College Caper

By Scott Westwood

Published on Jun 6, 2023



This story contains sexual acts between college age men. If this is not to your tastes, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

The story is copyrighted. Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

Parts of this story were inspired by my own experiences with fraternities. However, THIS story is mostly fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, may be accidental.

Constructive comments and suggestions are appreciated. Flames will be cheerfully (and totally) ignored.

College Caper (MM, bd, sm, oral, anal, whipping, cbt, initiation) Chapter 5

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have not read the preceding chapters you can enjoy this one, but will miss out on some of the excitement. Also, for those who read the first four when they were posted last year, you may wish to re-read them (or at least Chapter 4). My apologies to all for the long delay between Chapter 4 and 5. I hope to get Chapter 6 out soon.

Friday Night - In The Big Room

As we left Todd, he was naked and bound to a St. Andrew's Cross, on stage at the party in the Tri Delt house. His emerging desires now more obvious by the massive hard-on that jutted out from his lean body.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that dear Todd wants more, so what should be done to him?" The announcer's words echoed through the room, as Todd surveyed the crowd of both guys and girls. They were like a pack of sex-crazed animals. What's more they were shouting things that both scared and excited him even more.


The announcer listened carefully. After several minutes, it was clear that no one suggestion had taken root, so he once more quieted the crowd with a wave of his hand.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems we still have a mix of opinions. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to continue on with the show and move Todd off to the side so he can see his fellow pledge brothers in action."

There were a few disappointed moans, but then a round of applause as the cross was wheeled off to the side of the stage, still in full view. Obviously thoughts were turning to the other pledges now and the "delights" that awaited them.

"Oh yes, and don't worry Ladies and Gents, if his brothers don't manage to keep Todd... shall we say fully interested," there was a burst of laughter as everyone stared at Todd's erect pole which must have been pushing some 7 inches. "Well then we will have to do something about it!" Everyone cheered.

Todd knew that he was going to remain hard. He just knew it. As he looked over the audience again, he considered the girls. There were some truly hot ones in the crowd, ones who were blowing him seductive kisses and making obscene gestures with their mouths and tongues. He thought about what it would be like to be with some of them. It did excite him. However, as he considered the possibilities, he noted that his dick actually softened a bit.

Then the announcer declared, "You know everyone, it doesn't seem fair to have the rest of the pledges miss the show, so what say we bring the other five Phi Sig hopefuls out on stage for the rest of the activities?"

The crowd went wild with applause and so did Todd's manhood. A moment ago his dick had started to soften as he contemplated the women in the audience. Ones he thought he would dearly like to be with. That was exciting, yes, but not nearly as exciting as the thought of his brothers being brought out on stage... or for that matter, it was nothing compared to the thoughts he had of himself being once more touched and/or humiliated by other men.

The announcer motioned towards the back of the room. After just a few moments, there was a lot more cheering and whistling as the five other pledges were led through the audience.

They were blindfolded with their hands shackled behind their backs and were still clad only in their briefs, except of course for Brad in his jock strap.

As they stepped up on stage, they were directed to the side opposite Todd. Each was forced to kneel, facing the audience. Brian, Brad and Jim looked the most comfortable, or at least as comfortable as they could be, under the circumstances. Jared and Steve looked scared to death. For the boyish looking Jared it seemed to fit. Steve, was something else, however. Gone was all the cockiness and self-assured demeanor. It was replaced by the look of a terrified little boy.

After the audience had more than enough time to devour the hot young jocks with their eyes, the announcer continued.

"Aren't they a beautiful sight?" The crowd cheered and whistled.

"Okay, we had best get on with things. These boys have a long weekend of pledge fun ahead of them so we'll need to send them on their way soon." There was a general moan of disappointment from the audience.

"Don't worry everyone, they're all gonna perform before we let them leave, so let's get our next performer over here!" he continued.

"Bring Brad over here please."

Brad swallowed hard as hands pulled him to his feet and escorted him to the center of the stage. The blindfold and shackles were removed and he was made to stand facing the audience with his hands behind his back and legs spread slightly.

The 18 year old, with light brown hair, had a heavy bush which surrounded the top of his tight jock, but a minimal amount of hair on the rest of his body. Standing at a mere 5'8" he was Without question one of the most handsome guys on the planet. He took pride in his body and worked out constantly. He looked like the famous statue, "David". There was a hushed silence as everyone took in the sight of Brad's great body.

Normally very self-assured, Brad blushed heavily as he scanned the audience. His aroused manhood pressed hard against his jock as he contemplated what lay ahead.

After a moment, the announcer once again continued, "Well I can see everyone is impressed by what they see, so it's a shame for them not to see the full picture, so Brad, why don't you take off your jock for the nice folks."

A loud cheer echoed through the room.

Brad took only a moment. He knew there was no point arguing, so he quickly grabbed the band of his jock strap, pulled it down his legs, stepped out of it, and once again stood facing the audience with his hands behind his back. The crowd went absolutely wild as they saw his perfectly formed erect manhood standing at a perfect 45 degree angle.

The announcer let the cheering continue for a few more moments, then raised his hand for quiet.

"Brad you've got a nice body for sure. We've got a special assignment for you, but before we do that, how about you pickup your jock and go over to Todd."

Brad shrugged, then picked up his jock and proceeded across stage to stand beside Todd who was still secured firmly to the cross. Todd's erection grew harder.

"Okay, Brad, now take your jock and put it over Todd's head so that the pouch cover's his mouth and nose like a surgical mask." More cheers from the crowd.

Brad looked at Todd apologetically, then reached up and quickly secured his jock around Todd's face. Needless to say it was very sweaty from the recent running. As Todd took his first breath through the jock, his eyes rolled up into his head as he moaned loudly. Brad's man scent was very strong, and incredibly intoxicating. Todd's thoughts were a confusing tangle of emotion and desire. The sexuality battle between gay and straight desires that had begun earlier in the dorm roared on, and straight was clearly losing. Todd's hard-on twitched and seemed to grow another inch as a speck of pre-cum appeared on it's head.

Cries of "Milk him" and "suck him" erupted from the audience. Brad looked over to the audience. He fully expected to be ordered to be either jacking or sucking Todd's throbbing member at any moment. Though Brad was BI, he knew that he leaned more to the gay side and could get off working his tormented pledge brother to a climax. The prospect of doing so in front of a room full of guys and girls was not as disturbing as Brad thought it would be. In fact, he was excited by the prospect.

The announcer looked at Brad and Todd, then surveyed the audience.

