College Boys

By Cool Dude

Published on Jan 12, 2006


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it is illegal where you are, please leave now!

College Boys - Part Five

The following morning, although my back and thighs were still aching, I was surprised to find that I could function fairly normally. Not long after we had been fed and watered, I was taken from my cage through to the processing center where two of the resident slaves went to work on me under the watchful eye of one of the handlers. I was given three enemas and thereafter completely shaved again except of course for the four tufts of hair on my head. These were again gelled and spiked in accordance with Rick's instructions. Thereafter the slaves oiled my entire body until I shone. I was told to don the standard Parker slave outfit Rick had left for me, which consisted of a thin pair of shorts made of a synthetic cotton like material and a matching sleeveless tunic. The color was purple with green piping. In addition I was given a pair of slave sneakers, a plain utilitarian version of the real thing, which I found surprisingly comfortable. The handler got on his intercom and soon thereafter the chief overseer appeared. I bowed my head not quite knowing the correct protocol. He looked me over, told me to turn around and then smiled, saying "Way to go, dude!" He then told the handler to proceed. He cuffed my hands in front of me, shackled my ankles and then led me by means of a collar leash to a holding cell facing on to the loading/unloading bay at the side of the building where I had arrived earlier that week but what seemed now like an age ago. I was to await collection by my new owner.

I had remained hunkered down in the holding cell for what I estimated to be about an hour when the handler appeared, opened the cell and led me by the collar leash out on to the loading bay. Rick was standing there wearing tan chinos, a smart light blue casual shirt and brown slip-ons. His hair was short but had been smartly styled. I bowed my head and kneeled as I had been instructed to do by the handler and, after Rick had signed the delivery papers, he told me to stand and then inspected me. The handler asked him if everything was to his satisfaction and, with a smile, he confirmed that it was. He took the leash and led me to the rear of his SUV, opened the trunk and told me to hop in.

The drive to the Parker estate took about twenty five minutes. Not a word passed was said. We arrived at the security entrance and Rick was quickly let through. I had never visited the estate and was surprised at how large it appeared to be. The house was enormous. Rick drove the vehicle around to the rear and pulled up outside the kitchen entrance. An elderly slave appeared immediately through the door, bowed to Rick and awaited his instructions. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Rick's younger brother, Bobby, had made an appearance from around the side of the house and was watching with interest. He was a sophomore at our high school.

"James," Rick informed him, "this is the new slave you were told about by the Master. His name is Ringo. He will be answering directly to me but will be under your supervision while working at the house. He will also be working on the estate during which time he will be supervised by Cato. Show him around the slave quarters and find out from the Master when he wishes to see him."

"Yessir, Master Richard." James replied. He quickly bowed and signaled with his head for me to follow him. As we departed, I noticed that Bobby had joined Rick and they entered the house together.

Situated behind the main house, about three hundred meters away and discreetly out of sight, the slave quarters consisted of four single story flat-looking bungalows each with a double door entrance. There were narrow barred grimy windows running the length of the buildings just below the level of the roof. Each bungalow was effectively a dormitory and was equipped with twenty fixed iron beds. I was to find out during the course of the next few days that there were about thirty slaves on the estate, including eight females who worked in the house. They were accommodated in one dormitory while the males occupied two dormitories with the fourth "in mothballs". In earlier days the number of slaves working on the estate had obviously been much larger. Each bed had a cheap pine locker beside it in which the slave was able to store his or her second uniform and such meager possessions as he or she possessed, usually toiletries. Each slave was issued with a thin coir mattress and three threadbare blankets. At the end of the dormitory there was some communal space with two tables and about fifteen chairs of the pressed hard plastic variety. In addition there was an old Zenith TV which was programmed to pick up the three slave channels. Those channels presented no news features or current entertainment of the type free folk took for granted, but aired programs which concentrated on slave education and service betterment. For some light relief, there was the popular slave-oriented sitcom entitled "That's My Binky!" The ablution facilities consisted of communal cold-water shower heads and the usual "hole-in-the-ground" slave latrines.

