College Cocks

By Fritz

Published on Aug 28, 2000


College Cocks, part 3 of 8 (M/T, T/T, w/s)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- This is a story which involves sex between young males. If that is not your thing, what are you doing here? If you are under 18 in most jurisdictions, you should not be reading this, but I take no responsibility for your actions. It takes place in an unspecified time and place and the characters do not worry about HIV or AIDS. If you are sexually active in today's world, you should be aware of the risks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

College cocks


Timmy grinned. "It's a story, all right. There was this doll of a freshman living in my dorm; a kid named Dean Gould. He was naive as hell, but had a body that wouldn't stop, and deep dark brown eyes you could swim in. Hung like a mule, too, and believe me I made sure I timed a couple of showers to find out.

"But. Innocent as Adam before the bitch picked the fruit. I swear I didn't think he'd discovered jerking off yet. For Christ' sake, the kid missed the point of most dirty jokes until they were explained to him. A real puppy dog, though, almost too anxious to make friends. Well, as cute as he was, I made friendly with him, and suddenly I had a little brother. It got to the point that he was spending more time in my room than his, unless I had to study and flat out kicked him out. It was more than I could take, with this extremely desirable little hunk always there and never available.

"One night, he was complaining about how sore he was from Phys. Ed. I knew his instructor, a male bull dyke if ever there was one. The name is Reckford, and a real closet case. I think he gets his jollies pushing the freshman as hard as he can. Probably beats off at night while thinking up fiendish new calisthenics routines. Anyway, Dean had him, and was paying for it. With eighteen devious scenarios forming in my head, I said real casually that I could give a pretty mean rubdown, if he wanted. He said sure.

Getting him stripped down to his jockeys was easy. I doubt if he even contemplated any reason not to. And I started off legit. He was tight, no question. With him on his stomach, I kneaded his shoulders and back until I felt him start to relax. He kept telling me how good it felt, and what a real friend I was. I almost told him to shut up. He quieted down a bit when I got to his lower back, and I was pretty sure he moved once to adjust something under him. Then I started to work on his legs, at the calves first, gradually working my way up to his thighs.

"Needless to say, by this time I had a roaring erection, which I tried to position as unobtrusively to one side in my jeans as possible. Massaging his thighs, I kind of nudged them apart, to get to the insides. Looking at that jockey-clad butt half spread right below me, it was all I could do to keep from burying my face in it, but I was determined to take it slow. I wanted to get the kid so hot he wouldn't be able to say no once I got to that point. So I just patted those twin cheeks, gently but definitely suggestively, and told him to roll over.

"He'd gotten even quieter by then, and he cleared his throat like he was gonna say something, but didn't. He rolled over, kind of slowly, and I could see that he was blushing, and his eyes avoided mine. The front of those jockeys was definitely fuller than it had been when he stripped down. Not fully hard, but on its way. To keep from spooking him, I just ignored the blush and the swelling in his groin, and went back to work on his shoulders and chest. Now he wasn't talking at all, just sort of sighing while I massaged him. I also caught him sneaking a glance at my crotch, and I know he could tell I was packing a rod.

"Without a word, I shifted back to his legs, once again starting just above his ankles, and working my way slowly and sensually up toward his groin. The closer I got, the bigger the now unmistakable bulge in the pouch of his briefs. The ridge was snaking its way up toward the waistband, and when my fingers reached the tender skin inside the vee of his crotch, he gave a low muffled 'Oh, God!' and the head pushed past it, sticking out of the elastic.

"It was glistening with pre-lube, and I abandoned the pretense of a massage and put my hand right on that hard shaft of hot meat. He didn't say a word, but moaned deep in his throat, and flexed his crotch against my grip. When I grabbed the band of his briefs, he just lifted his hips and let me pull them down and off, and there he was, stark naked, flat on his back in my bed, with a fucking seven-inch plus hardon begging for attention."

I laughed. "Bet you figured out just what to do with it, too."

"Uh-huh. I'd already locked the door before starting to give him his rubdown. My roomie was gone for the night, shacked up with a hot Coast Guardsman he'd picked up hitching, but I didn't want anyone else barging in. Neither Dean nor I said a word when I started to stroke that hot pole, slowly jerking him off. When I knew he was good and hot, and not about to protest or run away - he was too horny for that now - I bent over and went down on him.

"Lord, was that kid suckable! His balls had this rich smell, hot and masculine and sexy. Probably hadn't shot a load since his last wet dream and it was all that stored-up jism that smelled so good. And his boner was straight as a ruler, jutting up vertically from his thick bush of jet-black hair. A dick made to be sucked, and I did! In a couple of minutes I was taking it all the way to the pubes on every stroke, long-dicking my own throat and slurping at it like sex had just been invented, just for us.

"At first he just lay there, hands at his sides, groaning a little when my tongue found all the super-sensitive spots on his beautiful dick. Hell, I didn't care; I'd have done him for trade eight times a week. But after a couple of minutes, it started to get to him. First I felt a hand on my shoulder, gripping it while I sucked him off. Then his hips began to pump a little, driving that stud-pole up to meet my downward strokes. Before three minutes had passed, he was holding my head gently with both hands, guiding me on and off of his throbbing cock, and he became an active player in his own deflowering.

"Usually I can tell when a dude's about to come, but Dean managed to surprise me. I was happily slurping away, just about to shift down to his hot, musky nuts and eat then for a while, when suddenly his entire body stiffened, like someone under post-hypnotic suggestion who's been keyed to go rigid. 'Oh, Tim!' he cried, 'OH!' and fucking exploded! I was all the way down on his dick when the first bolt hit, and I thought there was a real possibility he'd drown me in come. I have never seen anyone come up with a bigger load, before or since.

