Colin and the Sex Factory

By Tim Brooks

Published on Oct 4, 2006


This material is owned by Dionysos and may not be made public in any way or form without his express permission. The following story deals with situations that you may or may not be allowed to read about depending on your age or how uptight the place you live in is. Enjoy it even so.

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Part 4

Even though he's just had an orgasm, Spike is the first to complain that the boat trip is taking too long, and that he wants to fuck something, or beat something, or both. Willy just smiles, and the gondola glides on towards its destination, past more of the neon images that are giving Colin a serious hard-on.

When they finally reach the end of the river, Spike is the first to jump on land, irritating Bo to no end. The American boy's father is about to say something in support of his son when Spike's pa, a bear of a man in leather breeches, puts a hand on his shoulder and silences him.

"Follow me into the invention room," says Willy, and they all do so.

Even after all he has seen on the tour so far, the place is still far larger and more amazing than Colin had imagined. Everywhere he turns there are diagrams and computer models of dildos and vibrators in the strangest, most wonderful shapes, sizes and colours. The heady smell of experimental love drugs hang in the air, and everywhere there is the hustle and bustle of Humpy-Pumpies hard at work.

"I wonder if we'll get to test any of it out," Colin wonders out loud, excitement in his voice. By now he's so horny he'd screw his own grandfather rotten if he hadn't already discovered years ago what a revolting behind the smelly geezer has.

"Don't wonder," Willy tells Colin, suddenly spinning `round to face him. "None of the prototypes, test models and theoretical samples in this room are allowed to be touched, fondled, licked, inserted, violated, used or misused in any way, shape or format. That would be far too dangerous."

"Dangerous," Spike grins wickedly, already disappearing between the machinery. Once again Colin envies him his courage, fool-hardy though it may be.

"Wow," says Bo, and Colin turns to see what he is staring at.

It is roughly in the shape of a man, though its skin is shiny chrome and where its eyes would be there is an electric plug instead. But that isn't what has both boys amazed. The crowning feature of the robot, for that is what it must be, is the biggest cock Colin has seen since the dildo garden, sleek yet thick, and dangling realistically in front of two nutsack-shaped batteries.

"Expandable," Willy exclaims proudly, completely aware what part of the robot has gotten the boys' attention. "This is the ADON1S, a prototypical artificial sexual person. Soon he'll be as natural an appliance in the average family home as the television or the toaster. We just have to work a few of the kinks out of the system first."

"I say he's ready now," Bo announces, quickly tossing his scarlet training suit aside and rushing towards the robot. Willy rolls his eyes. Bo's father shouts encouragement.

ADON1S looks down at Bo, emits a few faint bleeping noises, and then picks the boy up, settling a metallic hand under each of his naked buttocks. They look at each other for a while, boy and robot, and then ADON1S lowers Bo slowly onto his shiny dick. There's no lubricant at all, but Bo doesn't seem to mind. He moans in pleasure and then looks back at his rapt audience.

"Look everyone! I'm the first boy ever to be fucked by an android!"

And he is fucked indeed. Slowly at first, but ADON1S quickly gathers pace once Bo's father sticks a third battery between his metallic balls. The robot switches from one position to the next at breakneck speed, with Bo down on the floor and his legs in the air, with him on all fours and the robot pumping into him from behind, and then again with ADON1S standing up and moving Bo up and down his huge length with its strong synthetic arms. Faster and faster they go, Bo now only a blur of motion, shuddering in pleasure...

Until sparks suddenly shoot out the robot's forehead, and his movement comes to a stop with an audible click. Bo, still with an artificial cock buried deep in his young ass, looks from side to side, curious as to what happened.

"I was afraid this might happen," Willy sighs, snapping his fingers and immediately summoning two Humpy-Pumpies who set about trying to disengage the robot from the boy. They push and they pull with all their might, but to little success.

"Dad," complains Bo, "I want to get down now."

"Can't, unfortunately," says Willy. "You're welded together, you see. The excessive heat generated by the motion and the friction has caused its cock to start melting inside you. Don't worry, however. All my Humpy-Pumpies did metalwork in high school. They'll get you off in a jiffy."

The Humpy-Pumpies cart ADON1S off, a naked Bo still held in place in front of its chrome chest. The boy complains and shouts endlessly as he is taken away, his father following sheepishly.

Spike, who's just returned form wreaking havoc by sticking needles in sex dolls, is laughing his comely ass off while watching them go.

"Now he's the first boy to get fucked past melting point."

Next: Chapter 5

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