"Sorry everyone, we're going to let Todd live with his hard member for awhile longer."

The crowd sighs.

"But we have something that should amuse and entertain you all. Come back over here Brad."

Brad pulls his eyes from Todd's swollen member and walks to the announcer at center stage. The announcer puts his arm around Brad and gestures to the audience.

"Brad, I don't know if you have noticed, but there are quite a few of our guests who are drinking bottled beer!"

Brad surveys the audience then nods.

"Now Brad, we thought it would be a nice gesture if you could help us by collecting the empty bottles. Do that and you will pretty much have fulfilled your obligation to us."

Brad nods his assent, but with a little bit of suspicion. He figures there's gotta be a catch.

At this point the crowd seems content. The notion of having Brad's beautiful naked body moving through the audience is very appealing.

The announcer winks at the audience, motions offstage and the continues. As he speaks, one of his assistants crosses the stage and stands behind Brad.

"Oh there are just a couple tiny little conditions for this task by the way."

The assistant grabs Brads hands and handcuffs them behind his back.

"You can't use your hands or your mouth... and you must pickup each bottle wherever they are and bring each back up to the side of the stage and place them in the empty case."

Brad and the crowd look confused for a moment. Then laughter and cheers erupt. Brad thinks for a moment then understands. He blushes bright red.

The announcer points to a table in front of the stage with an empty bottle.

"So get started Brad, there's your first bottle."

Brad is frozen for a moment. He looks at the announcer pleadingly, then resigns himself to his fate and steps off the stage.

When he reaches the table, a couple of guys, help him climb onto the table.

Brad steps to the center of the table and positions himself over the empty bottle and takes a deep breath.

The crowd tingles in anticipation.

Finally, Brad surrenders to this incredibly humiliating task, bends his knees and lowers his butt towards the top of the bottle.

The crowd starts chanting "GO... GO... GO!"

As Brad feels the mouth of the bottle touching his tight hole, he grimaces. With his hands bound behind him he concentrates on maintaining his balance. Feeling totally humiliated, his instinct is to close his eyes, but for some perverse reason, he can't help taking a quick glance at the excited crowd. The fact that there are many people who seem to be in a hurry to finish their own beers is not lost on the hot little jock boy. Nevertheless, he takes another deep breath and proceeds to lower himself onto the beer bottle.

As the bottle mouth enters Brads tight hole, he cannot keep himself from moaning and declaring, "Ohhhh, FUCK!"

The sight and sound of the naked hot little jock boy, impaling himself on a beer bottle is just too much. The crowd goes wild with cheering as Brad lowers himself further. Brad's face contorts with a mixture of pain and pleasure, then with the realization that there are many more bottle to go, he tightens his anal grip on the bottle, stands up and the proceeds to hop off the table.

The cheers now turn to laughter at the sight. Just picture it. One of the cutest guys on the planet... naked... arms tied behind his back... walking with a beer bottle stuck in his ass!

Brad managers to clamber back onto the stage and hobble over to the empty beer case. He places a leg on either side of the case, lowers himself and "shits" the beer bottle into its slot.

The crowd cheers wildly. Then, Brad, feeling a little proud of himself, takes a little bow before heading back into the audience for another bottle.

The announcer manages to get the audience quiet again, in spite of the fact that Brad is working on picking up another bottle.

"So, people, is this a party or what?" The crowd cheers again.

"Well since this is a party, we really should have a party favor."

He gestures to his assistant, who crosses the stage, helps Jim to his feet and then escorts him to center stage. Jim was also 18 years old. His sandy brown hair, was in contrast with the dark hair on his chest. Though he had a well proportioned build he was not very muscular. He liked to swim to keep fit when not playing lacrosse. Jim was also the intellectual type. When he wore his glasses he looked like a brainiac geek. He was probably the "straightest" member of the pledge class.

As he was led across the stage, blindfolded, with his hands secured behind his back wearing only his white cotton briefs, he tried to focus his mind on other things. He had already felt a stirring in his groin and did not want to develop a hard-on in front of a crowd of people.

When he reached center stage, the announcer again motioned to his assistant who stepped behind Jim and quickly pulled his brief's to the floor. Jim kept his feet planted and the assistant slapped him hard on his ass. He got the message and stepped out of his briefs.

The announcer then picked up the briefs and turned to the crowd.

"Who wants a souvenir?" The crowd responded with waiving arms and shouts, then cheered as the announcer threw Jim's briefs into the audience.

Then he continued. "Well it appears that our young friend is not as excited about being here as his two friends." He gestured to Jim's limp manhood. "So Jim, do you think you could at least show us what you look like in a manly state of excitement?"

Jim shook his head. The announcer laughed. "I know it's hard for some guys, so we'll help you out." He placed his hand on Jim's shoulder. "So this is what we're going to do Jim. We're making you the official Party Favor of the night. Which means the Sisters and their guests are going to have the opportunity to get up close and personal. In just a moment we're going have you start moving through the crowd and anyone who wants to can feel whatever part of your body they want."

The crowd cheered.

Now Jim was nervous. Even more so as he felt a surge in his cock. As he was led down into the audience, the rise of his manhood was well underway.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE NOTE: Since we have reached the halfway point of the evening's event at the Tri Delt house, it seems appropriate to recap for just a moment. The six Phi Sig pledges are at the final stop of the infamous Brick Walk. They have acquired 5 bricks along the way and need to complete this final stop to earn their final brick and receive their next set of orders for what is clearly a "hell weekend." This particular stop is challenging and humiliating for them. It is a special "Date Night" at the Sorority house and the Phi Sig pledges are the main entertainment.

At the moment, three of the pledges are naked. Todd is secured to a St. Andrews cross on one side of the stage. He has a raging hard-on and also has Brad's sweaty jock strap covering his nose and mouth. He can see everything that is happening to his fellow pledge brothers.

Brad, the hot little jock, with the gorgeous body, is currently working his way through the audience picking up beer bottles with his ass and shuttling them to the stage. His task is made a little tricky by the fact that his hands are handcuffed behind him.

Jim, the slender intellectual, is also working his way through the audience. His hands are handcuffed as well and he is blindfolded. He is being passed among the guests who are having a great time squeezing his ass, probing his hole, pinching his nipples, and of course fondling his cock and balls.

