College Big Brother

Published on May 25, 2022



This story is totally fictional, as are the names of the characters. The author retains all rights to this work. No other erotic story site can publish this work without permission. If you like these stories please donate to keep the site going. Comments:cajunboi868@gmail

Every September the ritual is repeated. Parents and their freshman sons flock to university and college campuses across the nation as another group of young men embark on a journey to their future. Some will make it to the end, graduation, others will fall away. Each young group will be met by a senior ready to show them the ropes. In some cases these seniors with three years of experience under their belts seek those who are undergoing their first separation from family and home. Their motives may not always be honorable. So it was with Shawn. He was ready for the incoming new meat to grace his bed.

Now Shawn was not a bad looking guy at 6'3", 170 pounds, with sparkling blue eyes, sun bleached blond hair fresh from his summer job as a lifeguard at his parents' country club. His eight inch cock was famous among the men at the club. His dad, an attorney, prided himself on making sure his sons knew the value of hard work and the value of every penny they earned. Shawn's younger brother was a sophmore at a prestigious Ivy league school back east. Shawn had opted for the sunshine of southern California. But he also had a secret, his craving for male bodies as bed mates. His summer had been spent in the company of some very handsome boys and married men who were attracted by his attitude and gorgeous, fit body. His parting gifts from his married men would sustain him in spending cash for the next few months. He rarely had to spend any money as the many admirers lavished him with meals and clothing. Many of those older men were friends and clients of his unsuspecting parents.

Once he had separated his charges from their parents, he went into his monologue about the benefits of college life, free from parents. His tour took his group around the main parts of the campus including the frat houses. He explained the role of the frats keeping traditions of the past intact. As he walked around he made special mental notes of the young men he would later like to bed. He'd made it a point to talk to them to find out personal details and interests of each one of the boys. He would invite those special boys for a private, individual conversation in his room later. He gave the boys his private cell number in case they had any questions later.

Shawn returned the boys to their parents now convinced that the new crop of freshmen were ready to embark on many adventures. That evening the parents would depart leaving the boys in the hands of the dorm monitors, some of whom were close friends of Shawn's. After lights out with the usual bed check Shawn would sneak into the dorms to reignite friendships of a more intimate nature with his old bed buddies. His eight inches of thick meat was always welcomed. For the past three years Shawn had cultivated a bond with a group of on campus admirers. His motto "all are welcomed" said it all about his attitude to sex. He was not adverse to group sex and would sometimes arrange for his campus friends to meet at an older man's secluded home in town for a "lecture" session, normally a naked session. Shawn's bedroom prowess provided a pleasant experience for all those in attendance.

A few weeks into the semester, Shawn put his plan into action. He invited two of the freshmen to go drinking with him. The bar in question seldom checked for age IDs. Shawn was well known to the bartenders as a good tipper. Soon his two companions were ready for the kill. As prearranged, Shawn was joined by another senior who drove them to a secluded spot just off campus where by some miracle a bottles of alcohol and sodas appeared. Drinks were mixed and consumed. Shawn and his buddy made sure that their own drinks were very weak. Piece by piece clothing was discarded until the four were down to underwear. Shawn's 8 inch hard cock drew the attention of the young freshmen. A game of truth or dare commenced leading to two naked freshmen. The dares took over with the boys urged to kiss each other. Shawn was dared to touch and kiss a freshman's cock. It was a fast journey from there to full on mm sex with the drunken freahmen being seduced. Shawn was not selfish, offering his own ass up. After all had an orgasm or two they returned to the dorms. One of the lucky pair of boys would be invited to spend the night in Shawn's room to enjoy a sober wake up fuck. Four such weekends would ensure that the seniors had a stable of freshmen mares to service their sexual needs. Shawn shared his young friends with not only men on campus but also the local gay scene. Hidden houses and rural cabins became the venues for many a weekend orgy. Word spread among the freshmen of the benefits of being one a select group of Shawn's friends. Small weekend gatherings were rumored and invitations sought by many males.

The chosen boys were shared out among the more experienced, older males. A joint was often produced to add another thrill to the soon to be former virgin boys. One by one the boys disappeared into prepared bedrooms with one or two of the "hunters". The sounds of sex could be heard around the party sites. By morning the young men were fully taken with the attentions of the older males, their new friends. Out of practiced habits the young men were soon being told that they were truly loved, their bodies were offered up as temples of desire. The "L" word was mentioned over and over again until the young men were convinced that it was to be a life long relationship. Some of the older males had even convinced themselves that it was true, at least for the next few hours.

Shawn devoted his attention to one particular target, Jake. Jake came from a large family being the oldest of 5 children. He was used to being ignored by his parents who were busy focusing on his younger siblings. Shawn's smooth words touched a need deep inside Jake, a need to get attention, that one thing he had not gotten at home. Shawn cut Jake from the herd of young boys. Using his practiced charms he lured Jake to a quiet part of the house where they might talk. At first Shawn made no effort to touch the boy. He left that to Jake who soon had his arm around Shawn's muscled shoulder. Shawn soon melted into the boy's touch, leaning over to him. He whispered how good the boy's touch felt. This soon led Jake to begin massaging the older boy's shoulders moving down his back. Shawn would protest that the touching was getting him aroused. This soon led to a soft kiss of Shawn's neck by the now aroused freshman. In no time at all they were grappling with each other's clothing. The resulting nudity did not hide Shawn's own arousal. He told his new friend that it was his first time, another lie. This only encouraged the freshman to pursue the senior's erection. Soon both were in a highly charged 69 position. Still professing his own innocence Shawn urged the younger man to prove his love by taking his cherry, another lie. Having soon let the younger boy expend his seed inside him, Shawn convinced Jake that he too wanted to give him a gift. The innocent boy eagerly offered himself up to the older male believing that this would seal their love. The deed done both fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the harsh light of morning Jake would wake alone in the bed. He sees a note from Shawn claiming a morning meeting with his faculty advisor and maybe a later meeting for lunch, something that would never happen. Jake would pine for Shawn but never see him around the campus. I would later dawn on the young boy that he had been duped by the oldest game men played. Jake's dreams would be filled with the replay of his night with the senior. He'd spend many a night pleasuring himself with those memories. His seven inch cock would be raw from self abuse and his longing for that blond senior. Other boys would sympathize with him, some even successfully managing to find their way into Jake's bed. As he grew wiser he'd learn that his fling with Shawn was the norm for freshmen on most campuses,easy pickings for the more experienced college men.

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