College Boys

By Cool Dude

Published on Jan 7, 2006


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it is illegal where you are, please leave now!

College Boys - Part Three

When I heard the judge's words sentencing me to lifetime slavery, I was absolutely dumbstruck. I could not believe what I was hearing and it seemed impossible to me that one could be convicted of a crime which had not taken place. There seemed to be a moment when the court went absolutely quiet but that moment was soon followed by a loud hubbub among the spectators which was quickly silenced by the judge. I turned my head around in time to see my mother collapse in tears into my father's arms and to catch a glimpse of Rick and Charlie at the back of the court. Charlie had a shocked expression on his face but Rick appeared to be quite unconcerned. Before I knew what was happening two of the attendant slave police came forward and grabbed me by the arms. I was quickly stripped of my clothing and I found myself standing bare-ass naked before the bench. I was shoved to my knees and a third member of the slave police came forward and produced a cheap-looking hard yellow plastic collar which was hinged and which was quickly clipped around my neck. I was then forced to my feet and told to bow to the judge as he left the court room. My shame at that moment is impossible to describe.

Without further ado the two slave police cuffed my hands behind my back and forced them upwards so that they could be attached by means of a short metal chain to the back of the collar. Two shackles linked by another short chain were placed around my ankles. They grabbed me around the biceps and I was frog-marched, struggling to keep up as a result of the shackling, out of the court. At the back of the building there was a number of holding cells fronting on to a platform against which several vehicles were backed up and I was literally thrown into one of the cells. I was unable to keep my footing and I fell face forward on to the hard concrete floor. The steel door of the cell clanged shut and I was left alone. Not a word had been spoken.

During the course of the day a number of sentenced accused were brought through to the cells. In the main they appeared to be non- slave offenders but two more wearing collars were unceremoniously shoved into my cell. We were ordered to remain silent and told we would otherwise have our first feel of the whip. At midday we were thrown some slave rations (hard bland biscuits) and bottles of water and thereafter chained together by our collars and taken through to latrines in the yard of the court building where we allowed to relieve ourselves. At about 4 p.m.a commotion suddenly ensued and the non-slave offenders were herded into a vehicle for transportation to the state penitentiary. They were quite roughly handled but none of it prepared me for the treatment we would receive when it became our time to be dispatched. Whereas the slave police had previously been virtually silent when dealing with us, suddenly they started shouting and ordered us out of the cell, all the while waving short whips. We were told to "move our slaveboy asses at the double" and hustled through to a transport vehicle into the rear of which we were shoved. Two of the handlers followed us and in no time we were secured in a standing position to the side of the vehicle by eighteen-inch chains attached to our collars and ankle shackles. We were told that if we fouled the vehicle, we would rue the day we had been born. Many was the time that I seen these vehicles speeding through the streets of the town with sirens blaring but never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that one day I would find myself inside one of them. The rear doors were slammed shut and padlocked and the engine started up. We were soon careering at breakneck speed through the streets of the town, siren blaring, and it was with the greatest of difficulty that we were able to remain upright. Our journey into the dark world of slavery had begun.

On the outskirts of Sunninghill a low single-story nondescript building situated in what had become a run-down industrial area, served as the local presence of Slave Services Incorporated (known by the acronym SSI). This corporation had prospered as a result of the rationalization which had taken place some years earlier as a result of unethical practices which had been uncovered in the slave trade. The numerous slave disturbances at that time had been a contributory factor in this rationalization as it became obvious that a harshly enforced regimen was required to ensure the proper functioning of the industry. Many of the privately controlled firms fell by the wayside. So it was with Slaves-r-Us which was a privately owned slave dealership in Sunninghill. When the founder of the firm had died, a young employee handler, Kirk Hansen, had managed to gain control of the firm and a couple of years later he had been ousted by a teenage employee named Kenny Anderson, who had framed Kirk himself into slavery and obtained outright ownership of the firm by subterfuge. Before the general realization of it, both of these young men had understood the need for the imposition of a harsh regimen in the handling of slaves and that the use of young, barely-out-of-high-school, handlers and overseers paid dividends as they were invariably less squeamish in their dealings with slaves and more inclined to use of the whip which both Kirk and Kenny had fervently believed to be the most effective way of inculcating in the mind of a slave that special mentality which would ensure a docile acceptance of it's new-found status. With rationalization, Kenny had received an offer for the firm from SSI, a chain of slave dealerships operating in that part of the country. He had accepted the generous offer and he himself had gone on to pursue a successful political career.