The remaining three pledges, Jared, Brian and Steve are kneeling on the stage. All three are blindfolded and cuffed and wearing only their briefs. For those who don't remember, the descriptions of the three are as follows:

Jared 18 years old. Blond haired blue eyed with a well proportioned body. He looked like a 16 year old, with rosy cheeks that would remain with him for many years to come. His smooth body did not display much in the muscle department, but he was actually very athletic.

Brian 23 years old. Short blond hair, green eyes with a slight, but well developed body. Older than most freshman due to the fact that he served four years in the Marine Corps prior to entering college.

Steve 19 years old. Light brown hair and warm brown eyes. He was built to play rough and tumble sports. His body was well defined and solid with a 32 inch waist. His abs were the envy of every guy on every team he played on. Besides lacrosse, he loved to play rugby, the British sport recently added to the college sports program because he enjoyed the hard-hitting physical contact.

The other important fact to keep in mind deals with Steve. In Chapter 4 we discovered that Steve had taken advantage of the younger sister of the Tri Delt Pledge Mistress at a party the year before. So it seems obvious that the Sisters have something special in mind for Steve, who will be the "finale" of the show.

This concludes the recap.

The announcer watched for a little while as Jim was passed through the front rows of the audience. It only took a couple of minutes, for the helpless pledge to develop his own raging hard-on.

Once again, the announcer's hand was raised for silence. As he waited for quiet, Jared was led to the center of the stage.

He looked like a very scared little kid. His cheeks were blushing bright red. Like Jim he too was soft, at least for the moment. In Jared's case, the softness was from fear more than anything else.

As soon as Jared stood beside the announcer his blindfold and shackles were removed. When he opened his eyes, and saw the assembled crowd, he almost feinted.

The announcer smiled at him. "Well Jared, nice of you to join us here tonight." Jared did not know what to do or say, so he just nodded at the announcer. It was a nervous nod of politeness.

"So Jared, since you are here, I guess you are pretty determined to become a Phi Sig."

Jared replied softly, "Ye..esss."

"And you will do everything you can to help your fellow Pledge brothers out, correct?"

Jared replied with a little more confidence, "Yes."

"Well good for you", quipped the announcer. Jared acknowledged the compliment with a nod and a nervous smile.

"You know Jared, you look a little uncomfortable standing there like that in those tight white briefs."

Jared responded nervously, "Oh, I'm okay I guess."

The announcer laughed. "That is nice of you to say that Jared, but I think we need to make you just a little more comfortable before we continue. How about it everyone, would you like Jared to be a little more comfortable?"

The crowd shouted yes almost in unison.

"Okay, well in that case, Jared, go ahead and get more comfortable."

Jared stood looking at the announcer. For a brief moment he did not quite understand. Then he gestured towards his briefs, as if to say, "You mean take these off?"

The announcer smiled again and nodded.

Jared looked around the big room. He was embarrassed as hell, but knew that he really did not have a choice. He shrugged and then reluctantly reached for his waistband. As Jared pulled his briefs down to his ankles, the crowd cheered wildly.

Jared stepped out of his briefs, stood up and held them out to the announcer.

"Thank you Jared, but I'm sure there is someone in the audience who would appreciate them more."

Again Jared looked a little confused. Then in a flash of understanding he turned and threw his last piece of clothing into the cheering crowd. He smiled as he watched one of the Tri Delt sisters snatch his briefs in mid-air, but then blushed as the sister, first sniffed his briefs and then blew him a very seductive kiss.

Despite the fact that Jared was now completely naked in front of a crowd eager to partake of his distress, Jared felt a slight sense of relief and perhaps a little excitement. His blush faded slightly.

Then the announcer continued. "Okay Jared, we're going to play a little game. It's just a short one. It's called Tell The Truth. Does that sound okay to you?"

Jared smiled and nodded, but was clearly a little apprehensive.

"Now we're going to need some help with this so we're going to use your fellow Pledge Brother Todd." As he spoke his assistant walked over to Todd and began tying a long piece of cord around Todd's balls. He hung a couple of little bells beneath Todd's sack, then took the other end of the cord and handled it to a group of sisters in the front row. Then he stood beside Todd holding a small riding crop at the ready.

"Jared, this is how the game is going to work. I am going to ask you a series of questions. After you answer each one, that little group of Tri Delt sister will decide whether or not you are telling the truth. If they believe you are lying, they will tug on cord making those bells ring. And every time the bells ring, my assistant will use the riding crop on your pledge brother Todd. Understand?"

Jared looked very concerned.

Todd looked frightened. His hard-on had not diminished one bit and he had a sinking feeling his cock would feel the lash.

After a moment of thought Jared nodded, and the announcer continued. "Okay Jared, first question. Have you ever kissed a girl?

Jared smiled and said, "Yes."

The sisters nodded and no bells rang.

"Did ever kiss a guy?

Jared pronounced firmly, "NO!"

Again, a nod from the sisters, and no bell.

"Have you had sex with more than one girl?

"Yes," Jared stated almost proudly.

The sisters nodded and smiled. They clearly were also relishing the thought of having sex with this cute little imp. Jared took note of the look on their faces and his blush returned.

"Have you ever given oral sex to a girl?"

Jared looked extremely embarrassed, but managed to stammer... "Uh... ye..esss."

The sisters conferred for a moment then nodded. No bells.

By now Todd was feeling a little more confident, as was Jared.

"Have you ever received oral sex from a girl?"

Now Jared was very embarrassed. Again he stammered his answer, ""

There was an audible sound of pity from the sisters, and now bell.

"Have you ever received oral sex from a guy?"

Jared responded quickly, "NO!."

No bell.

Then the announcer asked quickly, "Have you ever given oral sex to a guy?"

Jared's response was partially instinctive but also protective. He had no intension of revealing what had happened earlier. He took a deep breath and said "NO!"


Jared tried to correct his answer, but it was too late. In an instant it was clear that the event between him and Brian earlier that evening was not a secret. His protests were drowned out by a loud shriek as the riding crop struck Todd's engorged manhood.

The crowd cheered.

Then the announcer turned to Jared.

"I'll ask the same question another way Jared, have you every sucked a guy's cock?"

Jared was devastated. He desperately wanted to say NO, and would have under any other circumstance. He thought for a moment longer and the said softy, "Yes."

"Now Jared, just a few more questions and then we are done with the game."

Jared looked a little relieved.

"How many guys have you sucked Jared?"

Jared looked a little glassy eyed as he said, "Just one."

No bells.

The announcer chuckled, "How about anal sex Jared, you know what that means right? Have you ever had anal sex with a guy?"

Jared thought for a moment choosing his words, "Yes I know what it means, and no I have never had anal sex with a guy."

