College 101


Published on Mar 3, 2006


This is a work of erotic story telling. It will contain graphic scenes of gay sex while having a story line of love, lust, pain, and greatness. If this is objectionable to or illegal for you, please do not read it. This story is by the author. His permission must be obtained for any use of this story other than reading it on the Nifty site. This story will be long. I will try to post chapters as rapidly as possible. I hope you find it very interesting. Thank you

College 101


I moved forward leaned my head to the side and I initiated a kiss. It felt like it lasted for hours, and to me it felt I was melting. All my worries and all my questions seem to just end for the moment I felt things stir in me I would have earlier never thought about. Was it all going to change with J and me? I don't know but for now I am enjoying this kiss.

J put his arms around me and to me it seemed like we gracefully glided onto my bed. He was holding himself above me our bodies pressed tightly against each other. For the first time in my life there was another guy's penis pushing into mine. "You ok with this," J had bent his head down and was whispering into my ear. His breath in my ear sent shivers through my body. Due to what I would have liked to think was the alcohol I was already horny as fuck. "I don't know what I am doing I have never been with a guy, but I know its ok I just feel like its ok," I whispered into J's ear. I took advantage of the moment, and initiated another move showing that I was ok. I reached up and caught J's ear lobe in my mouth I gave it a sensual yet firm suck as it left my mouth. "MMM God yeah," he said grinding his dick into me. He moved his legs and straddled me pushing him all the bed. My dick was now pushing into his ass. He reached down and grabbed a hold of the bottom of my shirt, and started to lift it. I moved my hands above my head and he pulled the shirt off. He bent down and kissed the right side of my neck. God it felt so good, he scooted back and ran his tongue from my neck to the middle of my chest and then placed my right nipple in his teeth. He sucked gently and used his tongue circling the tip. I felt like my dick was going to explode so I reached down to undo my belt, but he grabbed my hands and brought them above my head. He leaned in and gave me a long passionate kiss. Then brought his head to where we were both at eye level he looked me in the eyes and said, "Let me do that." In all my dates with girls I had to be the romantic, but I was never good at it, and with the simple words J had just said I would have jumped over the moon for him if he had asked. J reached down and unbuttoned my pants he slid his hands under the button and squeezed my bulging package. He let go of my hands and started backing down my chest giving soft kisses every few inches. My hands lie to my sides, and he made quiver as his tongue made its way down my stomach falling just short of my unbuttoned jeans. He set up straddling my legs and reached down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. He lifted it up and I seen an opportunity to run my hands over his chest as he lifted his shirt. I'm telling you J has nice abs and a bulging triceps together with the beads of sweat and the glimmer of light he looked so hot a perfect athlete. I was so horny my dick was sticking out of my jeans. " Time to make you more comfortable"; J said reaching down and pulling my jean fly open more. All 10 inches lie sticking straight up. All I wanted was for J just to grab me again, but he didn't. He wiggled off my legs onto the end of the bed and bent down. With his face an inch from my dick I placed my hands on his shoulders. I wasn't sure but the thought ran across that he might give me a blowjob. I was thinking hand job. At this point I ached so bad that precum was topping the tip of my hard throbbing mass of meat. But J was holding his position almost breathing me in. "Fuck your so hot" he said as he moved in closer and stuck out his tongue he slid it from the bottom of my balls running it up the back of my dick to the very tip. I almost came then he moved so slow I nearly rose of the bed moaning. Damn no woman had ever taken the time to go that slow he was driving me crazy. He looked up and smiled at me. "You are driving me man," I said just as he slid a finger around the base of my penis to prop it up. Faster that I could realize he slid his lips down over the tip of my penis and pushed all the way down to the hilt. Damn I had never had a girl take it all, and he was doing it like a pro. No bites no nicks just mmm-pure pleasure. I was groaning now as he came all the way back up to the tip and went back down only faster. I knew if he was going to continue I was going to cum. He startled me though when I moved my hands from his shoulder and he let my dick flop back on my stomach. "You ok with this," he asked. " Hell yes don't stop I replied. I don't know if it was the alcohol or I was just relay horny but it was feeling great. J put his mouth around my dick again and continued. I placed my hands on his head. He started a rhythm of pushing himself down all the way slowly and then coming up real fast stopping at the head of my penis. I can't describe the pleasure he was giving me I wish it had lasted forever. NO absolute NO woman could have ever been as good as J. I started to feel my balls tighten "I'm going to go man," I told J. My attention was to let him know so he could stop and I could finish but he didn't. Instead he quickened his pace and I arched my back god it felt intense. Fuck yah I started blowing cum down his throat. Four to five jolts and I was done. J released me and moved up and positioned himself a little above me. My softening dick sticking up against his chest. "So," He said looking at me with a big grin. I lifted my head up and before he could think I kissed him. I think he wasn't expecting it because it took him a second to start getting into the kiss. I broke away and just stared into his eyes. You wana just cuddle and go to sleep. I was confused with women I made a effort to make sure I pleased them yet J didn't even ask for himself. "Man can I do something for you," I asked him. "You took care of me last night," he said this his grin grew from ear to ear.

