Coffee and Chocolate

By Nishant Shah

Published on Apr 7, 2001


Coffee and Chocolate. Part I.

Hi, this is a work of fiction based upon real life incidents and involves gay sex between two consenting male adults. If this kind of literature offends you or you are not an adult in your country, you are requested to leave immediately. The story that follows is as it happened in real life, except that I have changed the names in the tale. I am Nicki but I have written this tale in the third person. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. This is intended for a mature audience. If you are under 18 (or 21 in some areas), please press "Back" now on your web browser. If you don't like the idea of two college guys falling in love, please go away. I want to thank the two friends who have shared the most loveliest moments of my life with on.


As the last strains of dying music reduced to a pregnant silence in the silvery sheen of the moon, the farewell party came to an end. The night was silent and sad, mixed with the cheerful hope that the youngsters had for their futures. On the one hand there was the fear of leaving all the friends and on the other there was the sense of excitement of going into the real world. These to-be-graduates met for the last time, ready now to be separated by time. Most of the people left soon and eventually the hall was almost empty. Almost.

The few second year students who had organized the farewell lingered about, realizing that they too would face the same next year. Some final year students stayed back too.they were not yet ready to go home so soon. It was their last night in college and they knew they were going to spend the whole night there. Once the lights were put off, this bunch of friends met together on the terrace, right outside the hall. The fire was lighted and the bunch of 15 friends huddled close to each other around the camp-fire talking and ruminating about their pasts. Nicky was silent. The orator of the college, this was one instance when words just failed him. There was nothing he wanted to say, nothing. There was a feeling of such acute emptiness that words would have sounded very incongruous. He felt a hand on his shoulder. A head near his neck and then a body enveloping him in a warm embrace. Robin came and hugged him, tight and hard, almost as if he would never let go of Nicky ever again. The silence was too overpowering. Someone had started to strum on a guitar and some faint voices spilled out the favourite college songs. Robin nestled closer to Nicky, their hands entwined, Robin's head in Nicky's lap and Nicky's hands playing in his raven black hair for some time.

" I want to go for a walk" announced Robin "anyone wants to come with me?" and he looked at Nick for a second, his dark face glowing in the flickering light of the fire, his body sprawled on the floor, pulsating like a glowworm, silhouetted against the red golden light spread itself on all. He pressed Nicky's hand for a moment.

"I will come.I cant just sit here and do nothing.we'll take a stroll of the campus. I want to see it in the night."

"That is a cool idea. Rita and I will also do that" said Mark. The lovebirds immediately got up and disappeared down the stairs, in the shadows, to explore and find new avenues. Nicky and Robin got up to go. The others were busy, holding hands, and sharing the years, to pay any attention to them. They descended the stairs, one at a time, taking in the lovely campus that sprawled in front of them. The gardens, the fields, the hot house, all had taken a romantic shimmering appearance and seemed to breathe with the two friends who were slowly making their way down. The hallways seemed like something out of a dream.all softly lighted, with shadows running around the place.

Suddenly there was a flicker and the lights went off. There was complete darkness and nobody in the hall but Nicky and robin. "uhh" gasped Nick as he froze in his steps. "R-Robin, I am" he gulped "I am afraid of the dark." Robin held him closer and brought the two bodies together.

"I know" he said soothingly. He held Nick closer to him and said " I know..but don't be scared. I am there with you and you know I will never leave you. Just stay close to me and you wont be scared. Feel me Nicky, feel me. Think about me in this darkness and you will never be frightened again. You will love it as much as you love me."

Robin hugged him tight. Tighter. Very close to him. Their heads on each other's shoulders, arms enveloping each other's bodies and their breaths mixing with each other. And suddenly, as Robin's warm, chocolate body held him tight, his deep voice echoing in Nicky's ears, Nicky relaxed. He felt the comfort, the warmth, the love and the safety that Robin's muscular, football playing body emanated. Nicky was no longer afraid of the dark. He could not see or feel the dark. All he was aware of this beautiful hunk holding him tight, embracing him, exploring him, loving him like he had never even dreamed of.