No bells.

Okay Jared your last two questions.

"Is the guy you sucked here tonight?"

Jared was now totally embarrassed. He knew where this was probably heading. He also knew he had no choice. That is of course unless he didn't care what happened to poor Todd.

Somehow he managed a simple "Yes."

"Well then Jared, would you point him out to us and tell us who he is?"

Jared reluctantly pointed across the stage and said, "He's right over there, his name is Brian."

The eyes of the crowd now focused on Brian. The former Marine with the close cropped blond hair was of course still kneeling on the other side of the stage, blindfolded and shackled and wearing only his military issue khaki briefs. A tent in the khaki covering, attested to the fact he was well aware of what had taken place up to this point.

The announcer laughed loudly, and nearly shouted, "Well let's bring your buddy over here then, so everyone can meet him."

Jared looked to the floor as Brian was escorted to center stage where he was directed to stand with legs spread, facing the audience. Judging by the noise, the crowd approved as this hunky little Marine was displayed for their upcoming entertainment.

After a few more moments, the announcer continued as he patted Jared on the back. "Jared, you did okay. The Truth game is over now, but we're going to keep things the way they are with Todd for now." Then he raised his voice so that all of the six Phi Sig pledges could hear. "And now, if the sisters feel that any of you pledges is NOT cooperating, they're going to ring the bells!"

The pledges seemed to get the point and he continued.

"Okay Jared, so it was Brian here who was the recipient of your one and only blow job?" Jared nodded.

"Do you think he enjoyed it?"

Jared replied with a simple "Yes."

The announcer leaned over and looked at the huge tent in Brian's briefs. "Looks like he is still thinking about it." The crowd roared with laughter.

"Jared, you know it seems unfair not to share the "full" picture with the audience, so why don't you help us out and show us what you go to see up close." He gestured towards Brian's briefs.

Once again Jared had the momentary look of innocence that said, "What, you mean pull down his underwear?" The announcer nodded and laughed and gesture towards the sisters holding the bell cord. "Go ahead Jared, or else it's RING-A-DING DING for Todd over there."

Jared shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to remove Brian's briefs. As he pulled them down, the waistband snagged on the tip of Brian's roaring hard-on. Brian winced as his cock was pulled down for a second. When it was pointed straight out, the waistband suddenly snapped over the tip, and freeing his trapped pole. As the briefs slid further down his legs, his manhood shot to full attention, almost hitting Jared in the face. The crowd gasped and then cheered at this dramatic revelation of Brian's 9+ inches of hardened man flesh.

Unfortunately for Jared, the sight and smell of Brian's hard-on was just a little too familiar and fresh in his mind. As he pulled Brian's briefs off his feet, Jared felt a stirring in his groin. He blushed and slowly rose to his feet, holding Brian's briefs and wishing his own manhood to stay soft.

Like Jim and Jared's before, Brian's briefs were given to the crowd. There was a quick hush as the announcer started talking again.

"You know folks, after what we heard in the truth game it appears we have the opportunity to take care of something for dear sweet Jared here. It seems our young friend has never had the pleasure of receiving a blow job, and yet he has given one. So how about we have Brian return the favor right now?"

The audience broke into thunderous applause. A nervous Jared glanced around the room. By the looks and gestures, it seemed obvious that there a number of both girls and perhaps even some guys who would also be willing to have a taste of Jared's sweet thing.

It was that realization and the thought of the naked, blindfolded and bond pledge brother Brian giving him his first blow job that tipped the scales. Blood rushed into Jared's orally virgin manhood and in what seemed like just it few seconds, there he was standing with a healthy hard-on. What's more he was sporting a respectable 6 inches of perfectly formed cock. He was a sight indeed. Another of the announcer's assistants wasted no time. In an instant, Brian was forced to his knees in front of Jared.

"Now Jared, this is what we want you to do. Place your hands behind your head, and keep your eyes open throughout. Understood?"

Jared nodded and quickly put his hands behind his head. He concentrated on keeping his eyes open. Looking at the crowd, he felt another rush of excitement. Though he had no doubts about his sexuality (well almost no doubts), he found this entire scene incredibly exciting, and decided to surrender to the feeling. "Fuck em, he thought, if they get off on seeing me get off, so what." And that thought excited him still more.

Up to this point, the focus has been on Jared's thoughts, but Brian obviously had some as well. All along Brian had been carefully listening to the going's on. He had resigned himself to the fact that there was no point resisting and was actually very proud of his brothers' performances. He felt a special pride in young Jared. Even though Brian was gay, he wished that Jared did not have to be enduring these humiliations. But, he was happy that he would have the opportunity to taste Jared's sweet body. Besides, the job Jared did on him earlier felt so wonderful, he wanted to make Jared's first blow job extraordinary.

With his face so close to Jared's groin, he began getting whiffs of Jared's own unique man scent. It was a mix of athletic endeavor and developing youth. Brian didn't wait to be given instruction. He leaned closer to the scent and proceeded to find Jared's ball sac with his tongue and began his delicate, loving work on the blond imp's manhood.

Jared yelped as he felt Brian's tongue caressed his tender balls.

The announcer laughed, "Well, it appears our hungry Marine doesn't need to be given any orders! Go to it Marine! Oh and Jared, just one minor point, we don't want you to cum until we say you can. So when you feel you are ready, ask us!"

Jared nodded his assent through slightly clenched teeth. Brian had begun his normal procedure. Somehow he had Jared's entire cock and both of his balls inside his mouth. He was swishing Jared's balls around with his tongue.

Jared moaned with pleasure. After several minutes of this, Brian began released Jared and began working the underside of his cock with the tip of his tongue. He worked his way along Jared's sweet thing, until he reached the head. Then he began tickling Jared's engorged cockhead with his tongue. As his mouth took Jared inside once more, Jared's pelvis began gyrating in a fucking motion. Sweat began to pour from his armpits, forehead and neck. A light sheen of sweat covered his boyish chest.

Jared's breathing became very hard. He struggled to keep his eyes open as waves of intense pleasure and warmth shot through his entire body. His moans of pleasure were joined by others coming from the audience. He was not the only person in the room getting turned on. The site of this cute little dude being sucked by the hunky bound Marine was having it's effect on guys and girls alike.