"What," I said in a questionable tone. He sighed and lowered himself down are face just inches apart. "You did more than run out into the hall naked". "You started to give me a hand job last night and decided to finish with a blow job," He said. "You're not joking," I said. I think he thought I was going to get mad because he didn't answer he looked down and away. I knew he felt bad the, and I thought to myself maybe he thought he had taken advantage of me. "I don't remember what happened J but I am glad it did otherwise I wouldn't be here right now," as I said this jay looked back at me. "I'm glad to here that I was afraid to tell you I didn't want you to be mad at me," he said. I reached up and put my hand on his face he placed his hand on mine. "No matter what happens from this point on I know I have a lot to learn and I wana do it with you," I said. J lifted his eye brows and waged them, "You wana do it with me huh you're a fast one." "You horny devil," I lifted up and started kissing him. I put one of my hands on my shoulder and the other I placed on his side I began pushing him and he took my motion and flipped slowly over. I broke the kiss and stayed hovering above him and without moving I reached between us I undid his button and started yanking his pant down he got the jest and started to pull them down he stopped mid way and grabbed mine. "Lets take yours off", he said. So I leaned to the side, he helped me take them off. I was naked but unlike me he had wore boxers. If you can't tell J likes to be dominant and sexy all in one. He leaned up and whispered in my ear, "Why not take my boxers off for me with no hands." I was all new to being with a guy but I found it natural and I found J's words sexy, my dick thought that too because it was rising to salute again. I moved down and brought my face to his bulge in his boxers.

Now here's a note to you readers Jay is all to happy to tell you his penis size he likes to gloat, he would say we are a perfect match but I have a inch and a half gain on his length but he makes it up in girth he is not wide but thick almost perfectly round like a perfect shaft. Which later became a little fun for me but for now lets get back to the story. I thought about grabbing the button and just letting J loose, I remembered though J was watching to see how I would handle his request. So I bit into the waistband of his boxers. I swear he had this planned because as I started pulling his boxers down his penis bulged right under my mouth and nose and nearly put my eye out when it popped to full mass he was a straight sticker outer sort of to say. I think I heard him giggle under his breath. I managed to get past his balls and he stopped me and finished. He pulled me back up and I was going to stop just beside him but he nudged me over so I lay right on top of him. We looked at each other are hard bodies pressed against each other. "Overwhelmed," he asked. "I was at first but you seem to put me at ease, I want to give back to you I mean I want to please you like you pleased me." "I know you want to and trust me I want you to, but lets just fall asleep in each others arms," he asked looking at me so intensely that I felt kind of shy." "How could I refuse," I said. "But you have to get up and turn off the light," I said smiling. "Alright," he got up and started over to the light. I whistled at his round little butt. He flipped the light and turned around. "Be careful or you might be wearing this ass," J said as he reached the bed. I am so blond lets just say that because I didn't know what he was even suggesting but it flew over my head anyway. He climbed over me and sat next to the wall he leaned in and kissed me working his way around my neck as he started to slide his body down the bed. I wanted I think to lie facing him but he had already started to slide down his arm moving down as he went. I had snuggled with a girl after sex but never a guy. I was startled at first when he moved in and pushed are bodies together. I didn't expect the hard dick that was pushing through my but cheeks. J was a gentleman and found a cozy spot to finally settle my dick was hard tough and J's dick ran the length of my ass. It was warm and tight very cozy. He reached around and put his arms under the covers pulling them over us. He lowered his arm bumping my raging hard on.

