Colins Tail

By Nathan Booth

Published on Jun 6, 2017


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This part moves into the inevitable area and why these tales are in authoritarian, it is painful and meant to be. However, remember this is fiction and any such activities undertaken should only be done in a safe secure environment where all parties know what is going to happen and have taken sensible precautions.

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Colin's Tail 5

A new Punishment

Scott pulled the rope tight and fastened it to the bed post, Colin lay stretched out before him on the bed, his ample furry butt on display propped up on a pillow raising it high a target set to be punished. Colin had been hard the entire time that Scott took to prepare him. Hours before Scott had been fucking Colin like a machine on speed now they were moving onto what Colin really wanted. At the end of the bed on the covered foot locker lay a belt, a strap, paddle and flogger, Scott looked over the items picking each up in turn and swooshing it through air the noise made Colin's dick jerk into the pillow. Scott moved around the bed the flogger in hand flicking the tips onto the body laid out across the bed, Colin body responding to the light flicks each arm and leg tied to a different corner. Scott let the tips of the different strands of supple leather rest on the raised arse and ran the leather up the body. Colin's body shaking with pleasure at the feeling. His face turned to one side Colin could see the semi hard cock filling the side of the white Versace boxer briefs. Scott flicked the flogger and ran the straps back down the spine Colin lifted his butt up an audible sigh of exhilaration escaped his lips and Scott flicked the flogger again striking the underside of his Colin's butt and running the flogger up the spine between the shoulder blades.

Scott moved with speed stood to one side he pulled the flogger off whipping it back and around landing the leather strips onto the upper back of Colin, catching both shoulder blades. Colin moaned at the feeling as Scott whipped the flogger about again striking lower and again moving below the previous strike and working his way down the man's body.

"Argh" Colin moaned as he tried to raise his body into the strikes.

The sensation of pleasure mixed with the light chastisement being inflicted on his back added to being bound and technically helpless. This filled his mind and the blood began to race. Scott moved lower down the spine and then came back up the body Colin all the while moaning and groaning his hands gripped the rope to hold himself steady as he endured and enjoyed the light pain. Scott delivered a hard blow across the shoulder blades and repeated it a few more times before heading down the body again this time passing the tail of the spine he landed and blow on the up turned butt.

The noise of the slap on the butt filled the room as Colin pushed up to meet the blow as a second fell in short succession his moans and groans became louder as Scott began to focus in on Colin's butt. Swinging the flogger Scott brought it down onto the butt the leather straps breaking against the flesh giving a deep thwack as it hit home. Colin loved the feeling as the leather thongs slapped his arse, Scott had power behind him although not the accuracy Colin had previously experienced from other more mature dominant men. Looking over at Scott his face flat against the bed forcing him to strain to look over the extended arm, Colin saw the concentration of Scott's face. The young man's shoulders and neck were red as he delivered blows onto the butt, the shape of the flogger meant as it came down the individual strands spread out and the blow would not be concentrated in a single spot. Scott moved off the butt and continued to land blows onto Colin's back this only stimulated Colin more who loved to be flogged and looking at the boxers on Scott, Colin knew the guy was enjoying flogging him.

Scott observed Colin looking at the hard cock in his underwear and with one hand still delivering blows to the back of Colin he adjusted himself gripping the cock through the fabric and waving it.

"You want?" he asked shaking his cock.

"Yes" Colin replied "Argh" he declared as Scott delivered a hard whack onto his back, "Yes Sir" Colin corrected having been reprimanded,

