Colin's Applause

Published on Nov 19, 2012



He sat like the others, arms around his knees. However the room was warm. Colin felt the bodies on either side of him; naked as he was.

They all had made a decision for the holidays and in his case Colin was nervous about it all.

They had been recruited, all probably tested as he had been. It was fun to be admired, to share his secret with another. And feel the effects for days afterwards.

He would walk across campus, sit in lecture halls, swinging his lacrosse shaft or just walking in the hallways, with a different feeling. Others noticed it each time. He would just smile and shrug replying "just feel good that's all".

But he knew otherwise. Deep inside him, Colin still felt the presence of the man. His stomach too felt like it was churning still. His nipples were erect and a bit raw from whatever teeth or fingers had worked on them. And his lips still tingled.

The recruiting started with a new friend on campus. A guy he hadn't known in high school. They bumped their bare sweaty chests after a Lacrosse practice and when they headed towards the gym, Colin discovered a new pickup line.

"Hey you gonna shower?" He asked seeing the guy start to move away from the others.

"Naw never shower here, do it at my place, just a block away. You wanna join me?"

And to Colin's surprise he responded "Sure why not?"

The shower was shared. He nervously trembled as the naked guy moved close and kissed him. It wasn't planned or even fantasized about. The two clicked, as they say and the sexual experimentation of his past became a time eating evening and night for them both.

One of the others stood now and walked to the spotlighted center of the room. He stood on the star and applause welcomed him.

"Hey you're one sexy guy" Colin stared at the body beside him. The sun had risen. He was already late for the early morning run before the first lecture. But the priorities had changed overnight. "You could make allot of money you know" Smyth said.

Roger Smyth, a second year student was actually a few years older then Colin. But his face looked younger and his body was totally devoid of hair. It made touching and licking more enjoyable for Colin.

"How?" The question Colin asked changed his life.

"Got one for Saturday. Wants us to go to Black's beach, probably to get horny watching us play on the beach. Then a motel in Oceanside, game?"

That wasn't the first call Smyth had made to Colin by that time. He had met strangers, usually older then he was. Most were nice, polite, some obviously nervous. Colin always acted much more calm and confident then they were and then he was too.

It seemed to make the experiences better, as he felt his body touched, explored, his lips stimulated and his hardness appreciated. Most of the time, each experience was the same. But sometimes, it was just manual, or oral. It didn't matter. Smyth had made the monetary arrangements so for Colin it was about the sex.

He knew his body was attractive to some. Years of forced exercise, sports, swimming and weight lifting kept his body emerging. His older brother was a jock as was his dad. But Colin hadn't any interest in sports for gain. He wanted to study. He wanted a life that depended on himself not some sport reputation.

Another round of applause as the guy walked from the center of the room to the side where he would meet the lucky man.

Colin's Dad was usually pissed off, telling him without a sport scholarship like his brother, he'd have to work his own way.

Colin was willing. The summers as a lifeguard and part time at the Aquarium store helped but not enough. So for now it was a community college. And with any luck Colin might be able to transfer to a University on the coast where his interest in Marine Biology would become his lifestyle.

The boy on the other side of him stood now. Applause started almost immediately. Colin had noted the boy had an impressive size dick. Otherwise he was slim, and not especially handsome. But Sammy, the boy's name, was pleasant as they talked earlier.

"Hey we should get together. I'd love to fuck that ass. I know I'm not like these guys, you know old and stuff but hell, if you're willing..." Sammy was smiling.

"And I'd like that I know" Colin's eyes aimed downward at the cock he'd like to feel inside him. As for the old guys remark, Colin let it go without comment. The truth was he liked older men. They were appreciative, their large strong hands became feathers touching him and their cocks were usually fat enough to leave that much welcomed impression inside him.

The boy with the long dick moved to the center of the room. The unidentifiable men in the room were commenting, laughing and still applauding. Colin had worked with men who liked to be bottoms. And even though he was the same, Colin gladly treated them as the top they sought.

The fact they wanted him, worshipped him, treated him like a valuable prize, was a turn on.

Smyth and he ran across the sand that day, their naked bodies displayed for their client and any others there watching. Mr. Stoker knew he would be envied even if the others presumed he was paying for the two hot young men. He didn't care.

Colin urged the man off the towel and soon all three were playing football, grabbing, touching and tackling like teenagers. They pulled him into the water and didn't hesitate to touch and play under the water line so Stoker knew the two boys wanted him as much as he did them.

The motel was nice, a king size bed defining how the evening and night would progress. Colin and Smyth took turns and sometimes shared Stoker, lavishing their tongues on his decade's older cock.

Massages, showers, arm wrestling and nude wrestling spent the hours. Smyth left to get the food they had planned to eat at a restaurant.

Colin rewarded Stoker with a tongue bath he had done only once before with Smyth. Mr. Stoker was surprised and so pleased he returned the favor.

"It wasn't like I thought it would be" he said to Smyth as they shared Omelets the next morning. "It was like what we did you know, not a uh job."

Smyth smiled wider "keep that up and we're gonna get rich".

The long dicked boy left the center of the stage. It was going to be Colin's turn in a few minutes. His stomach trembled.

It wasn't that he worried about himself. He knew the blonde hair, the grey eyes, the smooth shaven skin thanks to Smyth and his body definition would get some attention. But each time he met a new man that Smyth arranged or the occasional one who was brave enough to approach him, Colin felt unsure.

"You going to that dump place? Fuck, you're not your brother are you? Well you can do that but you're on your own. Go live with your looser cousin." His Dad kicked him out. And his cousin let him crash but he had to pay.

"Christ you some kind of fag?" Cousin Sid asked when he came in to find Colin had cleaned the entire apartment, arranged the furniture and washed the drapes.

"Just wanted the place to be uh cleaned up...especially since you don't charge me much. And yes I am gay, but don't tell my Dad."

Sid laughed. "Fuck man he thinks your one anyway. That's why he got me to take you in." Sid laughed "Just don't bring your queer tricks here."

Colin felt both rejected and accepted at the same time. He figured that would be the case in the future, but he wasn't ready for it yet. But each time Sid introduced him to female friends as his gay cousin, Colin realized the future was now.

"Now gentlemen another real prize for the night. We call him Angel and you'll see why. This versatile young man may be known to some of you" there was laughter acknowledging the emcee's joke "But I bet that doesn't matter. Remember everything goes to the fund."

The spotlight moved to where Colin still hunched over on the floor, his arms surrounding his curled up legs hiding his smooth body and genitals.

He knew it was time. With the emcee's buildup, he felt even more nervous as he slowly uncoiled his legs, propped himself so he could rise uncurling his body like a snake like creature until he was standing.

Colin heard the applause but didn't hear it increase in intensity as he revealed more of himself. It was now or never as he came fully out of the closet that night.

"Remember there will be strangers there, probably some of our professors, classmates, guys from your high school, neighbors, you still want to do this?" Smyth asked "remember they still have to work things out with me, after the top bidder that is."

Colin nodded. The auction was publicized. He had promised Mr. Miller he'd participate to raise whatever money he could for the AIDS Relief Fund. By then he knew guys with HIV, knew guys who remembered friends who had died many years before.

He didn't think of them now. All he thought of was trying to look acceptable. He stretched his arms and spine standing taller. He twisted his neck feeling the muscles loosen and then raised his arms like the wings of an Angel spreading outward reaching for any who would let him touch, presenting himself for any who would accept him, want him, touch him, love him.

The applause rose to a mild thunder and somewhere deep inside Colin a sense of calm flowed through him like lava warming and assuring him, his life would be the way he wished, the way he hoped for and the way it should be.

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