"Everything is alright." Robin whispered, and nibbled at Nicky's ears. "Everything is fine" and Nicki let out a torrent of tears with a content sigh.

With the salty tears running down on his face he murmured "Robin, I love you." and then the short silence seemed to last an eternity before Robin broke it to reply.

" I know Nicki.I know.I love you too." and he hugged him more fiercely, more tightly "I love you very much."

After that night, Nicky was never again afraid of the dark. No one knows when the hug turned into a fierce embrace. Robin slowly explored Nicky's back, pressing and squeezing while Nicky let his hands Robin's muscular frame close to him. They parted to look at each other and in the dark only the eyes glowed as the two close friends decided to make a new pact. Robin brought his luscious brown lips near Nicky's quivering red mouth and after a fraction of a second, there was a meeting like never before.

Robin's lips parted Nicky's mouth the join for what seemed to be forever. It was a kiss that took Nicky's breath away. Slowly, the pressure increased. The pressing tongue pushed its way inside Nicky's mouth, savouring every bit of it. His warm tongue explored the mouth till it received acceptance from Nicky's hungry tongue. The two tongues fought their own romantic duel for some time and then Robin sucked some more. He explored his lover's mouth, the inner folds of the cheeks, the soft base of the tongue, the ridges and the mounds and sucked and kissed as if he wanted to suck Nicky's heart out. Nicky's first kiss was almost as good as he had ever imagined. Robin's hands moved down and he squeezed Nicky's ass even while he kissed. He slowly started gyrating his body to a rhythm that only love can originate. The mouths parted at long last and they both stood there still in the dark. Robin took Nick's hand and guided him towards the dormitories.

Once inside, Nicky had hardly closed the door before Robin flung himself on him. He took Nicky in his arms and caressed every inch of the hot body. Their bodies met and Nicky could feel the hard bulge that was pushing against Robin's jeans. His own rod was pushing against the fabric of his Khakis and urging for a release. Robin's room was lit with candles.dozens of them, throwing sensuous light on both the bodies, pulsating, breathing and living in a unified rhythm. Nicky took a long gaze at Robin's tight t-shirt that showed his bulging biceps, his well defined chest with his nipples now erect, his flat stomach rising and falling and his perfect abs.all inviting him. Slowly, Nicky guided Robin to the bed.

Once on the bed, Robin lied down on his back, his eyes searching for Nicky's. Nicky flung himself on Robin and a mouth-mouth kiss lasted for centuries, while saliva exchanged and two bodies tried to become one. After the kiss, Nicky straddled Robin's thighs and sat on him, both smiling and glowing in their new found love. Nicky's hands traced Robin's body and slowly, almost caressingly, took the T-Shirt off. The white fabric was soon on the floor, revealing Robin's lovely brown, chocolate coloured body, shivering with excitement. The handsome face, the anticipation that pulsed in the neck, the coffee coloured nipples that were now erect and inviting and the lovely chocolate body were too much to bear. Nicky's tongue was soon on Robin. He kissed his temple, his eyes, sucked at the Roman nose, licked at Robin's lips, nibbled his ears, slobbered on his chin and went on to the neck. After that, his tongue traced a water mark to Robin's nipples.warmth, erect and delicious, Nicky attacked Robin's nipples, his clear, smooth chocolate chest and then his abs.

His hand sin the meantime, were rubbing at Robin's crotch, bringing moans of pleasure from Robin. He slowly unzipped the hunk and threw the jeans on the floor. There he was. Clad in a small, white jockey was the monstrous dick that was threatening to tear the fabric any moment. Nicky slowly slid his hands into the briefs and caught hold of Robin's dick. He fondled his nuts, squeezed his dick and started massaging the dick. Robin was now mad with lust and desire. He caught hold of Nicky's shirt and without waiting to unbutton it, he ripped the shirt from over the head. Nicky's fair, clean, smooth body glowed orange in the candle light. Robin's hands got hold of Nicky's nipples and started twisting them even as Nicky's hands played with his manhood.