Scott waved the cock again and bringing the flogger down over the butt of Colin rested it there and mounted the bed pulling down his underwear to expose his hard cock. Scott waved it in Colin's face as the man opened his mouth the hard cock head hitting the wet tongue the moist slapping sound filling Colin's ears and the salty taste of pre cum falling onto his tongue. Scott pushed in gagging Colin as he rammed his cock into the throat of the older man. Colin coughed and gagged around the cock before it was removed he had not expected the sudden forward surge but now was prepared as Scott launched again into his mouth. Again he choked on the cock but Scott had learnt that Colin liked the feeling the air way being cut off by the long cock as it filled his throat, Scott pulled back enough to let the air fill Colin's lungs before plugging the gap again. The two carried on in this vein a slow rhythm to their work as they had the night and neither wanted it to end too quickly. However Scott still wanted more and arching up from kneeling back on his heels Scott pushed his cock into Colin's mouth tied as he was he could not move away as the cock pushed his head back and into his throat. He gurgled protest's but could not escape as Scott held the back of his head with one hand and then began a fast fucking of Colin's mouth. The gargling noises followed as Colin opened his mouth as wide as he could to breathe as his mouth was used by Scott, who to further show his power reached over pressing his groin into Colin's face the pubes rustling his noise the thrusting cock still jamming in and out of the open mouth. Scott flicked the flogger away and delivered heavy powerful blows to Colin's arse with an open palm. Seeing his hand prints coming though the redness Scott leaned back Colin welcomed the break and sucked in air instead of cock as Scott got off the bed. Colin had to spit out the build-up of saliva as Scott removed the flogger from the bed and put it next to the other instruments and returned with the paddle.

Colin was just regaining his breath as the first blow landed. The black leather paddle had some give to maximise the noise but not enough that it would be light when it hit you. Colin groaned as he felt the thick leather strike and groaned again when the second blow landed so quickly from the first. Colin's body jerked from the blows that landed on his butt he moaned groaned and even made the deep noise of pain his teeth and mouth sealed shut against the pain, however he continued to raise his butt after each blow to encourage Scott to bring down another. Having delivered many from the left side of Colin, Scott moved to the other side and brought the measured heavy blows down, causing a new pain and sensation from the opposite side in an attempt to equalise the stinging he knew would be growing in Colin's rear. Scott moved down the first blow that landed on the back of Colin's thigh brought a yelp, it was unexpected and the pain was sharp as the leather struck the inner thigh which was more sensitive. Scott continued delivering another blow high on the thigh and causing the same reaction Colin jerked his leg in a vain attempt to remove it from being struck but having wanted to be tied down now realised how much he was at the mercy of Scott. The younger man leaned over and delivered equal number of blows to the far leg however, as the end of the paddle hit the outside of the thigh rather than the inside the pain still a powerful sting was not as bad. Colin's legs twitched and jerked as best they could at the ropes that bound him as Scott chuckled and delivered more blows to the area alternating between the two. Colin's protests became louder increased to pleading.

"Please, Please stop" he begged, and Scott listened not actually wanting to hurt the man.

Scott walked back and picked up the strap of leather from the tools at his disposal, thinner than the paddle and with more flexibility he kneeled onto the bed and waddled up between Colin's legs resting below the man so he could look over the body he had control of. Colin's back was red from both the flogging and the heat of the exchange, Scott's own hair was damp for even with the windows open the room was hot as the late summer evening had little breeze to it. The body was crossed with individual marks from the flogger and the butt showed solid red marks from the paddle large with a square edge from where the corners hit a slight darker red edge to the mark deeper than the rest. Scott lifted the strap and brought it down on the right cheek, Colin jerked and grunted in pain at the strike, as Scott moved across and delivered another downward blow to the other cheek, both left a faintly darker redder mark. Scott returned a blow the left cheek landing it slightly diagonally along the cheek making Colin jerk again and grunt before moving to the right. Scott rested back on his heels and looked down as he moved from one cheek to the next landing blow after blow onto the cheeks of Colin. The man before him jerked, grunted his pain as it intensified in his butt, with his free hand Scott slapped the butt leaving a print on it as that was followed by another hit from the strap, then he moved this over to the other cheek the process continued at a steady pace. Slowly the grunts became yelps and Colin was feeling the burn in his butt and the cheeks were going a light crimson colour. Scott returned to just using the strap striking it from one cheek to the next hitting it in different places on the butt as Colin squirmed to move out the way Scott had his hand down his underwear and was pumping his hard cock.

