College 101


Published on Mar 10, 2006


Sorry for the length of time it took to write this I am going on spring break and leaving late Sunday.

This is a work of erotic story telling. It will contain graphic scenes of gay sex while having a story line of love, lust, pain, and greatness. If this is objectionable to or illegal for you, please do not read it. This story is by the author. His permission must be obtained for any use of this story other than reading it on the Nifty site. This story will be long. I will try to post chapters as rapidly as possible. I hope you find it very interesting. Thank you

College 101


"Damn you guys I am sorry I will come back," Tad said startling me and J. J had jumped back and for me I felt lucky we still had covers to cover us. "We are not doing anything J was just popping my legs," I said. J laughed a cocky laugh and I sat up now. Tad came in handing me the Root Beer. "Its ok I would have probably just watched," Tad said. I was a little shocked at Tad's truthfulness and the J's question he said to tad shocked me more. Before I knew it I had two guys who share the same directness in the same room.

"Sure I would like to experiment with you guys," was the answer to J's question from Tad.

J was looking at me with a smile that is hard to describe to you, he was looking for a response from me. I can't say that I really was comfortable but J had me so horny already and I know I was in a loosing battle so I said, "Tad this is a one time deal a experiment of sorts," I said looking at Tad who already had his shirt off and was getting out of his pants fast. I looked at J who bent over and planted a deep kiss on my lips. He rose back up and said thanks. What he was thanking me for I don't know, but little did I know J had already started accepting a relationship between us.

Tad was standing is his white Jockey briefs an obvious bulge in the front from his excitement. I must say I was intrigued and a little excited. "Take them off," J said looking at a Tad who just now turned 2 shades of red. "Slowly," I said trying to make the mood a little romantic. I found out that was hard to do with three guys especially when two just wana get down and dirty. This experience wasn't like anything I had with J, it seemed to impersonal and like a one nightstand. But who I am not complaining wait until you see what I got talked into.

Tad slipped out of his tighty whities, and a good 8-½ inch uncut penis stood before us. It was a tan nice long dick. My mouth watered looking at it. J looked at me and bent down to my ear. "Let's tag team him," J said. "What," I exclaimed. I new from porn movies that meant he was going to get fucked while the other one of us was going to get our dick sucked. "That's fin but I don't want to fuck him," I whispered to J. Tad was looking nervous as if we had found something wrong with him. "You will want to trust me," J said slipping off me and standing up. Tad who was had a look of worry was now looking at J with lust. "You think I'm hot your going to die with envy when you see Ian's naked body and his massive snake," J was telling tad as he got behind Tad putting his hands on his shoulders. J began to message Tad's shoulders, I watched from the bed. "You wana experiment all the way," J said. "With the two of you I will probably cum on contact," TAd said smiling at me. He was waiting for me to get up, but I new J was about to see if he was game for J's plan. "Condoms Ian," J asked. Then I remembered I had never told him their location. "Top drawer of desk left side," I said. J walked over and retrieved the condoms. "This is what I have in mind, you are going to suck Ian off while I give you a hand job," J smiled real big and I knew the question was coming. "Tad I wana fuck you while I give you a hand job," Tad looked hesitant and scared. " I would just rather for the first time maybe just jack each other off or suck each others dick. J's smile fluttered away. I assumed he was going to talk him into it but J didn't. "I respect that man, I was just testing you anyway, I know who my fuck buddy is," J smiled again but he was looking at me. I didn't let him know I heard the comment as I ignored him. Instead I thought I'd get everything back on track. "Ok I am horny as fuck and you two need to service me," I said smiling myself real wolfish. "Ooh I love it when you are so demanding," J said. Tad giggled and they both crawled into the bed. I actually didn't think they'd come to me but I was about to get the time of my life.