Not long after James had shown me around the slave quarters, he and I were summoned to the house by the Master. Rick and Bobby were also in attendance. Not the slightest acknowledgment was made of my background or of any connection between the Parkers and my family. It was as if I were a complete stranger. I was given a homily welcoming me to the Parker household, which I was informed prided itself of being a Christian one practicing the tenets of the Bible. I was assured that, in return for unswerving service, I would be treated with kindness but warned that the slightest deviance from obedience or duty would be swiftly punished. I was to report directly to Master Richard who would be informing me of my duties for the foreseeable future.

Later that day Rick summoned me to his room. He informed me that, for my own good, I should put my previous life completely behind me and accept that I was now a slave. He would not countenance any reference, direct or implied, to any previous connection between myself and the Parker family generally or between myself and him personally or for that matter his friends. I was a slave, no more no less, in the service of his family and should expect to be treated as such. Normal Master/slave protocols would be enforced at all times. At the back of my mind I thought to myself that he really was an arrogant little prick but, on reflection, considering the situation I now was in, it was probably fair to expect the ground rules to be laid down. Rick was definitely not your average high school teenager but was clearly someone who commanded respect.

Rick informed me that he and Bobby would require my services on call but outside of that I would be working on the estate in the mornings and be available to assist James around the house in the afternoons. He had only one fixed requirement at present and that would be to keep his SUV spotlessly clean on a daily basis and Bobby's vehicle too when he required it.

There was a workforce of about twenty slaves on the estate and it was supervised by a fellow named Cato. He was about thirty years of age and had been a slave for some five years. I never quite ascertained why he had been enslaved but got the impression it had to do with dishonesty in financial dealings of some sort. He was a likeable person and I never had any trouble with him. He exerted a lot of pressure on the slaves in order to keep the estate in good shape as he was now being held personally responsible by Rick to ensure that goal. He mentioned to me that Rick had informed him that two of the slaves would be sold off at the end of the year and that he would be looking to Cato to manage the situation with the remaining workforce. It was clear that everyone was wary of Rick and that no liberties would be taken with him. Cato definitely was in awe of him. James, on the other hand, had been with the family for some twenty years and was allowed a certain amount of slack. Jack Parker was his Master and the two boys did not interfere. I would assist him around the house with maintenance in the afternoons and, as Rick and Bobby were usually home at that time, I was always on hand should they require anything. I soon settled into a comfortable routine but the thought that this boring existence might be my lot for years into the future was a daunting one.

Charlie, Rick and Dallas were lounging around in Charlie's room drinking beer which had as usual been filched from the games room in the basement, and Charlie and Dallas were passing a joint from one to the other. They were in reasonably high spirits as Dallas's father had been in touch with State College in order to ascertain whether Brad's acceptance could be transferred to Dallas "in view of a change in family circumstances". He had been informed that it should not be a problem provided of course Dallas's academic record was up to scratch.

The one subject that had not been broached was Brad's enslavement at the Parker estate. As far as Rick was concerned, the whole thing was clear-cut. Brad was now a slave; his status in society had changed forever and he would have to deal with it. Why couldn't these two assholes just accept the situation?

It was Charlie who finally grabbed the bull by the horns and raised the subject.

"So, tell me Rick," he asked, "how is Brad settling down at your place?" Rick saw Dallas's face blanch and decided that he would now have to settle this matter for once and for all.

"Charlie, it's just as well you raised the matter. I think it's time we discussed it. I know that Dallas feels bad about what's happened. And so do I. But Dal, I think you must deal with it dude. Life is like that. It takes unexpected turns. What happened to Brad is not our fault. If we had done it on purpose then it would be another situation completely. However, we did not intend for it to work out that way. It was fate. Who knows? Maybe if Brad had gone to college, he might have been run down by a bus the first week. Each of us is gonna be faced with situations in our lifetime we did not bargain for. Then we are gonna have to deal with it. The same applies to Brad."

