Cold Beer and Warm Women

By moc.loa@592teloiV

Published on Oct 17, 2013


Part 4

We lay in the soft bed basking in the afterglow of mutual satisfaction, when I suddenly sat straight up and said, "The wedding!" Sarah seemed less perplexed by the concept than I was, she said "we have three hours, I guess I should get made up and ready." "I should think so, hold on, I have an idea." Leaving her in the bed, I scrambled to the phone in the kitchen. "Michelle it's me, Linda, I wonder if I could ask a favor?" Ten minutes later I returned to Sarah and said, "I have a surprise." We were dressed and out the door with out me telling her what the surprise was. Fifteen minutes later we parked a block from my salon and I took Sarah by the hand and led her inside. "Michelle this is my friend Sarah, she has a wedding in two hours, can you work your magic on her?" Michelle smiled and winked, she sat me in one chair and Sarah in the other, soon two nail techs were working on us both as Michelle went back and forth between us, styling our hair. In an hour we were both finished with fresh polish and new dews. Sarah was so grateful, she just kept complimenting me on my pull. "One more surprise," I told her and we went to the mall in Cherry Creek. As fast as the wind we found appropriate dresses for the wedding and shocked the clerk when I told her we would wear them. She boxed our other cloths and we were back in the car, made up and ready for the wedding. We made the church with ten minutes to spare, taking our seats on the bride 's side of the gathering. Sarah was lovely sitting next to me, I snaked my hand over to hers and we held each other for a second, smiling as we did. The wedding was very elaborate and the bride was stunning, however not nearly as much so as Sarah. We watched the couple kiss and walk back up the isle to head to the reception, before everyone began to file out. Sarah got up first and headed toward the door, I walked behind admiring her assets. The dress we picked out made her body look divine and all I could think about was taking it off of her. I am so easy when it comes to the female body, I can not resist. We followed the procession to the reception at a swank Italian restaurant, half the place was blocked off for our private party. The bar was open, so I asked sarah what she was drinking? "A glass of red wine would be lovely, let me get it." She cut in front of me before realizing she had no idea what I was drinking. "Cold beer" I said and smiled, "I like cold beer and warm women." Her face flushed and I could see we would not be staying long at the reception. We grabbed a table and sipped our drinks, Sarah asked if I would mind if she danced with the bride? They made it through half a song before it ended and Sarah gave her a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. Then she lit up as she turned toward me and I knew it would be a delightful night. It was indeed a night of passion to remember, I lost count of how many times we ravaged each other. Sarah slept in my arms and when we awoke, we made love twice more before her plane was scheduled. I drove her to the airport,

already feeling sadness creeping in. We of course talked at length about our distance and the possibility of an ongoing relationship. In the back of my mind I was not overly confident, since she was in the Garden of Eden, San Francisco and I was locked in here with my work. In the end we handled it like adults, kissing goodbye at the security line, a nice girl friend lip kiss that made a tear come to both our eyes. I watched her weave through the line and disappear down the concourse before turning to go. My heart felt heavy as I walked the airport and out to my car. We had exchanged addresses and numbers but once she was out of my sight I was sure our relationship would whither and die. Still my heart held out a flicker of hope. I changed into my silk pj's and smiled momentarily remembering Sarah's first kiss while I was wearing them. I sat by the phone with a glass of wine and fought the urge to pick it up and see if she made it back

ok. I was shutting down my pity party and in the bedroom pulling back the sheets when the phone rang. My heart leapt into my throat, "Hello?" I managed to croak into the receiver. "Linda, I am home safe, I thought you might like to know. I was unable to think of anything else on the flight, I have never felt such emotion in my life, I think I may be in love, please don't hate me for saying that." I felt tears run down my cheeks and sobbed openly, before I could respond. Sarah waited patiently for my words. "Sarah, I feel the exact same way, I could not call you for fear of rejection, I am such a ninny." We talked and flirted and carried on for over two hours before we realized we both had work the next day. Each night we called each other, and gabbed until our entire evenings were shot. We were like a married couple separated by a business trip. Two days later I received a card in the mail, it was a handmade line drawing, very sensual that Sarah had obviously drawn just for me, it showed the silhouette of two women with their legs locked in sweet lust, to the uninformed eye it might have skipped their notice but I saw right away the intent of the artwork I smiled and felt my loins react as well. For four long months we kept calling each other nightly and once a week Sarah drew a new card for me, I placed each one in a plastic sleeve and stored

them in my closet. Frequently I would take them out and just stare at her talent and remember our special two nights together. One Saturday afternoon, my doorbell rang and I dropped my book I was reading, wondering who on earth it could be. When I opened the door, there stood Sarah, two bags in her hands and a sly smile on her lips. "I couldn't do it anymore, I sold everything and here I am, please tell me it's alright." I swept her in my arms and kissed her deeply , nearly dragging her in from the stoop, I whispered in her ear, "I love you, welcome home."

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