College Bound

Published on Oct 22, 2005



He arrived at the bus terminal and looked around.

The letter told him some students would meet him and take him to the campus. Usually his father or mother went with him but this weekend, he was on his own.

East Raget College was a small school but it was famous when it came to computers especially Internet service software. More then one student had become a millionaire, one or two while still in this college.

Eddie loved computers as much as his older brother loved flying and his younger one loved playing football.

Cliff was in the Air Force and Mickie was all state. Eddie was sent letters offering partial scholarships too. In fact East Raget offered a full one.

Eddie looked around for some students probably typical geeks. He knew he was probably thought of as a geek too in his high school, though his fame at computer games seemed to make most of the kids respect him.

"Hey you the Ryan kid?" Eddie turned and saw a tall, good looking guy standing there. His tanned shoulders shot out of his tank top making Eddie want to stare.

"You uh Ed Ryan?" another voice asked. The other guy was Eddies' height, wore shorts and a tee shirt.

"Uh yea" Eddit said trying not to sound like a high school kid "I'm Ryan" he smiled.

He hoped the erection in his jeans wasn't detectable. He always hardened when he saw athletic guys.

"You guys from Raget?" Eddie said looking a bit confused.

"Yea, who else would be looking for you?" The taller one said "I'm Morgan, he's Tester. So you're a computer genius huh?"

"Uh well, I do ok" Eddie said feeling like being a geek in a geek sandwich as he walked between the two guys.

"You guys into computers?" Eddie asked assuming they were campus jocks.

"Everyone at Raget is" Tester said.

"Yea, I'm doing design" Morgan said "what did you expect?"

"Well I thought you two looked more like jocks" Eddie said "you know athletes like you see on tv snad stuff" Eddie heard his honesty and knew it either sounded immature or queer.

Tester threw an arm around Eddie "well, I am on the swim team, and Morgan there is a diver, what you think everyone who's into computers looks like a geek?" he asked jostling Eddie.

"It's ok, when we got out of high school, we were kind of geeky but here, we can do more, it's different here. I mean they make you pay attention to other things and it's fun" Morgan added

"We're assigned to show you everything on campus and in town. If you don't come here they'll probably blame us" Tester said

Morgan laughed "Don't listen to him. I"m graduating and he's got another year. We try to convince guys like us to come here to kind of replace us you know? And if my judgement is right, I think you are one of us in everyway"

Eddie got in the van with the college logo on the doors. Tester drove and as they went through town both pointed out computer cafe's, bowling alleys, movie theater complex, clothing stores, and other places they said the college kids went to.

The campus looked like a quaint campus you'd see on any pamphlet. Getting out of the van they immediately walked to classrooms, computer labs, electronic work benches, indoor swimming pools.

"We can swim later or tomorrow if you like. Only thing is suits aren't allowed, hope that doesn't freak you out" Morgan said. Eddit thoguht he was kidding but hearing a splash turned to see a naked body getting out of the pool. "That's Miller, he's on the diving team too. Don't worry this is the men's pool, the girls are across campus"

Eddie's erection returned. There was no way he's see a naked body out in the open without getting hard.

"Hey let's go to the dorm and relax a bit, I think you can use the rest. And we can continue the tour later" Morgan said. Tester didn't say anything but followed.

"We share a room and you're goign to bunk with us" Morgan continued as they walked to the three story brick building on once side of the quadrangle park that seemed to be surrounded by dorms and other buildings.

"You two share a room?" Eddie asked "Senior and junior?"

"Yea after freshman year you can share with anyone you want to" Tester added.

"Even freshman can if they know someone" Morgan said "Test and I have been roommates since his freshman year. I showed him around campus during his tour too"

He nudged Tester, "and he hasn't complained yet, have you roomie."

"Not yet..." Tester said pushing Morgan back.

"So you into guys?" Tester asked.

The question stunned Eddie or at least the frankness.

"It's ok, nobody cares here" Morgan said. "leave him alone Tester".

The dorm was typical with a common room on the first floor and stairs leading to the floors above.

"We have a great room, facing the highway, nobody can see into our room at all" Tester said "we can sit in the window and smoke naked if we wnt to"

"And we do" both said and laughed.

Eddie felt nervous.

"So tell us something about you" Morgan said.

"yes" Eddie said and stopped.

"Huh?" Tester asked.

"You asked if I were into guys" Eddie said feelign he was about to be taken back to the bus station and sent home.

"Oh cool" Tester said "I thought so with a boner like that"

Morgan patted Eddie on the butt "Dont' worry he's been stone since we got out of bed"

Males and females were in the dorm walking around. Two guys wearing only towels greeted Morgan and nodded at Eddie as they walked by.

"Hey Tanisha" Tester greeted a ptetty girl wearing thick glasses then said to Eddie "She's brilliant at graphics..hell she paints like Micelangeo on a computer..."

"OK this is it" Morgan said.