"He just kept shooting, over and over again. Every spurt would have passed for a decent climax from a lot of guys, and he must have kept it coming for a full two minutes. He was moaning and clutching my head, his whole frame trembling so violently I wondered if the bed would last. Hell, I wondered if I would! I was swallowing like the experienced whore I am, but I could not keep up. By the time he finally started to come down, his pubes were soaked with the jism that I couldn't keep up with."

I swilled down the last of the beer. Of course, I was nearly hard again, partly from Timmy's story and partly from the fact that he was playing with my dick all the time he was telling it.

"So then I was a little worried about the next move. I'd gotten the kid all worked up, and as I'd hoped, he hadn't resisted when I went down on his horny tool. But now he'd gotten his rocks off, and sooner or later his conscience would move back from his balls to his brain. I was half-afraid he'd come to and punch me out. I am pleased to say that this was not the case.

"Trying to stall the moment of truth, I kept his cock in my mouth. By the time he finished emptying that horse-sized load, it was a little less stiff, sort of rubbery, but still a lot of fun to suck on. One of his hands was resting on my back, the other thrown over his face, covering his eyes. After a few minutes, I noticed a couple of things. Dean was gently kneading my back again, and his cock, which had never really gone soft, was surging back to s full hard erection. When he started to pump under me again, pushing his stiffening meat in and out of my come-flooded mouth, I realized we might just be starting round two. Then I knew we were when he said, in a funny lower than usual voice, 'Tim. Take your clothes off, too.' I established a world's record for getting my clothes off, turning out the overhead light and getting back into that bed with him."

"Ha!" I said. ""Never knew it to take you more than about thirty seconds anyway."

"I think it was about ten that night. And the hunk was hard as a rock and waiting for me with open arms. I discovered I had unleashed a repressed tiger of sexuality. He was all over me as soon as I hit the mattress, and the next thing I knew we were locked together in a very passionate soul-kiss, his tongue probing around in my jism-soaked mouth and looking for my tonsils. After that, I held on for dear life. I still didn't know just how far he'd go, but I was to find out. He went wild when I finally did start chewing on his nuts, and the next thing I knew, he had me pulled around so he could get to mine at the same time.

"You know what having my balls eaten does to me, and I was as hot as a cheap stove already from the first trip. My cock was screaming for some action, and I shifted position just enough to give him the chance, and I hoped the idea. He got the idea and took the chance. If I hadn't been certain it was his first time already, I'd have been sure as soon as he opened his mouth and took me, but I slowed him down, guided his head, and he learned real fast. In a very few minutes, he was sucking like an old trouper, taking most of my meat every time, and clutching the cheeks of my ass like he meant it.

"I was too primed to last long, and suddenly I felt that clench under my nuts that told me it was all over. I'd taken his dick again, sucking it to encourage him in what he was doing on mine, although I must say he didn't seem to need much encouraging. I let it go long enough to gasp out a warning that I was about to shoot my load, so he could pull off if he wasn't ready to take it, but the only response was that he sucked me even deeper into his throat.

"That did it, and I grabbed his boner back into my mouth while stars burst behind my eyes and I blasted off inside his sweet hot mouth. He gagged once, in surprise, I think, but then recovered and stayed right where he was, still sucking and swallowing every drop of cream I fed into him. He kept sucking for more until my fucking balls ached and I had to pull him off. He spun around above me, covering my bod with his, and the next moment I tasted my own load while we were kissing again. He hadn't gotten off, however, not the second time, and while he tongue wrestled with me, I spread my legs, letting that big shaft slide between them and trapping it with my thighs. He just moaned into my mouth, went right on kissing me, and started to hump my tender balls.

"Oh, yes, my fevered little mind said, oh, yes. Time for a little further corruption of a no-longer innocent freshman. I lifted my knees on either side of him, curling my ass up against his humping groin. He half-gasped and half grunted when the sliding head of his ramrod-stiff tool snagged against my hole. He was still spit slick from the sixty-nine suck, and once more drooling lube, and I decided this was no time to stop for extra grease. I reached under my butt, grabbed his cock, aimed it and relaxed my hole as best I could.

"He froze for a second, absolutely not moving. I think this time I'd surprised him. But I pushed my ass up against his cock, and there was no way he could miss what I wanted him to do. With a deep, guttural moan of pure young lust, he thrust forward, and I think it blew his mind when half of his stiff pole slid right up my asshole on the first stroke. 'Oh, God, Tim. Oh, sweet Jesus, yes!' he groaned against my lips, and in one deep lunge, he buried the rest of it inside me. His bush ground against my cheeks as he opened my butt with that whole big studcock.

"Like I said, a guy has to learn to suck a dick, but fucking a hot, willing asshole is a native instinct. After a couple of seconds to adjust to what was happening, that stud started to plow my butt like he'd never done anything else. I hooked my knees over his arms, opening my a ss as wide as possible for him, and proceeded to get a royal screwing. After the first load he'd inundated my throat with, he wasn't about to come quickly, and that suited me just fine. I hoped he'd stay right where he was and fuck my tail the whole damned night.

"And he was a lover, too. He was kissing me passionately, nuzzling my neck, chewing on my ears and all the time pistoning seven inches plus of steel-hard young dick in and out of my stretched bunghole. Face to face, I discovered his hot tits were as much of a turnon to play with as look at. Big flat nipples, the size of half-dollars, on his broad hairless chest. They were sexy as hell, and as soon as I started pinching them, they stood up like twin erections on his tits. He seemed to like it, too, while his dick tried to find new depths in my guts to pound.

