Colin on the Train

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 2, 2022


So, some of you may be wondering about me: "is he stupid? Did he REALLY believe colin was giving up that easily?" Of course I didn't. You know, I had worked among people who ranged from totally honest to completely deceitful for years. You couldn't survive in my business unless you developed, real quick, a sense of when someone was faking, and when they were telling the truth. Colin was faking a good part of what he was saying. Not all of it, but a LOT of it. My challenge (and I LOVE challenges), was to figure out where the truth was, and where the fake was. Some of it was easy. For example: there was no question in my mind that while he didn't like the IDEA of bottoming for an older man, once my cock was inside of him - that he liked. He didn't fake that. And of course, he couldn't fake his reactions when I tickled him, or worked his nipples. That was all real, and that was the easy stuff.

The hard stuff was going to be getting inside his head. I had known too many "colins" in my life to be fooled. "Time to get to work" I told myself. "Get set to go, boy, we're leaving in an hour," I told him. "Yes sir." "Your clothes aren't worth wearing. They're filthy. I left some stuff out for you. It may not fit as well as you like, but it'll do until we get to visit your place and pick up your stuff." I knew the clothes I had chosen were going to be too tight. This was a first test . I had seen the size labels inside colin's clothing. He wore things very tight - maybe even tailored. I had some items from a previous sub that were a size smaller all around. The speedos, the jeans, the polo - everything was tight. He was taking a while getting dressed and I walked into the bedroom to check. Guess what? He was preening in front of the mirror. He was.... flexing. That's right: Colin was flexing his biceps - which the tight polo showed off admirably. I imagined that if he hadn't been locked and in a speedo, I might even see a bulge at his crotch. "Nice. Real nice, colin. We may have to replace your wardrobe." "Yes sir. Whatever you say. I just can't figure out how I'm gonna fit my wallet and phone in the jeans pocket." "Not gonna be a worry stud. I've got them. You're not gonna need them." He looked at me as if he had just swallowed spoiled milk. "You're a sub now, colin. You gave in. I control the money, your credit cards, everything. You didn't understand that when you surrendered?"

He gave me a stunned look. "No Sir. I didn't. I knew none of that." "A sub means a sub. It's real simple. " "Yes sir." Then I heard him mutter "no fucking way" under his breath. I had a feeling: corporate phone, corporate charge card. I'd considered that. I smiled as I looked at him. "You didn't see the camera. The whole session of you on the chair, with the different dildos. All on film." "WHAT? FUCK! YOU CAN'T DO THAT. I HADN'T GIVEN UP YET!" I thought he was going to charge at me when I shrugged my shoulders and said "oh well. Nothing to be done about it." "YOU'RE FUCKING BLUFFING ASSHOLE." I laughed. "How about we 'go to the video tape' when we get back to the city, stud? I'll show you. Now, if you don't mind, put out your wrists. I want you cuffed on the way back." colin stammered, he shook his head, he muttered. And he put out his wrists. I locked cuffs on him. "Now, we're ready to go."

I knew his address from the materials I had confiscated from his pockets when I brought him to the cabin. That was our first stop. We drove, mostly in silence. Every now and then I would hear the sound of the cuffs as he moved in them, trying not to let me know he was trying to slip out. We were on a stretch of road that I knew pretty well, and I stretched out my hand, stroking the inside of his thigh. colin flinched, but he didn't pull his legs closed. "How's it going handsome?" "How do you THINK it's going? " "Well, I dunno. You sure seemed to enjoy sex last night." Silence. Then: "I didn't think sex meant bondage." "It does for me. And now, it does for you too." I patted his knee. "Hey, there's one of those legendary roadside places up ahead. Good ice cream. Feel like a cone or something?" "And how am I gonna eat it, asshole? Are you gonna feed it to me?" I ignored the 'asshole.' "No, I'm gonna uncuff you until you're finished. Maybe I won't even cuff you after that. We'll see." His head turned. He was trying to figure out what my game was, and he couldn't. It was real easy: he wasn't going anywhere. He didn't know this part of the country, he had no money, no phone, nothing. And when you get right down to it: who doesn't like ice cream? "I hope they have hot fudge" was all he said, and I laughed. "I'd think with that hot body of yours, hot fudge was off the menu." He looked at me again. "Really? You think I have a hot body, Sir?" "Smoking hot. That's why I wanted you and not someone else." "I.. I appreciate that Sir. Most of the women I date want me to lose some weight." "Well, I don't feel that way. Oh, and by the way, you won't have to worry about the women you date saying that anymore." His voice dropped "Because I won't be dating women anymore, Sir?" I smiled as I pulled into the parking lot of the roadside stop. "Handsome, and smart too. I hit the jackpot." I watched him turn beet red. He didn't scowl. It wasn't anger. He was embarrassed. GOOD,

