College Boys

By Cool Dude

Published on Jan 21, 2006


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it is illegal where you are, please leave now!

College Boys - Part Seven

Cindy Draper was a highly respectable girl who came from a good middle-class family. The rumors that had circulated regarding her sexual promiscuity were entirely unfounded. However, she had a voluptuous look about her that suggested otherwise and she had always been a bit of a flirt in a harmless way. She had fallen for Charlie Smithers in a big way while in junior high school and eventually, when they were both sixteen, she had lost her virginity to him. He would never commit to her but at the same time he never indicated to her outright that they had no future together. He dated other girls and in fact had a steady girl friend named Heather, but Cindy kept her hopes up and really was so besotted with him that she could not bring herself to dump him outright. Not surprisingly, he was happy to keep her on the fringes of his romantic life.

When Charlie had approached her with the plan to discredit Bradley Pierce with the object of allowing his brother Dallas to attend college, Cindy had been most reluctant to agree. The whole plan was dishonest in her eyes but Charlie had bad-mouthed Brad and made Dallas out to be a victim. He had been so persistent that she had finally agreed to participate in the plan more to get rid of Charlie than anything else. However, having once agreed, Charlie was not about to let her withdraw and told her that, if she did pull out, the two of them were through.

She had never expected her father to report her accusation against Brad to the police and she had made the biggest mistake of her life when she allowed herself to be coerced by Charlie into not recanting her accusation. In addition she had always been honest with her father and he did not doubt the veracity of her claims for a moment. If she had recanted, she would have lost her father's trust forever.

When eventually a sentence of enslavement had been handed down on Brad, she had been mortified. She had terrible remorse, had a lot of trouble sleeping, and became depressed. Her parents became extremely worried about her state of mind but nothing they did or said seemed to help in any way. In the end they acquiesced to her wishes and left her alone with her demons.

Cindy had lived with this guilt for two years and when, at the party at the Parker estate, she had laid eyes on Brad again, and seen how the pleasant boy she had spent the evening with at Charlie's graduation party had been reduced to a mockery of his true self, all her terrible misgivings resurfaced. Rick had turned Brad into a clown, and all three of them, Rick, Charlie and Brad's own brother Dallas, were treating him as the most common of slaves and seemingly with no consideration whatsoever. Their behavior was absolutely outrageous. Cindy decided there and then that, whatever the consequences, something had to be done to redress the terrible wrong that had been perpetrated on Brad.

Aldo Nucci, Sunninghill's Chief of Police, was surprised when he received a call from Cindy Draper, George Draper's youngest kid, requesting an appointment with him. He hadn't seen her since that awful incident a couple of years back when she had been the victim of a sexual assault, and he couldn't imagine what reason she might have in wanting to see him now. His curiosity was further aroused by the fact that she had requested him not to mention anything to her father.

Aldo was impressed with Cindy's demeanor; no longer was she the insecure young girl of two years ago but rather a very self- possessed young woman. She accepted the offer of a cup of tea and then proceeded to outline in every detail what had taken place prior to the enslavement of Bradley Pierce. Aldo sat in his chair and allowed her to finish her story without interruption. He could barely believe his ears but her intensity left him in no doubt that she was in fact telling the truth. When she was through he impressed upon her how serious the implications were of what she was alleging and asked whether she would be prepared to make a full statement. Cindy replied "Mr. Nucci, I'm not here to play games. I've lived with this shame for two years and I intend now to bring it out into the open and let the law take its course." Aldo took her statement and instructed her to say nothing to any one else.

Aldo immediately contacted the local District Attorney's office and at a hastily arranged meeting relayed the story he had been told. The DA, Wendy Halliburton, listened without interruption.

"Aldo, as you know, involvement in wrongful enslavement is a felony of the most serious nature. When the Slave Act was re-introduced, it was envisaged that there might be scope for skullduggery and therefore the penalties for such involvement were made dire. Furthermore guidelines laid down by the Federal authorities make it incumbent on local authorities to pursue such cases with the utmost vigor. There can be no pussyfooting about and the fact that influential members of the community may be involved can't be allowed to intrude. I suggest that, since the Draper girl has now made a formal statement, you proceed to take the three boys simultaneously into custody and hold them at different points to be interrogated. I've no doubt that the individual lawyers acting on their behalf will be motivated to save their own client's skin and not be too concerned about the avoidance of laying the blame on the others."

At 5 o'clock the following morning, three police cars descended on the homes of Rick, Charlie and Dallas and they were taken into custody for questioning. By eight o'clock their fathers had obtained the services of lawyers who were present when the interrogations began. The boys were not aware that Cindy had made a statement nor that their respective co-conspirators had also been taken into custody. The officers questioning them, however, seemed to have all the facts at their fingertips and it became difficult to decide where to draw the line in their answers and they were soon contradicting themselves. After about three hours they were informed that Cindy had made a full statement implicating them and all three were formally charged. At a bail hearing later that day, the prosecution requested that they be held in custody so as avoid their collaborating with each other and the possibility of witness tampering. Bail was denied and the trial date was set for the following Monday at ten.

