College Bound Series

By Tsc Stories

Published on Jun 13, 2009


College Found

I've known for a while I was Gay but I never experienced anything with a guy , one would think coming out of new York I would have had sex with at least one guy , but the truth is I could never find a guy interested or I was totally oblivious to advances made towards me , which I think there were non, before I go any further my name is Eric Johnston I am African American , about 5"10 165 pounds and I'm rather good looking if you ask me, I have a nice caramel complexion , and finally I was out of my parents house and on the college campus , I am now a freshman at Texas state and I don't know really know what to expect.

I picked up my freshman packet at bursars the packet contained my classes I applied for my meal plan and my dorm room number and key , I went to the Washington square dorm building it was a big brick building about three story's high I went inside the building was brightly lit and had posters and servicing boards all around I looked on my paper for my room number as I walked and I bumped into someone "hey im sorry " the voice said I looked up and the bluest eyes were staring at me "it's okay" I said he smiled "your new here?" he asked "yeah what about you" I asked "no , this is my second year here" he said then he continued "you know what , why don't you come to ALPHA MEGA KAI , im a brother there and we are looking for new pledges " he said , I kept looking at his lips as he talked , damn for a white guy he had full pink lips that just looked so good as he talked "so what do you say " he said "im not sure , if fraternities is my thing" I said "you should at least see what we have to offer" he said , how could I resist a hot guy " im Landon, by the way" he said "Eric" I said he extended his hand I took it and shook it we stood there and he didn't release my hand he then let go "hope to see you there Eric" he said as he walked away "Landon look like a model for Abercrombie and fitch , how can one person just be so damn gorgeous. And he has dimples with his crew cut blond hair , I got hard thinking about him .

I found my room and went inside , my roommate was already there unpacking his clothes , he was rather skinny, and had that skater boy look , he had brown shaggy looking hair , he turned around and I thought damn are all the boys here good looking "you're my room mate ?" he said sounding disappointed "yeah I'm Eric" I extended my hand he looked at me "I'm Danny" he said folding his arms trying to study me "look, Danny I'm not going to rob you or beat you up or anything " he then laughed "trust me , I can see your no gangsta for god sake your wearing a American Eagle shirt" "im not racist of anything I just was trying to read you I tend to do that with people I just meet" he said " so what did you come up with when you read me " I said " I got that your smart and have a great since of style " he said then turned and bent down to pick up his suit case , wow he has a nice ass I thought he caught me looking at him he smiled "and your cute" he said h e walked close to me "you are so stiff Eric loosen up" he said he slipped his hands under my shirt "damn your ripped guy " he said his brown eyes were staring into mine I couldn't break a away from his seductive stare I felt myself getting hard and he did too he pushed me on the mattress then got on top of me I placed ,y hands on his ass " I've never done anything like this before" I said as he was sucking on my neck, he pushed the hair out of his face you've never had sex before " he asked "no, not at all" he got off of me "what?" I protested "your first time should be with someone you care about , im doing you a favor trust me , I wish someone had done that for me " he said I had a boner and he had to be a decent guy .

Later that night Danny and I went out to different fraternities Danny was interested in Omega Si and I made my way ALPHA MEGA KAI. I went inside the house and there were a bunch of guys in suit jackets talking I had a blue Abercrombie shirt and a black track jacket and a pair of blue jean s I looked around , no black guys in sight I was the only one , I started to fee l uncomfortable so I turned to leave "hey Eric" I heard Landon's voice I turned around he was walking towards me "hey man you made it come get a drink" he said and that I did we talked for hours he introduced me to his other brothers everyone seemed cool I was really liking Landon at this point "hey Landon " the guy basically got in between us turning his back to me "so have you seen any potential guys" he said "yeah , im talking to one right now" he turned around and looked at me then gave me a look he then turned to Landon and said "anyone less ethnic" I got pissed and I wanted to fuck this guy up but I just walked away from them and left out the house , I was half way back to my dorm when I heard Landon call out to me I turned he caught up to me resting his hand on my shoulder as he caught his breath "damn dude you walk too fast" he said "what do you want " I said angry he looked embarrassed " im sorry Adam is such a douche " he said "im not going to join a Fraternity , I think I sh ould focus on my school work " I said "not everyone is like that , I'm not and I happen to think you are cool" he said m he smiles "that will never happen again I promise , just consider us " he said "okay, alright" I gave in "great " he said we shook hands and parted ways.

The next couple of days I was introduced to a lot of different people . Classes started and me and Danny became really good friends , Class was over and we decided to chill in front of the ice cream parlor on campus I got a cone of Chocolate and vanilla Danny got the strawberry twist cone "this is the lie " Danny said I laughed as I sat down next to him at the table outside the parlor I laughed "what?, it is im sitting here eating a good ass ice cream with my friend scamming on hot ass college guys as they walk by" he said "I guess your right " I agreed,Adam and Landon walked up to us "hey Eric" Landon greeted me with a smile Adam looked like a idiot standing there eyeing me and Danny we stood up and Danny stared at Adam completely making him uncomfortable I wanted to laugh but I didn't "so I wanted to give you something " he handed me a fancy looking envelope "congrats man" I smiled at him "what's this" I said "your acceptance as a pledge to the ALPHA MEGA KAI fraternity house " he said "this doesn't mean you are in " Adam said " I know " I said two girls came out the ice cream parlor they walked up to them "we got you two ice cream " the blond one said she kissed Adam and the brunette kissed Landon they walked away "you know what I think buddy, that Adam guy needs to be taught some manners" he said with a grin on his face "what do you mean" I said " I think he';s closeted and don't know how to express himself" Danny said "no way not Adam " I said "look , I'm not flamboyantly gay and neither are you so I think we should see how far we can get with those two "what do you mean like a game" I said "no more like a mission something we can accomplish" he said "what do you mean we " I said "listen , we have to split them up" I was resistant to my friend plan , from the look of it both guys were straight and Landon was cool I didn't want to mess anything up with him "oh come on , Eric stop being a bitch , you like Landon , you want to fuck him or vice versa, and I want that Adam guy" Danny had a sinister look on his face "you're a real Crazy psycho aren't you" I said "yes I am" he answered back .

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Next: Chapter 2: College Bound 2

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