College 101


Published on Mar 5, 2006


This is a work of erotic story telling. It will contain graphic scenes of gay sex while having a story line of love, lust, pain, and greatness. If this is objectionable to or illegal for you, please do not read it. This story is by the author. His permission must be obtained for any use of this story other than reading it on the Nifty site. This story will be long. I will try to post chapters as rapidly as possible. I hope you find it very interesting. Thank you

College 101


We pulled Tad out carefully, he could hardly stand. We put his arms around us and pretty much carried him through the Bloomington Hospital door. A nurse with a wheel chair met us beyond the second set of sliding doors, J looked relieved but I was still worried. They asked us what happened but we told them the short version of the story. Tad was able to give them some details as they took him straight back to a room skipping Triage all together. I and J followed, not knowing why we did but new we wanted to make sure this guy we just met would be ok.

They checked Tad in and begun working on his hand the nurses put compression on the cut with ease. They left the room and told us to make sure it didn't come loose. Tad was laying in the bed and still quite pale. Since we are waiting on the doctor I decided to find out what was going on., "So how did you get that nasty cut and why didn't you get help, that's what the RA is for." "First thanks guys for looking after a complete stranger." "I hurt my hand trying to slide down the banister in the stairs, I mean I wasn't impressing anyone I just thought I'd try it." "As for the RA I guess I am a loaner you two are the first to recognize me and yes I remember you two from the bathroom," Tad said. The sudden information made me feel uneasy. "So how long have you two been a couple," Tad asked. I was scared now someone new are secret and we had only been on campus 3 days is it that obvious had I changed that much. "We are just friends," I said to Tad. "Ian is right we are just friends," J said baking my words. "Its ok guys I am sorry if I spoke out of place its just I seen that you both showered together and I assumed," Tad was poking for information I thought but J stepped up and shocked me. "You was the person showering," J asked? "Yeah it was me, I seen you come in and you looked so happy I decided to just be nosy and see which showers you guys were in." "When their was only one shower running I heard you two talking softly, I just assumed," Tad said. "So you spied on us," I asked thinking there was more to what he was leading us to believe. He must of felt I knew because he continued. "I was hoping you two were a couple because I have no friends and I need some," Tad said looking for a response from either one of us. "So you are gay then," I asked. " I am just a curious guy I really haven't been with a guy, but I tend to want to have gay friends," he said looking now at J.

"We'll my name is Jason, and my "friend" as he calls himself is Ian. J's response kind of made me think J wanted me to call him more than a friend, but at this point in my life I was not quiet ready to call us any different. I new I had to adjust more to being with a guy. "Nice to meet you both," just as Tad had said that a Dr. came in. He asked for Tad's story and thanked us for being there for him. He looked at the cut on Tad's right arm running from the tip of the pinkie finger around the side and down the palm coming short of his wrist. He numbed the area for Tad and stitched him up. I turned around I don't like needles so much. J stood there staring at it all; he's such a brave soul. Tad did pretty well and the Dr. asked us if we would make sure he made it to his room in the dorm because he was giving Tad a pain killer shot. Tad was a little weary of a shot due to the fact he had never received pain killer medicine in a shot form. J told him we would make sure he was ok, and that relieved a little bit of Tad's fear. The Dr. left the room and J looked at me and said, "We really can't make it to the park today, but do you mind if Tad stays in our room so we can keep an eye on him?" I thought I seen an almost devious smile but I am sure I was over reacting. "Sure he can I have no problem," I said but actually thought about sleeping arrangements and a stranger in the room. "You guys relay don't have to I'll be ok just get me to my room." "I don't want to create any problems," Tad said. "No problem at all we will figure it all out." I said trying to reassure Tad and myself.

A nurse entered the door and smiled at us. She instructed us to leave the room as the shot was going to be administered in the buttocks. Tad had a worried look, J tried to reassure him it was going to be ok. J told Tad that we were going to go get a soda in the vending area while he was getting his shot and we'd be back. The nurse let us know that Tad would have to lay here for fifteen to twenty minutes to make sure the shot did not cause a allergic reaction. We said ok and left the room. I followed J who looked like he knew where he was going. Through doors, past a chapel, and down a hallway to a vending area. "You wana soda," J asked. "No I am fine for now," I said. J retrieved a soda out of a machine after paying for it and we started back down the hall. I was in front of him going down the hall. "Ian," J said. I turned and he pointed to some seats." Lets talk for a second," he said. " Lets go somewhere more private," I told him. His horny devious look came over him. "To talk, down boy," I said as he frowned. We ended up at the end of the hall and went into the chapel we were in luck no one was there.

