Colin on the Train

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 18, 2022


I wasn't all that keen on giving Colin that blow job, but he was SO FUCKING HOT and SO FUCKING STRAIGHT and I wanted him so bad, that I figured a little investment would pay off. And as I found out, it did. The next day, I got on the train at a different time of the day and took it down to the hotel. I had my fingers crossed that Colin wasn't hanging out in the lobby, and he wasn't. OF COURSE! I thought to myself. It's 1pm. He's somewhere stuffing his face with food - he'll be getting it stuffed with something else, soon. Chery was on the front desk of course . Sweet lady. She remembered me when I walked in. I had a rose with me: a pink one "Marshall! So good to see you. What's up? Colin's out at lunch right now, so...." she began to blush. She knew what had happened. I was probably not the first person who went up there (although I found out I was the first guy), and there was no doubt in my mind Colin had made sure everyone knew about "the faggot cocksucker" who had come to the hotel. "Oh, that's fine Chery. I was in the neighborhood and there's this florist not far from here, and...." I pulled out the rose. "The pink reminded me of your cheeks so, I thought you should have it." You'd be amazed at how little it can take to get people to come over to your "side." Chery was thrilled. "YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T HAVE MARSHALL! Now, how am I gonna take this home? What's my boyfriend gonna think?" I winked at her. "Well, you can leave it here, or you can of course just tell him an over the hill homo got it for you for being nice to him." "NOW DON'T CALL YOURSELF THAT MARSHALL! You are the sweetest man I've met in a long time." She dropped her voice. "This is gonna make Colin VERY jealous." I laughed. "Oh, should I have gotten one for him too?" She laughed. "I could see the smoke coming out of his nose if I told him a guy left it. 'Specially if there were other people around." "Well, let's not do that. But if you could give him this." I had written a small note. All it said was "Hey. I had a good time. Wonder if you're up for repeats? Marshall." It was in a sealed envelope and I knew Chery had too much class to open it. "Oh, I'll make sure he gets it don't you worry Marshall. " I could see from the look on her face that if I were taking care of Colin, she wouldn't have to. Straight people are so easy to "read." I smiled, wished her a good day, and left. I made a bet with myself: he'll call after work. I lost. My phone went off at 4:30. "DUDE! Colin here. You came by and didn't wait? What the?" "Hey Colin," I responded. "I heard you were at lunch and I figured lunch for you probably meant... well, you know." "Ha ha. I wish. So, I read your note. Ya up for a repeat?" "Only if you are stud." "HELL YEAH." He laughed and said something stupid. Something he'd regret. "That first one was so good, I oughtta keep you locked up in one of the rooms, for when I'm ready. " He boasted. "I usually jerk three times a day." "At the office?" "Uh huh. That suite, or the bathroom, or... just when the mood hits me." "Well, then I guess asking you when you're in the mood is a silly question." "Sure is. How about tomorrow, man?" I smiled. Make him eager. "AH SHIT. I didn't know you were THAT vigorous Colin. I'm not free tomorrow, but the day after?" "FUCK. I'm in meetings day after but... hmm. lemme see. Chery thinks you're alright. If I'm still in a meeting , she'll let you up to that suite. I'll buzz ya when the meeting's over, and then...." I could NOT believe how easy he was making this. I guess it was meant to be. "Ok, does 2 sound good?" "PERFECT. My meeting's supposed to be over at 2:30, so... " "Oh, I'll keep busy, Colin. There are a few things in my repertoire that I bet you've never experienced?" "DUDE you're getting me fucking hard. Like what?" "Jerk a fourth time Colin. You'll find out." Yes, he would.

So before I went to bed that night, I packed what I call my "prey bag." Rope, of course. Cuffs. Gags. A blindfold. Some sensitizing oil. And my trusty little brown bottle of chloroform, and my "blue hanky," as I called it, for very obvious reasons: navy blue color, just to remind me: use it ONLY for its intended purpose.