"I lifted my butt even higher, until he was almost driving his dick straight down into me. He was fucking faster and faster, and the swollen knob on his tool was battering my prostate on every head-to-base thrust. All at once I realized I was going to shoot again, and I told him so. He got the message, and shifted into high gear, splitting my ass like a pile driver.

"When I moaned in heat and the first two thick gobs erupted from my swollen prick between us, he cried out, ramming home to the bottom of my hole, and let loose another monster orgasm halfway to my lungs. I could feel his cock spurting with every spasm of my own climax, and it felt like he was shooting his load straight through me, like it was jetting out of his dick into my ass and then re-emerging through my cock."

We were both turned on again, and Timmy began to wrap up the story. "To make a long story short, he stayed the night, and threw me a simply beautiful fuck and sucked my dick again the next morning. In between, we talked. As I'd suspected, Dean told me he had never touched another guy, or girl for that matter, before, but when I'd started massaging him, he'd started to get aroused. By the time I finally grabbed his dick, he had been praying that I would, but had no idea how to get things started himself.

"Once I had started, he just followed his instincts. Apprehensively, I asked if he was upset by it, now that the passionate need that had driven our sex was blunted. Dean just grinned and said Hell, no. He figured he'd have to sort it out later, but right then he was totally satisfied, more than he ever had been, and completely exhausted, and could he sleep over? I told him if he got out of the bed right then, I'd never speak to him again, and that is how a certain freshman got his first lover."

"So what happened to Dean?" I asked, "Do you still see him?"

"That's the other half of the story, and the 'mistake' I mentioned earlier."

"Well, hang on a sec. I gotta go take a leak after those beers." I'd been so involved in Timmy's tale, I had forgotten his suggestive remarks about the beer when I first arrived, and I stood up to go to the head. But Timmy hadn't forgotten, as I quickly learned.

"Hmmm. Thought you'd never ask. Feel like trying something new?"

My memory came back, and I leered down at him. "Before or after I piss?" My dick had softened halfway with the need to go, and I fondled it lewdly in front of him.

"While you piss. Follow Timmy." He led me to the john, and I kinda thought he was just gonna watch while I pissed, or hold my dick for me. A guy I screwed sometimes at my old school had gotten off on that. But Tim sat down on the john, legs spread wide, and started playing with his fat, swollen dick. "Do it, stud! Piss out all that beer right on my cock. Soak my balls with your hot piss."

His voice was throaty, urgent, and I knew he meant it. I felt a twinge in my nuts at how hot he looked; spread-eagled on the toilet right in front of me, and for a moment, I was afraid I'd get too hard to piss. But the two beers in my bladder won that race, and I stepped up right between his legs and aimed my hose for the boner wrapped in his pumping hand. I concentrated on the pressure I felt, and finally, with a groan, let loose the first hard spurt of urine, which hit dead center, splashing all over his cock and balls and hand. Another spurt, like a hose kicking with an air bubble and then the dam broke.

My pent-up bladder began to empty in a rushing flood of hot smelly urine, gushing out in a golden river. I grabbed my dick, playing it back and forth over his crotch while he moaned in pleasure, his hand pumping even faster on his shaft under the torrent. "Higher, stud! Piss on my tits! All over me, man, soak me with it!" I raised the head of my cock, and the stream followed, playing across his chest, splashing all over the place. He was drenched in urine, and from the way his fist was pounding his meat, he loved every fucking second of it.

The whole scene was wild. I'd never pissed on a guy before, and I was amazed at what a turnon it was. I felt like I could piss forever, the flood from my hose going on and on, unabated. But Timmy wasn't through surprising me. So fast I didn't have time to react, he lunged forward from the waist and swallowed my erupting cock halfway! Oh God! I couldn't believe it, but there was no way in Hell I could stop pissing then.

Once I'd started, I had to empty it all or bust. And there was Timmy, soaked with half my bladderful and greedily drinking the rest! I didn't think at first he'd be able to keep up, but he was swallowing fast, never letting my erupting prick slip out of his lips, and he never missed a drop.

After what seemed like an unbelievably long time, the flood of hot liquid finally ebbed. Timmy kept sucking at my semi-soft cock, making sure he got every bit of urine I had to give, and I began to grow hard again inside the warm, piss-flooded mouth. In a moment, I had a roaring erection all over again, and the hot stud was lustily deep-throating it. I pulled his head off my dick and tugged him to his feet. Pulling his wet, smelly body against mine, I covered his mouth with mine in a deep, tongue-thrusting kiss.

This was a whole new trip, and I was really getting into it. Holding him, I could smell the sharp aroma of my own urine, with which he was soaked. And when I French-kissed him, I could taste my piss in his mouth. The sharp salty tang wasn't unpleasant at all, in fact, it was very sexy. Turning us around, so that I was in front of the toilet, I broke the kiss and began to lick and nibble my way down his lithe nude body. His tits were still damp, and I lapped the droplets of golden dew off each one. The fine bronze-hued hair that trailed from his navel down to his crotch yielded more, and led me to the main course.

A moment later, I was sitting on the can, my face buried under his stiff meat, with a mouthful of ripe-smelling balls. His whole crotch reeked like a urinal in a bar late at night, and the aroma and flavor was driving me wild. Timmy was humping his smelly groin against my face, and moaning with lust. From the way his iron-stiff pecker was thumping my cheek, I knew he was a whisker from coming.

