Colins Tail

By Nathan Booth

Published on May 27, 2017


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The story is based in a fictional world and has no link to any person living or dead that I know of. If you are offended by men having sex then move on. If you are not allowed to view such material in your country due to your age or the legal status of homosexuals then I would advise caution before continuing.

All feedback welcome and much appreciated.

Colin's Tail 1

First meeting.

Colin stood in the bar with several friends it was crowded like most Friday's and was hot, the humidity had stuck around London like a bad smell and even inside the place he could feel the sweat building up on him. Dressed in an old pair of denim shorts and a tank top Colin was hot beads of sweat built up on his back and trickled down. He caught the occasional glance from some guy here or there. Hitting into his late-forties Colin was not in bad shape he regularly worked out and having been in scaffolding his whole life he had a great upper body. Chest hair covered him like a carpet flecked with grey mimicked that in his hair which made him (he thought) look older than he was. The glances were always welcome who would not like to be looked at particularly given the shallow nature of many people. The long glances up his defined calf to the thighs that filled the shorts to bursting (it helped the shorts were really old and a size to small) there they would rest on his ample manhood thrust forward in his jock strap pouch, the two elastic straps running under his hairy but lifting into a wanting exposing positions screaming to be spanked and fucked. Many of the glances came from young guys who would seek him on scruff or growler, or such apps and message him the usual.

`Hey daddy, looking hot tonight'.

Colin did not mind the daddy thing he knew what he looked like it was however, that he had no interest in bending some twenty year old over and fucking them. His friends often chided him or got annoyed by the attention he got not least Gareth who often spent hours on his phone chatting rather than engaging in the conversation before him. Gareth was not out of shape but when he stood next to Colin he looked it. Good living and just out of a long eight year relationship he carried weight. It was not that Colin had not been in his own long term relationship until it was cut short by a speeding motorist but Colin just stayed in shape although he was soft around the edges. The group continued to talk about the pending election this and that thing work, life, business, taxation. Colin noticed a sharp dressed lad; he could only be mid-twenties defiantly looking. The kid was not even trying to hide it, not a furtive glance but an outright stare. Colin thought about saying to the little shit to fuck off, but instead he moved from one foot to the next and showed his hard butt off, maybe the subtle hint would put him off.

Colin felt the hand on his arse as someone pushed past not uncommon in the tight packed bar people often did a cheeky grab but this one lingered and as the body passing behind moved along side and pressed up closer than needed. He could feel the heat coming from the man passing turning his head a little he saw the face of the young sharp dressed guy who had been staring at him.

"Toilets 2 minutes." Was all he said.

Quiet enough so not everyone heard but loud enough for Colin and his friends. Colin watched the guy walk on the sharp suit trousers framed his arse and the shirt still tucked in although the sleeves rolled up showed the guy did not go to the guy to keep weight off but was a seriously ripped man. The guy looked back winked and smiled before moving down through the crowd to the bathrooms. Colin smiled too and nodded after the guy before turning back to the conversation.

"You're not?!" exclaimed and questioned Gareth looking at Colin all kinds of jealously ripplingin to the surface.

"Why wouldn't he" spoke up Shaun always quick to defend Colin "I mean look at him even if he is a bottom that would be totally worth it, have that bouncing away." Shaun added a gesture of holding hips and fucking motion. His partner Tom raised a single eye brow. "I am just saying." Shaun added his voice pitching up.

Colin left the conversation feeling by the time he got to the bathroom the 2 minutes would have elapsed.

"I can't believe him" Colin heard Gareth say to his back.

"Jealous" shot back Shaun.

Moving into the darkened bathroom at the back of the bar Colin looked down the line of men pissing into the trough there were cubicles making up one side all the doors were closed. Moving down the line he looked at the handle area to see if it was vacant or in use. The first door had a solid red line as did the second the third however, was green but the door was not ajar and Colin tapped lightly. As he did a guy moving past him leaving the bathroom smiled that knowing smile and nodded at Colin as the door opened and stood the young guy. The man got a glimpse of the man in the cubicle and beamed as he walked past, Colin dove in his face getting red. The young guy looked Colin over now the two were in the confined space. The guy had a young face no real sign of age about the eyes his light brown hair was cut in the latest fashion short sides and long on top so it flopped down one side. Looking down the shirt could have been painted on it was tucked so tight a lean waist had a smart belt holding the trousers up and a discernible lump in the front of it jutting into Colin's own thrust forward groin. With a simple ease the guy turned him around and pushed Colin against the door. Colin's face smacked into the wood and his cock jolted full of blood as the guy pushing him into the wood with his hand in the nape of his neck inspected the back side he had been staring all since he first saw Colin. Leaning back and looking down as Colin rolled his hips back and pushed his butt out for the guy to inspect a firm hard slap crossed his butt sending a shiver of exhilaration racing through Colin.

