College 101


Published on Jul 5, 2006


First of all I am sorry for my long time away, a lot of things have happened and I will try to get back to a normal schedule.

This is a work of erotic story telling. It will contain graphic scenes of gay sex while having a story line of love, lust, pain, and greatness. If this is objectionable to or illegal for you, please do not read it. This story is by the author. His permission must be obtained for any use of this story other than reading it on the Nifty site. This story will be long. I will try to post chapters as rapidly as possible. I hope you find it very interesting. Thank you

College 101


He was beautiful and I wanted to kiss him. I however was not ready for the dorm to know. The doors opened and as we waited I hoped nobody got on with us. I was in luck the doors shut and I grabbed Jason and pulled him close. "I can't stand it I do believe in love at first sight," I said as I kissed him pushing up against the back of the elevator. He broke the kissed and moaned, "Keep this up and I will have to either stop this elevator or kidnap you for the day!"

I wish I could say we stayed in that elevator and made mad crazy sex that would be better then telling you we exited. The next hour days and a week flew. Of course ma and J continued mind bending orgasmic sex. I just want to continue the story and move on. It was Friday night we made it back to our dorm room from classes and geared up for a night of dancing and drinking. J liked the dancing more then me. "Love your hard body next to mine," he always said to me. I prefer the drinking, because I could put it away, and J would be more far drunk then me. For me that meant J would pound my ass hard when we got home. Half the time in the cab ride home he was playing with my crotch. This Friday was different though. It was about to change the motion of our lives.

We both had dressed nice, and J was putting on cologne. Smelling him made me so horny. He knew that and came over to me and grabbed me tight. "Now don't bring anyone home you won't fuck tonight," J said smiling that devilish smile at me. "Only you babe, only you," I said kissing J. "We can't get a play thing tonight," J asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I started to tell him maybe when came a knock at our door. "Order pizza," I asked J going to the door. Knowing J it was a stripper with flowers for me. A trick he had pulled on what he called three week anniversary. "No one I know," J said looking at me as I reached for the door. Opening the door there stood a blond guy about the size of J yet a little taller then me. He was adorned with a Sigma Fraternity shirt and introduced himself while handing us a letter.

Without a thank you he left the doorway and I closed our door. "So what is it," J asked? "It's just what it looks like, a letter," I said. The letter was written on parchment, folded, and was sealed stamped with red wax. The emblem was the same as the Sigma shirt the deliverer was wearing. "Open it and read it aloud already," J said excitedly! I broke the seal and opened the letter it read:

Ian Michael Robinson Jason Mikel Crouch

You are herewith to report to Sigma Nu Fraternity Pledge Class XXXX Is to be assembled At 20:00pm

A little yellow sticky not attached to the letter said as follows:

As a reminder you two cannot back out We will hunt you down!!

"Fuck I forgot all about the frat, we were so into each other," I said. "It all will work out, and it sounds like we better show up," J said. "Let's drive," I said grabbing J's keys. We did one final look at each other and headed out the door. I wish we would have changed clothes now that I think of it.

I hopped into the driver seat of J's car and J climbed in the passenger side. Seems he was ok with that decision, we had about fifteen minutes to get there, and traffic was a bitch. We had pulled up on Jordan and 17th street and a semi turning caused me to react fast backing right over the curb. I had to avoid his turn yet I didn't know running up on the curb had caused the tire to go flat. J looked pissed a little but not at me. We both got out of the car as the semi kept going. It was three minutes until we were supposed to be there. We both looked at each other knowing were stuck. J opened his trunk and I started waving traffic around us. "I think its best if we push it over into that lot," J said pointing to Assembly Hall parking lot. "You hop in the driver's side once we get moving, since you are smaller then me," J said. I agreed and we pushed the car into the lot. J had started to get out the spare tire and I was watching him admiring his body in the light of the street lamps.

"You wait until we get home I am going to make you pay," J said taking the first lug nut off, "I will pay you for the tire," I said. "I am talking about you looking at me like that you are making me horny," J said looking up at me. I know I turned three colors. It had dawned on me I had a relay great friend, boyfriend, lover. A screech of a white van speeding into the lot screeching to a halt startled us. J and I only saw six black robed guys jump out of a van. A big bag or sack was pulled over are head's. I felt a bunch of arms pick me up and shove me into the van. "These were your guys right," I heard a voice say. I was scared shitless for a moment and then remembered the letter. "My car," J said in a worried tone. "It will be taken care of," I heard the stern voice say. It was the voice I had heard before, I knew who it was.

I felt the van stop and arms pull me out. They didn't even let me down. "Take them to the room before they get to go further," I heard one guy command. Now in reality I wish I could tell you every detail of this night but that would be against everything I pledged for, so I will tell you only what I can in brief. I was delivered into a dark lightless room and asked if I wanted to pledge for the fraternity. I said yes, that is were my life changed. "You may regret saying those words," I was told. I was still in the cover of the bag. "You may at anytime decide to leave this pledge class, which most likely you will," a stern voice said. I cannot tell you the way we are supposed to quit, it's a disgrace and shall not be mentioned. I was told the next 64 hours I was not going to class, not eating, and most pledges quit during this time as they separate the boys from the men.

I didn't know where J was, if he sad yes and exactly what was going to happen. It was going to be a long night.

The length is short but I will try and write as soon as I can another chapter. Life is so busy now. I hope you enjoy this section and stay tuned to see what happens.

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