College Bound Series

By Tsc Stories

Published on Mar 18, 2010


"College Thinking"

(Landon: The ending of fall means the beginning of winter , the beginning of life means Death will one day knock , every crush and relationship has a beginning but do they also have a ending , is there a such thing as a happily ever after and if there is what happens after that. )

(Landon) *** *** I was in my room , thinking about how this semester came and after finals it would be gone, it had been six months since I met Eric (flashback)-" I'm Landon, by the way" I said "Eric" he responded and I extended my hand he took it and shook it we stood there and i didn't release his hand , why didn't I release his hand" I thought then i let go "hope to see you there Eric" I said as I walked away.) I couldn't shake the feeling that he affected me in some way my door swung open and Jessica came in "hey baby" Jessica came over and kissed me on the lips "Jess don't" she looked angry "what the hell is wrong with you , you never want me to kiss or touch you lately what the hell Landon!" . I stood up so did she "it's My grades I need to get all A's this semester and we have literally today until the semester ends "baby let me take you mind off of things, this morning so that you can ace your finals later" she got on her knee's I stopped her " Jessica stop , I don't want to" I said she stood up "it's somebody else isn't it" I took a deep breath, her eyes seem to know the truth , they were of deep emerald "oh my god you meet some other bitch haven't you, its one of the foreigners from Canada or England" I rolled my eyes she gave me a ice cold look "I did meet someone else and they aren't from Canada or England but from right here in the united states and I cant stop thinking about them" I said she slapped me "fuck you, I put up with you for the last time " she shouted "Jessica we were just fucking you gave me the title of your boyfriend not me, so don't be mad at me" she slapped me again I felt a stinging in my cheek "fuck you , you fucking cunt" she yelled . " I think you need to leave." I said she tried to slap me again but I grabbed her hand "let me go" she said I opened my door and pushed her out "I don't want to see you again " I slammed the door in her face she was yelling I didn't care . The one I wanted was with another guy. I needed to to talk to Eric.

Eric *** *** "Eric can I ask you something" Justin said I looked up "What?" I said as we were laying in bed together "we haven't had sex not once" I froze I just knew he was going to address this " um I don't know I didn't think sex was all you thought about " I stated "I don't want sex to be the basis of our relationship I just want to be with you in that way, um Eric I want you" he said I smiled then kissed him "Justin , then lets do it" I said he took off his shirt then took off mine "are you sure , Eric I don't want you to do this just because you think that's all I want." I pushed him back and kissed his neck then moved down to his chest I started sucking his nipples he moaned then he flipped mover and did the same for me. He moved down my body kissing every part he stuck his tongue in my belly button I almost melted I ran my fingers through his hair he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them off along with my boxers he took off all of his clothes "Justin I want this" he smiled and kissed me then started sucking on my neck " that feels good" he laughed "I know baby , a lot will feel good" he slid down a little bit more and started sucking on my left nipple he started nibbling at it "god , do the other one" he did the same thing to the other. Then there was a knock on my door "shh , maybe they will go away" Justin whispered , the knocking continues "Eric you home?" it was Landon "what the hell does he want" Justin nosed flared " Come on Landon is my friend , I have to talk to him" I got up "do not open that door Eric" Justin warned :Justin we are only friends calm down , I put my shirt back on and a pair of boxers and opened the door "hey" I said walking out and closing it a little so he couldn't see inside "hi , can we talk" he asked "well I'm busy right now," he nodded "okay , just give me a call when its convenient for you" I nodded and he walked away " I turned back around Justin was fully dressed and he looked pissed "where are you going" I asked "you just cannot let Landon go get it through your head he doesn't want you" Justin stormed out I slammed the door . This was not the kind of day I wished to have

*** Finals

Today is the final , no talking , no cell phones are to go off , if one does then that is an automatic failure in this course" my English professor said. I was almost relieved at the thought of spending the next seven weeks away from here and possibly go back to new York for a while. The final consisted on the text we read throughout the semester we had to write two full length essays on two out of the four stories we read . I was finished in a hour I handed my material in and left , one down four more to go, I had a hour break before my history exam I got a soda from the vending machine and sat Landon came walking out of a class room and he saw me he walked up to me "you finished your finals?" he asked "i took one and have few more to take" I stated he smiled "yeah I already took two so far ,and have two more to go, hey do you think we can talk now" Landon asked "sure lets take a walk" we ended up walking around campus together it was quiet we just walked then he stopped at a secluded part on the campus , I actually loved this part there was plenty of shade because of the tree's and it is one of those places where you can take a good book and sit under a tree and just get lost in it "Eric , before you my life was perfect you know, then you came into it and I really don't know , you changed me somehow, what I'm saying is , I've always known I was different but you brought it out in me, I guess I'm going to take these next couple of weeks and try to figure out who I am, I think I owe it to myself" he turned to me and smiled then hugged me , I patted his back "I'm glad you came to that conclusion Landon," we parted a little then he kissed me I kissed him back then backed away no one saw but I felt like I betrayed Justin " I'm with Justin" he looked sad "i know , but I also know you haven't stopped liking me either"i put my head down "Landon I cant , I have my history exam" with that I walked away from him.