J grabbed me by the waist and gave me a hard fast kiss. "Come on now this was your idea what did you wana talk about," I said as I stepped back. "We could just put Tad in his room and just go have dinner, but I thought since he was alone we could just have him stay the night and take care of him," J said. "He's not a stray dog and even though he seems nice we don't know anything about him," "Do you trust me"^Å. (God I relay hated that line it was fastly my weakness with J) "Ok well hang out tonight with Tad," I said. In my defense I thought it was about time we made some friends. I mean we can't stay in the room and have sex together 24/7 although I know J thinks we could. "We'll just order out, and watch some movies," J said. "Then we must get some movies to watch on the way home, porn is not a good friendship starter, I said. "Worked for us," J said moving closer to me! I think I new him a little more because I knew he wanted to kiss me again. This time I put my arms around him and moved them to his pockets of his jeans. I was looking in his eyes. J made me giggle because he growled a little just as I came in for a kiss. He grabbed my ass and squeezed. I had to break away from him I was getting horny. "We are so bad making out in a chapel," I said. "Who knows we night need a chapel together later in our lives. He said our lives, and for some reason I was all tingly/mushy. "Let's go babe,' J said. I snapped out of my comfort and pondered his pet name. "Babe huh," I asked? He smiled and started walking toward the doors of the chapel stopping as he put his hand on the door. "You can call me Big Daddy if you want. I couldn't hold my laughter in as he walked through the door and I followed.

We walked back to the front desk and the front nurse let us back into the hallway that connected the rooms to the emergency area. We found the room we had been in, and the door was open. "Man I thought you all got lost, I I just want to to ^Å," It was apparent Tad was feeling quite good by his speech. "Before you get to fucked up is there anything you want us to stop and get you on the way back to the dorm," I asked Tad. It was to late Tad had closed his eyes and looked like he was sleeping. "You put him to sleep," J said looking at me and giggling. Just then a nurse came in. "these are his prescriptions, a antibiotic and something for pain here is his instruction," she said giving me a piece of paper. "Can you sign for him," she said looking at J. He used the pin and signed him out. The nurse shook Tads leg and asked him if he was ok. Tad opened his eyes and told yes. He closed them and J said "Tad me and Ian are going to take you out to the cab using a wheel chair." He mumbled an ok and J asked me to go call a cab. J went to get a wheelchair. I walked out into the emergency room waiting area and used a vanilla looking phone that was tagged to call a cab. J came around wheeling Tad who was leaning back in the chair his head resting on J. I read J's lips as he approached, "He's fucked up." I giggled and we headed out into the parking lot. Five to seven minutes and a cab arrived. A nurse walking by asked us if we needed help but we declined. We used Tad's arms and lifted him out of the wheelchair. He came around and asked us if we were back at the dorm. J assured him we were not. A little bit of a struggle and we all mad it in the backseat of the cab. J instructed the cabbie to take us to blockbuster and then to the dorm.

Tad was propped in the middle of us shoulder to shoulder. He lifted his arm and pointed, "You know guys I think you two two are will be um good friends." J and I both laughed. We arrived at the video store and we all agreed to J going in while I stayed out here in the cab with Tad. J got out and went inside. "You know I am feeling better," Tad said. He had lifted his wrapped hand up and let it rest on my leg. I smiled and looked at him. "Let me look at that," I said picking his hand up off my leg. "I think I am going to nap," Tad said sliding his head on my shoulder. I placed his hand on his own lap and waited for J to come back. About five minutes and J came back to the cab. "What did you get," I asked. "Beautiful things, and The Brotherhood 1 and 2," he said. I hadn't heard of these titles so I said cool. J instructed the driver to take us to the dorm and off we went.

The cab finally arrived J and I finally woke Tad up enough o get him to climb out of the cab with minor problems. I insisted that J let me pay the cab but he just said know that I could pay him later with his evil horny smile. Tad did ok walking J was in front of him and I walked behind. We wanted to make sure if Tad went down we could catch him. We all got into the elevator J said; "You need anything from your room Tad?" "If I am sleeping in your room I'll need bed cloths," Tad said. "I may have something you can wear," I said trying to sound helpful. "Man you guys don't have to," Tad said as J cut him off. "That's what friends do."