"Hey Marshall! How's it going?" Chery was smiling, and she smiled even moreso when I gave her another rose. "You're too sweet. I hope Colin knows that. He's still in his meeting but he told me to let you up to the Prince Suite. Do you remember the way, Marshall?" "Sure do. I may be up there a while today, Chery, so I won't get a chance to say goodnight to you...." "AWWWW. Well, you already did with my rose. You guys... you always know how to treat a lady right." "And a man too...." I thought, as my mind filled with what I was planning to do to my big cocky Colin. I headed up to the eighth floor. I tossed my jacket onto the bed, and waited. I could hear his big, coltish steps as he got closer. "DUDE... YOU UP HERE?" He yelled from halfway down the hall. "Waiting. Waiting for...." OH MY FUCKING GOD. If he were beautiful on the subway, he was FUCKING GORGEOUS that day. Blue and white striped shirt. I knew the make. How the hell did he afford it? (Probably a gift from some chick?). No t shirt today, but two buttons opened. Hair puffing out of the shirt. Cuffs back at his sleeves. The faded jeans. DAMN. It looked like he hadn't shaved that morning either. He had gotten a shoe shine. "So, DUDE, you wanna get to it?" He reached for the button on his jeans. "Hold on Colin. Let me treat you right today. First time was a try out. Now, let me show you what I can REALLY do." "NO KISSING SHIT DUDE. I'm not into that. You know what I want. Plain and simple. " "I know, I know. But when was the last time a cocksucker took care of you by... oh, opening your jeans for you and showing how they could SLOWLY get your zip down with their teeth before.... treating that cock of yours the way it should be treated." "DAMN that sounds good. So what should I do?" "You don't have to do much. Just let me, well, let me make sure what I had for lunch isn't in my mouth. Last thing you want is Mexican salsa on your dick." "HO HO. There are hot bj's dude, but that ain't the kind I want." "Just gimme a minute. I won't take long. " I had put my bag in the bathroom, and out of sight view, I pulled out the bag and soaked it with the juice. "Dude. Everything ok? I smell something a little rank." "Just fancy mouthwash Colin. Diluted. Has a spice neutralizer in it" "No shit. I gotta get some of that." "You will, Colin. You will." I stepped out and smiled. "You look tense. I know, no kissing, nothing like that. Think about this, stud. If I give good head, I probably give a good shoulder massage" "Shoulder massage? That sounds good. But make it quick dude because..." he pointed to the bulge in his jeans. "Martin is waiting." "Not a problem. Just sit in that chair and let me get to work. " I stepped behind him and began to dig my thumbs into his blades. I DID give a good massage, and he responded. "OH FUCK THAT FEELS GOOD. But dude, finish up when we're done, ok?" "Sure man. Absolutely. " That's when I rammed the cloth over his face. "WHAT THE...." He struggled manfully, but if you know how to use chloroform (and if you don't you shouldn't be using it), you know that if you let your victim struggle, he'll breathe harder and ... he'll be out faster. His last word was 'fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" . "GOD YOU'RE GORGEOUS" I said as he slept. This big hunk of manhood. Mine. Now I just had to get to work.

I dragged him over to the bed, face down. I had an order to this that I had played out in my head the night before, and that morning. First, his wrists. No need to be careful or slow. The chloroform was at its peak. He was easy to tie, and OH, those arms! I couldn't wait to have them naked. Next, his torso. A few circles of rope above his pecs, a few below, and then, tied off in a knot I had learned at a harness making workshop. I tied it right to his wrists. Then his ankles. I pulled up his legs, and began roping them together. FUCK this man had enormous feet. I had thought tickling him was a possibility, but now... as I saw their size... my own cock, which had been hard since I put him out, was raging. I wanted to fuck him right then and there, but.. no fun when your bitch is asleep. A little rope and his ankles were tied and then he was hogtied. Now, the last item: my favorite part. I reached into my bag but then I saw, off to the side... some workman must have left behind a roll of black duct tape. FUCKING PERFECT. Now all I had to do was.... I put the first two circles of tape around his mouth and then I began smacking him gently. "Wake up Colin. Wake up." I leaned down to his ear and whispered "If you don't wake up, you're gonna miss the sex show." "mmrsrngngghgh?" He tried to say something in his sleep and then tried to move. When he couldn't, he struggled harder and then... my well wrapped prize was awake. And pissed. And trying to scream as I finished the final round of tape on his mouth. "FKKKKKKKKKKSSKSKSSKSSLSLSMGO" was what I heard come out of his mouth. And if looks could kill, I'd be dead. "What did you say colin? The ropes aren't tight enough sweetie?" "GFORFMFORMMFMFFLGOFKR" was all I heard. He struggled some more. "You know, pushing against the ropes is probably hurting your skin, handsome. You can keep trying if you want, but if you think I didn't do a good job, you're wrong." "NSMEDDGRMFFMFFMF" "I'll just have a seat until you tire yourself out. Then, I'll let you know what's gonna happen." More of those noises came out of him. The only one who heard, was me. I could see his struggles begin to fade. They'd get wilder when I reached down and stroked my crotch - I was still fully dressed, but he could see MY bulge and he had probably figured out where my cock was going. (In fact, he thought I had a blow job in mind. BOY was he wrong). Finally, he stopped, and began to whine. He was catching his breath, and I got up. "Good boy colin. Good boy. " First, I pushed him on his side. Just like with his white shirts, this striped one puckered at his navel. I opened the button and ran my finger around his flesh. He began to struggle again. "You're such a hairy stud, colin. Sexy as all hell. But you know that.