When I got to the Exam room , I saw Justin I sat down beside him he looked at me "are you ready" I smiled he didn't "Eric please sit somewhere else I need to study and I cant do that near you" I felt hurt just a little , I stood up and went to the back of the auditorium Then some guy came in and smiled at Justin and sat down beside him they were talking and Justin put his hand on the guys shoulder the thing is I didn't feel jealous I was hurt but not jealous . The professor came in and I had to keep my mind from Justin and that guy and on my exam. It took an hour and a half to finish but I was confident that I passed. I handed my teacher my exam and had to sign the final exam sheet stating I took it and then I left out a few minutes later Justin caught up with me "Eric wait" I turned "Justin what do you want your boy toy might miss you" he began to look angry "like your any better with Landon" this was all unbelievable "Next time you want to kiss him why don't you take it behind closed doors" he yelled "you got this all wrong, I didn't " he stopped me "stop It Eric!, look I cant do this I have another final" he walked away "Justin!" he didn't turn back around .

(Danny) *** ***

Adam knocked on my room door "hi Danny can I come in" he said I let him in " I just wanted to see you before I go" he said "go where ?" I asked " oh, you don't know I'm transferring to Michigan state, this is actually my last day here" I felt sad I really liked Adam "Adam I'm going to miss you" I said he walked closer "I'm going to miss you strange freshman" I smiled he placed his lips on mine I wrapped my arms around him pulling him in , this felt to right , how could he be leaving why would he transfer . "are you sure your leaving" I asked "yeah , I have to" he said I didn't understand that part why did he had to go to Michigan. I took his shirt off and admired his body I pushed him back so that his back was flat on my bed then I got on top of him and we started kissing I loved the feeling of our smooth chest gliding together I then slid down to the floor on my knees I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans I slid down the zipper he pulled his jeans down his cock was making a tent in his briefs I grabbed his cock through his briefs and started jerking him "that feels nice" he reached down and ran his fingers through my hair I then took my fingers and placed it on the elastic band and pulled his briefs down I took them off he was completely naked so I got undressed as well his cock was standing at attention so was mine I got back on my knee's and grabbed his cock I started licking the head of it , his dick was about six and a half inches , the head was nice and plump and his cock was really fat , It felt good in my mouth , I slid my mouth further down and gagged a little then went down some more until it was deep in my mouth "Danny I love that ,I love you right now" I began to go up and down on his cock using my hand to masturbate him "damn you have the magic mouth and hands he was breathing really hard . I sucked him off for about fifteen minutes his balls were tightening up so I decided to back away "lets do It" he smiled "that would be perfect" I stood up and he pulled me into a passionate kiss I went over to my dresser and took out a condom

I placed the condom on his cock and used some KY to lube him up I put some on my hole I got over him my legs on each side of his thigh then I put my hand on his cock to guide it in me I lowered my ass and could feel the head on my hole "you ready babe" he smiled I smiled too "yeah I'm, ready" I loosened up and pushed down I could feel the head trying to push its way through I relaxed and it went in "ohhh yeah, Adam that feels good" I felt light headed "yeah it does" I place both hands on his Pecs and I could feel him slowly going in and out of me, his eyes fluttered I was loving the sensation of his cock going in and out of me I began to meet his thrust I didn't want him to do all the work "Danny , you're the best, fuck my toes are curled" I laughed at that, he put his hands on each of my butt cheeks and was fucking me real good we were in this position for a long time then he grabbed me and held me close and flipped us both over I was on my back now. He started pumping into me "you feel so damn good , I love your body Danny, oh man" he said seductively .sweat was on both of us it was hot and the room smelled of sex our eyes were connecting he was looking intently at me and it felt like we were the only people in the universe. "I don't think I can hold it for much longer I'm going to cum Danny" he said grinding into me slowly it felt like our bodies were in synced he kissed me , we moaned in each others mouth I grabbed the back of his head and the kiss was so explosive I rested my forehead on his as he was going in and out , the feeling was something I never felt he was hitting all of my spots and my cock kept on twitching as he was doing me "Danny I'm cumming I'm cumming" he thrust one last time and I felt his dick get fatter inside me "Ahhhhhh shit" my cock twitched and then cum spewed out. On my stomach chest and face Adam smiled and kissed me he even licked my cum off my face then kissed me "you taste sweet" he said with a smile. he slowly pulled out of me and took the condom off I put in in the garbage next to my bed he collapsed on the side of me "that was the hottest sex I ever had , that topped anything I ever done with anybody else Danny" I put the covers over us he wrapped his strong arms around me and we drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I looked at the time "shit Finals" I got up and threw my my clothes on "hey adam you got finals"i asked he opened his eyes "no my finals were yesterday" he said "i took three yesterday and I have one more" I kissed him he laid back down I grabbed my back pack and left out before I was late