The doors opened on the elevator and the hallway was bare. Such a nice day everyone must be out trying to soak up the setting sun. Classes tomorrow I can't really wait^Ånot. We came to our door and J pulled a piece of paper off. J handed it to me, "Just thought I'd see if you guys were ok, and don't forget us," it was signed Ryan of Sigma Nu. I had forgotten about the party and Ryan my tutor. How cool of him I thought. J slipped the key in and we all went in. "Hold on a minute Tad let me and J pick up around here real fast and put a clean sheet on the beds," I said as I raced around pulling my sheet of my bed and stuffing all the crap in my closet. J followed by putting on a clean sheet on his bed and mine. I had got finished just as J did. "You can sleep here tonight on my bed," J said looking at Tad. "I don't want to make you not be able to sleep in your own bed," Tad said. J looked at me. "It's ok I don't think he will be sleeping on it anyway," I said. J looked happy and sat down on my bed. Tad also took a seat but on J's bed. I went over and set the movie's down and sat at the chair by my desk. "What do you guys wana eat," I said pulling out the phone book. " What ever you guys want," Tad said. "Let's order Chinese," J said. "What about Tad and his hand wouldn't finger food be better," I asked. "I'll be fine if I have to I'll eat it with my left hand," Tad said smiling. "I'll order Chinese then and we'll just figure it out," I said picking up my cell and calling in the order. By the time J finished telling me what to tell the woman who has answered are call are total came to over thirty dollars. " I'll pay this time," I said jumping up to reach for my wallet. "Nonsense the least I could do is pay for dinner you both have done so much for me already," Tad wedged himself over but soon realized he couldn't get his wallet. "Can someone get my wallet out of my back pocket," Tad asked. Of course both J and me moved to help out but J was closer.

HEY WAIT! TIME FOR JASON! Not to confuse everyone but I am hijacking this story for a short second. I plan on doing this a couple of times because I want to let you in a few facts that Ian is either to shy to say or has forgotten. This is the time to let you know some details about Tad and my feelings. Anyway Ian didn't give justice to Tad's looks or body. It's in no ways as beautiful as Ian's but there I covered my ass. Tad is about Ian's height but he has blond hair, green eyes, and very tan. Tad has large pecks, very muscular yet his abs is hardly visible. His waste is tiny, legs long, and we'll his package.. sorry not going to spoil Ian's story. Ian has a nice ass but taking the wallet out of the back pocket out of Tad's pants was fucking hot and I just wanted to stop Ian and let you all know that. So I better let Ian go on with are adventures. Talk to you all again in a while.

Anyway, J reached over and slid his hand up against Tad's ass and slid his hand into his pocket. Tad was sort of wearing a Goth looking apparel so the pockets were long and J had a rough time getting the wallet out. J accomplished though and Tad set up he used his wrapped hand to hold the wallet up to his chest and his left hand to reach in and get the money out. The wallet though fell out and all of its contents went everywhere. J and I helped Tad pick them up. I noticed though a picture of a hot looking guy standing behind a bail of hay out on what looked like a farmers field. "Who's the guy, I asked as J looked over my shoulder. "A hottie," J commented. "Its my best friend at home, I miss him," Tad said as I handed him the picture. "Best friend," J asked wagging his eyes. "Yeah we are just friends," Tad said. "OH I'm sorry I didn't mean to apply," J started to say but Tad interrupted. "Well we helped each other relieve some tension but nothing further, but I think I do have a crush on him," Tad said as his face got a slight shade of red. "Since were on the subject and we are friends that's how J and me are," I said. J looked surprise at my confession. I think I was getting to know more about Tad and I was more comfortable with him. The forty-five minute wait seemed to be a getting to know each other period between Tad, Jason, and I. The more we talked the more I was comfortable. J told of my craziness the first night out in the hall. Of course I blushed. We all set down Tad on J's bed and me and J on mine. The doorbell rang, as I had just gotten comfortable. I went to the door and a woman with a good size box told me the total. I was given the money by Tad and I paid her and took the box thanking her as I shut the door.

