Colin - Student and Model: Prologue

By Bill Jonners

Published on May 11, 2024


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This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men.

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Colin - Student and Model

Chapter 77


Both Bill and Colin were awake very early the next morning. "I hate jet lag!" Colin declared.

"Me too," said Bill. "It might take our body clocks a couple of days to adjust to the seven hour time difference between here and France. The others are lucky. Melbourne is only three hours ahead of Singapore."

Colin groaned. "I don't fancy another night like that. I think I have been awake since four and it's just after seven o'clock now. Fancy a fuck?"

"I honestly don't have the energy, Colin. I woke up before you," said Bill.

"I know I am not going to get back to sleep now." Colin sat up. "I think I will go down to the pool and have a swim."

"A swim before breakfast sounds good," said Bill. "I'll join you. Do you want to use the bathroom first?"

The pair spent an hour in the pool and then found most of their Australian family had already arrived for breakfast when they entered the dining room. Only Rhuauridh was missing. "Dad will be down soon," said Donald. "He's a bit slow in the mornings these days."

"Did you sleep well?" Ann asked.

Bill shook his head. "Only for about five hours. We have been awake for ages so we went for a swim before coming here."

"A swim already?" Ian asked. "Did you wear one of your sexy swimsuits, Colin?"

Colin smiled. "No, they wouldn't be welcome here. I wore an ordinary speedo type one. Excuse me while I get some food." He returned from the buffet with a small plate of fresh fruit and a large plate piled high with bacon, sausage, mushrooms, scrambled egg, baked beans, hash browns and some Chinese dim sum.

"I see that jet lag hasn't spoiled your appetite," said Bill who had only an omelette.

"Need to keep my strength up," Colin mumbled.

"Don't speak with your mouth full," said Bill.

Ian and Katie looked at each other and smiled at seeing an adult begin told off for bad manners.

Rhuauridh arrived a short time later. He didn't say much but he wolfed down three fried eggs on toast. Then, smiling, he had a croissant and two muffins. "Nice to end a meal with something sweet," he said.

"I agree, Uncle Rhuauridh. I fancy some pastries," Colin said before returning to the buffet.

Bill rolled his eyes and turned to the others. "Any suggestions about where to go this morning?"

"I thought we might go to Silosa island," said Donald. "Not to the Universal Studios theme park there but the huge aquarium, the World War 2 artillery battery and the beaches. There are lots of restaurants so we could have lunch there."

"Is it easy to get to this island?" Rhuauridh asked.

"Yes, very easy. We take the MRT train to Harbourfront station and then there is a shuttle train upstairs in the VivoCity shopping mall upstairs direct to the island," replied Donald. "There is also a cable car option from Harbourfront."

"I want to go on the cable car," shouted Ian. Paul and Katie agreed but Ann wasn't keen.

"I will take the kids by cable car," said Colin. "The rest of you can take the train."

"I fancy the cable car too," said Bill. "We can all meet at the aquarium."

They had an enjoyable time at Silosa but after lunch Bill and Colin decided they needed a nap. Rhuauridh teased them by suggesting that they were returning to the hotel for some afternoon sex. Colin responded, "There is an old saying - the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I need to catch up on some sleep first."

"We will meet you in the lobby about seven," said Bill.

It was after six in the evening when Bill and Colin woke up. Both of them felt much better. Colin did suggest sex but Bill said he'd prefer to wait until later. Colin didn't argue. They cuddled for a while then showered together and got ready for an evening out.

They met up with their Australian family who told them about their visit to the zoo and a ride on the Singapore Flyer, one of the world's biggest Ferris wheels. They then wandered down to Boat Quay and had dinner in one of the restaurants there. A short stroll along the riverbank took them to Clarke Quay with its restaurants, bars and places of entertainment. Paul and Ian were tempted to try the Reverse Bungy but Ann said that being catapulted 60 metres into the air after a big meal was not a good idea. Everyone agreed that a bumboat ride on the river was a good way of relaxing after dinner.

On returning to Clarke Quay after the boat ride, they sat at an outdoor table at a bar and enjoyed a few drinks while soaking up the atmosphere. After a while, Colin and the boys said they fancied a snack so everyone moved to another bar which served snacks and had live music. They remained there until almost midnight.

Back in their hotel room, Colin grabbed Bill and kissed him. "We haven't had sex yet today and I'm horny."

"I thought you had forgotten about your old man. First you did all to please my brother and you have had your eyes and hands on the young Australians all evening. I was about to wonder if I should go on the internet and find a local boy for the night." Bill tried to look serious while Colin was watching him with an open mouth. He did not know what was going on.

"Dad, how could you think I don't want you?" Colin almost stamped his foot.

"Go down to the bar and fetch me a cold beer, but come back quickly. Run off now." Bill sat down on a deep chair.

A few minutes after Colin was back and hurried into the room with a Tiger beer. Bill was still sitting with a straight face.

"Knock the door next time, boy!" Bill's voice was commanding. Colin stopped and placed the beer on a side table.

"What's your name? Come closer," said Bill. He turned his face so Colin just saw one side.

"I'm Colin, sir. My pals call me Col, okay?" Colin was a bit confused.

"And how old are you Col? Too young for this business, aren't you?" Bill looked closely.

"I usually say I'm fifteen, sir, butÉ" Colin stopped.