Brian pulled Jared's hot cock inside his mouth and swallowed it completely. Each time he worked his way up and down, his tongue massaged Jared's cock. Brian discovered that he was wildly turned on by Jared's unique scent. His own body shook every time his nose entered Jared's little pubic forest. And so it was, he would plunge rapidly to the base of Jared's cock, sucking it's throbbing head all the way to the back of his throat. He would take a deep breath with his nose deep in Jared's pubes, before his mouth made it's ascent back to the tip. He was in cocksucker heaven and wanted to go on forever.

Jared was in a heaven of his own. He concentrated on holding back for as long as he could. But the pressure was building to a high point. At last, he stammered towards the announcer, "Please, can I cum?" PLEASE?"

"Sorry Jared, not yet."

Jared moaned. His body was shaking violently. Sweat pouring from every pour. Besides the intense desire to release, he had to face another growing desire. He was still holding his hands firmly behind his head. But he desperately wanted to reach down and grab the back of Brian's head and force him down on his cock even faster.

Brian had a struggle of his own. He too was sweating all over and was jerking his pelvis in a fucking motion. His arms tugged at his bonds. He wanted to reach around and grab hold of Jared's tight little butt, and probe his tight hole with a finger.

Jared was begging, "Oh GOD, please let me cum. I promise I'll do anything, just let me cum!"

The announcer shook his head and looked towards Todd. Todd was both turned on and terrified. His own cock was throbbing and leaking pre-cum. He glanced at the assistant standing next to him, with the riding crop poised over his engorged member. He said a silent prayer, "Please Jared, hang on, don't cum yet."

To everyone's surprise the announcer reached down and suddenly pulled Brian off of Jared, "Hold on Brian, that's enough." Brian sat back on his legs and waited. He wanted to finish the job and feel the electric shock of Jared's release.

The announcer leaned closer to the sweating and panting Jared. "Jared, you said you would do anything if we let you cum, correct?"

Standing there with his hands still clasped behind his head and a hard-on like none he had ever experienced, Jared managed to stammer, "Yes, please let me cum." The announcer looked satisfied.

Jared had a sudden flash of insight. He was sure he knew what was about to happen to him. He knew what the "anything" was going to be. Yesterday, he would have cared. Now he didn't. He just wanted to cum.

"Okay Jared, step closer to the front of the stage." Jared took a few more steps towards the audience. There was a pause as the announcer gave everyone a chance to take in this wonderful sight. There was Jared, naked, covered with sweat, standing on the edge of the stage with his hands clasped behind his head, with a throbbing hard-on bobbing at the crowd.

"Jared, I suspect you know what to do now. Assume the position!" Jared wasted no time at all dropped down on his hands and knees. Positioned as he was, the audience could see his face and his anxious cock and balls hanging between his legs. Still on his knees, Brian was guided to a position directly behind Jared's virgin butt. His huge pole was point up in the air, well above the little guy's tight hole. The assistant reached around from behind Brian and forced his cock down until it was resting on top of Jared's cheeks.

Kneeling behind Jared, Brian knew what he had to do. He also knew it would be tough. First the was the fact that his hands were still tied behind his back and second Jared had a virgin ass, one which Brian knew would be tight as hell. Brian also knew that the initial entry and strokes would be tough for Jared to take. He turned his head and spoke in the direction of the announcer, trying to sound as respectful has possible.

"Uh, please sir, since this is the kid's first time, is it possible to cut him just a slight break? Could I have a little lube put on me?

The announcer called for quiet, he explained what Brian had just asked to the crowd, then asked Brian, "Well, okay, I suppose we can do that, if we can use whatever WE choose." Brian nodded. He did not quite like the announcer's response though, and would discover why in a moment.

The announcer left the stage for a moment, the returned and handed a tube of something to the assistant who was holding Brian's cock down on Jared's butt. "Go ahead, lube him up please."

The assistant looked at the tube, and laughed as he opened it, squeezed some ointment on his hand and began applying it to Brian's hard cock. The smell was unmistakable to Brian, it was Ben Gay. As the assistant rubbed it all over Brian's cock (and balls), the announcer took the tube and held it up for all to see. Again the crowd roared with laughter.

Kneeling down on the front of the stage, the announced told Jared, "Okay Jared, Brian's going to do you now. You may come whenever you want, when that happens, raise your chest back up and put your hands behind your head so everyone has a good view, okay?" Jared nodded and gestured to the assistant who took hold of Brian's manhood and guided it to Jared's hole.

Brian's balls and cock were already stinging from the Ben Gay, so he had to fight the urge to ram his full length into Jared too quickly in an attempt to wipe some of ointment off of his sensitive skin.

Jared felt the pressure of Brian's cockhead against his anal entrance. He tried hard to relax but was only partially successful. Brian's cock parted his anal lips slightly. The pain was intense for Jared and his face showed it. His eyes watered and he started to moan, "OHHH, shit!" he called out.

Brian kept up the pressure. Jared's tight little pucker hole separated a little more and Jared reached for the edge of the stage. He gabbed the edge tightly and screamed as he felt the first real progress.

Brian was feeling sorry for Jared but continued the pressure. His cock seemed to be hung up, so he gave another strong push. At the same instant, Jared felt the urge like he had to take it shit. It was an over-powering urge, which his sphincter responded to, the result was explosive. The sudden relaxation of the muscle guarding Jared's rear entrance took Brian by complete surprise. In a quick movement, his rock-hard cock head plunged a full two inches into Jared.

Jared let out a blood-curdling scream, but did not let go of the front of the stage. Tears flowed from his eyes. Brian relaxed the pressure for a few moments, allowing Jared to catch his breath. Then he began again.

For the next 15 minutes, Brian slowly worked the full length of his 9 inches into Jared, pausing following each moan to allow the kid whose ass was being split to catch his breath.

Finally with his manhood buried deep and his pubes brushing Jared's pink cheeks, he began a slow pull out. Jared quivered all over and Brian pressed back in. And so the humping portion of Jared's first fuck began. Brian began working his cock slowly in and out. As Jared's moans of pain changed pitch, he instinctively increased the pace. Jared also realized his tight hold on the front of the stage, as the painful feelings evolved into ones of warm pleasure. Now his moans were almost like a cooing. He was totally oblivious to the crowd around him and surrender to an unspeakable sense of pleasure from the feeling of Brian inside his very self.

To say that Brian knew what he was doing would be an understatement. He himself was a bundle of feelings. The burning on his balls from the Ben Gay, only seemed to increase the intensity of his desire for Jared's ass. HE could have gone on for some time, but he also had a deep concern for Jared, so did what he knew he had to do. As difficult as it was, with his hands bound, Brian raised himself as much as he could and leaned into Jared. He kept shifting his body around, changing the angle of each plunge until he got the reaction he sought.