Sunninghill was of a size that did not warrant the Slave Police having comprehensive facilities of their own and thus it was that certain functions were outsourced to SSI. The latter's premises comprised the usual administrative section, with a warehousing facility, processing center, and auction house. In every instance where an order of slave servitude was passed down in the courts, the offender would be handed over to the authority of the slave police who would transport the newly-collared slave to SSI for warehousing and primary processing. Control would be temporarily seconded to SSI until such time as the slave came up for auction. The auctions themselves were conducted at SSI but were under the control of the slave police authority which exercised absolute control of and discretion in the disposal process.

It was to the premises of SSI that Brad Pierce and the other two wretches who had been enslaved on the same day were transported by the SP that gloomy afternoon.

I had grown up with the institution of slavery and, although our family had never had a direct involvement with it, it was a familiar sight to see slaves in the street, either alone carrying out their Masters' chores, or tagging along behind their Masters or Mistresses, usually laden down with parcels and goods of every type. These slaves of course were those who were in domestic service and it was generally felt that they had a pretty easy time of it. It had become the norm that their owners would fit them out with the cheapest of outfits and adornments and usually they had a comical air about them, which is of course exactly what the owners were aiming for. It was just one more humiliation among many. Another distinguishing feature of slaves was the outlandish haircuts their owners decreed they should sport. These slaves were the continual butt of jokes and teasing at the hands of young kids and teenagers. Many was the time that slaves would be assaulted for imaginary offences and they soon learned to appear almost invisible when in the vicinity of free persons. The ugly side of slavery was rarely seen by the public at large. There were of course huge numbers of slaves who labored on farms, in factories, and in the mines. Those wretches were of course the ones that kept the wheels of the economy turning.

I was therefore aware of the awful predicament that slaves found themselves in but, like all free persons, I had accepted that the slave system was part of the natural order of things. Suddenly I now found myself chained nude in the back of a Slave Police transporter and the terrible realization finally dawned on me that I myself was now one of those slaves, an irrevocable fate that there would be no turning back on. It was totally incomprehensible to me.

It was completely dark in the rear of the SP vehicle and stiflingly hot. I had no idea where we were headed but after a journey of no more than twenty-five minutes the van slowed down, came to a halt and then slowly reversed. There was a slight bump, the vehicle became stationary and the engine was switched off. Apparently we had reached our destination.

There was a commotion outside the van and some shouting before the rear doors of the van were unlocked and thrown open. I was briefly blinded by the light but my eyes quickly adjusted in time to see the two slave police who had accompanied us from the courthouse jump into the van and roughly unshackle us from the sides of the vehicle and push us out. We found ourselves on a loading/unloading dock and under the scrutiny of four young handlers. I glanced around and from the surrounding buildings deduced that we were at the premises of SSI. The young handlers appeared to be no more than nineteen years of age and they cut impressive figures in khaki trousers and shirts, and brown boots and belts, to which a number of strange devices were attached. They were all clean shaven and sported crew-cut hair. Ominously they all carried curled short whips. While one of the handlers was in the process of signing delivery papers presented to him by the SP, the other three quickly linked our collars together with short chains and chased us at the double into the building. We passed through a large hall which appeared to be compartmentalized and soon arrived at a pair of steel doors. These were quickly unlocked and we were pushed through. The doors slammed shut behind us and we found ourselves in an area which resembled a prison environment as I had so often seen on TV and in movies. On either side was a row of about twenty cages and down the center a rather wide access corridor. The cages were constructed of steel bars and, once we had been individually pushed into separate cages, it was possible to assess that they measured roughly 6' x 6' x 6'. Against one side of the cage was a bolted down immovable shelf, seemingly for sleeping but which effectively halved the width of the cage. There was no sign of a mattress, blankets or pillow. At the rear of the cage was a hole in the floor which clearly was intended for use as a latrine. I looked around and from what I could see about half of the cages were occupied. I whispered a greeting to the occupant of the cage next to me but he quickly put his finger to his mouth and pointed to a slave on the other side of the aisle who was wearing a muzzle and gag. The message was clear. Not long thereafter a slave entered pushing a trolley bearing sealed packets of slave rations (they turned out to be the same hard biscuits we had been given at the courthouse) and a garden watering can of water. We were each given a ration portion and were allowed to fill with water plastic mugs which I had noticed were fastened to the front bars of each cell. After we had eaten, a young baby-faced handler made a quick inspection and as he switched off the lights, he sang out with a laugh "Pleasant dreams, gentlemen!" and slammed the steel doors shut behind him. There was very little natural light entering through the narrow strip of barred windows running along each side of the room just beneath the roof and it was soon pitch dark. I was physically overcome by the events of the day and I lay down on the metal shelf and was soon asleep.

