College Daze

By moc.loa@7226semaJR

Published on Jan 10, 2000


College Daze

Part One Of A Series By Richard A. James

Part One: Triangle

Michael woke up that Thursday morning. He was nervous of going to college for the first time. He quickly went to get ready and jetted out to his first class.

The day quickly went by and Michael didn't think his class was not bad and was looking forward to going here. It didn't hurt that there was floods of gorgeous guys everywhere. It was a diverse group of guys here, which suited Michael perfectly.

He decided to call up his best friend Xavier on his new cell phone. After one ring, Xavier picked up the telephone.

"Heeello," Xavier answered with such flamboyant voice.

"Hey X," Michael said, "What's going on?"

"Oh nothing much just getting some nice head from some guy," Xavier joked. "Oh yes Hector. Suck it realll good!!!"

Michael rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever negro. So how's the home front going?"

"Boring as hell. I hate having no online and no dick."

"Well, you haven't had one of those at all."

"I know quit reminding me you whore."

They both laughed.

"So?" Xavier asked, "How is college life?"

"Well...I guess it's pretty okay," Michael said, "You don't know how many gorgeous guys are in this school. It's driving me insane."

"Now, now Michael," Xavier contemplated to Michael. "You said you would concentrate on school. Am I right?"

"I know, I know X, but what's the harm in looking. Anyway it doesn't matter. All of them are probably straight and I'll just remain single all my life."

"Uh-oh, please quit while you are ahead Mich----

"I can't help still feeling crappy about the whole thing."

"Too late."

"I loved him, Xavier."

"I know you do but there's nothing you can do about it. He married Syria because he loves her."

"So people think."

"Look negro, did you call me just to complain yet again about this whole mess?"

"Oh gosh," Michael sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. Really!!"

"It's alright just try to get over it. We all don't like some of the paths our lives have chosen for us but we have no choice to accept it and move along, " Xavier explained. "I know it sound like a cliche but it's true."

"Yeah you are right though. Well let me get up off this phone before I lose anymore of my pre-paid minutes."

"Alright, call me when you get home."

"No problem. Later."


Michael hanged up the phone and accidentally bumped into someone as he was leaving. They both hit their heads and laughed. After Michael came out of injury he looked up to see the guy he bumped. He almost fainted.

There standing before him was a tall, light, brown skinned brother with beautiful gray eyes. He flashed a smile to show his beautiful white teeth. Then Mike noticed his visible dragon tattoo on his arm and was just dying to lick him all over. The guy was built and has some perfect, but not too out of place biceps.

"Oh...I'm sorry about that man," the guy said to Michael, "Are you alright?"

The guy gently touched Michael's head and prompted Michael to, once in his life, be speechless.

" think so," Michael exclaimed.

"I'm really sorry about that."

"It's alright."


They looked at each other for a long period of time. Until, Michael thought the best thing was to introduce each other, and break the ice.

"I'm...I'm Michael Thomas," Michael said.

"Hey...I'm Franklin Morris," Franklin said.

Michael smiled and so did Franklin.

"Yeah, I know the last name sounds white and shit but you know it's the family name." Franklin exclaims.

"No I wasn't smiling about that."

"Then what?"

"I guess the way you look. You are handsome."

Franklin smile turned into a laugh and a little shadow of blush.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say something like that," Michael sighed, "I always seem to outburst things out of nowhere."

"It's alright. You kinda cute too." Franklin said flashing his devilish smile.

"Thanks. So are you waiting for someone?" Michael asked.

"Yeah I am actually. A friend of mine and there he comes now."

Michael turned around to see another looker. He was kind of shorter than Franklin but taller than Michael, who was about six feet. He was tanned skin Puerto Rican who had a nice black caeser hair cut. Very beautiful pink lips and descriptive brown eyes. He had a medium built that wasn't as big as Franklin's but just as delicious. Michael though he was going to faint.

"Hey what's up man?" Franklin said giving his friend a handshake.

"Yeah what up yo?" his friend said in a very, masculine voice, Are you ready to go?"

"Hold up. Michael this is Angel, Angel this is Michael." Franklin introduced.

"Hey, what up it's nice to meet you yo," Angel said, shaking Michael's hand.

Michael felt a hard on growing when Angel shook hands with him. He just loved his dark, sexy voice and his big, soft hands. He looked at Angel straight in the eye and then went down to see the size of his hands. He just had to at least guess his size.

"Nice to meet you too," Michael answered.

Then he quickly let go of Angel's hand. He didn't want him to notice that he was gawking at him.

"He's probably not even gay." Michael said to himself.

"It's getting late man. I have to go babysit my daughter, "Angel said.

"He has a kid too, oh he is so straight." Michael said to himself, while his heart sank.

"Alright. Hey Mike do you have a ride home?" Franklin asked.

"No. Actually, I was going to take the bus." Michael answered.

"Fuck that man. You can take a ride with us," Franklin said, "Come on man. We won't bite."

Michael stood there smiling at how nice Franklin was and how cute he was. He wanted to get to know him better so he said, "Okay, why not, I live in Flatbush."

"Cool. That's where we both live. C'mon then let's go," Franklin said.