Getting up with a sudden movement Scott moved up the bed and jumped back on grabbing Colin by the hair and bringing him down on his cock and pushing him down until nose in his pubes the man coughed and chocked on his cock. Scott pulled Colin off hurting the man's neck muscles as he jerked the head to one side but with seconds to take a deep breath Colin could not focus on the pain in his neck as the cock was invasively shoved back into his mouth past the muscles that protected the throat and into the tight cavity beyond. Again the feeling of the air being cut off stimulated Colin as the blood rushed to his cock, his eyes bulged and he struggled against his bonds. Scott whipped Colin off his cock the man took a racking in breath his glistening eyes looking up a tear rolling down his cheek as gripping the hair tighter and turning Colin's face Scott plunged his cock in. Holding Colin's head to one side pinned to the bed as his cock pushed in and pulled out, he began to fuck the mouth again one hand on the head the other on the back, the pain was intense. The pressure on Colin's head made him feel as though it was going to be caved in. The elastic waist of the boxer briefs were being soaked with spit as Colin tried to accommodate the cock going in and out but being unable to swallow anything else but cock the liquid drooled out of his mouth. Scott had to break off soon however, as to prolong the fun. Pulling back Colin coughed spat out more saliva and spat again before he could properly breathe. Colin raised his head out of the pool of saliva and coughed more as his head rose and breathed deeply of the air. Scott stood to one side looking at the man who was fighting to gain his breath. Colin looked back at Scott who stood there his cock and balls supported by the elastic waist it stood straight out pointing at Colin, Scott was breathing heavily too, regaining control of himself before moving to the end of the bed and out of Colin's sight.

Scott came back into view the belt in hand it was the only piece of equipment that had an everyday use, brown leather it was as thick as the paddle, supple like the flogger and when folded like it was in Scott's hand as painful as the strap. Colin looked back over as best he could as Scott came into view his cock still being held out by the elastic of the underwear, he fished his hand under Colin between his legs to the damp moist area between hip and pillow there he grabbed the hard cock and pulled it out and behind Colin resting on the pillow and exposed. The sensation made Colin gasp as the cool air filtered around the exposed cock and balls, Colin saw the belt get drawn back and then it landed across the top of the thighs and hitting the balls which were now raised up Scott was marking his aim. Now Colin filled with fear he knew the pain that was coming and was apprehensive at the thought. Colin took a deep breath as he heard the belt fly through the air.

`Crack!' Came the noise as the belt landed across thigh and hit the balls.

"OWWW!" came a high pitched yelp from Colin as the belt was withdrawn being pulled over where it had just landed.

Scott whipped the belt back round with another resounding `crack' filling the room as the leather bit into the skin. Running the leather back over the arse allowing the sensation to not leave Colin as he shrieked again at the pain, allowed Scott the full appreciation of what he was creating. As the leather belt bounced onto the bed so Scott swung it again and for the third time a crack sounded and Colin shrieked from the pain, jerking forward into the pillow trying to get away.

Colin was no longer rising back into the swings from Scott this was pain and his body wanted out, his brain wanted to leave but his cock and all the testosterone in him was calling out for more. Scott swung again the familiar sound the pain shot through Colin he bolted up straight wrists and ankles straining against the rope tugging it against his skin, as he cried out.

"please...Pleaase!" he whimpered.

Scott swung the belt again the noise filling their ears his free hand was on his cock lightly stroking it. Colin's legs shook his thighs were going a deeper shade of red, the blood flowed to where the blows landed, his balls stung but his cock leaked although it was softening under the intense pain he was feeling. Scott swung again the rhythm established, a swing, and crack as leather hit flesh, pulling the belt over the skin and then as it dropped free of the bed swing again. It was the slowness between the blows that were the most painful in Colin's mind. The pain sensors in his upper legs, under the butt registered the pain it travelled up his spine to the brain where it could do nothing but process it and prepared for the next as the inevitable swoosh of leather through the air would sound to be followed by the crack and the process would repeat. Colin shrieking at the top of his voice and the beating stopped too engrossed in his own pain he tried to reach back do anything to ease the pain and stinging. It took some time to realise that Scott had left the room only when the man returned did he even register he had gone it was as Scott kneeled on the bed again his cock engorged with blood and being thrust into Colin's mouth for the third time did his brain register that he must have left however it was not quiet shore.