I grabbed his hips and took his jerking rod all the way in one gulp. "Oh, god! Bill! So fucking hot!" He moaned above me and on my second lip-stroke along his thrusting meat, his climax exploded onto my tongue. The pent-up load rushed up out of his nuts, bolt after bolt flooding my gullet, mixing with the traces of my own piss. Ramming his bursting cock all the way down my throat, and trembling from head to toe, Timmy pumped his jism into me as fast as

could guzzle it down. While it drenched my tongue, I noticed how sweet the semen tasted, contrasted to the tangy piss, and I started to get ideas.

At last Tim's shuddering orgasm came to an end, but I stayed right where I was, slurping and sucking at the swollen tube until it began to soften in my mouth. Soon it was rubbery and flexible and still I held it. Timmy got his breath, and his voice back. "Uh, Bill? That feels real good man, real good. But, uh, I ... Remember I have at least two beers in me now. And, uh, I gotta..." Without releasing his dick, I nodded and muttered "Uh-huh," around it. Timmy, bright lad, caught on.

"Oh yeah, stud! Gotta piss, man, gotta get rid of all that hot piss you pumped in my throat. Take it, take my hot piss, ... Ungh.... Now!"

Did you ever try to get a sip from a garden hose in the summer and have some joker suddenly turn it on full force? Then you know just how I felt when Timmy's sphincter opened and his dick inundated my mouth and throat with hot salty urine. My head was ready for the scene, and my dick was stiff as a board in my lap, but I just hadn't realized how fast a man could piss when he had to go real bad. I didn't even taste the first couple of mouthfuls, having no choice but to swallow as fast as I could to keep from drowning. Once I got the rhythm, I just kept my throat open, letting the torrent of body-temperature liquid flow straight from his spouting hose and down my gullet. The sharp tang exploded on my taste buds, and the ripe smell filled my nose completely.

And Jesus, but that hot kid could piss! In a moment, I was starting to really feel full, and the river of urine was coming as strong as ever. I couldn't really keep up, and the flood was overflowing my lips around his prick, running down my chin and over my chest. Finally, I had to release the still-gushing tube from my over-filled mouth, but I held on to it, aiming it onto my front, and then into my crotch. I could not believe how sexy it felt, cascading over my rock-hard, throbbing cock.

By the time Timmy's bladder emptied all the way, the last couple of hard spurts splashing onto my tits and face, I was more excited than ever, and I knew just what my cock was hungry for. I stood up, grabbing him and kissing him hard, the taste of his piss still filling my mouth while our tongues ground together. Then I turned him around, bending him over so he had to lean against the back of the john, and grabbed his ass cheeks in my hands. I realized that this was probably the longest I'd ever been with Timmy without having my cock up his butt, and it was time to rectify that.

He knew just what I wanted, and he reached back, spreading his own ass wide apart and shoving it back onto my hard cock. In a deep lunging thrust, I buried my throbbing erection all the way up his ever-ready chute, and a moment later I was reaming his guts in a hard stud-fuck. My introduction to water sports had me so turned on I was about to blow my nuts already, and it only took a few bowel-deep strokes to have my balls tight as a drum and spasming for release.

"Unghh!" My howl of lust mixed with his deep groan when I erupted, blasting yet another stream of hot man-sap into his guts. I kept fucking, battering his butt with my crotch on every stroke, while I pumped bolt after bolt of thick cream into him. When I finally stopped shooting, we were both more spent than I remembered being in a long time. I just held him, curled over him, with my slowly softening meat still imbedded to the root in his cummy hole. He flexed his rectal muscles, caressing the thick tube inside him, and emitted a gut-deep sigh of satisfaction.

"Good lord. You think there's some way I can bottle how I feel right this minute? If I could sell it, I'd make a fortune."

"Uhn-uhn, no way. It's too much fun fucking into this condition. Who in hell would want to get it from a bottle?" We chuckled, and I became aware a sensation that I was starting to associate very much with sex. "Uh, Timmy?" He just grunted in lust. "I think that beer is about to get re-cycled one more time."

"Oh yeah! Let me have it, baby. Gimme all that hot piss, right up my asshole! Do it!" and his words changed to a low growl of pleasure when my cock cut loose one more time, giving him back the piss we had already shared from each other's fountains.

After we took a long hot shower together, we finally decided that we were both hungry for some more conventional nourishment. On the way into town to grab some burgers, I remembered that Timmy hadn't quite finished his story. Somehow, we'd gotten distracted. "So. As you were saying. What was this mistake you made with Dean?"

"Oh, right. I was reminded when you asked me about gay bars. For two or three months, it was pure heaven. Dean was a fabulous lover, and he seemed to adore me. His sexual horizons just kept expanding, and we spent as much time in the sack as we could arrange. But we didn't go out at all together. Finally, I discovered I was a subject of much speculation among my gay friends. I'd disappeared from the scene, and everybody was wondering where in hell I was.

"Of course, I was also very pleased with myself for having snared a hunk like Dean, and I decided it was time to share my triumph. I'd been invited to a party, and I took Dean along, arriving late deliberately to maximize the impact of our entrance. Naturally, Dean was the hit of the evening, and everybody adored him. Like I said, he was stunning, and a real sweetheart of a person as well. How could they not flip over him? Everyone kept pulling me aside and telling me how jealous they were, and I reveled in it.

"The only problem was, so did Dean. To make a long story short, I brought the kid out of the closet, and promptly lost him. By the end of the term he was definitely one of the most well known guys on campus. Honey, I thought I was a major whore, but once he got loose, Dean never stopped. And the moral of this story is, if you discover a hunk in the closet, don't bring him out, go in with him and lock the door."