He continued. "Nothing we do or say now is gonna change anything. We gotta get on with our lives, just as Brad is gonna have to get on with his. Dal, you gotta understand that Brad is no longer Brad. Our laws have decreed that he is now a slave and who are we to argue against that? His position in society has been changed forever and your brother, Bradley Pierce, no longer exists in the eyes of the law. He has been made a slave and that fact cannot be changed."

Rick turned to Charlie. "To answer your question Charlie, the former Brad is settling down very well. I honestly believe his change of status will be good for him in the long run. He has accepted his situation and is making good progress. He reports to me directly so I am able to monitor his activities. He carries out the tasks allotted to him and he knows that, provided he performs to the best of his ability, he will not run into any difficulties. I personally am quite satisfied with the way he responds to authority and I think the same can be said for Bobby."

Rick went on "Like I said, Bradley Pierce no longer exists as an entity in law and like all slaves, he has been given another name in order to erase the past. We have decided to call him Ringo."

"What a star!" Charlie interjected chuckling at his own witticism. Rick shot him a withering look.

Dallas meanwhile had been keeping his own council during Rick's monologue. Rick hadn't been able to catch his eye but decided that now was the time to bring him on board. He was sure Dallas needed just a little push.

"Dal?" Dallas looked up and Rick continued. "Have you been listening to what I've been saying?" Dallas nodded. "Well, it aint gonna be long before you have to come face to face with Ringo. You are gonna have to treat him just like any other slave. And I assure you he will respond to you as he does to any other free guy. You think you can handle that?"

Dallas nodded and merely said "I guess."

Rick responded "Good!" and suggested to Charlie that maybe it was time to haul up another six-pack of beers from the basement.

During my first weeks at the Parker estate I had had very little to do with Bobby. On a couple of occasions when I had been up to Rick's room, I encountered Bobby in the hallway and I had bowed and backed up against the wall to allow him to pass as was required. He caught my eye but said nothing and continued on his way. On two occasions he had instructed me to wash and wax his car which seemed to be his wont when he had a date.

One Saturday I overheard Rick on the phone making arrangements with Charlie to meet as they were apparently driving to a neighboring town for some or other sporting event. Rick said he would pick up Dallas and the mention of my brother's name reminded me how much my life had changed in a few weeks. I pushed those thoughts from my mind.

During the course of the afternoon I was surprised to be told by James that Bobby wanted to see me in his room. I immediately went upstairs, knocked on his door and was told to enter. He and another boy of about the same age were sitting on his bed looking at magazines and listening to rock music coming from his stereo system.

"This is Ringo." he said to his friend while gesturing towards me. They giggled. The other boy looked up and I realized then who he was. He also was a sophomore at our high school and his name was Randy Matthews. This was somewhat of a surprising development because Randy was rumored to be "a faggot". I had always thought that maybe the accusation was just a cruel joke, typical of teenage behavior, and that it probably stemmed from the fact that Randy was "pretty" and wasn't a jock. Bobby instructed me to bring up some sodas and crisps and I left. When I returned to the room and entered, I really received a shock. The TV was on and they were watching a gay porn movie. The little bastards were on the bed lying with their backs to the wall and displaying quite obviously boners in their jeans. Bobby caught my eye but merely told me to put the sodas on the table and that I could go. I bowed, said "Thank you, Master Robert." and left the room.

I wasn't very happy at what had happened. The implications were worrying to me. The incident had clearly been staged by Bobby and was intended to inform me quite blatantly that he was gay. I was under no illusions as to what was likely to follow.

On the following Saturday afternoon, Rick summoned me to his room and informed me that he had invited five of his buddies to visit that evening for a card game to be held in the basement games room. He instructed me to arrange with the kitchen staff for snacks to be made and to make sure the basement fridge was properly stocked with booze. I was to be on hand the entire evening to serve his guests. He warned me to be sure to look my best, to wear clean shorts but no tunic, and to be freshly shaved and have my hair gelled and spiked as he liked it. I realized that the whole thing was being orchestrated so as to be a major humiliation for me in front of former friends and high school peers, possibly even my brother, but I resolved to tough it out as best I could. I was beginning to understand the resigned look that you so often saw on the faces of slaves facing daily abuse, harassment and humiliation.