I wonder... how many of your sexual hot spots do you know?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmph." I laughed. "You probably only think of your cock, straight boy. That's all most of you know, but...." He winced when I dropped my mouth to his ear and licked it. "How's that feel, stud?" "GFMFMFFMFFFFFFFFFFOFME" Now he was struggling again. "Oh, did you say you wanted more? Well, there's more coming. Just you wait. But let's do some more exploring." I rolled him back on his side and ran a circle around his right nipple. He pushed so hard to get his ankles free of his wrists, I honestly thought he was gonna break the ropes. To counter, I pinched his tit, and my big straight boy just sort of collapsed the way air goes out of a balloon. "You ticklish big boy? " The word "ticklish" seemed to scare him. I saw the look in his eyes go from pissed off to scared. He paused before shaking his head yes. "GOOD. You told the truth. That means, at least for now, all I need to do is tickle these big boys." His tennis shoes went off, and I laughed. "You know, sometimes I tie a tennis shoe to my bitch's face. Then he smells his own feet while he's tied up. Just keep that in mind." He was wearing thick athletic socks so I had to get them off. I wouldn't have bothered with shears. I kept my nails in good shape as colin found out. I ran the nail of my index finger over his left sole and he began to squeal through the tape. I could make out some version of "FUCK STOP" and responded with "Did you just say more? OK" I curled the fingers of my whole hand and dug in. Then I worked on his right sole with my other hand. If he struggled when he woke up, colin was in full fury now. And he couldn't do anything. The louder he screamed, the harder I dug in. Then I decided to give him a break. I worked his pits. "You hard colin boy? Cause some people get hard during a tickle session, see?" I moved to his head and opened my zipper. My engorged cock came out and I saw the look in his face. "I got some good news for ya colin, and some bad news. First, the good news. You aren't gonna have to suck it." I saw relief cross his face. "But the bad news. As of now, there's Chery and a cherry in this hotel and in about ten minutes, there's only gonna be Chery." I laughed and he SCREAMED into the tape. I grabbed his hair and looked at him as menacingly as I could. "GET READY FOR IT COLIN. I PLAN TO FUCK YOU REGULARLY." I untied the knot holding his feet to his ankles and pushed his legs down. When he tried to push his body into the bed, I laughed, snuck my hand underneath him and tickled his belly until the laughing started again. "You are helpless, colin. Undone by your own cock." I think he began to cry when the button on his jeans opened. Yeah, those jeans were tight, but I've done this before. They were off him and on the floor before you could say "501s on special, aisle 3." I took my belt off where he could see me do it. He couldn't see the belt move back and forth as I flogged his beautiful white ass. GOD it was like fucking alabaster. It pinked up so fast, I was concerned he'd begin bleeding. There's a moment during a flogging of a bottom when you know, the fight is gone. There's a relaxation in muscle tension, body language changes, a whole bunch of stuff. And it happened with colin. I knew what he was thinking: it was inevitable: he was gonna get fucked. He was trying to prepare for it. "Are you gonna make me shove your legs apart, bitch boy, or are you gonna do it yourself?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." A compliant sound came out of him and I saw him spread out. "GOOD BOY. It'll be easier to train you than I thought. " "mmmmmmph?" colin hadn't figured out that this wasn't a slam/bam as he'd call them. He'd find out. "Arch up. Get your ass in the air." He sounded like he was pleading for me not to do it but he got in position. I spat into my hand and pushed a thumb into his ass. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNG" was his response. But he pushed back. "OH. Know what I think? I think my big stud has played with himself back there. Well, no more stud. No more." I slid my cockhead in. Up until that moment, colin was holding up his head, staring straight ahead. It dropped like a flower needing water. At least for now, he was beaten. He was tight, but I got in very easily. I don't know what thrilled me more: the feel of his ass, or the feeling of conquest. Yeah, I DO know. It was the feeling of conquest. And the feeling that this big dumb straight boy didn't know what was in store for him as I pounded his ass. I pounded his ass as hard as I have every pounded ass before, and as I did, the image of that hot guy sitting across from me on the subway that first day went through my head. Then I had the thought that his hot guy was gonna be available to me whenever I wanted him. It would just take a little work. I pulled out and jerked off on his briefs. I wasn't ready to let him have my jizz yet. "Ho ho. Looks like colin enjoyed that. Did you stud?" I put my hand around his hard cock and he moaned, while he shook his head no. "Well, if you didn't enjoy it, no need to get off, right?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." This one was a pleading sound. "Nope, nope, nope. No release for colin. Not yet anyway. " I smiled at him. "You want me to untie you?" He shook his head yes. "Well, okay, I'll do that, but you're gonna have to go to sleep for a little while for me to do that." He tried to scream as the bottle and my blue hanky came out, but there was nothing he could do. In a few minutes, he was out cold again.