Jared was aware of Brian's shifting around, he didn't care, it just felt so good. He wanted to cum with Brian deep inside him, but realize he was not quite ready, and that's when it happened.

Jared felt an explosive rush that wracked his entire body, as Brian's positioning change finally produced the desired result. Brian's leg muscles strained maintain the position and he began to pump faster and harder. His cock had found the target and was now ravaging Jared's throbbing prostrate with every stroke.

Jared's body started shaking violently as he felt this overwhelming sensation, and he knew the time had come. To his credit he remember his instructions and on Brian's next plunge into him, he raised chest as high as he could, place his hands behind his head, cried out as his eruption finally began.

Everyone in the audience was frozen. It was the most erotic thing any had ever seen. Jared's beautiful, teen-like body, glistened with a sweat that served to accentuate his natural blush. The intense look of pleasure on his boyish face was framed by his sweaty, and matted blond hair and of course his arms and hands that were clenched behind his head. And of course, there was that equally sweaty Marine hunk that Jared was impaled on.

Jared's orgasm seemed to last forever. His balls kept moving up and down, slamming against the base of his cock, pumping every last reserve of seed out of him. Wave after wave of Jared's sweet cum shot into the audience. Then it ended as Jared fell to the floor of the stage, panting. He rolled onto his back and looked back at Brian, in time to see the final act of the duo's hot sex show.

The blindfolded and bound Brian seemed almost unaware of the fact that Jared's ass was not longer on his manhood. He was humping the air madly, and in just a few seconds, he too was shooting his man seed. The first blast shot over Jared's head and out into the audience. The second and third landed on Jared's chest and stomach, and the last few simply splayed onto Jared's legs. When he finished he fell forward and landed with his face buried in Jared's cum splattered pubes.

The crowd sat in stunned silence for a moment, then burst into thunderous applause. The announcer kept calling for more applause, to which the audience responded with a standing ovation.

Eventually order was restored. Brian and Jared were cleaned up and escorted to the side of the stage where Brian's blindfold and bonds were removed. They were told to sit on the floor and watch the grand finale of the show. As the assistants prepared the stage, Brad and Jim joined the other two. Their bonds had also been removed as was Jim's blindfolded. Both were totally boned. Brad from the stimulation of impaling himself on beer bottles and Jim from the wave of feels and fondles he had felt as he was passed from table to table. Poor Todd was left where he was, tied to that cross, hard as a rock and with that damned bell cord hanging from his balls.

This left Steve. He was still kneeling on the edge of the stage in his underwear. Hands bound behind him and blindfolded. Listening to everything that had gone on, he could not avoid the hard-on that pressed against his briefs. His excitement was tempered by a growing sense of fear of what lay ahead. It was clear that he would be the solo act of this sex drama. He also had no doubt that the sisters of Tri Delta were eager to inflict some nasty punishments for what he had done the year before. He had gotten lucky, or so he thought. As it turned out the girl he had gotten drunk and fucked was the younger sister of the Tri Delt pledge mistress. What made it worse was the fact that she was only in high school and visiting for that weekend. So now it was gonna be payback time.

Steve listening nervously as a rumbling sound echoed through the hall. Something was being wheeled onto the stage. Steve decided not to think about what was about to happen. He had resigned himself to his fate and was determined not to dishonor his fellow pledges and take what was coming to him.

The remaining Phi Sig pledges watched as the two assistants wheeled a set of uneven parallel bars onto the stage. It was the type used in women's gymnastics. They positioned it at the front of the stage with the high bar towards the audience and the low bar towards the back. Tables were placed on either side of the bars. Though Steve could not see what was on the table, the other pledges could and they all cringed. It looked like someone had gone to a clearance sale at a BDSM shop.

One table contained an assortment of dildos, vibrators, butt plugs and CBT devices. The other had nipple clamps, clothes pins, paddles and whips of all types.

Brian whispered to his fellow pledges, "Don't worry, Steve can handle it. He's tough." Brian was right of course. Steve was maybe even a little tougher than Brian. He prided himself in that toughness. It would be tested tonight.

As soon as the preps were finished, the announcer called for quiet. He then proceeded to tell the story of what Steve had done. He left out nothing. By the time he was finished, the crowd was just as eager to see Steve punished as Tasha was. The announcer concluded by noting that Tasha and her sister (the victim) were to be seated in the front row directly in front of the stage. He asked that Steve be brought to center stage and for Tasha to escort her sister there as well.

In just a few moments, they were all at center stage.

"Well everyone, it is my sorrowful duty to introduce you to Tara, the victim of our story, and of course Steve the perpetrator."

Steve was pushed forward slightly and Tara was directed to stand beside him.

"Tara, when you are ready for Steve's punishment to begin, please remove his briefs and then return to your seat. But before you do, Steve, is there anything you'd like to say to Tara, before we begin?"

Steve's blindfold was removed and he was turned to face Tara.

Steve tried to sound as sincere as he could as he declared, I really very sorry, uhh, Tara. I didn't mean to hurt you and hope you will forgive me." He held her gaze for several moments, as his eyes glassed over. Tara looked like she was considering it, then suddenly stepped up to Steve, pulled his briefs down to his ankles and returned to her seat.

The audience clapped as Steve was ushered to a position behind the parallel bars. His hands were then released. The assistants continued their punishment preps. Leather restraints were placed around his ankles and wrists. He was turned facing the audience with the lower bar resting across his stomach. Ropes were attached to his wrists restraints and each was in turn tied off to the high bar in front. Then his legs were spread wide and secured tightly to the rear uprights. Steve was now effectively spread-eagled facing the audience. With his stomach resting on the low bar, his ass and genitals made an easy target for any standing behind or beside him.

As the two assistants checked his bonds, Steve's eyes wandered to the two tables. When he saw the various torture devices, he began to sweat.

The announcer looked at the crowd. "Now if there is anyone here with a squeamish stomach, you might want to leave now." Nobody made a move to leave. "Very, well, then let the punishment begin."

Two more guys walked onto the stage. They were the punishment assistants (Hereafter known as PA's). Both were members of the varsity wrestling team and had friends in Tri Delta. For this occasion, they were stripped to the waist, each wearing a black executioner style mask and a black loin cloth. The lights dimmed and a spotlight illuminated the center of the stage.