"You look younger than fifteen. Now, turn around and let me see the rest of you." Bill used a hand as he gave his command. "Why did you choose me by the pool today? Many more obvious were customers around. Am I not too old for you?"

"I like my customers mature, sir, and I look for the men with the best equipment. Young men have less money, and they are always in a hurry. You like what you see, sir?" Colin was enjoying the role play and he felt that his cock was about to betray him.

"How come a kid from Europe becomes a call-boy and pool-prince in Singapore? You are not local, are you Col?" Bill placed a hand on Colin's shoulder.

"No, sir but I now live here in Singapore with my parents. They are in the shipping business you see, always busy. I get bored so I run my own business!" Colin placed a hand on Bill's knee.

"But what would your parents say if they knew about your business, selling sex to old men like me?" Again Bill tried to sound serious.

"My mother would have rolled her eyes, and asked for another drink."

"And your father?" Bill watched the boy closely now.

"He would probably have spanked the shit out me. But afterwards I'm sure he would want a share of the profits - fifty fifty perhaps. He's a damn good businessman, you see, sir." Colin grinned.

"And what's yourÉ price, young man?" Bill put his hands on the boy's curly black hair.

"My fee starts at 500 dollars, sir, for the night! But it costs a bit more for advanced service." Again Colin smiled a theatrical smile to his daddy who was really turned on.

"And what's you advanced service, Col?"

"It's your decision, sir. I'm very flexible, offering whatever you desire. Would you like to check what you might be buying, free of charge?" Colin had already started to remove his lightweight shirt.

"Please show me. I want to see all of you, and I want a demonstration of the more advanced service too!" Bill spread his legs and sat back very relaxed when Colin went on with his stripshow. Soon Colin pulled down his rather baggy shorts and revealed a see-through white thong that struggled to keep the young hard-on inside.

"I love your kid-cock, so innocent! Let me strip you of that sexy underwear." With two hands Bill pulled the thong down slowly. The cockhead was wet and glistening. "Pull down your baby-skin, all the way. Show me that beautiful head, all of it." Colin forced the foreskin back almost until it hurt.

"Still innocent, still tight. Ever had that beauty inside a cunt?" Bill was obvious very horny. He spread his legs and shoved up his promising bulge.

"Not even a buddy's?" There was something with Bill's teasing eyes.

"MaybeÉsir!" Colin struggled.

"Wank for me, Col. Close your eyes, and tell me what you picture. Tell me what you dream about when you play with yourself at night." Bill opened his jeans when he watched Colin follow his orders. The boy started a slow wank with two fingers, but ended with his full hand wanking hard.

"I see myself lying on the desk in the auditorium at university. I'm fully naked and tied up at my feet and hands. My teachers are waiting, all wanking their huge cocks. The students are shouting and stripping. Kenny fucks all his mates on the first row while shouting `Kiddo! Kiddo' - let it go kiddo.' And I try to cum again and again, and soon Kasim is there. Kissing me all over before he gives me his spunk, all over my face and body." Colin had trouble breathing and speaking.

"Then it changes. I'm home, I'm in the playroom. I'm all wet, drowned in my daddy's piss. I can't waitÉI have toÉhave to...!" Colin wanked furiously now, with both hands. He moved close to Bill's spread legs and shot his load upon the huge stiff cock and hairy hanging balls. All of a sudden he knelt and took Bill's cock into his mouth and sucked the pre-cum and his own spunk direct from his daddy's hot body.

"You satisfied, sir?" Colin looked at Bill.

"I am. You are a good storyteller and an expert wanker. I see that. Was this part of the 500 dollar package or could you be more advanced?" Bill grinned now. Colin crawled back and smiled at Bill. "200 dollars more and I will take your yellow liquid. All of it!"

"Okay, I will buy that, but then we have to go to the bathroom. There are nice carpets here and I would not be happy if I was given a bill me for pissing on the floor." Bill rose and stripped off his t-shirt, shorts and underwear.

"And what if I wanted to carry you back to bed, and fuck the shit out of you during the next couple of hours?" Bill asked

"Hundred bucks off every time you make me cum, sir. We have a deal?" Colin reached out his hand and was met by Bill's.

Colin stretched and then smiled at Bill. "Merry Christmas, my darling daddy!"

Bill leaned over to kiss Colin and then said, "Merry Christmas, sleepyhead! Come on, it's time to get up."

Colin yawned. "I'm tired. A combination of jet lag and somebody fucking me at two o'clock this morning."

"We were up late because you were reluctant to leave Clarke Quay last night," retorted Bill. "And you were the one who insisted I fuck you before we slept."

"It was a good night, wasn't it?" Colin smiled.

Bill smiled. "Yes, it was a good one. Now get out of bed and into the shower!" He whipped the duvet off Colin who howled in protest and then spread his naked body for Bill to admire.

"Do we have time for some fun before breakfast?" Colin asked.

"No. The kids will have been up early to unwrap their presents and it's almost nine," said Bill.

Colin sighed and forced himself out of bed. "Hope there's a good breakfast," he said as he stumbled to the bathroom.

Colin and Bill enjoyed breakfast with their Australian family. Katie, the youngest at thirteen, was the first to talk about presents. "I didn't expect to get much because this trip was the main present but I got a lovely dress and a necklace," she told Colin.

"You must wear it for dinner later," said Colin.

"And I got a new phone," Paul told them.

