College 101


Published on Feb 21, 2006


This is a work of erotic story telling. It will contain graphic scenes of gay sex while having a story line of love, lust, pain, and greatness. If this is objectionable to or illegal for you, please do not read it. This story is by the author. His permission must be obtained for any use of this story other than reading it on the Nifty site. This story will be long. I will try to post chapters as rapidly as possible. I hope you find it very interesting. Thank you

College 101


I opened the first compartment to the top a bottle of Jack Daniels plopped out. A note read "To my son: I do not encourage you to drink but in celebration have a shot for me love dad".

I pulled it out of the bag and held it in front of J. From dad what a good man J said. By the looks of the bag and the ton of compartments this was going to take a while.

I know two guys who are going to be plastered tonight, I looked over at J and asked him who! He smiled real big and said you know you want to celebrate are first night together as college roomies. Lets go out and save this bottle for when we get home, I said. That's even better, but we'll have to share it with our women, he said as he got up from the bed and repositioned his big bulge in his pants. Well that's going to be a while I still have this big bag and my box to put away. I was just getting the next compartment open it was the biggest compartment on the left side of the bag what ever was in it was making the area so tight it was hard to get the dang thing unzipped. Finally frustrated and annoyed by J's giggling at the fact I couldn't get it open I broke down and said, Here you try and get it open. J walked over flexed his arm and said, let a real man take care of this for you honey. I started to laugh oh man so hard my ribs started to hurt. By the time I stopped laughing J had opened the bag and a silver laptop was sticking out. Cool man I said reaching in and pulling the laptop out. Since we are going to be roomies anytime I am not using this feel free to use it, I noticed you didn't have one, so you can use mine anytime roomy, I was putting it beside the bag as I started to take the cloths out that were in the middle of the bag. Thanks man I can't wait to use that for the rainy nights when I need to relieve some pent up frustrations; a devious smile came across his face. No stains on the back of the computer please, I told him sternly as I hung up the cloths from the bag. I imagine we might both get the same use out of the computer; J smiled again looking more serious at me. Um together using it at the same time you are a little "funny" I said joking to him. Me he said pointing his finger at me, I'm not the one with a costume in his "big black bag" he was standing over the bag taunting me. I walked over to pull out what looked like a Halloween costume of a matador everything but a sword. Your old man wants you to be wild and free doesn't he, J asked? No this is from my mom this is what I wore to the Halloween ball when I met my x. God mom won't let me forget, its her way of telling me not to forget. I had turned from J and wrapped the costume in a ball I walked over and put it in the bottom of the closet drawers.

Man can I help you or will never going to get to lunch, J said. Yeah I forgot it was getting late, I said. Sure you can help me empty that box but be careful it's sentimental, I said. I had not noticed the box was upside down. J opened the bottom and started to giggle sentimental huh he pulled out a porn tape and a bottle of KY. Um those are for emergencies, I blushed. Sure Ian sure I'll just put them in this drawer beside your bed. He reached and opened the nightstand. I was hard at work back at the bag in all I cleaned out the bag I had gained a digital video camera. A nice one the kind that you can take photos and film home movies. I also found in the big compartment a Target gift card with a note from mom to spend the one thousand dollars wisely it had grandpa and grandmas signatures also. In all I am not spoiled but my parents had given me everything I needed in my opinion to have fun and get a education I loved them so much for that. J was putting my 2 trophies on the nightstand and was about to hang up my posters but I stopped him. Lets just go eat and get out of here for a while, I said. He agreed and we left, the room still half cluttered.

We made are way down to the food court I chose a salad and J had to have a turkey sandwich. We both grabbed bottled water. So, I asked. So what, J said. Age sex location, I joked. God spend some time on the computer at home, he said smiling at me. Um yeah all my late night actions, I boasted. J was chowing down and swallowed. Ok I am 19 I graduated from such and such High school. I am here on a Lacrosse athletic scholarship. I am a only child my parents are divorced and I currently attend starting today this fine school, he raised his hands to his chest mimicking a politician as he gave a speech. J was cool he was funny and very athletic I knew we were going to be best friends. So don't stop what are your likes and dislikes, I asked. What are you a dating service, he asked. Oh sorry I am just making conversation. Its ok I am only joking , he said. We continued to talk and eat, we never ventured into being to personal but J had played "the field" in high school. We both decided to walk down and check out the gym. It was everything a gym was supposed to be.

We both attended new student orientation and by that time it was four o'clock. The sky was gray and it looked like rain so we went back to out rooms to change. I through my bags in the corner and picked out a sleeveless black top that would show definition and a pair of jeans I grabbed my jacket to. J was already stripping down to his boxer briefs. I stopped to stare for a moment. I don't know why I just couldn't stop looking. I was not gay but loved the male form. I wanted my body actually to be tight and slender but always felt like it needed work. Excuse me earth to Ian you like what your looking at, J said. Sorry man was not relay looking at you I was just somewhere out there in thought, I had to make up a lie quick. That's ok man you ever want to look at this fine specimen just tell me. I am sure he'd grow to appreciate you he was grabbing his crotch and shaking it. You're sick bastard, I said to him smiling. Serious I am okay we should get it out into the open since were roomies I promise not to be pissed if you stare, he was taunting me again. I do have god's greatest made body, he was just plain taunting me his back to me now and ass wiggling as he reached for his pants. I couldn't contain myself I was laughing so hard.