"Let's all set together over here," J said. I set the box down in front of J who went to work unpacking it. I helped Tad get up and move onto my bed. J passed out the meal and we all opened up the food. I remember the smell of General Tso chicken. J had gotten cashew chicken. Tad had got some kind of peppered chicken rice and veggies. We all started I stopped though, shoving an egg role in my mouth, and observed Tad. He struggled with a fork and I asked, "Do you need help?" "No I can manage, but thanks," he said as most of the rice fell back into the box he was leaning over. J was to interested in eating.

The sunset outside and darkness fell as we set there and all ate. We all through are garbage in the box, and J set ti by the door. "We'll let all get comfortable and ready to lie down and watch some movies. " I need to go to the bathroom," Tad said. "Why don't we all go, I have to brush my teeth," J asked? "I agreed and we all headed down the hall and into a deserted bathroom. J started water in a sink and opened a bag he had grabbed from the room. He started brushing and I went to piss in a stall. Tad followed and walked up to the stall. "Man I have a problem," Tad said. I had already unzipped and pulled my dick out to piss. "What's your problem," I asked. I could tell Tad was pissing already. "I can't button my pants up," he said looking red again. "I will help you," I said. I stepped behind him his pants were around his ankles he had white jockey tighty whities lowered also. He turned around letting go of a soft four and a half inch dick. I bent down to get his underwear not realizing the position I just put my self in. My face was inches from his dick as I grabbed his underwear. "Um I interrupting something,' J asked startling me as he stood in the doorway that enter into the urinal and toilet area. "No I am just helping him get his pants up," I said. The stupid expression of surprise gave way to J's horny evil look. "Looks like your doing a good job," J said. I lifted the underwear up over Tad and then his pants. I buttoned him up and stood up. Tad was smiling just as much as J was. "You two," was all I said as I headed first back to the room. Tad and J followed. Back in the room I decided to change into something more comfortable.

I took my shirt off and unbuttoned my pants. "Take it off babe," J said. Tad begun whistling and howling. I felt like a stripper so I stopped they both looked disappointed as I jumped into bed against the wall. I covered up, mind both of them was still watching. Tad sat down on J's bed and J just stared at me. I took my pants off under the covers and thru them out. "You going to stop there," J waged his eyes. I felt it was time to put J in his place and shut him up I looked at him, "I didn't wear underwear remember!" J's jumped onto the bed covering me and I seen Tad's jaw dropped. "Easy their Fido we have a guest," I said. "I don't mind, you guys just act like I am not here," Tad said looking almost as horny as J was looking. He had positioned himself right over me. He looked down and lowered himself and kissed my lips. I moved my head and he caught my cheek. "Oh ok you wana wait till later than," J said smiling. I reached up and tickled J catching the end of his shirt and pulling it up so I could tickle bare skin. "Oh you're so going to get it now," J said. He moved to my right ear and sucked in my ear lobe. God it got me and got me good. "Looks like you are getting me good," J said. "I looked over at Tad who was smiling big time, "He's such a horn dog!" I felt really good not to mention my dick was hard of course J moved off of me and stood back up. I reached under and tented the cover as I set up. "Let's just watch a movie," I said as the two of them giggled at me. J took off his shirt and took off his pants. I tried to holler and whistle but he didn't care. He just slowed down and acted like a stripper. I laughed until I cried. I thought about giving him a dollar but I figured that would only entice him. He stripped down to his boxers and went to get into bed. "Um guys will you help me undress. J of course stopped turned around and grabbed Tad to help him up. J's muscles rippled in the light as he flexed in the light. God I was actually horny, as I thought about what I wanted to do to J. I knew how ever that Tad being there would cause that not to happen.

I looked over to see Tad who in himself was not bad looking sort of a baseball man I would guess he had the body of one. I think the Yankees T shirt that was lying on the floor also gave me the idea. J had gotten Tad down to his tighty whites and even asked him if he even wanted to sleep nude. J just has the ability to not give a damn about what people think he is such a free spirited person. Of course Tad declined and just crawled under the cover J had tossed on the bed.