"We have small presents for you too," said Bill. "We will give you them after breakfast. Right now, Colin is starving."

"Yes, I could eat a horse," said Colin.

"People in France eat horses but I could never do that," Katie said.

After breakfast and the exchange of presents, everyone went to the swimming pool. Colin was the first into the water but the young ones quickly followed him in.

As usual, the boys wanted to race. Colin did well but he let the youngsters beat him. He was relaxing on a lounger later when Rhuauridh said, "I'm surprised you aren't wearing one of your sexy swimsuits, Colin."

"I would prefer something sexier than these ordinary speedos," Colin responded. "However Bill reminded me that Singapore is still quite conservative so the JustColin ones were left at home.

"Pity! I love seeing you in skimpy outfits," Rhuauridh said.

"Me too," smiled Ian.

Colin laughed. "Actually I ordered a sexy Christmas outfit before we made the plan to meet up with you in Singapore. I can't wear it outside here but I can put it on in my room later if you'd like to see it."

"I want to see you wearing it now," said young Paul. "Don't make us wait."

"Yes, put it on now," said Ian. "You have make us young ones happy on Christmas Day."

Colin looked at Bill who nodded his approval. "Okay. Give me ten minutes to get ready then come to our room. Bill, please come and help me."

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door and all of the Australians trooped inside. "Where's Colin?" Paul asked.

"He's in the bathroom, waiting to make a grand entrance," replied Bill. "Find a place to sit everyone."

Once everyone was seated, Bill picked up his phone and started the song Colin had suggested. As Mariah Carey started belting out "All I Want For Christmas", the bathroom door opened and Colin danced out wearing a red Santa Claus hat and a white mankini with a snowman's face on the small pouch holding his cock and balls. A tinkling noise revealed that he was also wearing tit-clamps with small bells attached.

Bill filmed the action using his phone as Colin moved around the room to laughter and applause. Ruauridh was the first to reach out and pinch Colin's uncovered bum but others soon followed. Only the presence of Ann and young Katie prevented Colin from becoming erect. Colin saw Katie laughing along with the others and was glad that nobody had been offended when he took a bow at the end.

Donald smiled and said, "Well done, Colin. This hotel is very nice but a bit staid. We needed a laugh."

"I will need to buy one of those mankinis for Donald," said Ann. "He can wear it at our next pool party."

"No way!" cried Donald. "I know I have a hot body but you'll never see me in one of them."

"Aw, Dad. You should," said Katie.

"Now look what you've done." Donald frowned at Colin who just laughed.

Bill decided to change the subject. "How about going for a walk around Chinatown and then having lunch there? We'll save the turkey dinner for this evening."

"Good idea," said Rhuauridh.

Colin looked at Bill's older brother and licked his lips. As soon as he was alone with Bill later, he said, "Do you know how I want Christmas Day to end? I want you and Rhuauridh to fuck me."

Bill smiled. "I think I can arrange that."

The day passed happily but Colin kept thinking about Rhuauridh and Bill fucking him resulted in several erections. They didn't always go unnoticed and he was teased by Donald and by Paul. Ian grinned when Paul pointed to the tent in Colin's shorts. Colin just said, "I can't help it. I'm surrounded by sexy men."

Finally it was time for bed. It took some time for everyone to exchange goodnight hugs and then Bill asked Rhuauridh if he could have a word.

"Yes, sure," said Rhuauridh. He waved the others off and then asked what was up.

"Colin's horny and wants you," said Bill. "Actually he wants both of us."

Rhuauridh smiled. "Since it is Christmas, I think we should give Colin what he wants."

When Bill finished in the bathroom some ten minutes later, he found Colin spread like a X on the huge bed, dressed only in the Santa Claus hat and a huge grin. His stiff dick was pointing upwards and the balls were hard and shiny.

"I think I need a whisky to end this Christmas Day," Bill said as if he didn't notice Colin's obvious invitation. "I hope there are some ice cubes here." He opened the mini-bar and dropped some ice cubes into the double whisky.

Colin didn't comment. He knew for sure that his dad was teasing him. Bill's half-hard cock told the youngster that just some small licks from him and the huge spear would be ready for his Christmas present. Just the thought made him pump pre-cum. A slimy thread was already dripping down the cockshaft and to land on one of the hard balls.

"Cheers, son. Hot, eh?" Bill lifted his glass. `Impatient, I see." Bill used one hand to play with Colin's hanging balls and show off his naked glans. Another drop of slime was pumped from Colin's piss-slit.

"Isn't he coming?" Colin's voice was a bit sore.

"It's like years ago when you waited for Santa. He was always late, remember?" Bill smiled. "If you're talking about my big brother, he's in the shower. He said he wanted a Canberra night!"

"Canberra night?" Colin said. "You fucked him that night last year, while he sucked me in a sixty-nine. Damn hot, damn hot!"

"Stop swearing, Col. Ann doesn't like it. And young Ian does everything you do. You have become his favourite, you know." The two heard the shower stop in the adjoining room.

Colin moaned. He was not happy with the slow action.

Bill fetched an ice cube from the mini-bar and without warning he placed it on one of Colin's nipples. The boy screamed and changed position. He tried to get rid of the ice but Bill rubbed it on the other nipple, resulting in another cry.

