Colins Tail

By Nathan Booth

Published on Jun 2, 2017


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The story is fiction, no characters or events are real to my knowledge. If you are not allowed to view such material in your country due to your age or the legal status of homosexuals then I would advise caution before continuing.

This is the third instalment and I hope to have more soon. All and any feedback is welcome.

Colin's Tail 3

The Third Cumming

Scott walked out of the tube station as the signal popped back onto his phone he heard the message tone come over his music pulling the phone out he saw the message.

`Here' it read from bar slut.

Scott smiled to himself ever since he had seen Colin he knew what kind of a man he was. Colin had a dad body but one which went to the gym older and hairier than Scott who kept both his physic and hair trim. But all the sign of muscle and his stern looking face was a cover the guy loved cock, loved it in him hard and face. Scott had only met him twice and had held back on the first meeting and a little on the second but still the man wanted more. The message tone went again, a second message received.

`How long?' that was the problem with the tube you lost signal and this old timer still sent texts.

Calm down whore just left tube' Scott sent back as he crossed the road and headed into the complex of buildings. He saw Colin outside the tower he stood there in his builder's shorts and a dirty tank top, every piece of him a cock searching whore' and Scott smiled. The two exchanged a wave before Scott got to Colin and then a simple hand shake.

In the lift up to Scott's apartment they talked about what they would do, it had been discussed over messages but Scott wanted Colin to be fully awarehise needs were not the priority Scott had had a shitty performance review this month and was going to take it out on him. Colin smiled with glee at the prospect.

Once in the apartment Colin started to strip as he had been told before the door was even shut. He stood hands behind his head as Scott pushed him to the wall. Colin would have heard Scott taking off his belt peeling it through the hoops on his trousers folding the leather older he clapped the two pieces together and the slapping noise filled the room making Colin jump.

"You like that sound?" Scott asked.

He laid a hand on Colin's up turned hairy ass kneading it with his hand a finger slipping into the warm crack, searching for the pink hole.

"Yes sir!" Colin said in a low voice.

"What?!" barked Scott as he gave the arse a little slap.

"Yes Sir!" Colin shouted at the wall "Spank me Sir." He added.

Scott replied with a throated chuckle and moved back his shoes clipping on the hard surface, once a pace back and to the side.

"Look at me" he spoke. Colin turned his head resting it against the wall looking at Scott who winked at the older man getting ready to receive his spanking.

The leather swung through the air swooshing as the wind passed over it and then `crack' as the supple leather made contact with the flesh of Colin. The sound filled the space, the sensation made Colin jerk forward a little but he instantly pushed his butt back. Scott brought the looped leather back around and did a single loop around his hands to shorten the strap and give himself more control. Then without a pause or for warning the belt whooshed through the air landing with its cracking noise against the flesh of Colin's arse. Colin's mouth gapped open and a rush of air left him the sensors in his butt began to register what was happening. Whoosh came the sound another crack filled the apartment Colin jerked forward and gasped his eyes would close when he felt the leather hit his arse but they always opened to look at Scoot who stood there his jacket off tie discarded and two buttons open at the top of his shirt.

Adjusting himself Scott delivered five more blows as Colin's arse reddened and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Whilst Scott rolled up his sleeves Colin rubbed his arse cheeks, the left which faced Scott was less sore as the right the furthest away received most of the belt including the end where it could ping around and slightly bit into the skin.

"Enough" came the command and Colin moved back into place.

Still in a jock strap he was being degraded as Scott was still full dressed, well he wore shirt and trousers. The noise came again and Colin braced himself as the belt landed across his cheeks this time bringing a noise from the stoic man. Scott was not a great noise maker he had told Colin so, that he did not like the yeah fuck me' and Baby that is big' that you see in some porn and in Scott's words `like some girls think'. Colin's sensors were registering the first hit in the new round when the second landed; before he could react he felt the third. Scott swung the belt not like an expert he was not lining up every shot to land in the same place but there was a tempo and a speed to the situation blow after blow landed on the butt. Colin arse flinched away as each stroke landed and cracked against his flesh leaving a red mark and adding to the pain Colin felt. His arse felt the pain now as the blows landed and a constant feeling spread across the cheeks, the occasional blow would land low and cut across the top of Colin's thigh's and the sting would hurt making him grunt. When a fierce blow cut across his butt the leather biting the cheek he yelped and moved away pinning his body to the wall. This did not slow Scott who adjusted his position and moved in closer laying blows down making Colin squeal.