Shortly after seven o'clock that evening the guests began to arrive. James met them at the house's front door and showed them down to the games room where Rick awaited them. I had been told to stand in front of the bar, head bowed and my hands in front of me. The first two to arrive were, predictably, Charlie and Dallas. There were high fives all around and then both simultaneously laid eyes on me. Now, to appreciate the scene, you must realize that in their mind's eye, Brad Pierce had been a normal looking high school boy, nice looking, confident and well-groomed. What they saw now was a young guy looking every inch the slave. I was virtually naked, wearing silly-looking shorts, with no underwear so that my cock and balls were swinging free, feet in slave sneakers and sporting a comical haircut, a slave tattoo, heavy metal earrings, and wearing a heavy-looking black iron collar. My body was completely shaved; my pit hair, leg hair, and the little hair I had had on my chest and my sparse treasure trail were gone. For a few seconds there was a stunned silence and then Charlie burst into laughter and, glancing up, I noticed that Dallas too was wearing a smile.

"Fuck!" said Charlie, "cool haircut dude!" All three then laughed.

"Guys," said Rick "this is Ringo. He will be serving our group tonite. So whatever you require, just let him know." Then to me he said "Ringo, ask the gentlemen what they would like to drink." Every instruction from a Master requires a response so I said "Yes, Sir, Master Richard." and this drew snickers from Charlie and Dallas.

I approached Charlie, bowed and said "May I get you something to drink Sir?" and he instructed me "Yeah, Ringo, bring me a beer." With some trepidation I approached Dallas similarly. I need not have been worried about Dal being embarrassed because he merely said "I'll have a beer boy." It dawned on me then just what a lily-livered, miserable little asshole Dallas really was; I had been prepared to make allowances for the way he would need to react to me but he was clearly quite prepared to lay the humiliation on his brother quite thick in order to ingratiate himself with his rich buddies.

Soon thereafter the remaining guys arrived and I recognized all three of them. They were all members of the "jock" set and their reaction to the sight of me was no different. My appearance drew howls of laughter and they were soon entering into the spirit of things, ordering me around like a bimbo in a cheap diner.

"Jesus," one said to Rick, "that's some collar!"

"A heavy-duty collar for a heavy-duty slave!" Rick laughed.

The evening passed and I was kept on the hop by all six of them, not least by Dallas. I noticed that Rick was keeping a close eye on me and it occurred to me that he had set the evening up in order to watch my reactions. I wondered what might have followed if I had shown any signs of irritation or failed to respond properly to a guest's instructions. I thought back particularly to the incident late in the evening when Jake Tillis, a nasty piece of work if ever there was one, had put his hand on my ass and kept it there. At the time I had noticed Rick watching closely.

When the last of them had left, Rick instructed me to clean up and left. Another hurdle had been successfully cleared.

Early one afternoon I heard Rick leave the estate in his SUV and shortly thereafter Bobby summoned me to his room. I knocked on the door and was told to enter. Bobby was sitting in front of his PC and surfing the net. He let me stand behind him in the middle of the room for a full three minutes without saying a word. I strained my neck and saw that he was logged in to a gay chat room. He suddenly swiveled the chair around and my eyes were drawn to his crotch; the sweat pants he was wearing were tented with what seemed to be quite an impressive hard-on. He let me have a little smile.

"So, tell me dude." he said "Has Rick got you sucking cock yet?"

I'm no prude but I must say I was finding this embarrassing. I kept a straight face and replied "No Sir, Master Robert, nothing like that."

He seemed surprised and asked "Have you ever had a dick in your mouth, boy?" and when I replied in the negative, he continued "Well, it's about time you did and there's no time like the present." All the while he had been squeezing his cock gently through his pants.