"Go back to your original position or I'll put ice cubes up your arse!" Bill pushed Colin down on the bed again, and followed the ice torture on Colin's balls. The boy whined now and again when Bill ran two ice cubes along the cockshaft, and then placed both on the sensitive cockhead. Colin cried, but also shouted, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll, soonÉSoon, damn!"

"What's going on, Willy?" Ruairidh was standing in front of the bed in an open robe with a cock very similar to Bill's, ready for action!

"This baby can't wait for his present any longer, Bro, so I had to give him some relief. You want a whisky on the rocks?" Bill grinned, but made an ice tunnel with the ice cubes wanking Colin's cockhead hard and a bit brutal.

"Yes please, a double will do!" Ruairidh grinned.

"With a taste of honey?" Bill dropped the ice cubes from his wanking hand into a glass, and also fetched the cube which had landed on Colin's navel and slid down his shaved pubic bone. "My own patent drink. Better than a Singapore Sling, I'm sure!" He added whisky and water and handed the glass to his brother.

"To a Canberra reunion!" Ruairidh lifted his glass and grabbed his brother's stiffening cock with a hard fist. "You ready for your big brother?"

"I am, I am!" Bill kissed his brother, deep and hard. Tongues met and the kiss was far from just a light welcome.

Colin was always grew horny when old men kissed each other. "It's damn pornographic," he once told Bill. Now he watched the two brothers and lifted his butt as a new invitation. This time Bill took the signal. "Let's give this lad his present first, Bro. You take care of his cunt, and I'll work on that tiny sausage."

Together the two lifted Colin, placed him face-down and spread his legs. They forced his head down into a pillow and the boy's lower part was open for treatment. Ruairidh spat into the open crack and used his lips and tongue to please the partly open boy-cunt. Bill laid on his back and slid under Colin so that they were in a sixty-nine position. The small prick and the hard balls got some rough treatment from Bill's lips, tongue and teeth, while his Australian uncle did what he could to fuck the lad with his stiff tongue.

From the side table Ruairidh lifted the lube and spread a large amount over two fingers. Soon after, Colin felt the fingers touching his sphincter and then being forced all the way inside in a single movement. Colin moaned and lifted his head. That was enough for Bill to show his lover that his huge cock was ready for action. Colin wrapped his lips around it.

Ruairidh found Colin's love-button and turned his fingers into a hook. Colin yelled in surprise at the tough treatment and that was enough to give Bill access to his throat. Bill knew that this wasn't Colin's favourite thing so he pulled back and let Colin work on his veiny cock at his own pace.

"Ready for a cock from `Down Under'?" Ruairidh shouted.

"I've been ready since I landed in Singapore!" Colin tried to answer with Bill's cock partly inside his mouth. Another round of lube and Colin's uncle was ready to fuck him. With Ruairidh's cock being a bit thicker than Bill's and Ruairidh often a bit rougher, Colin expected some pain. Very naturally he did the opposite of what he should have done. He clamped shut when he felt the cockhead against his rosebud.

"Don't pretend, slut. You are far from a virgin!" One of Ruairidh's hands hit the round globe. A moment later, the second spank hit the other white buttock. Colin opened up, and Ruairidh's cock slid inside and did not stop until his balls hit the young body. Bill, still in the 69 position, gave his brother's low-hanging balls some tongue treatment.

The Australian started slow, but Colin lifted his butt and then lifted it again.

"More, please, harder, please. Be careful, Dad. Dad, I'm, oh God, yes, yes, I'm cumming!" Colin was ecstatic. For a while he stopped breathing. He forced his cock into Bill's mouth and jerked and jerked, then howled.

The two brothers had given Colin one of those spastic ejaculations Bill remembered from Colin's first years in his home. Tonight, this Christmas in Singapore, with a Santa hat, he had an anal orgasm that shocked his Australian uncle.

"You okay, Colin, love?" Ruairidh lifted Colin's shoulders.

"Aye, aye, stay inside, stay inside. Do me more, please," Colin begged. Bill almost lifted Colin from his own body. Still filled up with Colin's spunk, he kissed his son again and again.

"I'm, I'm, yes, yes, more uncle, more, harder, harder!" Colin shouted and lifted his upper body so Ruairidh could hug him from behind. Colin had his second ejaculation hands-free, and Bill managed to cup the second load in his open hand. Colin had received his best Christmas present so far.

"You need another whisky, Bro?" Bill stepped out of bed and topped up the two glasses. Colin was coming down from the heights. Now he was one big smile.

"But not Canberra yet, guys! Come on now, show me, show me what you did in bed when your dad caught you ages ago!" Colin was teasing.

"Ages ago, you baby face. What do you know about the `old days' eh? Ruairidh frowned and found Bill's cock and balls with both hands. "You used to beg for my cock, Willy. Have you forgotten about that? Open your dad for me, Colin. I know you like that hairy arse of his. I need a piss. I want to fuck you missionary, Willy. I want to remember your beautiful face when you spunked off, and the begging voice when I just edged you, remember?" Ruairidh left for the bathroom.

"He was a devil, always teasing me," Bill said as he moved back onto the bed.

"How old were you first time?" Colin used his hands on Bill's love-entrance.

"Very young! He gave me my first wet cum. He made me a man!" Bill sighed. Colin blew a stream of air into the sweaty crack he knew so well. With one hand he found his dad's stiff cock and wanked it slowly before he stopped and used a thumbnail on the frenulum. Bill yelled. "Be careful with your old man!" Colin went on with one finger direct on the `string' and another finger at the top of the glans. Another moan came from Bill. "Be careful or I'll cum before my big brother has finished his business!"