Eric *** *** A few hours later I finally was done with my last final and I had to find Justin things just didn't sit right with me , leaving things the way I did, I had to show him that I was putting Landon in the back of my mind for good , I looked all over so I decided to go to his dorm room so that's what I did, I walked to the Carver dormitory building and to his room , I knocked on his door I didn't here anything I decided to leave when I heard a thump in his room, I decided to twist the knob the door opened and Justin was having sex with that guy I couldn't believe what I was seeing "so there you are" I said with visible anger in my voice "Eric!" Justin said as if he was shocked to see me "dude can you leave we are in the middle of something , Justin jumped up off the bed and put a towel on "Eric I'm sorry I was angry at you" I got so angry I balled my fist and punched him in his face he fell "Fuck you Justin, and for the record , Landon kissed me not the other way around and if you would had stayed you would have saw that I was the one who backed away and left

He stood up and looked guilty he put on his jeans and a shirt I turned to leave he followed me out into the hallway he looked at me with anger "I saw you and Landon, I saw you" he just wasn't listening "Landon is my friend " I said people were watching now "yeah , you can be friendly alright , like you were with your professor" people started talking ,i heard someone say "I wonder who the professor was" I couldn't believe he said that "I told you that in confidence Justin what is wrong you" he grabbed me "what Is wrong with me? No what is wrong with you I love you and your playing me for a fool Eric" I pulled away "I'm playing you for a fool? you know what , Fuck you, you're the one who had sex with Mr. Herpes 2010 not me" I walked away from him .

I walked out of his dorm building to my own and went directly to my room. Danny was sleep I slammed the door he jumped up and looked around "did you see Adam, I came back from taking my finals and he was gone , I must have fallen asleep" he said "no I just came in" he sat up "Eric what's wrong?" he walked over to me "Justin was screwing some guy that was in our history class and he did it because he saw Landon kiss me ,but I stopped it Danny I stopped it,but it didn't matter" he came to me and sat next to me on my bed and put his arm around me "are you okay" he asked " I don't know. I really did like him , I wanted to be with him you know , with him things were easy, Danny but I guess it wasn't that easy" he put his head on my shoulder "don't worry I'm not going to cry or anything, I just need to get out of here" I said I got up and went over to my closet to get my suitcases I packed my clothes "I thought you were leaving in a few days" Danny said "I'm sorry Danny I just I have to go home for a while" he hugged me I hugged him back "yeah, its okay , hey maybe I can visit you in new york for a week or something" he said "that would be great , hey, I have an idea how about we both go to new york together , best buds enjoying the big apple together" Danny jumped up and down like a school girl I laughed "yeah , lets do it , shopping going to time square, scaming on the hot new york boys, I want to be like a real tourist" I laughed at that "I know all the good places to go , I can take you to the best pizza shops , there's one in Staten island that makes the perfect pizza and it saucy and cheesy at the same time and the crust is so fluffy and crisp , also I can introduce you to some of my friends in Brooklyn." I said "Brooklyn , hells yeah that's were the gangstas live" I rolled my eyes in a playful way "actually Brooklyn is a nice place well some parts anyway" I stated "how about coney island !" " well they are reconstructing coney island so no rides, but we can go to Nathans and maybe walk on the boardwalk take pictures but its cold this time of year so" he smiled then it faded "what am I saying , I mean I would have enough for shopping but not a hotel I can't go" I put a hand on his shoulder "my parents would be glad to meet my best friend who keeps me sane here, the only thing is they might think you're my boyfriend but I will make it clear that we are only friends" "cool,well let me take a shower and you my friend can pack my stuff" he went to the bathroom and took a shower I packed up some of his belongings into his suit cases,I called my parents while he was in the shower

"Hello , mom hi" I said

"is this my son Eric, you know the one that never calls" she said sarcastically

"ma ,I'm sorry I just been busy ,so I'm coming home"

She seem excited "oh my god when , should we start planning a dinner ,

You do know your dad reconstructed the house let me rephrase that , he thinks he reconstructed the house but i I cant wait for you to see it