I assured Timmy that I was already out, and got the name of the local gay bar from him. It wasn't in town, but outside Madison, the nearest medium-sized city, about thirty miles away. Without a car, that could be a pain. He also said that contacts had been known to be made at the Tube, but it required discretion, and subtlety. I said that there had to be at least one cruisy tearoom on the campus, and he laughed and said there were three. I made sure I knew which ones.

Timmy was all for going to the Tube right then, having a few beers, "for fuel" as he put it, and then heading back to his apartment, but I begged off. I was in school, I protested, and as hot as sex with him could be, if I didn't do some studying, I wouldn't be around to enjoy it the next term. We made a tentative date for the next time, and I went back to the dorm. Larry Joe was there when I came in, studying in just a pair of jockeys. Even after my long evening with Timmy, the way my hunky roommate filled out a pair of jockeys was enough to kindle my lust. I sighed inwardly. I still didn't understand it, but it was beginning to seem that that first night had been a pure aberration. If he was really schizophrenic, I just wished his other half would reappear one of these nights.

The next two nights were uneventful, and a much needed rest. Friday I stayed in, buried in an armload of books from the library and trying to make sense of my own notes for my first paper of the term. I finished the first draft, and was pleased with it, just after eleven. I was looking at my watch and wondering if the walk to the Tube was worth it that late - I could only have had one beer - when the door to the room flew open with a bang. Three obviously soused sophomores, my dear young roommate and his cronies, collapsed through it, whooping and giggling. Well, somebody had been to the Tube, that was obvious.

"There's Bill!" Dave cried, seemingly both delighted and extremely surprised to find me in my own room, of all places.

"Yeah. Good old Bill. He's a real wunner... wounder, ... a great guy!" That was from roomie, once again blasted to the gills.

"Yeah? Then why's he sober, huh?" Danny protested. "You're a great guy. I'm a great guy. Even Tom here's a great guy." He paused to look at Tommy, who appeared to have passed out leaning against the wall and was slowly sliding down it toward the floor. "Only I think we lost Tom. And we aren't sober, right?"

"Right," I answered, "you sure the hell ain't. What did you three turkeys do, buy out the Tube's weekly supplies?"

"We're celebratin'!" Larry Joe announced, very pleased with himself.

I couldn't help but laugh with them. "Jesus, you must be. What?"

Ellipsis was too much for Larry Joe. "Huh?"

I said it slowly, one word at a time. "What - are - you - three -celebrating?"

"Oh! Uh, ... uh..." he looked at Danny, who just shook his head, laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes. "Wait a minute, now. I know we were celebrating something. Maybe ole Tommy remembers." We all looked. Tommy had completed his slide and was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall. I doubted if he remembered much of anything at that point. "Hmmm. Guess not. Well, we had something to celebrate and we celebrated it real good!"

"Looks like. I think I should toss you all into the showers."

"Not me," Danny started for the door. "I gotta get back to my room and into old beddy-bye. You guys go on without me."

"Oh no you don't," I stopped him. "Hold on. Aren't you forgetting something?" He looked at me blankly until I pointed to Tommy. "That is your roommate, not ours. You brought him here, take him out with you." Tommy groaned right at that moment, letting us know he was still alive, anyway. I helped Danny pull him to his feet, and slung his arm over the smaller boy's shoulders. He was just conscious enough to walk, with help. "Ta Ta, fellas. Drop in again sometime." I was nearly hysterical watching the two of them lurch off down the hall.

Larry Joe sat, or more exactly, collapsed onto his bed, chuckling drunkenly. "Oh shit! Blasted again. Help me up, Bill old pal. I got to take a piss 'fore I pass out."

The memory circuits clicked as I suddenly had a feeling I'd played this scene before. Larry Joe soused, me helping him piss, then his 'sleepwalking' later, and the best fuck I'd ever experienced. Could lightning strike twice? Sticking to the script that had worked the first time, I grinned as I grabbed his arm. "Sure pal, only I think I'd better go along to make sure you get back." He didn't protest, and once again I was treated to the sight of his immense hose releasing a flood of beer piss. Of course, that first night I'd only been turned on by the size of his dong. Now that Timmy had introduced me to new pleasures, I threw a rod as soon as he started, and it was all I could do to keep myself from dropping to my knees and wrapping my hot mouth around the gushing prick.

My erection didn't go down at all while I supported him back across the hall and started to help him undress. As before, I wasn't really helping as much as doing, only Larry Joe didn't pass out quite so immediately. When I had him stripped to his jockeys, he fell back on his bed while I quickly stripped down myself. I was hoping we could get right to the heart of things this time, but when I headed back to his bed, naked and hard as a rock, he was gone.

He lay sprawled on his back, his hunky chest rising and falling steadily in the deep sleep of the truly zonked. I wasn't ready to leave things to chance and just wait to see if he decided to 'sleepwalk', however. I managed to pull the white briefs off him, and fondled his huge but still flaccid sex in my hands. He sighed softly in his sleep, but did not really respond. I sat on the edge of his bed and bent over him, slurping the soft, uncut tube into my hot eager mouth. Even unaroused, that mammoth organ nearly filled my oral cavity, and I hungrily sucked at it, running my tongue inside the loose foreskin and around the sweet, lube-flavored glans.

