College ambulance corp twink

Published on Dec 17, 2014



Usual disclaimer: This story is for a mature audience only. It is also 100% fiction and is based on fantasy. Depending on law where you live, please be of age to read this story. Otherwise, author takes no responsibility. All in all, if you are choosing to read my story, I hope it is deamed enjoyable and leaves you head(s) drooling. Questions / comments can be emailed to

This story is based on real people, but is just a work of fantasy.

During my stay at college, I had many adventures, especially since I completed my undergraduate degree in 5 years due to my change of major. It's not that I was dumb by any means, I am pretty smart; I just wasn't smart enough to be an engineer. During my undergraduate years, I became apart of the campus ambulance corp and became an EMT (Emergency medical Technician) and then eventually an EMT-CC or Critical Care.

When I continued onto my Masters at my college, I still was fairly active with the ambulance corp. There was one day, after we had our round of interviews for new recruits (a hundred or two apply, only 25 or so are accepted), my partner and I had a trainee. His name was Tim. He was 18, already an EMT, he was about my height at 5'11", probably about 150lbs soaking wet. He wasn't built up muscularly, but he had some decent definition to him and what I've eventually come to find out a faintly defined 6 pack. He had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, in an army cut style. He was an instant "must lay" in my mind. He wasn't a true pretty boy, but he was handsome. A definite twink.

What about me, you ask? I'm about 5'10" and about 220lbs. Black hair and brown eyes. I've been told I am very handsome, but I don't have flocks of females or males chasing after me. I'm not that hairy, slight amount on my chest, arms, legs, and a little more in my pits and crotch. I'm about 6.5" hard.

But moving on, my partner and I had Tim as our probie once or twice during the first few weeks of the fall semester. I'd see him now and then after that and we'd chat. By the time the spring semester came around, Tim was already cleared off training and voted off as as proabationary member. We've been assigned to duty crew together a couple of times.

One night, we were talking and find out we live not too far from each other. He did have a girlfriend. We had some similarities to each other, but not a whole lot. We enjoyed being on crew together because we actually got along quite well.

One day, as we were on crew together, Tim decided to initiate a conversation with me randomly:

"So," he begins, "I've heard through the grapevine that you're bi. Is that true?"

"Well," I begin, "it's not something I would deny, but also not something that I actively advertise. I'm not one to make my personal life everyone's business. But why do you ask?"

"I don't know, just curious I guess. Don't get me wrong, I'm straight, but I guess there is a small curiousity within me about getting blown by a guy just once. But I don't think I could get into it."

"So, are you asking me if I would blow you?" I inquire.

"Not really. Just, I guess, you know, . . seeing if the rumor was true," Tim replied back.

"Well, to confirm it, yes, I am bi. I've had sex with both guys and girls. I don't necessarily prefer one over the other."

"Oh, ok," he said as he nodded a little. After a pause, he asked, "Are you what they call a pitcher or catcher?"

"Wow," I began to tease and chuckle, "someone grew some hair on the little boy balls to ask that. But if you must know, I am normally a pitcher. If you are trying to fish to see if I'd ever do anything with you, if you decide to be bold, I do like to kiss, mutual jerk or finger if a female, I will blow another guy or go down on a chick."

At this point, Tim was blushing just a little bit, like a kid caught trying to peek at his Christmas toys.

I continue, "I'm just not into anything too kinky, like water sports or that German poop porn crap." Tim lets out a laugh for that.

"Alright, I guess fair enough," he responds back.

We move on to other topics for the remainder of the night.

About a week later, we see each other again. over the week, I kept on thinking about Timmy and what he was packing in his pants, especially since it seams that he'd tempted to get blown by me.

We hanging out in our building on campus, shooting the breeze. The other crews are out on campus roaming doing something. Our third leg on the crew was somewhere else in the building and a female.

As we were watching TV, Tim suddenly asks me, "So, remember that conversation we had last week.?"