They left the library and went to Franklin's red rover. They were driving on the road for a while and then came by Angel's house. He said his simple goodbye's to both Franklin and Michael and then went into his apartment building. Leaving Franklin and Michael driving alone. Franklin broke the silence between them.

"So, what's deal with you Michael?" Franklin asked.

Michael seemed confused by Franklin's question. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"You know, being gay?"

Michael froze and barely could speak. He stuttered, "Uh...what do you me...mean?"

"Don't worry about it. I could tell the way you were all gawking at me and Angel. It's cool though."

With that, Franklin tapped Michael on his leg and smirked at him. Michael felt his seven inches spring to life in a rush. He wanted to just rip off Franklin's clothes of right there and then. He couldn't contain his hormones anymore and did something that he never attempted to do. He touched Franklin's hand and pulled it towards his hard on, which was noticeable through his pants. To Michael's surprise, Franklin didn't flinch but turned around and smiled.

Franklin turned the car into a deserted street area and parked it. He turned off the engine and pulled his seat back to show Michael his massive tool.

He said, "So what up?"

Michael looked at him and said seductively, "You are."

"Now that's what I'm talking about."

With that, Franklin pulled Michael on top of him and slowly kissed him. They became so enthralled in their make out session that they didn't notice the windows clouding up.

Michael felt so good being in Franklin's strong embrace. He slowly took off Franklin's shirt, while Franklin did the same to him. Franklin started to taste Michael's upper body. Suck on his erect nipples then moved on to his stomach. Then he unbutton his pants and carried Michael's body over him, so he can suck his thick, black cock.

"Oh yeah, suck it," Michael moaned as he guided Franklin's head up and down his dick.

Franklin first went slowly and then faster as Michael increased with anticipation of cumming at any moment. Then Franklin all of a sudden stopped.

Michael asked, "Wh-what happened?"

"Nothing I just want some of that mouth on my shit you know what I^Òm sayin'." Franklin exclaimed.

"Oh okay."

Michael worked his way down and unzipped Franklin's pants hungrily going after his shaft.

"Yeah that's right suck that shit," Franklin yelled out.

Michael kept sucking Franklin's cock like his left depended on it. He slowly sucked on it then deep throated it and then jerk it off. He himself was jerking off, while doing this. Michael kept sucking until he saw Franklin leaning back his seat with huge anticipation.

"Oh shit yo, I'm about to cum", Franklin screamed out an started to jerk his dick.

"Yeah cum all over my face."

That is exactly what Franklin did. He shot his hot, creamy load all over Michael's face, and his hard body. Michael jerked off at a rapid speed and released his own milk.

"Oh fuck. I'm gonna shoot."

"Yeah son. Shoot that shit."

Michael shot up his load on Franklin's body that was already drenched in his own cum. Michael moaned and shaked a few times after releasing his explosion.

"Phew, that's what I'm talking about." Franklin said smiling at Michael.

Michael smiled back and collapse on Franklin, cum and all. They went to go clean up the mess with some towels that Franklin had in the trunk. Then they put on back they clothes and went to drop off Michael.

When they reached Michael's home, he seemed preoccupied with something on his mind. Franklin noticed this and asked him,

"What's wrong?"

Michael said, "I don't know, was this just a one night stand?"

"Did you think it was?"

"Well...yeah kinda."

"Well no I don't think it was. Yes we just had sex but it's not because I needed some dick. I could've just called some nigga up for that. I was feelin' you when we first met and I know it was just like for a minute but still."

"Okay...that really didn't make much sense but okay."

"I'm tired. I'll check you tomorrow at school?"

"You bet."

Before Michael could fully get out of the car, Franklin stopped.

"Wait I don't get a kiss?" Franklin asked him.

"What? In Flatbush? Maybe tomorrow but not in this neighborhood. There are probably some scandalous ho's looking out their windows right now." Michael said.

Franklin laughed and said a smooth, "Aight then check you tomorrow."

Michael did wanted to know something. So he asked Franklin, "Are you currently seeing someone?"

Franklin's smile all of a sudden faded and he said a low sounding, "Sort of."

Michael's heart sank and then he said, "Okay, that is my cue to go."

"Yo wait Michael I have to explain first the whole situation--"

"No don't bother. I really gotta go."

Michael quickly got out of the car and rushed upstairs he felt humiliated about just sleeping with this total stranger. He went up to his apartment and cried himself to sleep.

The next morning, while walking to his first class through the parking lot, Michael spotted Franklin's car and then saw someone getting out of it. He hid behind a big oak tree and saw Angel get out of the passenger side while Franklin rushed out of the driver's side to Angel. Franklin tried to put his arm around Angel but Angel pushed them off. Michael looked around to see if anyone was watching this and he saw no one. It still was kind of early so there was no one at the school yet.

Anyway, Michael saw Angel yelling and Franklin trying to calm him down. He wanted to know what they were saying but he didn't want to be seen. Then he saw Franklin say something comforting to Angel because he stopped yelling. To Michael's surprise they then hugged like there was no problem. Then something shocking happened, Franklin leaned in and kissed Angel.

Michael stood there with his jaw opened and said, "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

To Be Continued....

Stay tuned for more of my gay drama in college in "College Daze: Part 2- Xavier's Secret" and some of the continuation of the Michael mess will be in that story.

Any questions or comments feel free to mail them to me at my email address at

Next: Chapter 2

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