While I worked the fat shaft over with my mouth, I slid my hand up between his muscular thighs to play with his enormous, sap-heavy balls. After a couple of minutes, the heavy meat had swelled to half-hard, but no further. He wasn't dead, but he was still out. The rest of him hadn't moved, and I finally realized I was working too hard for little reward. Yet. But would he recover later? With a sigh, I let his swollen cock slide from my lips. Trying to ignore the ramrod erection in my own crotch, and the unfulfilled ache in my nuts, I snapped off all of the lights except for one low-wattage one on his desk, made sure I latched the door, and went to bed.

I intended to stay awake a while and see what happened, but I must have dozed off. I woke up immediately at the sound of the door rattling. In the dim light, I saw my hot roommate standing at the door, stark naked and sporting the magnificent boner I remembered so well. He tugged at the knob again, obviously stopped cold by the unexpected latched door. Score one for my side. My own dick surging back to ready stiffness, I spoke softly, "Larry Joe?"

He turned toward me with that dazed empty look in his eyes. "Huh?"

"Hey man, don't go out there. You don't want to take a walk right now. Come over here instead." He didn't move, just stood there. "Come on, Larry Joe. Come to your old pal Bill. Bill can take care of you." I sat up on the edge of my bed, facing him.

"Yeah, Bill." He said it flat, but still didn't move. I was about to get up, go over and get him, when suddenly he turned and started across the room, but toward my bed not his. A foot from me he uttered the same phrase he had that first night, and I knew my dreams had come true again. "Horny. Wanna fuck."

"Oh, stud, you can say that again! Bring that damned horse's cock of yours over here and we'll fuck all night long!" As soon as he was within reach, I reached. I grabbed his monster tool, and pulled him all the way to my bed with it, guiding it straight into my wet, waiting mouth. With a low growl, Larry Joe curled his strong fingers into my thick hair, and fed me all ten inches plus in one deep throat-stretching thrust, until my nose was buried in the ripe, heady smell of his pubic bush. I still did not quite believe the "sleepwalking" bit, but right then I wasn't going to argue. As long as it meant I got to suck on the biggest, hottest cock on campus, he could pretend to be hypnotized if he wanted to.

Right then, he wasn't pretending to be anything but hot to trot. We both moaned in passion and lust while he stood by my bed, force-feeding me every bit of his rigid meat. I grabbed his sexy butt in both hands, kneading the firm cheeks in my clutching fingers and using it to pull his groin toward me, swallowing the length of his huge organ again and again. Once started, as before, Larry Joe didn't waste a moment, but plunged into all-out sex. And got verbal.

"Oh God, yes, Bill! Suck it, man, suck my fucking hot dick! So good, baby! Take it all, all the way inside you! Suck my goddammed balls off!" I let him do all the talking, since my mouth and throat were more than busy enough handling the immense shaft driving in and out of my lips.

Hard as he was, the foreskin was pulled completely off the golf-ball sized glans that crowned his dick, but the skin along the shaft still slid loosely back and forth while it rammed into me. As much fun as I was having sucking on his uncut supercock, however, I still remembered all of the pleasures his body could afford, and decided to vary the action just a bit. After one last slurp all the way to the base, sucking his prick head deep into my gullet, I pulled back from the huge column. Larry Joe was in high gear by then, and eagerly let me pull him down onto my bed on his back. Ready and willing, he opened his tree-trunk thighs wide when I dove between them. In a second, I was just as eagerly attacking his massive balls with my hungry mouth.

The heady aroma of his crotch was the same ripe musky aphrodisiac I remembered well. It filled my head when I slurped at the wrinkled, hairy sack under his pole, and the come-filled twin spheres inside it. Licking and sucking, I played with his nuts until he was groaning steadily, bucking his hips up to force his groin into my mouth. As his passion rose, so did his legs, his knees lifting on either side of my upper body while he opened his crotch completely for me. I caught his calves with my hands, forcing them up and apart while I swallowed his balls.

I let my tongue move downward, below the enormous orbs, licking and nibbling along the sensitive ridge between them and that fabulous ass. The growls of pleasure from above encouraged me onward, and Larry Joe let me push his knees even higher, toward his muscular chest. A moment later, my face was buried in the deep cleft between his hot cheeks, and we both shuddered in sexheat when my mouth closed on the sweet snug circle of his hole. From the first time I'd seen it, I knew that asshole was made to be eaten out, and hotter than a cheap pistol myself, that is just what I did. Kneading the smooth flesh of his butt even harder in my hands, I plunged my tongue as far as possible into his hot funky chute, exciting both of us to a fever pitch.

Larry Joe moaned even more while I rimmed his ass for all I was worth, and the combination of sensations was really getting to him. "So fucking hot, Bill! Eat my ass! Shove that hot fucking tongue in me, stud! Fuck me with your tongue. Too much too dammed hot! Ungh! Oh, God, take my cock! Suck my dick again, man! Gonna shoot any second!"

I never argue with a cock that's ready to shoot. Lowering those big muscular legs halfway, I immediately slurped half of his throbbing and ramrod-stiff meat back inside my throat. He wasn't kidding about being close, I could tell that from the unbelievable rigidity of the enormous shaft as once again I pumped my lips back and forth, trying to take every inch of it inside me. When I knew I had him right on the edge of blasting off, I let go of one leg to slide my hand into the hot, wet crevice of his butt. Swallowing as much as I possibly could of of his unbelievably swollen cock, I shoved two fingers deep inside the spit-slimed opening to his rectum. That was all Larry Joe needed.

