Colin on the Train

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 15, 2022


Well, I had slept pretty well that night. I DID get up a few times to check in on my prize. Colin couldn't hear me, of course, so he didn't know I was laughing when I heard him snore. "Poor pretty boy," I thought. "Learning to be a man's sub is exhausting. Unfortunately, it's only gonna get worse." And thinking about what was ahead for him was getting me excited. I had to restrain myself because, well, Colin's reward for submission was gonna be a good thorough fucking of that formerly virgin ass.

I waited until about 9 am before I went down to his cell. Colin was stirring, and shaking his head, as if he were trying to remember what had happened. He remembered. That I knew. He was trying to figure out a way to escape. I knew that too. I also knew that it wasn't going to happen. I think when he reached up and realized the collar was still on, he realized it too.

He looked like hell. Dirty. Oily hair. My semen was dried on him, and he looked like we all do when we sleep someplace we're not used to. Then he looked up. Surprise, then hate, then fear.... all of those emotions went over his face. "Good morning Colin. Do you want coffee?" I had a cup in my hands. Steaming. Black. Strong. "I'll fit it through the bars if you want it." I watched his face begin to form a curse. He was going to yell. Then he saw the control switch in my other hand. "Yes, please. Coffee would be great. Thank you. " I slipped the coffee into the cell and again, I saw him thinking: he was thinking of throwing the hot beverage at me. I knew it. Then he stopped.

There's something about being naked in front of a man who is fully dressed, as I was: black jeans, black t shirt. Yeah, it's sort of a caricature, but I didn't want to strain my boy to be's mental state (I had assumed, correctly, that Colin was not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but... one of the hottest ones).

"So, Colin," I smiled. "How does Martin like his new home? It's like a hermit crab in a new shell isn't it? " I pointed to his chastity cage. "DUDE, PLEASE. This is so fucking uncomfortable and........ C'MON. You know you want it" He tried to crack a little smile. I think he knew it wasn't going to work, but there wasn't much in his arsenal: if he couldn't work the charm angle, he was sort of defenseless.

"You'll get used to it, studboy," I saw his face wince when I used the term. "You're gonna be wearing it either 5 or 6 days a week. It'll become a part of you." "FUCK THAT SHIT. LET ME GO DAMN FAGGOT!" AH. There was still some spirit. That was good. What was about to happen would be much more fun if he wasn't defeated yet. "Stand away from the door, Colin. I'm coming in." I put my finger on the controller, and sent a light charge through his collar. "Don't make me use more." "Okay, okay." He backed away as I entered the cell. Not only did he look like shit, he smelled. That didn't surprise me. There was a mix of his really hyper masculine funk, and then the sweat and everything else, plus fear. Yeah, you can smell fear. You just have to learn to recognize it.

"So, Colin, today is preparation day. You're going to be my property and that means, doing what you're told. And it means more of what I did to you in the hotel room. "NO WAY. I'M NOT BENDING OVER FOR YOU " "Hah hah. If I tell you to, you will. Just like you're going to do what I tell you to do now." If he had noticed my wonderful chair contraption, he wasn't looking at it now. He was trying to stare me down. It wasn't working.

My wonderful chair. An engineer friend of mine had designed it. Metal, so that if I "accidentally" sent a charge through the collar, the chair would pick it up and distribute charge everywhere. The little "ball cuff" that would hold a man's cock in place, locked or not. The built in restraints on the side and on the legs. And of course, the feature that made it so perfect: the toy holder: set up so that I could change the toy at will. Right now, it had a six inch dildo on it. I pointed to the chair.