The following day turned out to be the most horrifying of my life. We were awoken soon after dawn by much shouting and four handlers entered the warehouse whips at the ready. We were ordered to stand at the doors of our cages while the handlers checked to make sure nothing was untoward. One of the slaves seemed to be having trouble in waking and didn't respond quickly enough to the order given. The door to his cage was thrown open and one of the young guards entered and mercilessly took the whip to him. When the guards were satisfied that everything was in order we were told that we had five minutes in which to shit and piss; thereafter the cages were opened and we were literally driven to the end of the warehouse where I saw that there were four cold water shower heads. I was soon to learn that everything needed to be done at the double. We given the opportunity to shower and in addition a cold water hose was played over us. We were given no towels with which to dry ourselves and were forced to plane the water off our bodies. We were then returned to our cages and locked up once more.

After we had been fed (the same fare we had been given the previous evening), I and the other two newly arrived slaves were told to exit our cages and one of the young handlers, who looked to me like he should have been in junior high school, attached us one to the other by short chains to our collars. We were told to stand and to look straight ahead and not make a move. After what seemed like an age (but was probably no more than ten minutes), there was a bit of a commotion outside the steel doors of the warehouse. Suddenly they were thrown open and we were hustled out into the hall we had passed through the previous day. I was to learn that this was the SSI processing center. We were made to line up in front of one of the overseers and told to bow our heads. He slowly walked around us looking us over, told us we might raise our heads and then addressed us.

"You have been enslaved for transgressing the laws of the state", he commenced, "and this is where the journey into your new life begins. My name is Lars Johansen and I am the chief overseer of this facility. You will refer to me, and the other free men you encounter here, at all times as Sir or Boss. You will find during your short stay here that no mindless brutality will be brought to bear and, provided you obey the rules, no great harm will come to you. The rules are simple. The first is that you will maintain silence at all times. To ensure that silence, I warn you that each cell is monitored 24/7 with CCTV and sensitive microphones. The second and only other rule is that you obey instantaneously and with alacrity any and every order given to you by any free man you encounter. If either of these rules is breached you will unfailingly be punished by means of the whip. Furthermore, if you break the code of silence a second time, you will also be gagged permanently. I hope these simple rules are quite clear to you. The state requires certain procedures to be followed and these will be put into effect now. After you have been sold at auction, it is likely that your owner will want further procedures to be carried out but that is entirely at his or her discretion and will be given attention in due course." He looked over at the other handlers and instructed them to proceed.

What followed was a nightmare come true. We were individually strapped to adjustable horizontal frames by means of straps that traversed our foreheads, abdomens, thighs and lower legs just above our ankle shackles, while our arms were strapped to armrests with the inner side of our wrists facing up. We were completely immobile. One of the resident slaves approached with a powerful high speed tattoo gun and each of us in turn had our SIN (slave identification number) tattooed in script about one inch tall on the upper left side of our chests. The corresponding barcode was tattooed on the inside of our right wrists. In addition the letter "S" was tattooed in yellow ink on the outside of our right eye sockets. I had read recently that this new requirement had been brought into effect to reduce the incidence of slave escapes and to facilitate recaptures. We thereafter had our head hair cropped all around to a uniform one inch and, mortifyingly, all of our body hair below the neck was completely shaved. We looked like plucked chickens and the sight of us raised a few chuckles among the handlers.