We finished dressing and decided to call a cab. There was no way we were going to walk in the rain. We ended up waiting 20 min for the cab so we took are time in the foyer of the dorm looking at all the bulletin boards. J had read me a couple as I was looking. There was even a board for messages. We both stopped to read it. There was one stuck to the board it read; freshman it's never too early to think about Greek life. Rush starts in the second semester. J was all into the thought of being in a frat, I WAS NOT. I always put my studies and sports in high school before my life and "the Party" that followed some people around never got them anywhere. J thought it would be cool if we both pledged and got into the same fraternity, but my mind was far from that. A real hot looking girl had just got off the elevator she had to be a freshman but damn I thought she was so faceable. Blond hair blue eyes. She smiled at us as she walked out the front doors. So interested into her I hadn't noticed our cab out front. Gaining composure we decided to go.

We had the cab drop us off on Kirkwood Street. We found a pub to go into. We set down at a table and a waiter took are order Jason decided to go big with a shot of a 100 proof Absolute. I was about to tell the waiter my order but J spoke up man take a shot with me. So I gave in and told the waiter the same. We waited for are shots. J was into the sports screen, and I was into watching the girls go bye. The waiter came back with are shots. J held up his shot and said, to a long friendship. We clanged the shot glasses and downed them. I reached for the bowl of lemon and lime that was on the table but J grabbed it. Take it like a man, he boasted. Man it was harsh Vodka was not my choice I am a beer man. Lets go up to the bar and see if we can't get a couple of chicks to join us. I agreed, and we went to the bar. I ordered a beer and j ordered another shot. A few failed attempts by us both to get a girl to talk to us more then a hi how are you, was getting old. By the time we both gave up I was 6 beers and J was 5 shots into the night. It was almost seven. We'll I have orientation at the dining hall, I was going to do dishes for some cash a couple nights a week. Not that I needed it but you know dad said it would be a good thing. Now I see that I was a geek by worrying about the next day and wanting to leave so early. We found out later Bloomington campus didn't come alive until after nine. It was are first day, and so J agreed to leave. Besides we had a bottle in the fridge and he had no plans on letting it go to waist and I was up to it too.

We called the cab, and waited outside underneath the awning of the bar. We watched as people drove bye and a few girls in a car even honked and waived. It looked like people were still showing up and just getting settled. We'd have better luck next time. We made it back to the dorm and it was raining cats and dogs. We were soaked from head to toe just from the door of the cab to the door of the dorm. I laughed at Jay his black wavy hair all-flat and made him in my opinion look like a rat. He asked me why I was laughing and after I told him he smiled and said, you don't look to dry yourself. We made are way to our room after getting out of the elevator. A flyer was hanging taped to the door. It read, "Party at Sigma Nu all incoming freshman welcome, and cover 5 bucks Saturday night". We opened the door went in. Sounds good you wana go? I don't know about a frat party man I heard they get rough, I said. Oh come on just once, J begged. I'll think about it man, I said. J had already started to change. I took the time to look at his body, I can't tell if I relay wanted to or it was just the fact I was almost drunk. Jason had sandy blond almost black tinted hair it was a bowl cut shaved around the sides although he had left his bangs long they often hid his eyes. I hadn't known how sparkly they were until now. Here you go man, J said. He stopped changing and stuck his hands out. I swear you wana good look so here you go, he said. I should of snapped out of it and apologized for staring but I didn't His chest was perfectly rounded just hard enough but not per say to look over muscular. He had a outline of a starting six-pack. His waist was smaller then the width of his shoulder. Damn a hour glass figure woo I was be to much like a chick because now I was choking out the package his boxer brief gave a bulge that in my opinion must hold at least a massive size cock.. Enough man you're drooling, he giggled and turned around to put his leg in his shorts. God almost a bubble butt. I snapped out of it right then I didn't feel any different. I'm sorry man I wasn't checking you out I was just staring into space, I said looking at J as he turned around. What ever man chicks look at me like that when I come out of the tanning booths at home in Ohio. Its no biggie were just feeling good and all.