"Not there yet. Relax now, Daddy. Try to be a good bottom after all these years as mainly a top." Colin used his other hand to open Bill's rosebud which was surrounded by black curly hairs. He had always wondered why Bill had a love-entrance like a teenager. With two fingers, he opened the entrance. Bill moaned again before Colin used wet lips around the entrance and formed his tongue like a small stiff cock. Bill was soon penetrated.

Colin felt the interactions in Bill's balls and was afraid that the man was about to go over the top just from some mouth and hand treatment. He thought it wise to end the cock treatment. Instead he used his tongue all the way up the perineum and then used his mouth and teeth on the hanging hairy balls. Bill yelled. "Please stop! You are a wee devil tonight, Colin. Just wait untilÉ"

"Finish him now, Colin love. He is still like a teenager in bed. You could make him cum without me!" Ruairidh handed Colin the lube. Colin used most his hand except the thumb to almost fist the sixty year old bottom guy.

"And now me, son!" Bill's big brother pushed his stiff cock forward and Colin sucked him eagerly for some seconds until the man pushed him away. "Grease me now, kid. Remember my little brother is almost a virgin!" Colin filled his hands with the lubricating gel and worked on the cock, which thicker but a few centimetres shorter than his dad's, with both hands. "Now, turn around, Bro! And Colin, take care of his legs."

Colin helped his dad to lie down on his back, and even found a pillow to place underneath the man's bum. Bill spread his legs and was ready for his brother. "Remember the old days, Willy." Ruairidh placed his greased cockhead just outside the partly-open hole, and pushed his weapon through the gate. He stopped for a second as if he was listening to his lover's breathing, then he continued slowly, but directly, to the very bottom in one single movement.

"Sit on his chest, Colin, and hold his legs, and be ready for the man-milk!" Ruairidh spoke through gritted teeth.

"Stop chatting, idiot. You are inside me to fuck, aren't you? And stop dreaming. We will never be twenty again, but dammit, you are as hard as ever, stallion."

Bill tried to move backwards but Colin held him tight. When he then lifted his own body, Bill reached for Colin's balls and crack with his mouth and tongue.

Ruairidh didn't rest inside. He started with slow thrusts at first and then rotated next to the man's prostate. Then he bottomed him, again and again, before he withdrew completely, and then rammed the spear into his brother without mercy.

"I'm cumming, ahhh! I'm cumming!" Colin shouted. The scene in front of him and the mouth treatment from Bill had been enough. Even after the multi- orgasm earlier, he spat piss-like jizz all over the men's bodies.

Colin's eruption triggered Bill who lifted his body from the bed and spunked his man-cream over his own body and a kneeling Colin.

"Let me, let me, little brother!" Ruairidh pushed Colin aside and let Bill's legs fall. Slowly he withdrew his thick man-cock, pointed at his brother, and gave his cock some jerks. For the first time Colin could see his father with a face full of white man-cream. He was really soaked.

"Now, Colin, you have a job to do. Go on!" Ruairidh didn't move away when Colin cleaned his cock with lips and tongue. Afterwards Colin turned to Bill and started the cleaning of his body all the way down to his half-hard wet cock.

Colin looked at the two, while sitting on his knees and licking his lips. He then grinned. "You taste almost the same, you must be related!" he said. "But you have promised me another shower, a yellow one. Remember? Ready for the bathroom, guys?"

It was a late night. Colin was sleeping in the king-size bed and Bill had pulled the duvet up over him. They had turned up the air-condition after the hot triple session. Now the two brothers, dressed in partly-open bathrobes, shared a nightcap of whisky.

"I think your young kitten is satisfied!" Ruairidh lifted his glass for a toast.

"He is, but I'm sure he will ask for some fun again tomorrow morning!" Bill grinned. "He has an incredible sexual appetite."

"Like his daddy!" the Australian said. "Have you forgotten being twenty?" He was looking at the sleeping Colin, then back to Bill. "But Willy, can you give him what he needs in ten years' time, after you turn seventy? Are you not afraid to lose him?"

"I'll do my best, Bro. My solution is to give him full freedom, but let him know I'm always there for him." In the light from the bedside light, Ruairidh could see that his brother had wet eyes.

"But what about you then, Bro? Your appetite for sex was even wilder than mine! And you will be seventy sooner than me." Bill placed a hand on his brother's arm.

"Aye, true, but remember I have lived most of my adult life as so-called straight, and learned to keep my true nature a secret. I can tell you that it has had a cost." Ruairidh swallowed, but soon after lifted his glass.

"But what about today? You are free to live your own life now, aren't you?" Bill let the hand stay on his brother's arm.

"I have a great family Down Under. You know that, Willy. Great children and grandchildren that need me. And now I have you again, Willy, thank God!" He looked at Colin. "And there are Colins around, although not up to that kid's standard, but some of them are happy with an old bald-head like me!"

Colin turned around in bed and moaned lightly.

"I wonder what he's dreaming about?" Ruairidh said. "Maybe we should take a nap too. There are some other youngsters who will be looking for entertainment tomorrow, you know. He stood up and embraced his brother tight.

"Thank you for letting me feel young again!" Bill kissed his brother lightly and then used a hard fist on his naked chest.