Scott's blood was up and now he face fucked Colin, the older man loved this, hair being gripped by Scott so tightly that he felt as though it was going to be pulled out. The cock was being thrust in and out of his mouth no control given to Colin no time to adjust his head swam his vision became blurred by the water building up in his eyes. Scott pulled out Colin's mouth openly inviting him to re-enter and Colin felt the thrust come back in. It was not the smooth feeling of cock being jammed into his mouth and throat but a course piece of material opening his eyes Colin saw the straps of a jock strap that Scott was ramming into his mouth. This was followed by duct tape that was attached and then wrapped around Colin's head, there was a fury and intensity to the moment as Scott yanked Colin's head up looked into the man's eyes.

"SHUT IT!" he declared and slapped the face to emphasise his point.

Picking the belt back up he slapped Colin's arse with hand before bringing the leather to bear on the up turned butt. A large long red mark ran along the underside of the butt at the top of the thighs and Colin shook a little as he waited. The swing was quick Scott was now putting real force behind the strokes as it landed across the butt. Colin's back arched as the pain came through and screamed into the jock strap gag, the noise muffled as the whole thing had been jammed in so tight it filled his mouth. Saliva ran into the fabric as the belt was lifted and brought back down with force onto the butt, against Colin screamed loudly into the jock strap as his saliva melted into the fabric he could taste something on his tongue and realised it was his own salty piss. The jock he then realised was yellow and that Scott must have pulled it out of his cleaning basket. Colin tried to focus his mind on when he had last worn the jock strap but the next blow on his arse was more painful than the last. Scott had landed the belt on the lower part which had been tanned with the strap and the pain was more intense added to that Scott had unfolded the belt and as it whipped around so the end bit into his flesh. He screamed as loud as he could into the jock strap as another blow came down on top of the last, this came at an angle clipped the top of his balls and hit into the leg. It felt as though the skin had been broken but that was a minor concern as another swoosh indicated that Colin was in for more pair.

Sweat poured from Colin's forehead as he screamed into the jock the saliva from the open jaw ran into his beard and down the chin. His ankles and wrists were sore from his thrashing Colin had caught them and a closer look would show the red marks of light rope burn. However, that was nothing to the pain he felt in his butt the entire area was on fire it was numb and each blow only added to the mix, his eyes had misted as the sweat poured off his body and his head swam in an ether of sexual gratification and pain. Colin screeched his voice reaching a tempo it had never before around the jock strap he tried to beg as tears rolled down his cheeks. Colin cried shrieked, and sobbed his body going slack as he could not support it any more.

As suddenly as before the belting stopped and Colin felt a hand on his backside, it was not a slap it was not brought down to bring pain, instead it was gently rubbing his butt a round motion a light gentle touch Colin was still crying into the jock strap as the pain was still with him and it needed a release. Crying sobbing into the jock strap gag only intensified as Scott showed concern and care over the arse he had just brought a level of torture to which he had not administered before. Colin's eyes were misted over to much to be able to see but he felt Scott's presences.

Scott surveyed the scene before him the arse was red and a darker almost crimson there was the odd bruise forming and beginning to show through the skin. He rubbed the arse of Colin as he had seen before at a demonstration although out of his comfort zone Scott was no longer hard. Scott looked at what he had done and felt a little sick he had wanted to cause pain bring Colin what he had asked for, but for him there was no pleasure in this pain, no thrill. The noise the loud screeches at the end had been enough as the pitch had gone higher his erection lost under his own administrations. Scott got up and left the room he needed a beer.

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