J crawled right up to my right as Tad laid to my left. How lucky I was and yet I was so blond I didn't realize it. J started kissing me while Tad worked his way to getting the cover off of me. I couldn't see the expression on his face when he seen my big piece of meat, but I did here him gasp. J was making use my mouth by giving me some of his tongue. Without asking and without trying to get Tad to join Tad put about 4 1'2 inches of my dick between his lips. I kind of jumped because he was teething me a little at first. J stopped kissing me and scooted himself against the wall, he had scrunched up enough for me to take is dick in my hand. I leaned back on him and started to pump his hard dick. He reached onto my chest and pinched my nipple. We all kept are motions going for a few minutes until Tad asked to switch places. Of course we all did. I wish I could say it was juicier then that but we all cummed all over each other and ourselves. Like I said it just wasn't the same as when I was with J alone. Maybe because I was so new at it and just didn't know much how to feel.

After finishing Tad crawled into bed and J put on another movie. A vampire fraternity who seduce guys. I looked at J, "Your dream frat hung?" "I just thought this would be a good movie," he said climbing into bed. We kissed and snuggled up together. I seen Tad had started to doze off so I whispered to J, "Would you have really had sex with him?" "My plans are to be exclusive to you, J said looking into my eyes. I don't know but I just had a feeling about J I couldn't explain he was more than just a roommate and a fuck buddy. I kissed him and was content with his answer. I put my head on his chest and my arm around him and I remember going to sleep.

We all got up at are respected times and made it to class on time. J's schedule and mine were not good we didn't have classes together, and he had Lacrosse I had Soccer. So we didn't even get lunch together. On that first day when we both got home we both were so tired, and yet J greeted me at the door how he knew what time I was coming I don't know! He had his left hand behind his back and grabbed me with his right. He swung me around and kissed me. I grabbed his shoulder and he stepped back and stuck a flower out in front of me. "I hope you're the flower kind of guy," he said. My mom always planted roses so I was a flower guy. "Yes I am," I said putting my arms around him and kissing. "We have to work on getting together for at least lunch," I hadn't relay paid attention to him because I was enjoying his musty smell." "You call me a horny bastard got a tent in those sweat pants," J said as I blushed. "I can't help it you smell so good," I said sticking my nose against his shirt. "Yeah I need to shower but its going to have to wait, you need my help first," J said this to me taking me in hand and leading me to the bed. I was clean because I showered after practice, but J was about to get me dirty. Nasty dirty.

J started to kiss me as he ran his hands into my sweat pants. I of course was at work trying to get his jersey shirt off him. KNOCK KNOCK. "Don't answer it they will go away," J said working my cock from under my sweat pants. "I have to what if it's the RA," I asked? "He'll leave a note," J said. I broke away from him and said, " We got to answer it," I said. J moaned and put his shirt down I repositioned myself and opened the door. It was the blond guy from the elevator. "My name is Justin and I play football here at the university, I just wanted to give you this." He handed me a tract about God it had the words Answered prayer for those in need." "If you don't know Jesus loves you and knows what you need," Justin said. J growled and said under his breath and I could here him, "I know what I need." I stood there trying to listen and in fact I was looking at how hot this farm, football, looking Christian was. I thought how much I would like to convert him. Then I realized Justin was asking me a question. "Um sorry what was that," I asked Justin. "Would you like to go to church this Sunday," Justin asked. "No we will be recuperating from the party we had from the night before," J said. I felt kind of sorry for Justin I felt J was too harsh. "Maybe another time Justin," I said. "Well if you change your mind I'm in 334 right next door, God bless," Justin said as he headed down the hall.

"What a dork had to interrupt us didn't he," J said walking up to me. "J you never know when you may need to here the words he could speak, you should always give a person the benefit of the doubt," I said trying to be convincing. "You just wana jump his bone," J had put his arms around me as we began to hug. "I wish we could stay like this but I have homework and we have to go eat dinner," I said trying to think of everything I had to get ready for tomorrow. "All you have time for is me babe, at least for the next hour," J said grabbing me and twirling me toward the bed. "I relay have a lot to do honey if I wana stay here with you we BOTH have to keep are grades up," I said as J nudged me forward sending me down to the bed. J had grabbed my back with his hand s to soften my landing he now hovered over me my hands resting on his arms. "The only thing you have to keep up Mr. Robertson is the tent in those sweat pants," J was right I could not hide it. The way J treated me I always was horny, he made me feel he cared for me. "Ok a quick hand job," I said as j took my hands in his and raised them above my head as he glided on top of me. "Why not just a little more," J whined in a sexy whimper. I relay had to study and he made it so hard for me to ever win. My dick was grinding him as he moved around on purpose.