colin plowed into the hot fudge sundae as if he hadn't eaten in three days. I HAD fed him, but I had a feeling. "You don't allow yourself ice cream too often, do you colin?" "No Sir. " He sighed a bit. "Like I told you, the ladies always tell me I'm pudgy or chunky or whatever, so I try to avoid stuff like that." "Once in a while isn't too bad, stud. Especially when there's a big change in your life." He put his spoon down when I said that. "Are you going to let me go back to work, Sir?" "OH ABSOLUTELY. You're going to be a very active provider to the house. " Now I grinned, almost leering. "I'd say the only thing that's going to change for you is your social life." "And my sex life. Sir." "Well, I consider that part of social life, colin. And yes, that's going to change. I'll explain what I expect after we get you settled." "Cock up my ass, Sir?" "Yup. And more. " "What is there Sir?" I looked at him. "You, of all people are asking ME that?" Now his face went white. "I have ways to make sure you don't bite. I'm not worried about that." "And you're not worried I'm gonna try to escape?" "Oh I KNOW you're gonna try to escape. But I'm not worried. " I brushed his calf with my foot. "I'm craftier than you are, colin. You'll find out" Now he smiled. He seemed to take it as a challenge. Again, GOOD.

I didn't cuff colin when we finished our ice creams. I even let him go off to the men's room without waiting outside. I waited in the car. The smile that was on his face when he came back seemed genuine: like he appreciated the stop and the independence I was giving him. "That hit the spot, Sir. Thank you." I couldn't resist "In a little while, I'm gonna be hitting other spots, boy. " "I think I knew that Sir." I chuckled. Training him , breaking him, doing whatever I wanted, was going to be a great deal of fun. When we got to his apartment, I was a little bit stunned. I didn't know the neighborhood all that well and it was, well, seedy. He must have seen the look in my face. "I know Sir. It's the best I could afford. They don't pay real well at that management company." "Well, eventually, you won't renew the lease and things will be better. My place is much nicer. You'll see." That seemed to stun him a little as he realized what was happening: he was going to be moving in with me, and he had no choice about it. It was a walk up, but thank goodness he lived on the second floor. When I put the key in and opened the door, I was surprised. colin's apartment was immaculate. I fully expected to find something like a frat room. There were a few books, not many, a big wide screen television, a superior sound system, and then his bedroom, which was also really, really neat. "We won't need to take much today. Just some of your clothes. Let's get at your closet. "Yes sir. It's over here." "You start taking out your underwear, socks, shit like that" I told him. I think you know what I like on you." He made a joke. "Then I'm finished Sir. Nothing." I gave him a look. "Your bed looks comfortable. Maybe I should hit the spots here." I turned to his closet and again, I was impressed: colin had good taste. I found the two shirts that I had seen him wearing on the train those two days. They went, and about six others, mostly in blues and whites. Slacks, of course, and then I found the stash of tank tops, and his jeans. I turned at one point as I was folding a shirt, and I knocked something off his bed. It was a vibrator. I picked it up and he reddened. "colin boy, you're gonna have to explain this." "Uh, shit. Ok Sir. I was dating this chick and... she was kinky. She brought over a bunch of rope and she wanted me to tie her up and use that on her. Then she'd do the same thing to me. " He was REALLY blushing and sweating now. "She spread eagled me on the bed, tied me REAL good and then...she used one of those on my ass and my balls. Sir, it felt GREAT. " "So why aren't you still with her?" He giggled nervously. "Well, the orgasm I had from her using that, was bigger than the one I had when we fucked. She got pissed off over that." "And then you bought yourself one." "On line Sir." I snickered. "Time to get out of those little boy clothes. Put on something else." I handed him the shirt he had been wearing the first time I saw him, and a pair of jeans. I could tell, as he changed, that he was bursting at the cage. "You really wanna cum, don't you boy?" "Very much, Sir." "Well.... one thing you'll need to learn... for subs, ejaculating is a privilege, not a right. You have to earn it." "I understand Sir. I hope I can earn it soon." I picked up the vibrator."Put it in your pocket. I got plenty of them in different sizes but it's good to have a souvenir from home. He blushed again, but took it. Then he asked "Sir, could I take one other thing?" "What did you want to take with you?" "See that picture? " I did. There was a small photo of two young women. "Those are my sisters. They both live out west, and I haven't seen them since the Pandemic. I miss them." I saw some moisture forming in his eyes. "Yeah, take it. We'll have to figure out how you can see them." "Thank you Sir. I miss them a lot." My boy had more layers than an onion. Anyhow, I thought we weren't taking much with us, but we both took two full loads down to the car. I walked behind colin as we went downstairs, and the rhythmic movement of his butt was getting me more than excited. As we got into the car, I said "I'm gonna be hitting that spot as soon as we get to my place." I SWEAR I thought he looked eager as he said "yes sir. "