It took me longer to get his clothes back on him than I thought it would, but with the exception of his jock and his socks, which went into my bag, I had my boy dressed. There were a few items he was now wearing too. One was a chastity cage. I could barely zip his jeans after I locked it on him, but we managed. More important, he had on a shock collar. You know the type: the ones you use when you're training a big dog (which is really what I was doing, if you think about it). I took the gag off him - the shock collar would make the point when he woke up - and I untied his ankles. He'd need to walk just a bit. Then I tied his hands up in front of him. I looked at my watch when he began to stir: 6:15. PERFECT. Chery would be gone, most of the staff would be.

'WHAT THE FUCK?" He screamed, and then he screamed in pain when I touched the button to activate the collar. "Calm down, colin. No screaming." "AGGH. GEEZ . WHAT THE HELL?" He looked at me. "You're fucking sick." I smiled. "What I am... is your new Master, colin." "Ha ha. FUCK THAT." I gave him another zap. "OK OK STOP STOP" "You're gonna need a few days off from work, colin. I'll take care of that with Chery. I think she'll understand. "WHAT THE HELL. I DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND." "There's a lot you don't understand colin. Doesn't surprise me, but that's ok. You don't have to be too bright, just fucking pretty. But you knew that, didn't you?" "Look. Can you just let me go?" "If you had a twin brother, I could colin. " I paused. "But I probably wouldn't. Hey, can you reach down to your crotch? Feel anything there." He reached. "What the hell is that?" I explained chastity cages to him and he shook his head. "Dude, you really ARE a sick fuck." "Know what colin? I'm sick of the dude word. SIR is acceptable." "Yeah right. FUCK THAT. AGGGGGGGGGH" He got another zap. Then another one. One more. "Ok ok. Sir. You really are a sick fuck SIR" I laughed. "Possible. Possible I got the fever from YOU stud. Now, this is what we're gonna do. I am gonna call us an uber and we are gonna drive back to where you're gonna stay for the next few days, learning your new job. And you're gonna behave as we walk out of the hotel, and into the car. Cause if you don't.... The setting on this is LOW . It goes up to extra high. And for every minute of trouble you give me... you're gonna spend five minutes with a toothbrush going over those beautiful big feet of yours." "shit," I heard him whisper. He pulled at the restraints in front of him. No give. I helped him up from the bed. "DAMN. My ass. Did you...." "Sure did. It was wonderful. And I'm gonna again. In a few hours." I saw him tear up. "I told you, I'm not a fag." He got a zap for forgetting a word. "I told you SIR. I'm not a fag." Maybe he wasn't THAT stupid. He behaved as we made our way down in the elevator. I was right: if there were anyone in the building at that hour, I didn't see them. I had his key ring, his wallet and his phone from when he was knocked out, so I could let us out of the hotel. The uber I called right before we hit the elevator was waiting. "Wow. Are people staying here already?" The driver asked. "Nah, not yet," I answered. "My bud and I... we were just giving the bones a look. We'll be getting married in a year and... wanted to get a sense of the ballroom." I saw the color drain out of colin's face when I mentioned marriage . "Well congratulations, Sir. Now, I have your address so..." I cut him off. I didn't want colin to hear. "Good. Now, I'm taking sean to a nice romantic inn to spend a few days so... don't read anything sinister into this." I hit colin with a low zap as I put the blindfold on him. No sense in him being able to figure out where he'd be for the next few days. "Understood Sir." And we were off. And in 90 minutes, colin's slave training began.

Next: Chapter 3

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