I walked over to my closet and opened a drawer I pulled out a pair shorts to put on. I had a good buzz going from the bar I almost stumbled trying to get into my shorts. Man this is going to be good J had already opened the fridge and opened the bottle of Jack. I looked at him and asked what we were going to do about a cup or glass. I don't have any diseases do you, he asked? No, I replied. He lifted the bottle and took a gulp. He handed it to me. Man no chaser again, I complained. You know what I am going to say, J replied. Yeah like a man yeah whatever. I took a drink, and after a few drinks it was like water. We tried to pace ourselves but it's hard to when you're already buzzing. I told J we had to slow down. He agreed. What are we going to do he asked. I walked over to the TV half falling man I was so trashed. I normally drink slowly to avoid getting sick but I was trashed. Lets watch am movie, I slurred as I set down to look at the v.c.r. We don't have anything but a porn, J replied. That's cool, I was buzzing so hard the static on the TV would have been ok. I put the tape in but not before trying to put it in backwards, which made J laugh. Come over here and set man the way the TV sets you can see it best from sitting here. The tape began and a few sex scenes passed. J picked up the bottle. I was happy man to start drinking again my dick was getting hard and I needed to drink to enjoy this movie. A chick on chick scene came on and we were both so into the TV that I didn't notice J handing me the bottle. He let it go in and it came down on my lap spilling onto my shorts and J's bed. Fuck, I said jumping up. J grabbed the bottle saving a quarter of the Jack. I on the other hand started wobbling and then fall. I hit the side of J's bed with my leg as I fell forward. J moved the bottle just in time as my shoulder smacked against his chest as we fell both back on to the bed. I instantly rolled off him feeling my head spin from the alcohol everything started to grow black.

I awoke to the sound of the vacuum in the hall and to the light trying to shine through the cover. I closed my eyes quick my head hurt. My chest felt like a ton of bricks were on it and my leg hurt bad . I took my hand from underneath my head and pulled the cover down. I stopped short because I hit a arm. I glanced over to see J's face not but a foot from mine. What the hell I looked inside the cover I was naked, what the bloody hell happened J was in his boxer briefs almost spooning me. (You have to know I was not used to being naked sleeping with another guy, YET) I kicked the covers off us both, J woke up. What man morning already. He grumbled. Morning yes but what the fuck am I doing naked and what the fuck are you doing in my bed. Man this isn't cool!! J set up, you don't remember. Remember what man that we did gay shit, I was just about yelling. Cool down man it's not like that, J said. Then what is it man then what is it, I got up and started to dress. You see you fell and hit the bed after I soaked you with alcohol and you got back up and stripped, he said. I remember that but not much more, I said. Well you stripped and went right to the hallway started peeing right outside the door. I pulled you back in right before the RA seen us. And worse of all everyone in the hall scene you. I took the liberty of picking you up you were fighting me trying to get back outside I calmed you down enough for you to tell me to fuck off so I let you go and told you to fuck off. You stopped fighting set there and almost started crying. I pulled the x tra blanket off the bottom of your bed and covered you up. You apologized and said you were tired. I started to clean off my bed and you told me to stop and just come sleep with you. It was innocent man just because you hug a guy, sleep with a guy, or even get a blow job from a guy it doesn't mean your gay, J had stopped and was looking at me for reaction. I thought he was trying to get me to laugh when he said blowjob. But this was serious man to me I had overstepped bounds I liked the male body and I sometimes would think about a guy being cute when he was next to a cute girl. But this was different I felt different. I needed to get away by myself I was so mad, not at J but with me. I got to go man. I got near the door and J said want me to come with you so we can work this out. I turned my head and at that moment I decided to be the snottiest I could be and told him he couldn't help me with my own feeling. I exited and got into the elevator. I didn't look back to see what J's reaction was and now I was sorry. It wasn't his fault I knew it, but it was time I took myself for a walk to put myself back together. These feelings man what was I doing

I left the dorm and walked down the sidewalk towards College Avenue. Hopefully by the time I got there I would have answers. I sorted through my mind what J said. If it was the truth I was scared. Obviously J was open-minded but I have never been. He ok with it but I am not. But wait he said it was innocent. I set there and thought about the way J looked sleeping that second before I woke him. Was I actually^Åwho I know this is college I know I had never been so trashed and by god what happens between to roommates stays that way as long as J does not say anything that I'm cool with it. I'm not gay, I don't love or worship J. The next time I get drunk I'll just take it easy and make sure I do it with more people. Drink that is God I was correcting myself. I had made it half way down the street it had been a half a hour since I left the dorm. A cab drove by and pulled into the bank lot ahead of me. J got out and walked towards me.

Man I didn't me to fucking piss you off man, jay said with a intense pissed look at me. Its, that's all I got out before J said. I'm your roommate man we just met each other but I think you need to know that what happened stays between us. You need to decide if you can handle that. I have some errand s to run if you want to still be my roomy and talk leave me a note. Maybe we could still go to the party tonight, his expression was easing a bit any he looked more like the mellow J I had known. He didn't give me time to reply he headed back to the cab and told me to think about what he told me about likening other guys.

Man was he making up with me or trying to proposition me. No he was trying to make everything ok. I turned around and headed back to the dorm. I needed to shower and change and write the note. I guess to show J I am ok with everything I will go to the party. I just better make sure I come home with a girl. Because me taking care of business in the shower later won't be enough.

What relay happened, is J telling the truth? Things will start getting clearer as the night progresses. For Ian and his shower. Look for the next part of the story soon. Jason will be narrating a part in this tale as he as he hijacks this story he wants you ALL to know what he thinks about Ian his roomy.

Next: Chapter 3: Party Night 1

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