"Horny again I see," he said wrapping his hand around my penis. "Yeah." I said. "Care for us both to be sticky while we sleep," he asked? "No we can shower in the morning," I said. "Trust me," he said as he started moving his penis up and down sliding it over my as crack and down and up the length of the divide. At the same time he was jacking me off. His rhythm would keep for both him and me. God he knew how to make me moan. He would speed up and slow down driving me insane. What seemed like a few seconds turned into in reality almost an hour. The very head of his dick rubbing on my ass crack sent me to new heights. I knew he felt me tighten because he increased his pace behind me and just as started to moan in ecstasy from cumin. I felt something hot squirt up my back. As one in unison we came. J eased himself against me are juices everywhere his hand still around my dick and his penis between my ass; we fell asleep without saying a word.

I awoke to the sounds of a vacuum outside in the hall. J was on his back and my head was laying across his chest. How we ever achieved the position I don't know. I didn't move though for this minute I took in everything that had happened and even though I had a headache I stopped to listen to J's heartbeat and picture what had been between us. I had been with a guy not only sexually but also emotionally. J had said last night that he seen love at first site, man was that real. He didn't even want to let me please him, I'm not so sure now I could of I am new to all this I wonder if he did that because he new that. Maybe he did care that much about me. But how he didn't know me. My eyes had now realized the tented hood that was coming from the inside of the cover. The end of the cover was at my face. A big smile grew on me, and I realized what I wanted to do. Maybe I cared to but I don't know but for now I know I was going to repay him, no way he could say no while he was sleeping. What away to wake up!

I moved slowly and pulled over the blanket exposing to the air a 8-½ inch throbbing bone. I had never gave another guy a blowjob. I remembered how Girls had done it to me and with J doing it to me I felt I could do it. I didn't try to move too much in fear of waking J up. I raised up enough to position myself above his dick. Now or never I thought lowering myself lips covering as I tried going down as far as I could. No sound or movements just a fast jump from J's meet. I giggled as I brought myself to the very end of his penis. I slid all the way back down. I heard J moan lightly. I thought about what he must be dreaming and then my mind thought about what if he got mad waking up, I brought my self back up to the tip and paused trying to think about how grumpy he might be. "Try not stopping," J said startling me to jump up a little enough to position myself looking at him. "Good morning I didn't mean to startle you into stopping," he leaned up and kissed me. "So you are ok with it," I asked? "Yeah just don't stop and don't come all the way to the tip stop at the rim of the head sometimes the head is ticklish," he said lowering himself and putting his hands behind his head. I lowered my self back down and took his dick into my mouth again. I started a slow rhythm. He kept moaning! "Faster feels so good keep going man," he said. I decided to wrap a couple of fingers around the base and keep them against my lips. To me this made it feel like a tight pussy when girls did it. "God yes I am going to come soon," he said bucking upward. I had not planned to try the taste of cum yet. I however remembered how special it made me feel when J did it to me. I continued on, and J started to tell me no but I placed a finger on his lips and pinched his left nipple with my other hand. "Man here it comes," he said giving me a second or two of warning. The pressure from the jolts of juice coming from J's massive hard throbbing dick sent gushes down my throat. I tried to go all the way down and swallow as much as possible. I was a newbie at this though and it in all gushed from my cheeks as I tried to keep sucking. "God you're already a pro," J said looking at me as I came off of his dick. "Pretty hot you are," he said running his hands behind my head through my hair as he pushed are mouths together. J slipped his tongue; I thought at first about it and then just kissed harder. "You need serviced," he said pushing me down and straddling me. "I'm ok," I said flipping my arms out from under him causing him to come crashing down on me. I rapped my arms around him and dug my penis into him. "You horny little fuck," he said as I flipped him off me grabbing a towel off the desk. He sat composing himself on the bed. "Going to make me chase you," he said smiling. "Catch me if you can," I said I bolted to the door slinging the towel around my waste. J was grabbing his towel, I knew I'd make it there because J had to put the towel around him and grab the key to the room. I flew past the sinks and into the shower area. The stalls were empty! J came up behind me panting. I turned around "Lets go use the fifth floor showers I here they have full walls in their shower cubicles. That way we can shower together and no one would know. "You are a horny devil too," he said groping my penis through the bulge of my towel. I smiled and we both started to the stairs. Naked except for a towel!

