College 101


Published on Mar 20, 2006


This is a work of erotic story telling. It will contain graphic scenes of gay sex while having a story line of love, lust, pain, and greatness. If this is objectionable to or illegal for you, please do not read it. This story is by the author. His permission must be obtained for any use of this story other than reading it on the Nifty site. This story will be long. I will try to post chapters as rapidly as possible. I hope you find it very interesting. Thank you

College 101


My life had changed so quick I wanted never to leave J; I wished we could be in this moment forever. J started to breath heavy, I was glad I was just as built as J otherwise I would have been crushed. He had fallen asleep on me. I needed to shower eat and do my homework. But for now just today, for J, I wasn't going anywhere. I slowly peacefully faded into sleep.

I was sleeping and dreaming. I can't remember the last time I ever had a dream I remembered, but this was different. My dream was so real you could taste the bitterness in the air. I found myself in a white room totally empty. Yet in the far off distance was a table and the top of the table was covered with glass. I remember walking for hours to get to the table. When I came to the table, sitting on the table under the glass were two toys one a matchbox car. The other was a Ken doll broke in half, yet the more I looked at the Ken doll the more I realized it looked like J in a way. I had to get a better look so I tried to move the glass, but every way I tried I couldn't get to the contents under the glass. In the end I gave up and turned around, I was startled by a little boy. The little boy was I, just in a younger version. " The glass will break when a sacrifice is made," That is what the younger version of me said. I remember everything going white and slowly waking up.

I opened my eyes and looked around, it was dark and the light was off. I felt around and didn't feel J. Concerned I got up and turned the light on at the wall. J was not in the room anywhere. It was almost 1:30 in the morning. I walked to the desk; there was a pad of paper lying there. "If you are reading this I went to get carry-out," J. I wonder how long he had been gone. The room was cool against my bear naked skin so I jumped back into bed. I sat there thinking about my dream. What an unusual dream, I thought, and at that I stopped thinking about it. My worries soon turned to the unfinished homework in my backpack. I reached to the side of the bed and grabbed my backpack. I unzipped it and a few books and notepad fell out. A paper inside the notepad dropped out as I was moving it. Shit I forgot I was supposed to be at the library for tutoring. Fuck I hope I still can, because I hate math and I need so much help. I opened my textbook and looked at my worksheets. My homework was all done, what had happened I don't remember doing them. I checked a couple of problems and flipped to the back of the packet. A white sticky note was attached. It read," Thought I'd help you out love J." Man he must have been up for a while, yet I remember he was good at math.

I closed the books and stuffed everything in my backpack. I sat it at the foot of the bed, and got out of bed. I walked over and turned off the light. I crawled back in bed, no use in doing anything else until J gets back. So I laid there in the dark, I thought about J and what had happened in the past 3 to 4 days. My parents would kill me, my sisters would freak. What about J when we had ate and talked yesterday he never mentioned if his parents new his lifestyle. I of course was not J's first romance. Romance hard to call it boyfriends since it has only been a few days. In reality though I knew that in the end all of this felt right for me. I have feelings for J already. Maybe just maybe true love is real. What about tomorrow what will that bring? If Jason were here right now he would tell me that blonds don't need to think so much. I am an exception to that rule; I always worry, care, or even feel too much.

I continued to question myself, and might I ad one should never talk to one's self, I heard a key slide into the door. I closed my eyes and seen the light flick on from under my eyelids. I hear the keys drop on the dresser beside the bed. Then it sounded like something being placed on the nightstand beside me. I heard the rustling of cloths being taken off, I assumed. I felt the cold air hit my body as the covers lifted. I felt a warm body ease its way up against me. I felt warm lips pressing against mine as a hard penis plopped against my side. I had played along enough so I opened my eyes. J was looking right into my eyes as we continued to kiss. Finally J broke away and said, "Good morning babe, I hope you slept well." "I must say I love waking up like that". I put my arm on J and pulled him on top of me. "You ready for another round or do you wana eat, J asked smiling. "We have to shower, let's just eat for now," I said. "Awe I thought we could mess around, eat, mess around in the shower, and then mess around again before class," J said in a sly smooth tone. " I think we need to be ready for class a little more so we can both stay in school," I said trying to get J to look at the bigger picture. "You just need to relax everything will go alright this semester will be a breeze," J said giving me another kiss. His dick was hard against my abs as he rose up letting it pass over my stomach. He now held himself up by the headboard, and his dick was inches from my face. I smiled up at him and reached for the bag of food beside me. "Awe come on you gotta be hungry for this sausage," J was slightly giggling as he pushed forward nearly stabbing my nose with the head of his penis. " You want me to suck that," I said trying to get him to be a little less so how would you say obvious. He didn't say anything so in return I slowly opened my lips and put them around the tip of his hard throbbing dick. I gave a little sucking motion and J moaned. I took my mouth off his dick and quickly crawled out from under him. "Hey don't stop," J said flipping himself backwards onto the bed.

