his thick dick. Then he put some lubrication on it. Michael turned on his back and grabbed some of the lubrication from Franklin and placed some on and in his ass. Franklin crept to Michael and looked staright dead in his eyes.

He said, "I'll try to be gentle."

"So will I," Michael said, winking at Franklin.

Franklin smiled and eased the head in Michael's tight ass. Then he slowly thrusted in with each amount of inches, until he was finally succumbing to Michael's ass as a whole.

"Uhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiit, I'm in and you are so tight. Oh yeah I'm going to tear that ass up."

"Oh yeah Franklin, fuck me."

Franklin started to speed up, fucking Michael like a wild man. Michael felt Franklin's cock grow with each force.

"Oh shit you feel so good, Michael."

"Yeah I want you to fuck the shit out of me man. Oh my gosh, your dick feels so good."

The friction of Franklin's dick inside Michael became too much for him. So he started to jerk off his own throbbing cock. Franklin continually fucks Micahel and looks intensely at him. Beats of sweat flowing down his head. He goes in to kiss Michael slowly and rests his head on Michael's sweaty chest.

After a few more intense fucking, Franklin says to Michael, "I want you to sit on my dick, yo. I want to be inside you completely."

Michael was happy to oblige and waited for Franklin to go on his back, and have his dick stand up at attention. He slowly lowered himself on Franklin's dick.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit, now THAT feels good," Franklin yelled out.

"Oh yeah you like that shit, right?" Michael said looking down at Franklin.

"You know I fucking do,"

Michael rode Franklin's dick like he was on a horse. He started to jerk off. Sweats running down their bodies. Cock and ass intertwined became too much for Michael.

"Oh shit, I'ma...I'm going to cum."

"Yeah shoot that load yo. All over my body."

That's exactly what he did. Michael sprayed his hot load all over Franklin's stomach and chest. He shook after the third shot and still went up and down on Franklin's dick. Franklin took over and pushed his cock uncontrollably inside Michael. Then he screamed out.

"Oh shit, I'm cummming. Here it comes." He took off the condom and shooted his cum all over Michael's back.

"Ah fuck, that was good. Seems like it was a year worth it, " Michael said, still sitting on Franklin's leg.

"Yeah and so were you," Franklin said. They went into a sensual kiss.

After they showered and put on their clothes. Michael looked at his watch and saw that he missed his next class. Oh well, it was worth it, he thought to himself and looked at Frankin putting on his t-shirt. Franklin sensed Michael looking at him. He turned around and said, "What?"

"Nothing. I've never felt this flustered and great before. At least in awhile. I like you a lot Franklin."

Franklin walked up to Michael and got him in a hug and kissed him and said, "I'm feelin you too."

"I have to go. I left my number on your desk."


"Franklin...please don't let me have to regret what happened today."

Seeing the concern in Michael's eyes, Franklin held his hands and said, "I promise you...I won't let you regret it."

They kissed and Michael left. A minute later, the door knoked agian. Franklin walked to it and said, "So what did you forget?" Then he opened the door and his smile quickly faded.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" the visitor said.

"What do you want Angel?"

To Be Continued.

What is Angel and Franklin's connection and how will it affect his newfound relationship with Michael? What about the whole Hector and Xavier situation? How does that fit into this complicated equation? All these questions will be answered in due time, but you don't want to miss what will happen in the next story: College Daze-Part 3- He's No Angel.

For any comments and even suggestions on how you want the story to pan out, email me at Also, I'm looking for pen pals so it would be good to hear from people regardless.

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