"I cant wait either mom , so I am bringing a friend with me ,his name is Danny, is it okay if he stays" I asked "of course it would be okay , so is your friend really more then a friend" she asked

"Ma!" she laughed

"what? I'm just asking can't I be concerned about my son, so is he your"she said

"he is more then a friend he's my best friend actually, that's it" I stated

"what! no boyfriend?" this was still a kind of awkward situation, I know my parents have come to terms with my sexuality I just didn't want to talk about it with them

"no boyfriend ma , so we will be leaving tonight actually"

"okay that means you'll be here in about five hours I'll have your dad pick you and your friend up and I will be making all your faovirtes"

"thanks ma I have to go I love you"

"love you too" then I hung up , Danny got out the shower and dried off he put on some clothes and sneakers then we left out , we said bye to the people we met during the semester and caught a cab to the air port

*********************** As I sat in the airport I made plans, when I Return my life would be less complicated , I would get active in something maybe writing , nothing else would get in the way I would be drama free

"hey I got M&M's and starburst which one" Danny asked "um Starburst would be great" he handed me a pack "so what's your family like?" he asked "wow , they are interesting , everyday is like a reality show at my house . My dad takes pride in the brownstone. when he isn't working he is trying to modernize or redo a room in the house but every time, my mother always have to call a professional to fix the damages my dad created trying to fix up the house . My mom well she is into family and traditions and having Sunday dinners and spending time with one another , I have a older brother who lives with his girlfriend in the city and a sister who is in middle school." Danny nodded "sounds nice your family loves you mine just wanted me gone they just couldn't except I'm gay you know, I had the best life before they found out and then when I graduated my dad gave me a check for a hundred thousand dollars and told me never to come back, like I wasn't even his kid, I have no family , my mom my dad my brothers want nothing to do with me" I rubbed his back " I'm sorry Danny, why didn't you ever tell me this" he looked ashamed "i don't know I didn't want anyone to know I guess" I nodded at that " but hey you have me so" he smiled "Eric you've been more my family these past few months then my real family, you are my family" he said "yeah I like that , were brothers" ,"brothers" Danny repeated and we shook hands .

NWA Flight 117 to New York's LaGuardia is now boarding" the announcer made "that's us Danny" we walked over and got on line to board the plane we handed the lady our ticket and we boarded the plane . New York here we come

The next day


I went to talk to Eric today because I wanted to clear the air I knocked on the door no one answered then Justin walked around the corner "What are you doing here" he asked clearly upset "I came to talk to Eric not that its any of your business" I said back he rolled his eyes and knocked on the door "Eric we need to talk , I came to apologize for yesterday" I was intrigued what did he do "what did you do" I asked he looked at me coldly "that's none of your business, now go away" I knocked again "come on Eric open up" Shawn stopped by "hey guys Danny and Eric left yesterday they are in New York" I looked at Justin he seemed to look defeated how could he leave and not say anything I went back to the ALPHA MEGA KAI house and was Greeted by the President of the charter "Landon I'm sorry for showing up so suddenly but we have been informed that Adam Tinsly is no longer at this school so we have to appoint a new president of the house. We wont do that until the middle of next full semester. With that being said I would like to appoint you as acting president until then" I gladly accepted and all the brothers and pledges that didn't leave were informed and congratulated me. Mark and a few other guys threw a party in celebrating. They invited all they could to come and we all were having a good time . I was In the mist of celebrating when Jessica walked up to me "can we talk alone please" I really didn't want to but she was being polite so we went upstairs to my room she closed the door and practically jumped on me kissing me I pushed her away "I know your little secret , that you are a faggot, I saw you kissing that hot black guy that happens to be a pledge you didn't think anyone was looking but I was" I was speechless I was sure no one saw us and she had a smug look on her face "what did you do follow me?" I yelled "no I just happen to see you so the way I see it is you have two options, option one you can get back together with me, or option two I'll tell everyone you're a Queer and you get kicked out of this house , your pick" I began to laugh she looked like she was confused "I would never get back together with you" I grabbed her arm and opened the door and threw her out "fine I'll tell" she said, mike one of my brothers walked by "hey mike: he came over "guess what I'm gay" I said he looked at me then at Jess "Yeah right bro" he laughed then walked down the stairs "have fun trying to convince my brothers that I'm gay, the way I see it , its your word against mine , and guess what Jess bros before hoes" I slammed the door in her face.

Hey thanks for experiencing The First Semester with Eric , Danny , Landon , Justin and Adam , it's been a blast . I'll see you guys when Semester two starts .

Next: Chapter 8: College Bound 8

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