Slowly Nicky removed the briefs and out slithered Robin's 8 inch beauty in all its glory. Nicky could wait no longer. He drooled on the dick and then without any warning he guided his mouth over the dick. He pulled at the foreskin to reveal the gland and licked at the precum oozing out of the pipe. Slowly and gradually, he inserted the head in his mouth, toying at it with his mouth. Robin was now beyond himself with ecstasy.

His dark, creamy dick was being engulfed in a torrent of spit and love, Nicky's tongue circling the head and his mouth sucking hard. Robin took Nicky's head in his hands and started to push his dick further inside. Nicky swallowed the head and all that came with it and before he knew it he had all the 8 inches inside his mouth..growing, shivering and fighting inside. Nicky started sucking really hard, while his nose rested in Robin's crotch, inhaling the lovely, musky fragrance that arose from there. Robin started to move his hips forward for better contact and started to fuck Nicky's mouth. It was unbelievable. His dick was getting the best service ever. His balls dangled against Nicky's face and every time he thrust himself inside Nicky's mouth, they struck him in the face, even as he continued to fuck his best friend's face. Robin could feel the cum beginning to rise. He did not want this to end but knew that he would soon cum if this service did not stop.

He took Nicky's 7 inches throbbing dick in his hands and started playing with his organ. he cupped Nicky's balls and massaged his cock while Nicky's mouth was busy exploring Robin's manly beauty. Robin's hands started exerting a loving pressure that Nicky had never experienced before. Robin son started salivating on Nicky's love rod and wanted it in his mouth. He guided Nicky in such a position that Nicky was on the bed, his mouth stuffed with Robin's cock while Robin too took over with his mouth, thus coming into a 69 position. Both the lovers sucked for dear life and soon they both came. Robin squirted his cum in loads.

It seemed like gallons to the fast swallowing Nicky who enjoyed the creamy, white, sticky fluid that painted his tonsils. As soon as he felt Robin's seed flowing into his throat, Nicky came too.Robin groaned with pleasure in Nicky's groin and both of them came and shivered and remained still for some time. Soon the dicks were soft.getting small and still in the mouth, bathed in spit. Robin got up and lay on Nicky, their nipples touching, their dicks met for the first time.a battle of love. Robin gazed at Nicky who held on to him for support and love and kissed him again. This time the kiss was different. It was no longer searching. It was very possessive as if reaffirming the love and desire each had for other. After a long kiss, Robin rested his hands on Nicky's chest and looked at Nicky smilingly. "So my sugar candy, are you still afraid of anything..?"

"No my chocolate. no. If you are near me, I am not scared of anything."

"You know I am gonna be near you right?"

Nicky sighed and replied."oh Robin where were you all these years.I love you so much.."

"how much?" asked Robin mischievously, hugging Nicky again.

" rob-cock. I love you as much as chocolate and coffee." and both of them burst into laughter and hugged again and kissed again. Robin was now filled with a desire that he wanted to fulfill. He wanted to touch Nicky's chest, his dick, his body, wanted to feel how much Nicky wanted to give and then there was so much he too wanted to give Nicky. But Robin knew it was a little early. He wanted to hold and have Nicky forever, he did not want to scare him of. So he just hugged Nicky tighter. In the darkness his body, pulsating and heaving with every breath, his naked skin touching and soaking his lover's body into him, Robin kissed Nicky again. It was a kiss that touched Nicky's soul.

There is something very comforting about a kiss that is sincere. It lets you know you are needed, that someone loves you and wants you. They lay like that for what seemed like hours. Soon Robin, after kissing Nicky again, parted to say "Nicky we will have to go back you know.people might miss us."

Nicky agreed and together they dressed each other, tried to smooth out the crumpled clothes and hand in hand walked back through the night towards the camp fire. They had started as friends, now they were much more than just friends -- certainly much more.

When they came to the camp site, they found most people asleep. Ashu was the only one awake, still strumming on his guitar, singing soulfully to the night. He waved at Robin, gazed longingly at Nicky and changed songs.