"We need some proper exercise after eating so much these past few days," said Colin at breakfast one morning. "Any suggestions, Bill?"

"How about the MacRitchie Reservoir Park?" Bill said. "We could go kayaking, trek along the nature trail or take the Tree Top Walk."

Ian jumped up. "A Tree Top Walk sounds interesting. How long is it?"

"I believe it's around 250 metres but you need to walk a bit to reach it," replied Bill. "The views are supposed to be excellent though. Apart from seeing trees from above, you should see many species of birds plus squirrels, skinks and monitor lizards in the area."

"Sounds good to me," smiled Paul. He admired Colin's appetite. Now he was into American pancakes with honey, after a full egg and bacon breakfast with beans and toast.

"May we go shopping now, mama? I have still some pocket money left." Young Katie had been more than happy for the jungle track and the tree top walk but she wanted to return to the city. Now she headed for the entrance without waiting for an answer.

"Girls!" Ian snorted. "I would love to do the tree top walk once more. We were too much in a hurry earlier. Please, Dad." Ian looked at his father for help.

Bill solved the situation. He took hold of David's arm and said, "Why don't we find a place nearby for a cold drink while the girls do their shopping? You boys can organise yourselves, I'm sure. Just call us when you are ready to go back to the hotel, okay?" Colin saw his dad's smiling eyes, and blushed.

Fifteen minutes later and the boys were standing on one of the longest bridges above the jungle tree-tops. The three were standing close together, with Colin in the middle. "Why did you blush when Bill sent us back into the jungle?" Ian asked.

"Because I read his mind!" Colin said. "Go into the bush and fuck! That was what I hoped he was thinking anyway." He grinned and placed one hand on Ian's buttock and the other on Paul's. "A good idea, eh? We haven't played much yet, have we?"

"Not been able to hang out alone yet!" Paul pulled his body nearer to Colin's, and looked around to see if anyone was watching them.

"Did Boss fuck you last night?" Ian suddenly asked. "Katie said she had seen Grandpa sneaking into your room. Boss just said he had been invited for a whisky, nothing strange. Stupid girl!"

Paul did not follow up the question. He understood well that Colin didn't want to talk about his relationship with his grandpa and Uncle Bill as he called him, even if he had wanked every night after their arrival in Singapore, thinking about the heavy night with the two men and Colin in the garage last year in Australia.

"You want a fuck, or are we just chatting?" Colin found both bum cheeks and pinched them.

"But there are cameras all over!" Paul pointed. "Don't want to be arrested in this straight country!"

"I have an idea!" Colin said. "We just go all the way around and climb down. I saw a toilet sign near the entrance."

The three boys, all tenting, hurried on and did their best to cover up when they met a huge group of American pensioners. "I think that lady almost fainted!" Colin shouted. "More interested in us, than in the long-tailed monkeys perhaps."

"The toilet is over there!" Colin pointed. "Anyone have coins if we have to pay?"

They hurried inside. No payment was required, and no staff were around. Two men were using the urinals. On one side were two stalls, both free. A bit uncomfortable about the situation, they just stood in the middle of the room. The two men finished and found the handwashing area.

"Your turn!" One man said with a grin. "Too young!" The other man winked and both left without more comments.

"Watch the doors, Paul! I'll help Ian first. Shout if you hear someone open the outer door, and hurry into one of the stalls, okay?" Colin knelt in front of Ian who pulled down his shorts and underwear in one movement. His 15 cm (6 inch) teen-cock pointed upwards with a wet and glistening cockhead.

"You fixed the problem!" Colin grinned. "Really hot!"

"Lasse, the Swede you know, helped me - warm sheep fat!" Ian turned forward. "And a lot of handjobs". A clear drop of pre-cum dripped from the egg-shaped sexy cockhead. "I have to piss first!"

"Go on, baby!" Colin took the young cock deep inside his mouth. The youngster hesitated, but Colin had played yellow games with him last year.

It was a fight between his erection and the need to piss. Ian started slowly, but soon Colin had trouble swallowing the yellow liquid. Of course he managed. Even before he was finished, the boy started to fuck Colin's mouth. He was moaning and almost shouting.

"Shut up, idiot!" Paul cried out. "I think I heard someone outside. After me!" He hurried into one of the stalls, and Colin followed, with Ian struggling with his shorts around his feet. They locked the door and listened to the entering man who did his job at the urinals, washed his hands, and then left.

"Stay quiet, guys! But I'm damn horny!" Colin whispered. He lifted Ian and made him stay on the toilet seat. Then he stripped both shorts and jock and was all naked. Colin didn't know that Paul had been commando all day in his baggy football shorts. Now he pushed them down and without any discussion found Colin's arsecrack with his wet cockhead. The soon-to-be nineteen-year old Paul had a grown up man's cock - a twenty cm (8 inch) long, brown-headed boner - as Colin once described his Australian `cousin's' equipment.

"We don't have lube, Colin," he whispered, "but I have some lip-gloss for sun protection. We can use it for a fuck!" He grinned and pulled the lipstick from his pocket. He opened the stick and creamed Colin's boy-cunt, outside and inside, and then he used the stick as a small dick. Finally he creamed his own cockhead with the stick, and spat in the opened arse and in his open palm. After some wanks the young Australian fucker was ready to give his Scottish friend a hot fuck.