With a Richter-6 growl of unadulterated lust, he grabbed my head in his hands, holding me firmly in the vee of his groin while his gut-stuffer geysered an incredible flood of hot thick cream into my waiting and very willing mouth. Every spurt was as much as most guys' entire loads, and they just kept coming, a torrent of the sweetest jism I'd ever tasted. Again and again the mammoth hose jerked and twitched, each time blasting a huge jet of come against the back of my throat while the hunky stud thrashed in passion below me.

As I had come to expect, the eventual end of Larry Joe's immediate climax did nothing to diminish the stiffness in his prick. I sucked at the pulsating rod until I was sure I had every drop and dribble of his first load, but I wasn't about to quit yet. And from the way his anus had spasmed and quivered around my imbedded fingers while he shot his wad, I knew just what I wanted for the second course. I didn't know whether my stud roommate liked to get fucked, but right then I was in no mood to stop and discuss it.

I didn't have to. When I let my fingers slip out of the tight sheath, the sexy farmboy pulled my head up out of his crotch, tugging me up along his body to lie on top of him. When our lips met in a passionate kiss with a rich come flavor, he wrapped his legs around my waist so that my own steel-hard cock slid right into the valley of his butt. While his hot tongue wrestled with mine between our joined lips, his ass bucked up against me, rubbing his sopping hole back and forth along the incredibly sensitive length of my shaft. I was pretty sure that he wanted just what I did, and certain of it when he broke the soul kiss just long enough to growl in my ear. "Stuff that hot dick inside me, Bill! Fuck my dammed ass off!"

Our first night together, I'd had the extreme pleasure of having all ten inches of Larry Joe's rampant manhood plow my own guts open, and I was ready, willing and very able to return the favor. I still could only guess at how much experience my stud buddy had really had, though. And nobody's ever complained that my dick was too small. So when I once more bent him double, pushing his knees back up to his incredibly sexy chest, and guided my drooling cock to the gateway to his guts, I forced myself to try and take it slow and easy.

I never stood a chance. The moment he felt my lube-slick glans nudge at his sphincter, Larry grabbed my hips with both hands, pulling me down while he bucked his ass upwards. Like an express freight entering a mountain tunnel, my shaft buried itself in one of the hottest, hungriest assholes I'd ever plumbed. I groaned in concert with him while my tender nuts slammed into the deep cleft of his oh-so-fuckable butt.

It was all I could do to keep from blasting my wad up his guts the moment I was fully sheathed. I was so hot from eating his asshole and sucking that monster dong of his and his butt was so fucking tight and slippery and hot around my imbedded tool! My nuts squirmed in their tight sack like they were alive, and my pole jerked and twitched inside the snug cavern of Larry Joe's incredible ass. I concentrated on not coming, keeping my ramrod buried to the hilt inside my hot jock of a roommate. After a minute, my balls cooled down just enough so I could slowly begin to pump my hardon in and out of the gripping tube of his rectum.

Larry Joe helped, by grabbing his own knees and lifting and spreading them to really open up his hole for my long-dick assault. Soon, I was really plowing that hot hole for all it was worth, gasping in passion when I pulled my throbbing cock nearly out of the tight passage, only to ram it all the way home again, over and over. My aching nuts banged against the sweaty cheeks of his butt on every stroke, while I tried to get them inside him with my prick. Had I worried whether Larry wanted to get fucked? From his constant groans, and grunted requests to do it harder, deeper and faster, I could tell I needn't have!

The stud was getting off on my battering ram up his butt as much as I was; his huge cock as hard as ever and dripping sex-juice onto his navel while I explored the deepest recesses of his fuck-chute. All too soon, I felt the cream churning up out of my balls, and this time I knew there was no way in Hades to stop my climax. I was flying now, giving the hunk bent double under me every inch of my meat on every stroke, a mile a minute. He could tell I was about to explode.

"Hot damn, stud! Fuck my brains out! Shoot it, Bill, shoot your hot fucking load deep in my butt! All the fucking way, man!"

"Oh, yeah, stud! Gonna do it! Gonna fill your ass with hot come! I'm gonna shoot all of my ball-juice up your ass till it runs out of your ears! Now, Larry, oh, yeah, now... Gonna... I'm... Take my hot fucking... Unngghh!"

I swear I damn near blacked out from the sheer intensity of my climax while I pumped bolt after bolt of steaming jism into his clutching and spasming chute. I wasn't aware of anything in the entire world except my cock and his asshole, and the flood of cream the former was depositing in the latter. A brief sample of eternity slipped past while I emptied my balls into him. When I finally started to come down, I thought about checking my scrotum to make sure both my nuts were still there.

Larry Joe's legs still circled my waist and we kissed each other like we'd invented it while my spent organ began to soften inside his thoroughly cum-drenched hole. I broke the kiss to sigh in his ear, "Jesus H. what a fuck!"

"I'll say!" he growled, "wanna do that some more, hot stuff?"

"God, I couldn't. I think it'll take me a week to get up a load again."

He chuckled, "I guess that's a compliment. Uh, in that case, how'd you like to roll over and let me take a whack? Our friend down there's all fired up again from that internal massage you just delivered. Wanna get fucked, man?"

Is Paris a city? Does the Mississippi flow south? Does a bear... you get the picture. In sixty seconds flat, I was on my belly, ass in the air, with my horny roommate's talented tongue probing deep inside my quivering anus. The tongue left, to be replaced by two spit lubed fingers that loosened me up until my hole was begging for something bigger. Like more than ten inches of stiff boa constrictor meat. And as hot as Larry Joe was, I didn't have long to wait.