"The one where you admitted you wanted head from me?" I ask back.

"Umm, yeah," Tim blushes, "that one. Do you think that could, umm, possibly happen?"

I stand up and leave the room, wait two seconds and pop my head back in the room.

"Aren't you coming?" I ask. "We'll go to the lockerroom."

"Oh, n n n now?" Tim practically stutters.

"Well, might as well get this done when no one else is here. I mean, that is if you really want this to happen. Your choice."

Tim almost jumps up and we go into the lockerroom. We sit on one of the benches around the corner, just out of view of the door, so we have a small amount of time to react if someone comes in or looks in.

"Alright," I begin as we sat next to each other but facing opposite walls, "let's see what you got."

"I'm, I, it's not excited or anything like that. I, I, I'm kind of nervous."

"Look," I begin as I put my hand on his thigh, starting to rub it gently, "I understand you are nervous. You have full control of what we do and how long we do it. What I can promise is that I know what I am doing and you will enjoy it."

"O-ok." he responds.

My hand slowly gets closer and closer to his crotch. I stare at him and he stares back.

"Close your eyes, imagine your girlfriend or any other chick you want to fuck," I instruct in a soothing manner.

Tim does so, he closes his eyes. My hand continues rubbing his leg and hitting near his crotch. My other hand goes in and starts to massage his balls area. He begins to show a nice tent forming. I then go and unzip his tech pants. As I reach in and set free his throbbing manhood, I hear him gasp. I take his nicely size head into my hand and slowly start to jerk him slowly. Tim is moaning even with my slow hand movements. I use a little of his pre-cum to my advantage.

After a minute or two, I move in for a kiss.

"Woah!" Tim almost jumps away.

"Dude," I almost grab him back down, "you were enjoying yourself. Sit back down."

Tim does so. I kept my hand around his dick with a somewhat tight grip. I go back to jerking his still fairly excited cock. He ultimately gets relaxed again. This time, I go in and start to give him a blowjob. To this, he didn't object but merely let out a small gasp of shock and pleasure.

With each twirl of my tongue around his swollen head and my bobbing up and down, Tim could let out nothing but moans and "Oh my God's." Without him realizing it, I am not kneeling on the floor. I got out the small bottle of lube that I usually keep on me (hey you never know!) and put a little on my fingers. At this point, with Tim was laying down on the bench, rubbing his own nips and abdomen out of pleasure. I went and started to circle around his anus hole. He didn't really notice thankfully. Slowly I played with it. I also loved it. Not only did he not have a hairy chest, his ass was hairless too. He had hair solely on his pits, just above his dick and on his arms and lets. I loved it. Eventually, my one middle finger made it inside. I slowly slid it in and out, trying to tap on his prostate as well.

After a good 10 minutes of being finger fucked and moaning the loudest he's been, Tim cam and cam a lot. I caught it all in my mouth. Once he was done, I slowly took my finger out of him and my mouth off of him. I went to the sink, spit out his spunk and washed my hand off and my mouth out. (I just don't like swallowing jizz, never got into it).

After Tim came down from his orgasm high, which took him a good minute or two, he sat back up.

"oh, my god," he said slowly. "I don't think I've had an orgasm like that before."

"Gee, I couldn't tell," I chuckled. "You're welcome. Now listen, that ass is mine. Sooner or later I will want to fuck it with something other than my finger. If I keep blowing you, that WILL be my payment."

"Yeah nah dude, nothing goes in my ass," Tim tries to refuse.

"TOo late. My finger was already in there and you liked it," I held my finger up too. "Listen, no one said you were gay, alright? This is just 2 guys helping each other get some satisfaction. That's it."

"Yea, well, I'll be game for another BJ from you, but we'll see about you having my ass," Tim began. "You'll at least get a handie from me."

That night, a hand job was what I did get. But a couple of weeks later, I did get the payment I was hoping for, no alcohol or drugs were needed in the persuassion. But that's probably a story for another time. ;-)

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