"Some of us need to shower and sleep or sleep then shower before class," I said to J picking up my cloths from the floor. He leaped from the bed and grabbed my hips pressing his hard penis between the crack of my ass. I stood up fast turned around and put my arms around him. "As much as that feels good," I said kissing him. "You are going to be the party stopper," J said. "No I am not, besides if it was a party we all know I'd be all over you,' I smiled backing up and going to my closet. "Well if I can't have you here then I will in the shower," J grabbed my ass. I had enough of his remarks and gave in; I turned around and grabbed his dick. "I know you would love to do my homework all the time but I have to get a education," I said pulling back and forth on J's hard beefy cock. "All you have to do right now is get hard so we can have fun," J said moving in to kiss me. I put a finger on his lips. "Ah you think you can charm me into getting what you want," I asked. He moved into my left side and got right next to my ear, "I'll let you fuck me." "What," I said real loud. "You heard me, and I know you want to I can tell," J said. "You just know how to drive a bargain," I said letting go of his dick. "I'll see you there," I said grabbing a towel and racing for the door. Jason grabbed me as I ran and bumped me down to the bed, passing by me. I jumped back up following close behind.

Like to hot rabbits horny and in pursuit of each other we ran up the stairs with only are towels around are waist. We ran out the door right into the bathroom, nobody was even in there. It was great to be up this early! We made are way down to the very last stall. J immediately turned the water on as I locked the door. I felt my towel being tugged off of me as I was pushed against a cold stall door. "Cold," I said but J had me pinned. He was plenty warm and his hard horny bodies made me forget the cold. He grabbed my waist and picked me up. I slung my legs around him. His cock was pocking my ass as he pushed me against the stall wall. "Sure you don't want to ride," J said. Horny I can't believe what I was about to say, "As long as you ride me back." Before I could think about the proposition I had just said J had picked me off the wall and carried me into the shower stall. The hot water ran over both of us as J pushed me against the wall again. I felt the water everywhere and as J started kissing me I slid down his dick pushing my cheeks apart. He was lined up perfectly for entry. He reached down, stopped kissing me, and spread my ass cheeks with his hands. Of course he let up a bit on his pressure that was keeping me on the wall. I did as I was told last time and pushed out like I was going to take a dump. At that J's red throbbing hot manhood slid right past my hole and all the way inside me. J put his arms around me again. We both moaned and J pulled up on me I put my arms on his shoulders and together we got a motion going. There was little to no pain at all. But the sex was fucking intense. He was relay inside of me, and because of our position it was deep but relay no long withdraw. He continued to fuck me up against the wall and oh god was hit great. We kept going slow and steady. "I'm going to cum," J said letting me down as I went to my knees. I realized then we didn't use any protection in the heat of the moment. Fuck. "Here it comes," J, said he stepped forward. We had gone this far without a rubber so I figured might as well go all the way. I reached up and put my mouth around his dick. Just in time to get a super load of salty warm jizz. God what was I thinking was my first thought, but as it settled in my mouth and I swallowed I relay decided it was okay. J started to get sensitive so I let his dick plop out of my mouth. He looked beautiful just standing there breathing heavy. The water shooting across his hard abs and his face oh my God I loved that look. I just set there on my knees for a second before J bent down on his knees looking right at me. It was sexy the way we looked at each other so close just right across from each other. I reached forward and pulled him close to me planting a kiss on his lips. The kiss was long and was passionate and had a little tongue in it. J put his arms around me and we in unison stood up. After a few more seconds J grabbed my dick and started pulling breaking away from my kiss. Without a word he turned around back facing me and bent down grabbing his legs. There he was and there was it his ass looking at me all puckered and ready.