One of them picked up two lengths of cord from the table and walked between the parallel bars. He knelt down and tied the end of the cord, tightly around Steve's ball sack. He then took the second cord and tied it very tightly around the end of Steve's cock, just below the head. Steve's hard-on had not diminished one bit, and was pointing straight up in the air. When he had finished, the PA gave Steve's balls a hard slap, causing the bound jock to groan loudly. He then ducked under the front bar, stepped off the stage and handed the other end of the two cords to Tara and here sister, who were seated in the front row. Both immediately gave their cords a few quick tugs. Steve reacted as his hard cock was forced down and toward the audience, along with his overfilled balls. He moaned again, and a few tears appeared in his eyes. Looking down into Tara and Tasha's faces, Steve knew there would be a lot more where that came from before the evening was over.

Meanwhile, the other PA had been surveying the tables. After a few moments, he picked up a medium sized butt plug and walked over to Steve. He looked at the jock's tight ass and then back at the plug and said something to the announcer who then spoke to the crowd.

"Well, it appears we already have a dilemma, it's called 'to lube, or not to lube'. What do you all think?" The response was predictable. Everyone was shouting NO! Steve grimaced. He had been able to see the butt plug as the PA approached and knew that his tight virgin hole was not about to allow its entry without a great deal of pain. The only thing that had been in Steve's hole prior to tonight, had been his own finger, during a few masturbation sessions.

The announcer listened to the shouts from the sadistic crowd, the smiled and called for silence.

"Well Steve, it seems these folks aren't at all concerned about your comfort. But I think we will cut you a little break. If one of your brothers can do the lube, we won't put the plug in dry." There were a few moans from the crowd which faded quickly in hushed anticipation of how the plug was to be lubed.

The announcer looked over at the four naked Phi Sig pledges. Though apprehensive, they all seemed anxious to help Steve out. To everyone's surprise, the announcer turned around and walked over to Todd who was, of course, still tied on the cross.

"So Todd, how would you like to be released from that thing?"

Todd nodded and mumbled through the jock that covered his mouth, "Oh God, yes."

"Tell you what Todd, we'll release you if you provide the lubing for your brother Steve. Okay?"

Todd nodded anxiously.

The announcer motioned to the assistant who was still standing with the riding crop poised over Todd's eternal hard-on. To Todd's relief, he set the crop down and proceeded to quickly remove the cord from his balls. Todd's bonds were also removed and Brad's jock was taken off of his face. Stepping away from the cross, he was allowed to move his legs, arms and shoulders for a bit, then was guided to the center of the stage to stand behind Steve.

"Okay Todd, go ahead and provide what lubrication you can for your pledge brother."

Todd looked a little confused and the announcer continued.

"Oh that's right, we forgot to tell you what you use. In this case, you are allowed to use only your saliva, which must be applied with your mouth and tongue."

Todd shrugged, then turned to the PA holding the butt plug and held out his hand. The PA smiled, shook his head and pointed to Steve's ass. The look of confusion on Todd's face was priceless. Even better was the look when it suddenly occurred to him how he was expected to complete the lube job. Looking to the announcer and seeing no way out, Todd reluctantly dropped to his knees behind Steve, gathered as much spit as he could into his mouth and slowly moved his mouth towards Steve's hot little hole.

"Remember, Todd, the better job you do, the less pain your brother will be feeling."

Todd certainly wanted to help Steve out, but this was something else. As he reached up and grabbed hold of Steve's muscular ass cheeks, all sorts of feelings and thoughts raced into his head. Less then 24 hours ago, he had considered himself to be completely straight. That conclusion was challenged greatly by his encounter with Glen earlier that evening and all during the proceedings on stage. He remembered the rush he felt when his nose was buried in Glen's pubes, and of course the moment he touched Glen's cock with his lips. And now the rush was back. This time as his mouth closed in on his pledge brother's ass. 'How could I feel this excited, I should be disgusted by this?' he thought. Then he caught a whiff of Steve's incredibly strong man scent. The type generated by the combination of athletic sweat and unfulfilled sexual stimulation. The scent was over-powering. Todd's mind when blank as he separated Steve's beautiful mounds and began working the edge of Steve's entrance.

Steve's body shook all over as he felt Todd's tongue begin working the lips of his hole. He moaned deeply as Todd began working his tongue inside of him and could not control himself as his reflexes took over. His pelvis began to pump back and forth, faster and faster as Todd worked to grease his anal passage with as much spit as possible. Both of the young jock's were once again sweating profusely and breathing hard.

Like the "Jared/Brian" performance earlier, the audience was completely caught up in this demonstration of lust and pleasure. For many, it was one of the most erotic things they had ever witnessed. The announcer allowed things to continue for sometime, then nodded to the PA.

As the PA pulled Todd's face out of Steve's ass, Tara and Tasha tugged tightly on Steve's cock and ball cords. Steve screamed as pain shot through his male members. Todd sat back on his legs for a moment, catching his breath, while watching Steve's reaction to the sudden assault.

The echo of the screams has barely subsided when the PA motioned to Todd to reach up and spread Steve's cheeks with his hands. Todd quickly began spreading Steve's cheeks and looked on, in a haze of horror and desire as the PA pressed the butt plug into Steve's hole.

The PA was neither gentle nor kind. He wasted no time at all. Allowed almost no time for Steve's poor virgin hole to adjust. He just kept pressing.

Steve tried hard to grit his teeth and stifle another scream, but it just wasn't working. The pain was just to great. He felt like his ass was being split. He started whimpering as the PA increased the pressure dramatically. The whimpers turned to pants and moans as the plug edged into him until finally the PA braced himself and gave a sudden hard push on the plug.

Kneeling with his hands holding Steve's butt cheeks apart, Todd now watched in horrified fascination as the plug a sudden descent into Steve's hole. Steve's scream echoed through the hall, as the lips of his strained hole snapped into place, with the nasty plug now completely inside of him. Steve's cheeks were pulled from Todd's hands by the resulted bucking and shaking. He could not pull his eyes off of Steve's writhing body as the PA helped him to his feet and escorted him to the side of the stage to join his pledge brothers.

As Todd sat down, he kept watching Steve's bound and sweaty body. Then suddenly he found his mind was not longer blank as a torrent of conflicting thoughts and desires wracked his brain. He was one very confused little "straight sex puppy."

Tara and Tasha were clearly enjoying Steve's torment. They kept their eyes on his face and smiled as the tears of pain dribbled down his face. They couldn't wait for the rest.