"SIT. Spread your legs and sit on the dildo." "NO FUCKING WAY," he yelled, and then took the charge through the collar. I swear it was like a Charlton Heston movie. He grabbed at it as I increaed it, half step by half step. "PLEASE. I'll sit, I'll sit. " He snorted and of course made a snide remark. "Looks bigger than yours anyway." "The six incher wasn't, and neither was the seven. The eight was. But I'm getting ahead of myself.) He moved over to the chair. I could see the hesitation in his face, but then he saw my finger and instead of easing himself down, plopped down hard. He screamed, and I got harder. "Now, let's finish the job, Colin." I came over and I locked each of the restraints on his wrists and ankles. Then I grabbed the loop and put it around his balls and tightened it. He yelped when that happened. "You can try to get yourself comfortable Colin, but ya know... for someone not used to taking something up his ass, training can be challenging." "THIS AIN'T NOTHING. LIKE YOUR WEENY COCK." I smiled. "It's just part I Colin. Just part I. " I had brought a bag down with me, and I pulled out a series of dildos: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 inches. There were more upstairs, bigger, if we needed them. Then a pair of tit clamps. And a penis gag. "Two hours on this one will get you ready for the next one. And so on, and so forth. And of course, you remember these boys." I pulled out the clamps and I ran them over his nipples. "NO. PLEASE. THEY HURT. " "Yeah, they do. You can take it tough guy. Now, you're gonna need to get used to taking things in your ass, and your mouth. Open up. "FUCK THAT" he yelled, and I attached the clamps. While he was screaming, both from the clamps and the pain in his balls when Martin tried to get away from the loop, I put in the gag. "I'll take the clamps off in an hour. But for two hours, you're gonna sit like this. Of course, I may feel inclined occasionally to... oh, use this guy." I had a hitachi in the bag too. He looked puzzled. "Don't know this? OH, you're gonna learn it REAL WELL. So... Let me go and get done with some errands. I'll check on you in an hour." He screamed at me as I left the cell and I could hear him pull forward. The dildo and the loop on his balls made him reconsider movement. Did he begin to enjoy the feel of the dildo? I don't know. Sometimes the guys do, and sometimes they don't. When I came back after an hour, he looked at me, pleadingly. "You want the clamps off, Colin?" He shook his head yes. Hard. "Ok. An hour off and an hour on. That's how it works. So when we finish with the six... they go back on. " I turned around then turned back. "Oh yes. I promised you Mr. Hitachi." I used a low setting and I put it right where the loop held his balls. OH, that poor young man. My mom used an expression about someone totally confused: 'he didn't know whether to shit or go blind." That was my Colin. If he pulled away from the hitachi, his balls got yanked. If he didn't, he got the charge. I think he began to tear up again, and I saw him looking at the array of dildos.

At the end of the second hour, I came back. I smiled. "Well, I've got some good news and some bad news for you, Colin. First, let me give you the good news. I'm taking you off the chair for five minutes, and if you agree to submit, you don't have to go back on it. The BAD news is that.. if you don't submit,.." I pulled out a more strenuous pair of nipple clamps. "These guys will be your friends for the next hour. OH, and the 7? It vibrates. So.... What's it gonna be handsome? Ready to accept your destiny?

He didn't even hesitate. He shook his head no, and I THINK I heard a "fuck you" come out of the gag. "Your choice stud." I had an idea that he was going to try an escape, but that was not happening. I had cuffs with me. I left one of his wrists attached to the chair while I locked the one. Then the second. (Of course, the ball loop would have made him a soprano, but my Colin didn't think that far ahead. "I'll take the ankle and ball restraints off now, too sweetpea. You can sit on the bed while I refit the chair. "

I didn't take Colin's gag out. I really wasn't interested in what he had to say yet. We'd have a talk after the next two hours. I detached the dildo on the chair and fitted the new one. I saw the look of sheer terror in his face when I pushed the button on the side of it, and he heard the thing vibrating. He shook his head no. "You submit?" Another no. "OK....." I made a Donald Duck like voice. "TIME TO PLAY COLIN ON THE CHAIR. LET'S GO STUD." I saw the hesitation and then the resignation. This time he moved down more slowly, and the moans that started coming out of him. I had to. After I had him restrained, and the new clamps on his nipples, I pulled down my pants. I was hard as a rock. "You think it'll taste better than the gag, Colin? Because if you agree to suck it, the gag comes out." Another no. Fine with me. I didn't trust him anyway. Instead. I just got close enough so he could see me playing with myself as I whispered "I bet you miss doing that stud. I bet you want it bad." The high pitched moan that came out of his mouth told me I was right. I laughed as one shot of jizz caught his face and he had to close his eyes. "Ok, stud, see you in an hour."