J put both my hands under one of his palms and reached down in between us and pulled the side of my sweat pants down. "Oh wearing boxer briefs today huh," He said grabbing the band and pulling them down. "I always do when I wear sweats never know when someone is going to grab your pants and pull them down." I said smiling. "I'd hope by now I was the only person pulling your sweats down," J said giving me a kiss as he lifted himself up. He motioned for me to take my sweat pants off; of course he tried to help but lingered hovering over me. When I was finished kicking my boxer briefs off he reached behind him and flung his Jersey off. God the smell that musky smell. If you all reading this have never had hot sweaty sex with your partner I have to say you are missing a world of fun.

J lowered himself down, I had already started to try and pull his shorts off. "Lay back let me do the work here, all you have to do is get dirty and sweaty," J said. He wiggled out of his shorts and we lay naked body against body. Our dicks pressed hard into each other. "Why are you so good to me," I asked. I was so tranced by the romance that Jason showed me on a one on one basis. The whole world, time, and life as we know it stood still when we lie together. "I care for you, love at first sight," J answered running his tongue across my earlobe. God he knew the spot to get me going. I reached around him putting my arms through his and around his back. I shifted a little and suddenly flipped him over. "Oh look at you trying to," J said as I interrupted him as I stuck my tongue in his mouth. I was slightly to the left laying on him. He managed yet to even raise his hands and find my nipple and pinch. Oh God that felt good, I moved down a little to J's nipple and flicked my tongue over the right one. I teetered on the tip and nibbled while sucking. "God your going to make me cum without touching my dick," he said bucking up. He grabbed my face, it startled me at first but I went with it. He lifted me up to him and we kissed. It was long and passionate the tip of his penis touching mine. He bucked upward, and pulled me down on to him. Before I could move he flipped me over put his legs between mine and spread mine open. He sat up and just stopped and starred. My dick was lying on my stomach and J was glowing. His hard body, tan skin and the smell of a hard work out.

"I want to, I want to see if you wana go further," he asked me? "What do you mean," I asked. "We have given each other hand jobs blow jobs and showered, so how about becoming one," J was looking all sincere and waiting for my response. "You wana get married, I asked joking. Of course I knew what he meant. "No not at the moment, but you make me so horny and I want to show you I care for you I want to have sex," J said. "I don't know I have never been that far with a guy, won't it hurt," I asked? "I can make it not hurt for you at all," he said. "I don't know it's a big step for me, to me it means maybe I am becoming gay," I said looking at J. "I know it not even been a week and we are together, but I relay care for you." "All you need to do is TRUST ME," J said smiling his devilish smile. "No fare you know by now I can't resist that," I said raising up and kissing him. He followed me back down to the bed, I was nervous but inside me I wanted to go further. "I trust you," I said to J. "Then I will grab a condom and some lubricant," he got up and went to the desk and retrieved the items. He came back over to me and laid them next to me. "Ok we will go slow turn over," he said. I was so nervous but did as he instructed. I turned over and J spread my legs apart. I tried not to look back trusting him I got ready to have his dick shoved up my ass. "Just relax I am going to get you to relax down here way before we go further. All I could see was the top of jay's head and a little forehead. At that point I moaned in pleasure as J put his tongue licking my hole. I had never ever had that done and it nearly brought me off the bed god it felt so hot. He worked around it I felt his tongue penetrate and keep working. I moaned again. He stopped and I looked back he was squeezing some jelly on his fingertips. "Just relax," he said. I smiled and thought if it felt like his tongue I was going to cum before sex. I felt a finger tip rub against my hole and get real slippery. All of a sudden the entry of a finger into my hole was felt. It was warm and weird and relay only minor discomfort. Then he started moving in and out, and oh God was it great. "You're going to make me drop a load, before we even do anything," I said looking over at my shoulder at J. He blew me an air kiss just as I felt him withdraw his finger and come back with two. Hmm I moaned as it felt tight and a little discomfort. "Your tight babe I got to get you to relax," J said looking at my ass with a determined look. The more he worked moving around the hornier I was getting by the time he got the third finger and said that was enough I was horny and wanted him to just fuck me. He grabbed my legs and flipped me over. "Give me one of my pillows," he motioned to me. I gave it to him and he propped my legs up putting the bunched up pillow under my ass. I was now lined perfectly with his penis as he put my legs on his shoulder.