"Yeah!" was all he said.

Colin bounced his butt and the guy reached around with both hands Colin now holding the position against the door both palms on the wood his butt thrust back, as the button to his shorts were undone and the fly lowered with one motion the shorts were down around Colin's ankles. His butt pert in the Jock strap was on display. The guy let out a chuckle which came from his throat and sounded more than pleased with what he saw. He stuck the butt again filling the cubicle with the sound as he looked at the butt smiling to himself he ran a finger down the crack and Colin pushed back wanting him to slip one or two fingers in. the guy leaned in over pressing himself against Colin who could feel the hardness in the guy's trousers press against him and he spoke softly but with authority.

"Bend over the bowl."

Colin did not need telling twice happy that he was to be fucked he shuffled around not worried what liquid soaked into his shorts and bent over the bowl of the toilet. The sound of a zip lowering Colin looking over his shoulder and saw the guy smile at him and move in. Colin put a restraining hand back and with his other headed to his shorts.

"What!" the guy exclaimed thinking Colin was pulling up to leave, his hands heading to Colin's shouldered to hold him.

"Condom" spoke Colin in a hoarse voice producing one from his wallet which he then left on the floor handing the wrapper over his shoulder. The threat in the guy's voice and action further filled Colin with the sense of danger as he heard the wrap tear open looking over his shoulder his eyes wide with anticipation he had not seen what was set to invade him.

"Thought a slut like you wouldn't mind" the guy spoke rolling the plastic cover over his cock.

Colin did not want to say the phrase in his head because if he told the cocky fuck to piss off he might and Colin now needed cock. The guy spat on his sheathed cock and then applied some more to Colin's hole before placing his head at the entrance. Applying pressure as he grabbed Colin with one hand on his hip whilst angling his cock with the other. Colin took an in breath as his anal entrance was pierced the head felt fat as it went in Colin breathed out as he felt the dick invade him, it was one long smooth stroke going further in pushing deep. Colin thought it must be there soon as he strained to accommodate the cock going in.

"Woah there" Colin said putting a hand back only for it to be slapped away.

With a fast thrust all the cock was buried in his arse the suit fabric scratching his butt. Colin yelped at the sudden invasion.

"Quit Whining" came the reply.

As the second hand moved to the other side of Colin's hip to hold him. Colin one hand against the far wall the other on the back to the toilet to hold him up prepared himself. The guy wasted no time as though the protest by Colin was now to be punished. He pulled out and sharply thrust in again Colin made a noise but he was not being listened to, as though it was not a person he was fucking the guy gripped hard and began to hammer in and out of Colin. The noise filled the bathroom as the guy hammered Colin. He was not used to the size, or tempo of the guy and it was uncomfortable to take cock like this, he wanted lube or something to ease the pain but he could not now lift a hand from where it was for fear of losing balance and despite the pain his own cock was still hard a leaked. The guy moved one hand up and grabbed Colin's shoulder to pull him back as he thrust in deep. The thrust got a moan out of Colin along with the expected noise of pleasurable pain. The guy rested for a moment and then began again, that break had given Colin what he wanted and needed he pushed back to meet the thrusts stabbing into his gut.

"That's it! Knew you'd like it." The guy said as he thrust away.

The cock slide in and out as Colin willed his muscles to relax and enjoy what he always did. Colin lifted the hand from the toilet and played with his leaking cock through the jock pouch. The guy behind him was grunting as he powered away where ever the aggression was coming from Colin loved it. However, the joy was cut short. As Colin was getting into the swing of things the guy thrust forward and made a gargled exclamation and stiffened holding Colin in placed he pushed deep and Colin knew the guy had shot his load. The guy held Colin for a moment looking down and through his own legs he could see the noticeable shiver in the trousers as the muscles which had tensed loosened back up. Pulling out Colin could feel the emptiness left behind and saw the condom thrown into the bowl the warm white fluid inside.

"Thanks" the guy said.

He tapped Colin's arse signalling him to stand so he could vacate the stool, turning to see the guy leave he saw another guy and closed the door on him so he could get himself together and leave the stool. Picking up his wallet next to his shorts on the floor he saw a business card placed on it too clean to have been left previously Colin read it.

`Scott Hayes, Senior Broker Lloyd and Hassan, London Tel: 00084 556 255 Mob: 09887 662 159'

Colin smiled to himself and pocked the card before leaving the stool the other guy still stood there.

"Was happy for you to stay..." The guy said a Colin walked off and back into the pub.

"Quick!" exclaimed Shaun with a look "finding it hard to keep hold of it in your old age?" he quipped.

"Not me." Spoke Colin with a smile.

"Really" added Tom.

"Do we have to?" asked Gareth still seething.

"No let's not" Colin added changing the subject.

Next: Chapter 2

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