Colin - Student and Model: Prologue

By Bill Jonners

Published on May 10, 2020




This is the third segment in the saga of sexy, young Colin.

It isn't necessary to have read the previous parts but you will find `Colin's New Life' which covers the period from when he met Bill, a man forty years his senior, up to his eighteenth birthday here : The second part `Colin's New Adventures' covers his first action-packed year as a university student and can be found here :

Colin is 19 years old but he looks younger due to his size (he is a slim 160cm/5ft 3in) and the fact that he hasn't yet started shaving. He realised he was gay at an early age but shortly after coming to live with Bill, Colin found that he was not simply a boy attracted to older men. He also enjoys the submissive role in bdsm activities and he is turned on by having an audience. Colin has always had a high sex drive so he was pleased that Bill was willing to share him with other men.

Colin is a hard-working student at a university in Glasgow but he returns home regularly to be with Bill, his lover and daddy. Colin has a part-time job as a model and he is the figurehead for the JustColin range of underwear and swimwear.

Since turning 18, Colin has taken part occasionally in private sex shows and made a few porn movies that are available to a restricted audience. These have been arranged by French photographer, Monsieur Reynard. His assistant, Kasim from Morocco, was previously a porn star.

After a busy, sex-filled summer, Colin is starting his second year at university.

Next: Chapter 2

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