"Come over here and get on your knees between my legs." he instructed. I kneeled in front of him and he told me to take down his pants, lifting his ass to allow me to do so. He had on no underwear and his hard boner popped out. It was impressive I must say. There followed a lesson in cock-sucking which had me gagging for breath as he fucked my mouth in between having me lick and suck on his dick and nuts as he leant back immobile. Not long after, he stiffened and suddenly shot four or five spurts into my mouth. He held my head in place, relaxed and then leant forward and whispered in my ear, "Swallow your Master's cum, slave".

I knew that slaves were commonly thought to spend much of their time sucking cock but never in my worst nightmares had I ever envisaged having another dude's dick in my mouth. I suppose in the back of my mind I must have contemplated that, having been enslaved, this humiliation would eventually befall me. However, I had already suffered many indignities at Rick's hands, and I suddenly got my mind around the fact that this was just one more and that I would be able to cope just the same as I had with the others.

Bobby laughed. "I think it's time you slept in a nice warm bed again, Ringo. I'll speak with James and you will come to my room again tonite at about eleven. Understood?"

"Whatever pleases you, Master Robert." I replied.

"Damn right!" he said as he dismissed me.

Rick, Charlie and Dallas were ensconced in Rick's room and were lazily passing a joint from one to the other.

"Fuck! Rick. This shit has to be the best!" Charlie enthused.

Rick giggled and nodded assent. It had become standard practice for the three friends to meet at Charlie's house but on this occasion they had thought it prudent to get together at the Parker estate. Rick had managed to score some top-rate South American weed and did not want to risk being stopped on the way to Charlie's house. Earlier Rick had summoned Ringo from the slave quarters and instructed him to organize some snacks. These had been brought up to his room by Ringo who had then been immediately dismissed. Neither Charlie nor Dallas had acknowledged his presence.

The three friends got around to discussing going to college.

Rick enquired "Have you dudes given any thought to having a slave with you at college?"

Dallas immediately replied that it was out of the question for him and that he would be making use of the services of the dorm slaves. Charlie too said he would use the dorm slaves as his father wouldn't spring for a slave of his own. He shook his head and said almost to himself "He's so fuckin mean!"

Rick continued "I know this college dude and he was telling me that the dorm slaves suck ass. He says it's the same wherever you go. They are badly controlled and are as lazy as shit. In order to get them to do anything, you have to bribe them with food and beer. I've spoken with my Dad and he's agreed to let Ringo go with me." He had imparted this information quite casually but the effect on the other two was immediate.

"No shit!" Charlie said. "You lucky son-of-a bitch!"

"Yeah, right." Dallas agreed.

"I've been thinking." Rick continued. "There aint gonna be enough shit to keep Ringo busy full time and, after all the training I've put him through, I'm not about to let him sit on his lazy ass. I thought maybe that Ringo could be a joint project; he could serve the three of us. What do you guys think?"

Dallas, in his haze of smoke, was nodding enthusiastically, and Charlie replied "Jesus, Rick, that would be so fuckin cool! Are you sure you wanna let us in on Ringo?"

"Why not, man? We are friends and that's what friends are for. Besides, I wanna keep his ass busy 24/7. It will be quite a lot of work serving three guys but, fuck, that's why we have slaves! I see no problem even if he's gotta work sixteen hours a day. Tell you what. I'll have my old man contact the college authorities and tell them that our rents have decided to give the three of us one slave. That should ensure that we are allocated rooms in the same dorm."

There was suddenly a sense of well-being in the room fuelled of course by the smoke and the beer.

"Fuck!" said Charlie. "I am now so fuckin horny!" He laughed and, emboldened by his high, asked Rick whether Ringo was yet giving him head. Normally Rick would have been offended but he realized that the pot and the booze were talking, so he overlooked Charlie's faux pas.

He replied "No, Charlie, he isn't. I still get enough pussy to keep me happy. But I gotta suspicion that Ringo may be tastin some dick. I got up at five the other morning to go to the bathroom and I caught him sneakin out of Bobby's room."

"No shit!" said Charlie, laughing.

Dallas couldn't believe his ears but the thought of Brad giving head made his head swim and he felt his dick stiffen in his pants. He would have liked to hear more.

To be continued..

Next: Chapter 6

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