"You are going to feel the tip of my dick on your hole, and when your ready let me know." "When I enter I want you to push out like your taking a dump but don't push to hard." J said looking at me. " What is that supposed to do," I said. "It helps my dick glide in, and you will only have minimal pain at first." " Then you will just fill kind of full."

J set up his knees together and his dick-sticking straight out was now pushing against my greased asshole. I paused for a second to collect my thoughts. "Trust me your going to love it and beg me everyday for the rest of our lives to get it all the time," J said smiling. I loved that I had not thought of a future to me it was to soon but J seen more for us. "Ready," I had said the words without thinking maybe my lust were kicking in. My experience well it felt like at the first three seconds like my ass was being spit apart as J pushed his head in. He stopped seeing my face, "are you okay I'll wait a few seconds." The pain started to subside a few seconds later and seeing my face relax I pushed outward, he must have felt me do it because he pushed forward, his dick slid in with ease. He didn't stop though he went all in, right down to the hilt. He stopped his balls touching me. "Feel ok you want me to pull out," he asked. " No just feels like I need to shit, it feels good." I said. "You ready," he said putting his hands on my legs and sitting up a little more. "Yup," I said. "Then hold on for the ride,' he said as he pulled himself back his dick sliding all the way to the tip and stopping short of his head. "Oh shit," I said just as he pile derived his dick back in all the way. Oh my god it felt so fucking good. I looked at him as he smiled. "Do that again," I said. He pulled out real slow and pushed in real fast and harder. "Oh my God that feels so fucking good, stop teasing me and fuck me," I said reaching up and twisting his nipples. "I told you," and that was the last he said as he began working on my ass. In real fast and out, he kept quickly picking up his pace. Every inch drove harder, my balls started pulling harder and I knew that feeling. I hadn't touched my dick but I was going to cum. I was moaning real loud as J slapped his dick in and out of my ass hard. I started cumming real hard. I gave my dick a couple pulls. J's dick slid out of my ass and he tore the condom off his hard dick. He started pumping like a wild man as I scooted back and reached one hand on his balls and the other on his nipple. He placed his right hand on his side and started to cum. It shot all over my chest running down. He finished jerking and pushed me back on to the bed. He lay down on top of me breathing hard he stopped to kiss me.

"That was intense so intense,' I said. J had his eyes closed but said, "So you liked it?" I replied, "You ready to go again?" He opened his eyes and kissed me. " I told you that you were a horn dog too."

I looked over at my desk almost two hours and a setting sun had gone by. "I love getting dirty this way," I said looking back at J. He lowered his head onto my shoulder, "I have created a monster haven't I," he said. I stared up at the ceiling the feeling of perfect bliss came over me. I can't explain to you my feelings at this moment for J but it was so different then for any of the other girls I had dated. My life had changed so quick I wanted never to leave J; I wished we could be in this moment forever. J started to breath heavy, I was glad I was just as built as J otherwise I would have been crushed. He had fallen asleep on me. I needed to shower eat and do my homework. But for now just today, for J, I wasn't going anywhere. I slowly peacefully faded into sleep.

Sorry for the shortness of the story. Please excuse the fact there won't be another part for a week due to spring break. J and me are hitting a cruise with a bunch of the brothers.

Next: Chapter 7: School Days 3

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