My place is fairly large. People have asked how I don't rattle around in it like a marble, but I like it. And I was hoping that it would get more crowded. I was feeling more than animal lust about colin: it wasn't going to be a one week stand, or anything like that if I could help it. He was interesting, challenging, and way more complex than I thought he would be. He looked around the place. I've accumulated a fair amount of "stuff" over the years, and much of it is on display. The sexual paraphernalia was not. Except for "the chair." Yes, he saw it: it was another chair fitted with a dildo, just like the one at the cabin: only the dildo on it was two inches longer than the biggest one at the country place. When I put my hand on colin's shoulder, he shuddered. "Am I going to sit on that Sir?" I leaned in, and whispered into his ear "only if you misbehave," and then I ran my tongue around his ear and whispered again "Put your hands behind your back colin." He whispered "yes sir," and then I locked the cuffs from the car on his wrists. I led him to a chair without a dildo. "You're gonna sit there. Keep your legs spread and your chest out. That way... we can have some fun." As colin sat down, I saw how tight his jeans were, and how snugly his shirt fit. I was in pig heaven. "So you like the feeling that the vibrator gave you, huh stud?" "Yes sir," was his answer, and I saw his eyes light up. "You've never had it with a cage on. You may not be in for a treat, but I am." I had taken the vibrator out of his pocket and now, when I turned it on, he started pulling his legs closer. "I SAID SPREAD THEM BITCH." (Later, colin told me he had used the very same words on a woman he had dated). He moved quickly and spread them. "Now, first... we're gonna put this right under here." I pushed the toy underneath his ass, so that it rested right at the base of his balls. I excused myself for a minute, and came back from the bedroom with a ring gag. It was clear he had never seen one of them. Again, I was pleased. "Now, you're gonna start learning how to suck dick colin." "NO SIR. PLEASE NOT." "Open your mouth." He did what I expected. He tightened his lips. That's when I turned on the vibrator. When he gasped, I shoved the ring gag in his mouth. "Now you see, colin? You can't close your mouth, and I have an open hole to shove my dick in. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" was his response. It was the same response he gave me when I began just softly running my thumbs across his nipples. He was quivering. I had gotten close enough that I could keep his legs separated with my knees, as I opened my zipper. I don't know how hard colin was, but I was pretty hard. No, I was harder than I could recall. Then I touched his tongue with my cock head. He did exactly what I expected he'd do: he tried to close his mouth. The ring kept it opened. I pushed the vibrator in further, and his whining got more high pitched. I slowly pushed my whole cock into his mouth. To be honest, it wasn't a great blowjob, but I didn't expect it to be. This was simply to remind him who was in charge. "Move your tongue around colin. LICK IT" He did. "You must have experience licking pussy colin. You've got a good tongue. Feels real, REAL good." I couldn't tell if his moan included a "thank you" because of the gag, but I DID hear "Sir." I pushed my cock back and forth, feeling the rough surface of his tongue. Then I stopped. I pulled my cock back and held his chin. "You are making me so fucking hard and excited, colin. Let me see how excited I can make you." I could see the outlines of the cage and I pulled back the vibrator, and touched it directly to the cage. If he hadn't been gagged, he would have screamed. His head rolled around, and I did worry a bit. "You want some more, colin?" I pulled back the vibrator. He shook his head yes and I ran it back and forth over the cage. "You want relief colin don't you? You want DICK up your ass, don't you?" His head shook some more. I took out the gag. "Say it. Ask me to fuck you." "Please Sir. FUCK ME. FUCK ME. SHOVE YOUR COCK IN ME." I stood back with arms folded. "Let's go. Bottom." He had very little strength. I led him into the bedroom. The aggressive, pushy stud who had tried to bully me, was a kitten. He put up no fight whatsoever as I tied him to the bed, face up. "I know what you like colin," I pulled off his shoes, his jeans, his jock. Then his ass presented itself and my pants went down again. I was ready. "Make me happy colin, and I'll uncage you. We have a deal?" "OH SHIT YES SIR" I plunged in so hard, he yelped. And I enjoyed his ass, as I realized this was the first time I had fucked this dreamboat in my own bed. And it wasn't going to be the last one. "Tighten your glutes stud. Like you're doing squats. You're gonna be doing a lot of them." He looked puzzled, but it was easy: he was gonna need to keep his ass as hot as it was. Just before he tightened those glutes, I pushed all the way in. I shot deep. Deeper than I had ever shot in a man, and more than I ever have. GOD was it good. He began to cry a little and I brushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes. "You did good colin. I had the key to the cage in my hand. I released the cage. Then I untied one of his hands. "Get to work." He couldn't move fast enough. His voice was loud, and desperate as he climaxed. When he was finished, he looked at me. "Thank you Sir. Thank you." "Let's get you cleaned up and get something to eat, stud. You've had a long weekend. Dinner then bed.

I never told him that a camera had recorded all of what we did.

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