We were returned to our cages to once again contemplate our fate and to await the next scheduled slave auction.

The effect of Bradley's enslavement on the Pierce household was difficult to quantify. His parents were at an utter loss to understand how their tranquil well-ordered lives could so suddenly be turned upside down. Tom tried his best to go about his business in a normal fashion but his wife was in despair and he found it almost impossible to comfort her in any meaningful way. Dallas meanwhile kept to himself and, although he would have liked to raise with his father the possibility of his now being able to attend college, he had enough savvy to realize that that would not be a smart move.

A few days after the court case, there was a knock on the front door and a middle-aged grey-looking man dressed in a business suit introduced himself to Tom as a psychologist attached to the local slave control authority. He informed Tom it was one of his duties to counsel the relatives of a newly-enslaved family member. He proceeded to lay out the legal implications of an order of slavery; namely, that the slave was stripped of all rights and privileges permanently and that he or she ceased to be a legal entity as far as the law was concerned. His or her name was removed from the country's population register and a newly issued SIN was recorded on a separate slave register with details of ownership. The birth name of the slave disappeared from official records. Relatives of the slave were advised to accept that the slave no longer was recognized as a functioning member of society and that, hard as it might be, it would be best if they were to expunge from their consciousness the slave's prior existence and get on with their lives. The institution of slavery was one which served a noble purpose for society as a whole and they could draw comfort from the fact that the former family member would be making a meaningful contribution to the nation's prosperity. He added ominously that relatives of the slave were excluded by law from purchasing the slave at auction and that any attempts to maintain contact should be avoided as that would surely impact negatively on the slave's acceptance of his or her new situation and compromise the owner's rights.

Tom fully understood the legal implications that had been spelled out to him and that any transgressions on his part might bring further hardship to his family. He was determined, however, to make one last effort to lighten his lost son's load and decided to speak with his employer. The following morning he knocked on the door of Jack Parker's office and entered.

Jack looked up and said "Good morning Tom. Come in. What can I do for you?"

"Jack", Tom replied, "I am sure you realize how Brad's enslavement has impacted on my family. The authorities have been in contact with us and spelled out the legal implications. They have made it clear that Brad's fate is now entirely out of our hands and have told us to get on with our lives. You must appreciate how difficult that is to accept but clearly there is nothing to be done about it."

"I agree, Tom, it must be very difficult for you," Jack Parker offered, "but the slave control people have a lot of experience in these matters and the guidance they offer is probably for the best."

"I realize that, Jack," Tom continued, "but the thought that Bradley might end up as a field hand or, worse still, a brothel slave is just too much for me to bear. I was wondering if, as a favor to a friend and in recognition of our life-long relationship, you might consider purchasing Bradley at auction? If you were agreeable, it would take a load of worry off my shoulders."

Jack Parker was quite taken aback at the suggestion as he had not given any thought to the possibility of purchasing Bradley. He wasn't even sure it would be legal.

"Tom, I'm not quite sure what to say. This is a complete surprise. You know very well that I have been a slave-owner for many years and I have very firm views on the role slaves are meant to play in our society. If I were to purchase Bradley, you must realize that he would be treated in exactly the same fashion as my other slaves, because Tom, that is what he now is, a slave. There could be no question of his being treated in any special way as that would surely attract the attention of the authorities."

Tom's anguish was obvious but he assured his friend that he would not expect Bradley to be treated as a "sweetheart" slave and that he merely wished, if possible, to ensure that his son would not end up being brutalized. Jack remained silent for a few moments and then informed Tom he would think the matter over in consultation with his son Rick.

Tom left the office not entirely comforted by the way things had gone but felt that there was little else he could now do.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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