We reached the fifth floor and thank goodness the bathroom is right across from the stairs. We could have not planned it better. We went in, we a guy was combing his hair. "Hi," he said looking at J up and down. Neither of us said anything we went back and found the showers empty. The Last shower and the end of the role was where we headed. I looked back as J went in, no one. I went in. The little changing area was small J reached in and turned the shower on. The steam rose from the floor. He looked at me and smiled as he placed a finger on my towel and with one tug pulled it off. I was going to follow his fashion but he pulled me in and started kissing me. His hand found my ass cheeks, which he started to squeeze. I grabbed his towel while still kissing and tugged it off of him. We both stood their naked steam rising in the air kissing. How romantic it was. We decided to get in. Placing out towels and the key room on the rack. "We forgot the soap," I whispered. "Did you think we were going to need it as he started to get to his knees? I was about to get a second blow job in a shower in the dorm from J. J engulfed my dick all the way down to the end. It felt good and I have to say he was going to have to teach me how he takes the full length. As J started back up I heard the sound of a stall door opening all the way at the other end. I patted J's head. He got up and I started to get frightened. The sound of water started as I stared at J in fright. He looked at me and said with his lips, "Trust me," He spun me around and reached in front of me putting his hand around my dick. It felt great as the water hit my chest. J didn't slide his dick between my ass this time. Instead he stood behind me nibbling on my ear and kissing my neck. At this I hade problems with trying not to moan. I kept silent as we stood there and he jacked me off. I failed though in the quietness as I started to cum I had to moan a little. I stopped cumming and turned around J was smiling trying not to laugh as the shower down the way turned off. I ran my hands over J's chest trying to keep movement in the shower so it would sound like we were just showering. J grabbed my hands into his and pulled back causing me to come up against his body. The water now hitting my neck traveling over my shoulders and down the front of both of us. I thought about how hot this must look if it was in a porno. J broke my thought by kissing me and all I could do was melt into his arms. The person in the first stall exited, and J turned off the water. We helped dry each other off and put the towels around are waste. We snuck back out to the stair well and down the steps to our floor. We made into are room.

"That was so awesome," J stood there as the towel dropped. I walked over to him and kissed him giving just a little peck. I think he was expecting more but I walked around him to my closet and started to dress. "Man we have class tomorrow can't we just stay in all day, together," J said the look of sinister thought played over his face. "You are a horn dog, we need to eat and talk about everything," I said. "J's expression turned to a serious almost worried look. I was dressed and walked back over to where he was standing still naked. I walked up to him and thru my arms around him. "I know I have a lot to get used to, but I know in my last two days I have shared more emotion with you then anyone in my life." He looked at me and said, " I was so sure at first you wouldn't be able to handle this, does this mean we are going steady? J was their smiling just so beautiful his naked body in my arms. How was I so lucky? "I don't know what it makes us, or you, or me," I said. "We are together now and that makes it right, I feel it," J said. "I feel it to," I said.