The room was moderate size with two desks both of which had laptop computers on them. Against the other wall was a bed, bigger then a twin but not as big as a queen size. There was only one bed.

"It's small, but it's home" Tester said tossing his wallet and keys on a desk before peeling his tee shirt off.

"You can stay with us or I think they have a room for visitors across campus" Morgan said "but I think you'll have more fun here"

Eddie released his back pack Morgan offered to take. "You tired?" Morgan asked.

"A little I guess, bus ride was long" Eddie said. Immediarely he felt hands on his shoulders beginning to massage him. Eddie jumped but then relaxed.

"Let him he's really good at it" Morgan said

Tester moved his hands under Eddie's shirt and resumed massaging Eddies bare skin. He sighed.

"Fuck yea that's great" Eddie said.

Morgan moved in front of him. "So just let us take care of you" he said as he moved his hands under Eddies shirt and began to rub his nipples.

"Just relax man" Morgan repeated smiling.

Eddie sighed. His body was in the four hands of the two athletic looking hunks that had harned his cock as soon as he saw them that morning.

They moved him to the bed. and There Morgan moved his hands to Eddies jeans and ubuttoned them. Sittign on the bed now Eddie let them pull his jeans down his legs and then his under wear was removed too.

"Nice" Tester said stopping his massagig long enough to unbutton his shorts so they dropped to the floor. His own erection looked so hard it scared Eddie.

"Here you take him for awhile while I strip down" Morgan said.

Tester moved his hands over Eddies bare body and lowered his head to swallow his cock. Eddie sucked in hair as he felt Tester's mouth sending shivers through him as he watched Morgan strip naked.

The sight was enough to make him cum and combined with Tester's fingers massaging his bare buttocks, Eddie assumed he'd be sproutin sperm in no time at all.

"Nice" Eddie heard himself say openly as he admired Morgan.

"Thanks kid, you aren't so bad either" Morgan moved closer aiming his cock at Eddie's mouth. He had sucked his cousins cock and a stranger he met at Bible camp last summer. So he was ready for another one.

And he licked and sucked Morgan's cock greedily. He was so enjoying Morgan's cock Eddie didn't notice Tester's finger toying with his butthole and slowly inserting itself in him.

But when he did realize it, Eddie knew a fantasy he had had since he first jacked off was about to happen.

And he sighed relaxing his body in anticiption of new sensations and an orgasm that he couldn't believe possible.

Tester moved on the bed and behind Eddie. The cock pressed against him. Eddie knew he was about to be fucked. Only one other cock had been inside him and that hurt. Eventually it felt better he remembered but most of all Eddie remembered the sharp pain he felt. The kid was the one at Bible camp. And after that first time, Eddie went back for more.

The kid gladly fucked him each time. And each time it hurt going in. But the orgasm Eddie felt with the cock inside him was a new experience. He only hoped it would be that good this time.

"You ok?" Tester asked. Eddie realized Tester was inside him. There hadn't been any large amount of pain at all. He was suprised. And with Morgan's cock in his mouth, he couldn't answer so he pushed his cock back on Tester's cock more telling him it was ok.

The double fucking continued for some time until Morgan pulled his cock out and told Tester "switch".

"fuck man he's good" Tester said relunctanly pulling his cock out of Eddies butt.

MOrgan fit inside easily though Eddie knew his cock was a bit larger cause he could feel it. And testers cock was wet with ass juices as it slid between his lips.

Then the fucking got faster and harder and Eddie knew his throat and guts were about to be filled with cum.

"Shit guy, you are one hot fuck" Tester said milking his driping cock. Morgan had stopped fucking but left his cock inside.

"Come on and take cre of him" he told tester and soon Eddie's nipples ere bing pinched hard while his cock was being sucked. As he got closer to cumming, Morgan resumed fucking and Eddie felt his body taking control. He had no mental control. he was an animal now and the need to explode was his only goal.

The fire flowed fromt hsi gut out his cock into Tester's mouth and as he came Morgan cursed feelign Eddies' ass tighten during the orgasm.

"Shit you are a hot fuck" Morgan said pulling out leaving Eddie feeling the cocks that had been inside him moments before.

He remembered last summer feeling the boys cock inside him for a couple of days after each time he got fucked.

"So what do you think of our campus now?" Tester said.

"Nice" Eddie said laughing. There he was naked and his most private feelings revealed to these two naked strangers.

"So you want to stay with us or go to the visitors dorm?" Morgan asked.

"There's only one bed right?" Eddie asked.

Tester moved to the bed on which both Morgan and Eddie still lay.

"Right" he said.

"Cool, Then I"m staying if you'll have me" Eddie said.

"We'll have you as many times as we can before you have to go home. But we have more stuff to visit tomorrow" Morgan added.

"Not sure we'll have time to do that" Eddie said squirming around and moving to suck Testers cock. He had made up his mind already.

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