"Stop, STOP, STOP!" on the final one bring his hands down to protect his butt.

Looking at Scott the man's eyes were focused on the task as though Colin was not there water filled the older man's eyes but unregistering Scott grabbed him and brought him to the ground on his knees before him. Freeing his own cock Scott slapped it into Colin's face who un-questioning put the appendage in his mouth. The cock was rock solid and resting on the top of the Armani elastic the taste of a man who had been at work all day flowed over Colin's' tongue. His arse still stinging and the nerves still registering the pain Colin was driven on by the smell of Scott. He took the cock in his mouth as though he had not been fed in months and this was all the nurturance he could get. Taking the dick deep into his mouth Colin coughed and choked on it willingly Scott grabbed Colin by the hair the sensation of the activities had ignited the animal side of him. The Cock was harder than Colin had known before and Scott gripping his hair in the vice of his fingers was jamming back and forth into the mouth, saliva built up and ran down Colin's chin as his mouth was used just like his arse hole had been. Colin focused on trying to breath as he was shoved down onto the base of the cock his nose resting in the pubes Scott holding him there as Colin coughed and choked, trying to pull back. Upon getting his release forced by his own muscles he would have to breathe deep before Scott regained control and forced him down.

The glimpse's Colin got of Scott's face showed anger who at? Colin did not know or care, the pain, the power the forceful nature all turned him on, whilst Scott had the hardest cock of his life. Colin's was not far behind his own personnel record the memories of that night filled his mind as the blood raced around his body his butt tingled his hole puckered at the thought of the onslaught to come. Scott would repeat the process of force Colin down on all his cock holding him there making him choke, as he would continue to fuck Colin's mouth until Colin had to break of. Scott locked his hands on either side of Colin's head and brought him onto his cock and holding him in place fucked Colin's mouth. The cock was forced into his mouth as Colin locked his lips around the cock, Scott cooed above Colin as tongue and suction of the mouth worked in combination on Scott's manhood, the pace was slower however, Scott was still sliding in and pulling out as Colin brought a hand up and pulled down the elastic further. Colin reached in and his cold hands grabbed the warm balls and squeezed and Scott above him exhaled loudly at the touch. Colin moved up on his Knees as Scott built to another piston session in and out of his mouth.

Although his jaw ached and saliva had dropped onto his chest his other hand surrounded his cock free of its jock strap and fisted away. He bobbed up and down on the cock his head jammed between two vice like hands as the cock went in and out. Colin made the gulping noise as he further tried to moan around the cock. The speed was such that he had stopped trying to hold the balls and instead gripped the arse of Scott through the fabric of his tight boxers. Colin pushed Scott's butt forward getting more and more of the cock into his mouth it was shoving past the through muscle and the extra tension on the cock only encourage Scott who showed no sign of letting up. Colin was not protesting but his gag's gasps and gurgle noises, did nothing to abate Scott's onslaught. With a suddenness Scott stopped and tightening his grip on Colin's head shot the first wad of cum. It was as unexpected as the stopping, Scott shouted out his orgasm burying his cock deep into Colin's mouth he tried to shoot directly into the stomach down the throat but that passage was now closed as shot after shot of cum filled Colin's mouth. He tried to swallow what he could down his throat but Scott shots were thick heavy and fast filling his mouth and running down the sides.

Slowly the orgasm subsided and Colin took a breath sitting back on his knees he looked up at Scott who looked down cracked a part smile that did not break the line of the lips but raise one corner and with a little shake of his head and a knowing smile he tucked his cock back into his boxers and left the room.

"I need a shower, you good to see yourself out?" it was not a question but was shouted from the other room.

Next: Chapter 4

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