I let go of J and he dressed, I couldn't stop looking at him he was so sexy. "Lets go eat off campus today, so we can have time to talk together," I suggested. " Sounds great but I have a better suggestion, yesterday I seen a KFC on the way to Karst Farm Park lets stop there pick up food and go to the park," J said hopping I would like the idea. "I duno about the greasy food, but the park sounds great," I said "Well its settled we'll pick something light to eat and we'll go on a pick nick want me to grab a football or soccer ball," J asked holding up his box of sports stuff. "Soccer ball yeah, need to exercise a bit anyway." I said as I grabbed the cover off my bed. J looked at me with a smile. "You wana fool around there," he asked looking puzzled. "Its for us to sit on and eat," I said walking up to him. "Its not a bad idea though you horn dog," When I told him he started his evil grin. I chuckled and slipped into sandals, as did J. We made are way out of the room and the Hall was bustling with people. Seems like a warm sunny day will bring out people.

We made it to the elevator and got in. There was two gentleman in black suits. I recognized them from the door-to-door preacher guys that knock to try and convert you to their faith. One of the two guys was a blond athletic guy about 6'3" tall me had a smile and even though I tried not to look I checked him out. "Hi my name is Trent and me and my roommates are trying to spread the gospel and get people to come to church," The blond headed guy said. He reached out and gave me a flyer, and the elevator opened. Trent looked back and gave a weird almost inviting smile as he exited onto the second floor. "So you wana go to church," J said smiling. "Right I'm sure we would be very welcomed," I said. "You never know churches seem to be accepting more these days," J said. "Yeah I hope my parents can deal just as good,' I said as the door opened and J stepped out turned around and held the door open looking at me. "So do you think you are..." he paused. "I don't know lets just go eat," I said hoping to change the subject I was hoping no one was out in the hall.

We used the phone by the doors and called a cab, as always we had to wait, but we kept the time by telling each other what we liked and disliked in foods, sports, TV, and everything else. The cab arrived and we headed out the door we stopped when we heard a guy come running up behind us when I turned around I was surprised to see it was the guy who we seen combing his hear in the bathroom on the fifth floor. But he was holding his hand in a blood stricken towel. "Man guys is this my cab," he asked jumping up and down. "Why didn't you call the ambulance if you're bleeding that bad," J said in a stern tone. "Guys can I just take your cab I'm all alone here and I need help, I need to get to the Hospital," the guy was turning white. I looked at J; "Lunch can wait let's make sure he makes it to the hospital and is taken care of." J looked at me with a small frown but I knew he'd make the right decision. We got in and told the driver to get to the hospital it was a emergency. He gave us a little grief but J told him to make it there in 7 to 10 minutes and he'd give him a $20 for a tip. The man took off and the guy with the bloody hand said, "Thanks guys my nick name is Tad...he started to tell us his name and then slumped over onto me. I panicked and pushed him back up. J was trying to tap his face to try and wake him. He came around and apologized and that he felt week. Sadly we made it to the hospital by 11 minutes but jay still tipped the driver. We pulled Tad out carefully, he could hardly stand. We put his arms around us and pretty much carried him through the Bloomington Hospital door. A nurse with a wheel chair met us beyond the second set of sliding doors, J looked relieved but I was still worried. They asked us what happened but we told them the short version of the story. Tad was able to give them some details as they took him straight back to a room skipping Triage all together. I and J followed, not knowing why we did but new we wanted to make sure this guy we just met would be ok.

So how are you liking the story? Things will begin to twist and turn, the story will start to move thru the first semester fast as new developments push the guys into pledging. And what of the two new guys the boys met are they friend worthy? Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 5: School Days 1

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