Colin placed his hands on the wall behind Ian and opened up for the young fucker. At the same time as Paul entered him, Ian entered his mouth while using both hands to pull on Colin's dark curls.

Paul knew a lot about Colin's fethishes and soon the young lover used both hands to squeeze the older boy's nipples. He had to use all his skills to stop cumming too quickly.

"Have to, have to, damn!" Ian whispered and started his teenage eruption into Colin's mouth. Again and again he shot his load, and again Colin managed to swallowed the youngster's creamy liquid.

Colin almost gagged at the heavy treatment, and without knowing it he used his arse-muscles on Paul. With a sore but quiet howl, the boy spunked off deep inside Colin's body. When he then went on fucking, the pain from the dry fuck ended, and Colin was ready. In a strange movement he pushed Ian down from the seat and climbed up himself. Some wanks and Colin was ready. "Take me, guys. Let me drown you in cum!" he whispered. The eruption wasn't his biggest, but he pointed the cock against the two faces and the two open mouths.

The three were almost fighting amongst themselves when cleaning each other with their tongues. Cum was licked from faces and bodies, and from Colin's dripping boy-cunt.

"Now I really have to piss," Colin said. "Let's use the urinals now, and if we get visitors, we can give them a show!"

"Daddy, we are ready. - You will meet us at the parking spot? Good. - Yes we have had a good time. - A lot of nature out here. Love you, Daddy!" Colin shut down his phone.

Colin was dozing on a sunbed in the luxurious garden by the hotel swimming pool. He had been in the pool twice, first with Ian and then with Paul. They had both asked him to accompany them to the city centre to search for computer games. "Much cheaper here than in Australia!" had been Paul's enthusiastic statement, and "You don't have to be eighteen here", had been 16 year old Ian's very clear reasoning. However Colin had declined.

Bill and his brother had left for a car exhibition and they had also invited Colin to go with them. Colin was sure that the exhibition was just an excuse. The two brothers had a lot to talk about, and that wasn't always easy with the whole family around, so he told them to go on their own.

Colin did not feel left out. He was enjoying lying in the sunshine doing nothing. He did not miss the rain in Scotland, and the days in France had been colder than what he was used to. The garden surrounding the pool was almost empty in the middle of the day. "Most people are probably staying inside in their air-conditioned rooms or visit shopping malls," he thought.

Colin still wore the modest swimwear he had brought on Bill's advice, but now he had pulled it as low as possible. Completely hairless after Pierre's shaving, he loved to tan all over. Just now he had applied the tanning cream to the light pubic area. The sunshine and the application of the cream had resulted in a rising hard-on.

"You are enjoying the sunshine, son!" Donald, Bill's Australian 40-year old nephew, arrived in the garden. "You don't mind if I keep you company? It seems we are left on our own today." The man carried a huge towel and he spread it on the sunbed next to Colin.

"I like your sexy swimwear, Donald. I thought you had to wear the more modest American-styled ones here in Singapore. I love the high-cut Aussie ones." Colin was not shy and didn't hide the fact that he admired Donald's body. He looked upon him as a younger Bill. His hair was still red and Bill's was mostly grey of course, and the body hair was darker. The package - Colin blushed when he saw the bulge in the tight swimwear - was a copy of his Dad's cock. Colin had only seen Donald naked once, by the pool in Australia, and never with an erection, but the sight now was enough to send signals to his lower regions.

"I took the chance to wear this since Ann is not around. She is carrying the credit card today, so I guess they are all occupied. You know Ann, for a Swede, she is a bit of a prude." Donald was not a man of many words, but now he talked.

"Ann is great, Donald. I'm happy to have met her. You know, I have no mother." Suddenly Colin had to try and ignore the butterflies in his stomach. He swallowed twice before he went on. "What I mean is that I have no family but Bill, and I'm not into girls, as you know!" He grinned now, but Donald had seen another Colin for a small second.

"Come here, Colin love!" Donald opened his arms. "You will always have an Australian family too! But now I must put some cream on your back. I can't let you get sunburned."

Colin knew (or hoped) it was only an excuse, but he moved over to Donald's sunbed and pulled the back of his swimsuit down below his round buttocks. A farmer's rough hands treated Colin's back the way he loved, and the man didn't stop at the tan line but took care of both the buttocks and the upper thighs. He ended the creaming with a teasing spank on Colin's butt.

"Let's take a swim now. It's hot here!" Donald hurried to the pool and dived in.

The action was too fast for Colin; he hadn't been able to see if the man had been as aroused as he was. "Better be decent!" Colin thought as he adjusted his cock and pulled the swimwear tight.

The swim in the cool water was good, and soon Colin found out that Donald was a good swimmer. He teased Colin more and more and in the end Colin really had to give him a match to win.

The two were back on the sunbeds enjoying the sun. Nothing was said for a long time. Colin heard a nervous cough and turned toward the man.

"Do you think Ian is homo?" Donald suddenly asked.

Colin was almost shocked by the the words. He suddenly understood that Donald wasn't out here just for a swim.

"What make you think he is gay?" Colin wasn't certain about what to say. He he'd had innocent sex with Ian both in Australia and here in Singapore, but he had heard Ian talk about both boys and girls.

"Ian is very fond of you, Colin. He has talked about you all this year, and my dear, but stupid, wife, has seen some pictures in his phone." Donald was near enough to use a hand to go on with the touching of Colin's shoulders as if he was applying more sun cream.