I can't say I was so enthusiastic about it. I was horny yes but this was knew territory to me. I had never considered ever doing this with a guy. A part of me was scared and I think J knew I was feeling that way. He looked around the side of his leg. "Trust me you'll do fine," he said as he backed closer to me. I took a deep breath and looked down at J's ass. The water was running down the crack and over his leg. I stepped back remembering what J said to me on my first time. So I bent down I put my face in his crack and stuck my tongue right into his asshole. J moaned quivered and said, "Fuck yah eat my ass." I giggled thinking of a trashy porn movie, yet my dick throbbed. I was getting the very thought of fucking this tight hole. I have had pussy in the past but not as tight as this was going to be. "Enough man I want you to fuck my ass," J said looking back and arching his back down. I didn't hesitate, all my thought had eluded me. My animal instincts took over and I pushed my dick down. I held it right at his asshole level, I moved up and pushed a little I watch as my tip of my dick slowly spread his hole apart. "Hmm," I heard J say. "You okay," I said pausing as half my head was pushing through. "Slowly, but once your in push all the way in and hold it a second," J said. I thought I better go slowly but J must have relaxed because I pushed forward expecting to have resistance. His asshole swallowed my fat head inside. It was warm and oh so tight. "All ten inches all the way," J said. At that I pushed forward feeling the whole ten inches drive far into the depths of J's ass. The feeling was better that any hot pussy I ever had. It was warm and tight and felt fucking good. I lost my self and pulled back all the way to the tip. I realized I didn't wait and said, "Sorry I," but J cut me off. "Fuck me Ian I want you to fuck me, do it long and slow man," J was using a horny pleading voice. He longed for this I could tell. In a way I had wanted this to, so I did what he asked. I pushed in slow and pulled back up slow. I began a rhythm that felt so fucking hot. I used to jack myself off nice and slow, it takes a while to cum but it's a heavenly experience. J was getting into the rhythm knowing the exact time to push back. I have to say I moaned and moaned. This fuck was so intense. I was riding high on this sex as I felt my balls tighten. "Oh god," I said thinking J would stand up and turn around. He didn't instead he picked up his rhythm. It was fast enough to make me start shooting. I let it all go pushing in deep as I let each jolt go. Four or five jolts of cum later I was going to back out of J but he stood up reached back and grabbed my arms. He put them around me and I put my head against his shoulder. He looked over and said, "You are so amazing I never want to let go of you.

We stood there for what seemed like ages. My dick had shriveled and popped out. J turned around and gave me a long passionate kiss. We bathed making sure to clean each other properly. As we got out and went through the front a few guys were coming in. I was too tired to walk steps so I went to the elevator down the hall. I pushed the button, "Wonder what time it is," I said looking at J. "I don't know probably time for class," J said looking at me with those passionate eyes. The door opened and we took it to our floor and went to our room. We went in and flung our towels off. "Fuck its time for breakfast," I said. "So much for sleep, we could skip," J said smiling real big. "I think we better go, anyway we got to reschedule some classes so we can be together," I said. J agreed as I sat down on the bed. J was playing around with papers on the desk. I watched his naked body, a round butt, and a tan body. He went to the closet and started grabbing cloths to put on. I kept watching his body as it flexed and worked to find cloths. In the back of my mind I thought once more on are week. He was mine I was his we were roommates and more. "You like what you see, you want some of this," J said breaking my thought he was wagging his dick with his hand. "I have been there and I find it quiet nice," I said getting up from the bed and making my way towards my closet. He bounced in my way and wrapped his arms around me, "Just nice huh," J said. "UM it gorgeous and the best thing that happened to me, I said like a kid would talk about a new toy. "That's better," he said letting me go to get dressed. J went to the mirror and prepped himself; I got dressed. I played with my hair and J walked over to the desk and stuffed his backpack. He slapped me on the ass and asked me if I was ready. I assured him I was and off together we went. He walked out first and I went out to I looked back thinking how bad we needed to clean.

The hallway was bustling as everyone was getting up, going to the showers, or leaving for breakfast. We arrived at the elevator as it had just shut to take passengers down. I looked over at J, and he was already starring at me. He smiled and I could hardly keep my self. He was beautiful and I wanted to kiss him. I however was not ready for the dorm to know. The doors opened and as we waited I hoped nobody got on with us. I was in luck the doors shut and I grabbed Jason and pulled him close. "I can't stand it I do believe in love at first sight," I said as I kissed him pushing up against the back of the elevator. He broke the kissed and moaned, "Keep this up and I will have to either stop this elevator or kidnap you for the day,"

Sorry for the length of this part of the story. Spring break was great maybe before this story ends I'll let you know what J and me did. I hope you all didn't miss me to long. I hope this satisfies you for a few days.

Next: Chapter 8: Frat Dayze 1

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