Cindy Draper was taken into custody later that day and also charged. She agreed to testify on behalf of the state and under a plea bargain accepted a sentence of five years in a minimum security facility. Of those five years she would serve two before being placed on probation. Pending the outcome of the trial she would remain in custody.

On the following Monday morning the trial commenced surrounded by intense public interest. Not only was it the first trial of that nature in the county, but the accused were well known in the community and, certainly in the case of Rick and Charlie, came from influential families.

All three of the accused pleaded not guilty to the charge of "having participated in an act of bringing about the wrongful enslavement of a free person, whether directly or indirectly, with or without malice, and whether by intent or otherwise". All three of the boys' lawyers made much of the fact that there had been no intent to have the victim charged with any offence whatsoever and that the extent of their culpability lay in endeavoring to present the victim in a bad light to his father with a certain objective in mind. This had been the testimony of the state's own witness. Rick's lawyer also contended that his client had not participated directly in the plan.

The judge in summing up said he recognized the strength of the argument regarding intent. However, he felt that the lack of intent was far outweighed by the callous actions of the accused after their plan had gone so badly wrong. None of the accused, including Richard Parker, had come forward to right the grievous wrong that had been inflicted on the victim and not one of the accused had expressed the slightest remorse. Had it not been for the coming forward of the state's witness, the injustice inflicted on the victim would not have been uncovered. An horrendous aspect of the case was that the victim was at present in service as a slave to all three of the accused. The judge continued "Looking at the wording of the Act itself, it is clear that its terms have been contravened; as it clearly states "by intent OR OTHERWISE". In all the circumstances, I find all three of the accused guilty of the charge and they are hereby sentenced to lifetime servitude in slavery. Any right of appeal is denied."

Pandemonium broke out in the court but was soon suppressed. The three accused were stripped, collared and manacled and hustled out of the court to one of the waiting transporters drawn up at the loading bay.

Rick, Charlie and Dallas were warehoused and initially processed at SSI in the same way that Rick had been but were spared the indignity of an auction. The state had recently launched a huge public works program and they were consigned to the State Slave Service Bureau (known as the SSSB) which provided the labor for the roads, canals and dams under construction.

Slaves live in a cocoon of ignorance about the outside world and current affairs. Masters are concerned that their slaves' minds should be fully focused on their work with no distractions and it is rare that they are granted the privilege of access to normal TV, radio, magazines and newspapers. This was the case at the Parker estate where we had access to the three slave TV channels only. I was unaware therefore that Rick had been taken into custody; I was merely told that he was "away" and instructed by James to carry on with my work. Bobby too never alluded to it.

When the trial was over, James called me aside one evening and, under an oath of secrecy, informed me what had taken place. He had the free run of the house and had read an account of the trial in a newspaper lying around in Jack Parker's office. I was stunned and asked James what would happen now. He had no idea and advised me to say or do nothing until the Master said something to me about the matter. I was terrified that the Master and Bobby too would blame me for what had befallen Rick. James informed me a day or two later that the Master was devastated by what had happened and couldn't comprehend that his eldest son had been enslaved. He had closeted himself in his study and Bobby was highly concerned about his welfare. The following morning, on receiving no reply to repeated knocks on the study door, James had entered and found his Master slumped over the desk. He had taken his own life.

Bobby, having now turned eighteen, the age of majority in our state, took unfettered control of the Parker family fortune. Rick, having been enslaved, was precluded from benefiting under his father's will.

The management of the Parker estate and businesses had fallen entirely on Bobby's shoulders and, after consulting with the family solicitors, he decided he would not be able to leave Sunninghill to go to college. He would manage the estate himself and rely upon the management of the various family businesses to conduct the affairs of those businesses in consultation with himself. He would slowly take a more active role in running those concerns as time went by.

Whether or not Bobby was aware that I knew of the trial and of its outcome I did not know. Nothing was said to me and I continued to serve as his personal slave as before. I devoted my unoccupied time to assisting James with the maintenance of the house.

One evening when I was turning down his bed, Bobby indicated to me that at ten o'clock the next morning someone would be at the house to talk with me and I should be available in his father's office at that time. At ten the next morning I stood waiting in Jack Parker's old office as I had been instructed to do when James showed a lady in and indicated to her that I was the slave Ringo. She held out her hand but I merely bowed deeply and said "Ma'am." She went behind the desk and asked me to take a seat. I declined politely merely saying that I would stand.