J made his way and put the first VCR tape in. "So what are we watching first," I asked? "We are watching a movie about two friends falling in love," his smile was so adorable I was excited. "Before we start what time does everyone have to get up? I have a doctors statement so I have a excuse to miss the first day," Tad said. "My first class is at 7 am," J said. "Mine isn't until 10am," I said. J set an alarm next to his bed and then climbed under the blanket with me. I turned and fluffed my pillows and laid back, Tad looked comfortable, and J used the remote to start the movie. Just as the movie started Tad got up and flipped off the light. Before he made it to bed J asked him to get water out of the fridge. When he did we both glued are eyes to his ass. God nice and small, and just perfect. Ian turned around and caught us looking, Looks are free but to touch." He started to giggle and not finish his sentence as he climbed back under the cover tossing J the water. I started to get a semi and J reached over to me under the covers and placed his hand around my semi hard dick I looked over to him. Gave him a stern look and flipped over towards him. My idea was to make access less possible. Instead I made it easier. It was feeling good so I just laid my head over J's chest and let him continue to play with my dick. The beginning of the movie I don't remember much, you see it's hard to watch it while J was making me hard and horny. At one point I had to tell him to quit or he was going to be sorry. He just smiled and put his finger under my chin raising me up to him were we kissed.

I guess I was just shy because I felt bad for Tad I wouldn't want to see two guys making out. "If we bother you man I am sorry we will try and quit," I said this looking at J. "No way I find it hard not to watch you two, you two make me horny. "I think I will go get me a Pepsi from the vending area," Tad said getting up. "You can wear my robe," I pointed to the white robe hanging on my closet door. "Thanks,' Tad said. "Here get me a Root Beer," I said sliding over the top of J and reaching for my pants. The left side of the cover went up and my ass cheek showed. I just overlooked it and handed Tad some change. He said ok and left the room.

I started to slide back but J grabbed the covers and pulled the crease out my body slid against his my dick still hard. "God I want you so bad," He growled. "Want me huh," I said playful. "You bet," J said flipping me over on to my back. In the same swoop he put his knees through my legs and spread his knees as my legs spread he lowered down my hard dick rubbing right into his boxers. "Think he's in the bathroom jacking off," J asked smiling? "Only if he's a lefty and to me he looks like a righty," I said. "We should help him out then," J said backing up off me stopping short of lifting himself off. He pushed forward grinding his dick against mine. "We don't know him, and he's hurt and he may not want to," I said. "Lets ask him then," J said. "Well what does that mean about us I mean a third when I am just new to all this I don't think^Å^Å" J put his finger on my lips and lowered himself down slowly he brought his finger up and kissed me. I can't describe to you how romantic, seductive, and trusting J is. We stopped kissing and he leaned to my ear and those two words that I always fall for, "Trust me," J said. He wants me to trust him; I never have stopped trusting him I just don't know my head whirled around thinking of all the possibilities and the problems. I felt J reach down and he rose up slipping his boxers off. "He looked down at me and smiled real deviant an new lustful smile I had never seen before. "Got any condoms," he asked. "Yea but hey hold on a minute are we ready to make that move yet," I asked. "I won't force you to do anything you don't ever wana do, I just want condoms in case we decide to include Tad." "I trust you and me but we need to be safe against anybody else. I was relieved that J had thought that far in advance. The thought had never crossed my mind. I just expected he wanted the condoms for sex. J smiled grabbed my legs and brought them up. I was so shocked I didn't move he wiggled in laying through my legs my ass against the length of his dick as he leaned inwards. See I was shocked at him he said. "You never know how much fun me and you will have this semester," J said smiling real big. Before I could move or reply J shoved his pelvis further my ass cheeks spread and the length of his dick slipped by anus. Instead of being scared and fighting I moaned it felt good. Was sex going to be like this?

"Damn you guys I am sorry I will come back," Tad said startling me and J. J had jumped back and for me I felt lucky we still had covers to cover us. "We are not doing anything J was just popping my legs," I said. J laughed a cocky laugh and I sat up now. Tad came in handing me the Root Beer. "Its ok I would have probably just watched," Tad said. I was a little shocked at Tad's truthfulness and the J's question he said to tad shocked me more. Before I knew it I had two guys who share the same directness in the same room.

"Sure I would like to experiment with you guys," was the answer to J's question from Tad.

Hi everyone. Did I let J get his way? Will Tad's dreams be fulfilled? I have to say I hate cliffhangers. The next chapter starts schools were a few months' flies by and the boys meet new friends and get invited to another fraternity party. If you like the send email to or visit the group fan site at

Next: Chapter 6: School Days 2

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