Saints above, did that man know how to fuck! While he split my asshole open once again with his enormous pole, my own cock, which I'd been sure was through for the duration, swelled back to a nearly full hardon. That huge prick of his just took up so much room inside me, I think it forced the blood out into my stiffening rod. Riding my ass like a pro, Larry gave me a long sweet hot fuck, and I was moaning in renewed passion when his already incredible shaft swelled even larger and blasted a second bull-sized load of spunk into my bowels.

Really spent now, both of us, we collapsed on the extremely rumpled bed, Larry Joe's big body so warm and comfortable on top of me, with his rubbery hose still imbedded in me. Even half soft, it stretched my anus, giving me a fabulously filled sensation. We just lay together for a few minutes, until I sensed my hot hunk shift, about to pull out.

"Don't! Keep it in me, Larry. Keep that big hot cock up my asshole!"

"Umm. I'd leave it there all night, man, but I gotta take one wicked piss soon, or my bladder's gonna bust."

Oh, Jesus! My dick jumped, stiffening back to a full stand under me immediately. I remembered little Tim moaning in lust when I pissed in his butt. Would Larry Joe think I was ... I grabbed his muscular thighs with my hands, holding him right where he was. "Oh yeah, babe. Do it. Let it go right now."

"Huh? You don't mean you want me to..."

"Yeah, stud! Piss in me! Give me that hot load. Pump your fucking hot piss up my guts with your thick cream. Fill me up with everything that hot cock has!"

"God, Bill! Fucking wild, but I don't know if I can do it. Your ass is so tight I can't..." he paused, and I could feel him trying to relax, trying to loosen his sphincter. "Man, I really gotta go bad, I gotta, oh, oh yeah, oh shit, Bill, here it ... Ahhhhh!"

If I'd thought Tim pissed a lot the first time I drank it from his cock, it was a mere dribble compared to what that muscular blonde stud unleashed into my stretched rectum. It was like having a firehose shoved up my ass and turned on. Larry Joe was steadily moaning above me while his overfilled bladder unloaded, and my own groans blended with his. What a fucking unbelievable feeling! Like the biggest orgasm imaginable, only it wasn't spurts, but a constant river, pumping into me, filling my ass and guts with hot fluid. On and on, my hunky stud of a roommate pissed. I thought he'd go all night, while the flood of urine filled my ass more than I'd thought possible.

When the torrent ebbed to a flow, then finally trickled off, that fat hose twitching in my anus when the last drops spurted out, I felt like I had a whole fucking reservoir inside my bowels. And more satisfied than I'd ever been in my life. Thanks to Timmy, I'd discovered a whole new set of sexual thrills. I don't think it was a turnoff for Larry either. "God, Bill! I never felt anything like that before. Fucking wild."

"You know it, stud. Have you been saving up for a few days? I thought you weren't gonna stop!"

He laughed, nuzzling my neck. "Had a lotta beer, I guess. You okay?"

"Better 'n ever. But, uh, now I'm the one who better get to the head. Much as I'd love to stay right here till you're ready to fuck again, my gut tells me a pit stop is in order." He gently slipped his softened shaft from my stretched sopping hole. I waited a second until I was sure I could keep it closed long enough to reach the bathroom, then slipped on a robe and crossed the hall. Thank god it was late, and everybody else was asleep. When I finally let my anus open again, it was like the Hoover Dam giving way. As the incredible flood of mixed liquids rushed out, I understood why some guys get off on enemas. My ass was going to be a lot emptier and cleaner than ever before. When my already swollen dick grew even more, I wondered if Larry could get that horse-dick up enough to fill me up one more time. Ready for another one of his patented stud reamings, I hurried back to the room.

I groaned when I opened the door, and heard the unmistakable sounds of Larry Joe's satisfied snoring filling the room. The fucking bastard had passed out on me again, only this time he'd done it in my bed. So much for round three. I closed the door and walked over to the bed, looking down at the naked hunk. He was sprawled flat on his belly, with that magnificent butt staring up at me, bare and sexy as hell. He was out, no question, but my hard dick wasn't really ready to call it a night, and that wide open ass was just too tempting to pass up.

He was one climax up on me anyway, and I hoped that a good screwing might wake him, and the boa constrictor, up. Feeling only slightly guilty at taking such outrageous advantage of his vulnerable state, I swung my knees astride his hips, and aimed the head of my prick right for the center of his deep, sweaty cleft. At the first touch, his already lubed hole opened like a blossoming flower to accept my rod. When I slid it home to the very base, Larry Joe moaned softly between snores and flexed his ass muscles around my invading meat.

Even sound asleep, the hunk was one hell of a fabulous fuck. His butt rose and fell under me, meeting every thrust of my throbbing organ, and the snug walls of his slippery chute grasped and spasmed around it. It was like being jacked off by a hand inside his hot rectum. Once in the saddle, I rode his ass for real, giving him every inch of my rampant cock time and again. He was grunting and groaning in passion while I plowed him open, but be damned if he wasn't also snoring the whole fucking time.

All too soon, in spite of the powerful climax I'd had not too long before, I felt my balls slamming up against the base of my pile-driving cock. With a deep sigh of sheer pleasure, I buried the throbbing tool all the way inside my hunky roommate's fabulous ass and pumped another thick load of cream into his guts. I collapsed across his broad muscular back, gasping for air as my over stimulated senses regathered themselves. Larry Joe purred in his sleep, sounding as satisfied as I felt, but even the hot stud-fuck hadn't awakened him. Totally and completely spent myself, I rolled us over onto our sides, and went to sleep with my only semi-limp dick still imbedded in his come-drenched butt.

Next: Chapter 4

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