And the rest followed in quick order. One punishment, followed quickly by another and some in combination. Try as he might Steve could not stifle his own screams. Nor could he keep the tears out of his eyes. He was determined however, not to beg for it to stop. It was something he just would not do.

With the butt plug firmly in place, one of the PA's picked up a large frat paddle and began smacking Steve's ass.




After twenty hard blows, Steve's ass was a bright shade of red.

Clamps were placed on his nipples and tightened until he let out another scream.

The other PA picked up a leather belt and started lashing the backs of Steve's thighs. Steve pulled against his bonds as he felt the sharp sting of the leather belt on his thighs. There was pain in and on his ass, pain on his thighs, pain on his nipples and pain from the cords on his cock and balls. Sweat poured from almost every pore. And there was something else. There was an intense feeling of arousal that could not be denied. Steve thought that somehow his pain and sex circuits had some gotten inter-connected. The pain seemed to be feeding his desire and the situation of being bond and abused in front of an audience only added to the intensity. Through the haze, Steve thought, "Damn, I must be really perverse." And as if on cue, a generous amount of pre-cum began leaking from his tortured cock head.

Then a new part of his body cried out. The PA had finished with his thighs and had picked up a nasty leather whip and was now focusing on Steve's back. Steve screamed again as the whip worked it's way up and down his back and occasionally wound around to his chest. It was intense and his body showed it. He thrashed in his bonds a cursed, but he did not beg.

As the PA finished his 20th lash, the second PA, leaned over and abruptly jerked the butt plug out of Steve's tight ass. The result was a loud howl and more thrashing. "GOD-FUCKING DAMMIT...! FUCK MAN, OH FUCK!" Steve cried.

But there was to be no respite for the tortured youth. The two PA's immediately began assaulting his insides with a huge dildo. Again and again he rammed the nasty thing into Steve's guts. Again and again Steve cried out. Again and again Tara and Tasha pulled on his cock and ball cords.

The savage dildo-ing went on as the second PA began attaching clothes pins to Steve's balls and to the underside of his engorged cock.

Steve pulled hard against his bonds as the latest wave of sensations coursed through his body. The pain was incredible, but so was the excitement. Through tears he glanced around the room, catching glimpses of the faces in the crowd. Everyone he saw was wild with desire and anticipation. They were enraptured by his suffering and perverse display. And that was the final element.

His pain and sexual sensors were now in full synch. His groin began pumping wildly. Some of the clothespins snapped off his manhood elements as his balls began a rapid ascent towards the base of his engorged cock. He felt an intense sense of embarrassment about what he felt happening in front of everyone, which of course added fuel to the sexual fire. And so it began.

The first blast of man-seed shot explosively from Steve's cock. It flew in an arc and hit the girl sitting next to Tara, in the face. This was followed by six more blasts and what seemed like a never ending amount of dry shots. By the time Steve finally slumped in his bonds, he was drained and exhausted, as was the audience. It seemed the smell of cum filled the air and it appeared to be everywhere. Which of course it was and not all Steve's either. More than one guy in the audience had creamed his jeans. Some with the help of a willing girl friend and others entirely on their own.

After it appeared the crowd had caught its breath, the announcer walked to center stage, knelt down and whispered to Tasha. There was a brief conversation which was being closer observed by the other Phi Sig pledges. To their combined relief, there was some smiling and head nodding, which appeared to indicate they were satisfied. This was confirmed moments later as the announcer stood up and called for silence.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, sadly, we have reached the end of our evening. I'm not sure any of us could take any more entertainment tonight and these six guys have a 'busy' weekend ahead of them so we need to get them on their way." There were only a few sighs of disappointment.

The announcer gestured offstage and within moments the two assistants appeared, carrying a wooden chest and the five bricks acquired earlier. Meanwhile, the other pledges were directed to help Steve out of his bonds which they did so quickly and with care. When they were finished, the six hot, and naked young studs walked over and waited beside the chest. Brian helped Steve walk and continued to steady him with an arm around his back.

"Steve," the announcer continued, "I'm pleased to tell you that Tara and Tasha feel you have taken your punishment and paid your debt and that there is no problem between the Tri Delts and the Phi Sigs." The crowd clapped and cheered. Tara blew Steve a kiss, to which Steve responded with a little smile and a wink.

Tasha stood up and handed a key to the announcer who quickly passed it on to Brad. Brad knelt down, opened the chest and withdrew the paper, along with six pieces of thin rope, six pairs of handcuffs, six blindfolds and of course the final brick. He didn't like the look of this. He then stood, opened the paper and read the instructions aloud. It seemed pointless to keep the instructions from the crowd, so he spoke loud enough for all to hear.

ORDER #8 "Congratulation pledges on getting to this point. You are to be commended. Each of you are to take your brick, along with a piece of rope, handcuffs and the blindfold and find someone in the audience who will assist with your preparation for the next phase of your weekend. The person who assists you will place your blindfold over your eyes, cuff your hands behind your back and then hang your brick from your balls using the rope.

When this is accomplished, you will be led outside to the lot and will assisted into the back of the van found there. You will not talk during the ride that follows."

And that was all it said. The audience seemed pleased with this final humiliation. With a sense of resignation, the six pledges picked up the required items and proceeded into the crowd. It only took a few minutes for each to find a willing partner. Jared was of course the most embarrassed. He literally glowed red, as a cute young girl gently blindfolded him, cuffed his hands his back and then fumbled around for what seemed an eternity, tying the rope around his balls and then attaching the brick.

At last the six pledges were led from the hall and into the lot behind the house. I watched from my seat in the front seat of the van as these six beautiful specimens were led across the lot and then helped into the back of my van. There was pain on their faces from the weight on their balls and they walked very carefully (wouldn't you!). All six were again in varying stages of hardness, with Todd being the worst.

When the last one was seated inside, and the door was closed, I started the van and drove off. As we turned onto the road leading into the countryside and my estate, I realized that there was at least one hard-on that was more intense than poor Todd, and it didn't have a brick attached to it.

Yes, it was going to be a great weekend!

***************************************************************************** NOTE: If you have any suggestions for any of the upcoming encounters (particularly for the pledge weekend ahead) send them to If I can work them in I will. Most of the suggestions I have already received have been good and will continue to be incorporated into the ensuing chapters. Thanks again for the suggestions and my apologies again for the LONG delay in continuing this series.

Feel free to suggest some devilish challenges for the pledges OR any of the boys mentioned in the other parts of the story. LOL, like, ?I would like to see Brian (or whoever) have to do this, or have this done to him, etc.?

Next: Chapter 6

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