This time, I went back to my bedroom and watched. GREAT SHOW! The vibrator part of the dildo was clearly something new to Colin, and he was having his issues with it. He'd squirm, and then moan, sometimes scream, when the little loop that held his balls in place yanked him back. I saw him trying to get the clamps off his nipples, but of course, that wasn't happening. He was sweating even more than he had with the first dildo. Looking at him I began to wonder: was I wrong? I figured he'd make it past 9 and break on ten, but the signs were there for an early submission. Of course, there was nothing that said I HAD to accept the submission. I COULD, for example, just "punish" him for his foul mouth by making him take the ten.

Of course, that meant I'd have to wait longer to take his ass. AH, decisions, decisions.

I went back down after an hour. I felt somewhat sorry for the lad: three hours of a large plug up his ass. But not DEEPLY sorry, or sorry enough to stop it. "How's it going big guy? Like the vibrator?" "NNNNNNNGGMFGMFMFFMFMFFFFFFFFFFFMFMFMFFMFM" was my answer. "I guess you do. You won't mind a second hour." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. He was shaking his head no. I saw the look. I had enough experience to know..... "Colin, are you ready to give up?" I yanked his hair so that his face was looking right up at me. Now there WERE tears. He shook his head yes. "I'll take the gag off. You'll say it Colin. Understand?" "mmmmph" He shook his head yes again. "Ok. Don't make me get pissed off." I opened the gag and he took a deep breath. "Thank you. Thank you Sir. I give up. I submit. I surrender." "You know what that means, Colin?" "Yes sir. Yes sir. It means I'm your bitch. Your pet. I'm anything you want. I do what you say. You own me. " I was ALMOST completely convinced. I had a few doubts, but I'd wait. I wasn't taking the collar off yet. (In fact, I've NEVER taken off his collar). "Very well. " I released the restraints and I helped him off the vibrating dildo. "Thank you. Thank you Sir. " Hmmmm. I began to wonder if, having all that time alone, had given a submissive streak in this man a chance to come out. "We're going to go into the main house, Colin. You'll get cleaned up, then you'll learn your most important job. Do you know what that is, colin?" "To take your cock Sir. Whenever you want me to take it." "GOOD. So, let's get you cleaned up. " I brought him up to the bedroom and let him use the private room. If we were going to be sleeping together, this would be fine. He cleaned up good. His hair was long, and I watched him dry it, as the curls came back. He couldn't see me, but I could see his face in the bathroom window, and I saw the emotions going through him. He was about to give up his ass to a man who's name he didn't even know. When he came out of the bathroom, I walked over to him. "colin, when you stand in front of me, your hands go behind you. Like a prisoner. Your legs spread. Just in case I want at Martin." He immediately complied. "Yes Sir. I understand. " "Now, we're going to have a roll in the hay and then.. we're heading back to the city. We'll move you into my place. You'll live there now. " He was biting his lip, trying not to cry. "Yes Sir. " "Get on the bed, face down." I wanted him to feel even more controlled than he was by taking it from behind. I was a little surprised how hard I was, since I had jerked on him not that long ago, but he really DOES have skin like alabaster, and his body was so well muscled and so damn hot. He was opened enough from the dildo treatment, so I didn't eat him out. That would come later, as a reward. Instead, I made him get on all fours "Like the cur you are," and then I pushed his ass cheeks apart and plunged in. HARD. "This is what it's all about colin. This is IT. The MASTER taking his SUB!" "YES SIR. YES. OH GOD TAKE ME SIR. FUCK MY ASS. YOU WON. YOU BEAT ME. FUCK ME. TAKE YOUR PRIZE." As he was yelling, I wondered again: what had I opened up? Was he a closet sub? Was there a past? None of that mattered as I got harder and harder and then filled him with a half a load. It was all I could do so soon after the first one. When I was done, I kissed his ear. For the first time, I noticed it was just slightly pointed. There was some extra flesh, almost like an extraterrestrial. I nibbled it and he began to moan. "OH GOD SIR. You found it. You found my spot. " I had. I'd come back to it after we got back to the city. We'd be heading there in a few hours. I had my boy. Now, the fun would begin.

Next: Chapter 5

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