Colin blushed. He had no comments, but he knew that none of the pictures he had sent to Ian were dirty.

"And then - a small girl with big ears - has heard rumours about Ian and some friends wanking in school!"

Colin looked at the man. He had the wrinkles, smiling wrinkles, beside his eyes just like his Bill. "What's the real agenda?" Colin wondered.

"Did you have a fuck-buddy in school, Donald?" Colin whispered and placed himself nearer to the man who now had his arm around him.

"Yes, in college. The trouble was that I fell in love with him, and he was as straight as hell! I lost contact with him a year after I left college, but I think of him often. I meet him from time to time, but he never wants to speak about that year!"

Colin moved onto Donald's sunbed. He hadn't heard Donald use so many words since they first met. "Maybe Ian doesn't know himself yet. Why don't you just let Ian grow up and support him in his choices? He's a great guy, his father's beautiful son!" Colin placed his head on Donald's shoulder. "And maybe the girls, both generations, should give the boy a bit more privacy."

"That's exactly what my sister said. Her Paul and Ian had been playing games in the barn and Ann made a drama out of it. But you know Uncle Lasse, the old Swede, had a talk to Ann in the inner office, and things settled well. AndÉ" Donald blushed now. "Remember you said that I was equipped well enough to produce another kid!" He paused. "It's on his way!"

"Congratulations but why have you been horny since you came outside, Donald? It's not only the sunshine!" He cupped the man's growing bulge.

"I have wanted you since that day in Sydney, Colin. I have tried to forget all about it. I am married, happily married, and I have two great children." The man talked to himself now more than to Colin.

"But I remind you of your fuckbuddy, don't I, Donald?" Colin looked around to check that they were alone before he gave the man a light kiss on his mouth.

"Let's go inside, and let the air-conditioning cool us down. Then we decide the next step." Colin spread his legs and let Donald grope him - hard and loving at the same time.

Donald looked a bit stressed when he almost pushed Colin into his own room. His wife's stuff was spread around. Colin understood the man's sudden frustration. "Let's go to my room, Donald, and relax, man. You don't have to hurry."

In front of the king size bed where Colin had been fucked both by Donald's father and uncle just some days ago, Colin dropped his towel and pulled down his half-wet swimwear. Blushing, Donald did the same.

"Wow, Donald! I think Bill must have looked exactly like you when he was forty! You look the same, you walk the same way, and now I see you are two of a kind." Colin moved forward and touched Donald's super-erect cock.

"But, but!" Donald hesitated. "I haven't been with a man like this for twenty years!" With one hand he cupped Colin's hard-on. With the other hand he embraced the boy and put one hand tight on his buttocks. Then the two kissed, first lightly, then hard, and almost brutal.

Again Donald seemed to be in trouble. He blushed and coughed, but stayed close and let Colin handle his pride.

"Donald, dear Donald. Don't stress now. If you want to stop now, it's okay. I love you, Donald. I'm afraid of my words when I say this, but you really are a very desirable man. And I'm so happy for you - becoming a father again - and you have a lovely family. Do you want to stop now?" Colin felt the man's farmer-hands almost crunch him.

"No, Colin. I hope you will make love to me. IfÉif notÉI would regret it for the restÉ" Donald stumbled.

"Don't say more, Donald. Let's make love to each other, eh? You can dream of your buddy from twenty years ago, and I will make fantasies about my daddy when you fuck me." Colin pulled Donald down onto the bed.

"My fuck-buddy always rode me. He didn't accept that he wanted to be fucked from behind, and by riding he pretended to be macho, still!" Donald grinned. "Will you ride me, Colin?"

"Okay, but I don't like a dead mannequin in bed!" Colin pinched Donald's body and bit his nipples.

The next hour was a dream of a story. Colin creamed up the Australian and the Australian sucked and creamed and played. Colin rode him, and he was soon fucked from below and when Donald became the stallion he probably had forgotten he was, he fucked his new Scottish nephew in all different ways.

"What has happened here? It smells like a teenage love nest?" Bill entered the room. Colin was still on top of the bed, naked and sweaty.

"I've had a guest and he made me cum twice, and I think he loved my fuck too!" Colin grinned.

"And he wasÉ?" Bill pulled his earlobe like he did when he really was uncertain.

"A secret, Daddy. Jump in, please. If you are horny, my bum is sore and I some more man-cream might help." Colin opened his arms.

Everyone enjoyed the New Year Countdown show and the fireworks at Marina Bay. However they were all a bit quiet when they made their way back to their hotel. "Only one more day and then we all return home." Paul said what everyone was thinking.

"We will make it day to remember," said Colin. Bill, who was walking with Colin at the rear of the group, looked at Colin with a raised eyebrow. Colin stifled a giggle and whispered, "No! I didn't mean one full of sex."

The Australians had a morning flight back home while Bill and Colin weren't leaving until the evening. Goodbyes were said, and some tears shed, in the hotel lobby before Colin and Bill waved them off.

"Will we see them next Christmas?" Colin asked Bill.

"I don't know, son," said Bill. "Ann will have a very young baby so I doubt she will wish to travel far. Perhaps we might visit them in Australia. Now let's go inside and get some breakfast. We can leave our suitcases here when we check out and do a bit more sightseeing before we head for the airport."

To be continued

Next: Chapter 79

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