She introduced herself as Wendy Halliburton, the District Attorney, and proceeded to bring me up to speed with what had taken place since Cindy Draper had come forward with her testimony. She informed me that technically I was now a free person but that had to formalized by my applying to the courts for an order rescinding my enslavement. When that was issued I would have the means to have my collar and slave tattoos removed by the slave control authorities and I could resume my life as a free person. She smiled and gave me the impression that she was saying something along the lines of "It's as simple as that!" She said that if I required any legal advice I was welcome to contact her. She smiled again, got up and prepared to leave. I bowed deeply again and said "Thank you, Ma'am."

My mind was in turmoil. Although I had been expecting something like this to happen, now that it had I was bewildered. For two years I had not been required to make any decisions: everything that I did was at the command of my Masters. Suddenly I was being called upon to assume responsibility for my own destiny. I was not sure that I was capable of managing such a change. I had subconsciously assumed the mind of a slave and I was content in that state. If I obeyed my Master without question and with speed and efficiency, I knew I was safe in the cocoon of my slavery. I could rely upon him to decide what was best for me in serving his needs. I accepted my Master as my personal God who had the power of life and death over me. But I knew that provided I served him well, I was safe. I no longer thought of myself as a free man or as a victim; I had accepted my fate and I was happy. Who had the right to change that?

I slept a troubled sleep that night.

The following morning I took Bobby's breakfast tray up to his room and, when he had eaten, helped him dress after he had showered. He suddenly said, "Ringo, we have to talk."

He continued. "I take it the DA lady has explained to you fully what your current legal status is?"

I confirmed that she had and he then asked me what I intended to do.

I replied, "Master Robert, I am very happy serving you and with your permission I would like to continue to do so."

He seemed a little surprised, thought for a moment, then said, "You are a good slave and I am pleased you value me as your Master. My brother always told me that deep down a Master would always be a Master and that a slave would always be a slave. I think both you and I probably agree with that assessment. Ringo, after what has gone before, I could never accept you as some kind of slave/employee who had the right at any time to leave and become a free man, or had any other right for that matter. I could only accept your continued presence here on the estate as a slave, nothing less. Furthermore, I could not run the risk of being charged by the authorities with abusing you as a slave whilst in fact you were technically a free man. The question of insurance also enters into the equation."

I looked him fully in the eyes and responded, "Master, are you saying you wish me to leave?"

He smiled and replied, "Ringo, what I am saying is that if I allowed you to stay, it could only be on a Master/slave basis. Do you understand?"

"I understand fully Master. It is what I wish to do."

Bobby thought for a moment then said, "Very well. I will have the papers drawn up. In the meantime continue with your duties as before."

I bowed, said "Thank you, Master" and left the room.

I was summoned into Bobby's office a few days later. His attorney was present and had before him a document entitled "Voluntary Enslavement Contract". He explained to me that the legal effect of the document was that I would denounce my right in perpetuity to apply to the courts for invalidation of my original enslavement order and that I was enslaving myself voluntarily to Robert Parker for an initial period of five years. The said Robert Parker would have the right to renew the contract on an ongoing basis for periods of five years at a time. I was asked if I fully understood the terms of the document and, on agreeing, I was asked to sign it.

I thus became Bobby's fully owned property.

As far as I was concerned, things reverted to normal. I continued to serve as Bobby's personal slave and assisted James as before. On occasion Bobby would take me into his bed and I was very happy . I started to notice changes in Bobby's behavior but did not take too much notice of it as it did not directly affect me. Now that he was the Master of the house, he became a lot more assertive and he had little patience with slaves who transgressed even in a minor way. Three slaves were sent to SSI to be flogged for what were really minor infractions. Maybe he was trying to emulate his brother. The slaves became wary of him, even more so than they had been of Rick, probably because he was less predictable.

James took me aside one day and informed me that Bobby had attended an auction at SSI and had purchased another slave, who was due to arrive at the estate that afternoon. The new slave, whose name was Travis (hardly a slave name in my view) turned out to be a very good looking eighteen year old who had been enslaved for drug dealing. He was about 5'8'' tall, weighed about 140 lbs, and had a trim firm body. His dark hair had not been mutilated but was cut uniformly short and it suited him. He had been fitted with small brass earrings and the collar he wore was a lightweight bronze alloy one about half an inch wide and about a sixteenth of an inch thick. I had to admit he looked good even in his slave uniform. That evening Bobby asked James to come to his office and when James returned, he informed me that Bobby had decided that Travis would assume duties as his personal slave and had instructed James to arrange for me to report in the morning to Cato for whom I would work full time in future on the estate.

Bobby's betrayal of me, as I saw it, was like a knife in the heart at the time but I came to realize that it was not a slave's place to judge his Master's actions and that a slave had a duty to accept whatever his Master decided was to be his fate.

Cato occasionally takes me into his bed and I am happy.


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