"Nothing's gonna change my love for you." he crooned as Nicky and Robin settled down beside him. Ashu suddenly stopped singing and looked at the two for some time. He could see they were in love. He could see the golden glow that they cast upon each other and how they touched each other and how they were comfortable with each other's bodies. he could see that Robin had got what he had been longing for.

Every since Nicky had helped him with his studies, spending hours together, As had fallen in love with this guy. Smart, intelligent, sexy, lovely dark brown eyes, unruly hair that fell as it pleased. Ashu had desired Nicky since a year now but he never had the courage to say it in open. He himself was a hunk of desire. With a sharp nose, striking features, slanting brown eyes and the body of a Greek god, Ashu was every girl's dream come true but he had fallen for Nicky head over heels. And he could see that Nicky was in love with Robin. He decided to leave them together and soon retired to his own room.

Robin and Nicky were alone again, all their friends had retired to their own rooms, probably, talking, meeting, making each their own due. Robin's hormones raged as he lay down in Nicky's lap again. He wanted to fill Nicky with his rod. He wanted to give him all he had and he wanted to feel Nicky taking his rod up in the ass.he wanted to fill Nicky's abdomen with his seed. He wanted to fuck him rough and tenderly, to make love to Nicky in every way possible. These ideas got the better of him and he got out of the lap. He started kissing Nicky with a newfound zeal. His kiss had the fury of lust, the need of love.

His lips were pressing, urgent and his body clamoured for more. He stripped Nicky without any finesse and soon stepped out of his own restricting clothes. His body ached to have more of what he had just some time ago. The two naked bodies met, matching atom for atom, love for love and desire for desire. The two engorged cocks were swollen with anticipation and as their hands explored the ridges and mounds on the body their beings seemed to melt into one. This time Robin knew what exactly he wanted. He wanted to plug Nicky's bubble butt with his cock. Nicky too knew what was to come, he wanted it come.

He wanted to feel complete, to feel full. But he was also scared. As Robin's body thrust itself on Nicky's now naked body there was a fear, a tension that refused to go. Robin's dark brown body was enveloped in the golden glow of the ambers in the camp fire. To Nicky it seemed like a heavenly sight and he just wanted to explore it, feel it, make it a part of his body. Nicky had always loved Robin ever since they had met two years back. They had played together, laughed with each other, cried on each other's shoulders and now here was Robin, making the final contact, sharing the most intimate parts of Nicky's soul and body.

Slowly Robin managed to slide between Nicky's legs, his mouth still exploring the senior's mouth. Robin's hands now slid behind Nicky's ass and he started massaging the ass cheeks. Nicky felt the warm massage and the fingers trailing inside his ass, between the two mounds.slowly and gradually. Nicky's hands were holding Robin close to him, kissing with equal passion. Robin inserted a finger into Nicky's was glorious. Nicky felt as if his hole had been built to accept Robin inside him. Slowly, with Robin's tongue leaving a trail on his nipples and Robin's fingers in his ass, Nicky started moaning, waiting for more. Slowly, Robin stood up between Nicky's legs. He parted the legs so that the engorged dick swayed in the air before it gained stability and stood up proud and erect. Nicky's balls were now hanging without any support and Robin's hands got hold of his nut sac.

Robin started to slowly massage Nicky's dick and balls, taking them in the cup of his hand and fondling them with loving care. Nicky was now as hard as could be. Robin's dick meanwhile moved painfully wanting to get imprisoned in this virgin butt. Slowly, Robin entered his head into Nicky's hole. There was no pain, no effort. Almost as like a well made key that slides in effortlessly, Robin's dick started moving in smoothly. There was no obstacle, no pain, no effort. Nicky could feel the friction of the dick in him and he enjoyed it. His fears were gone, whatever pain that he had experienced was counterbalanced by the joy of engulfing Robin's lovely sausage in him. Meanwhile Robin's hands on his dick felt so good. Robin pulled at the foreskin and the gland was exposed, pink and waiting. Slowly, as Robin's balls moved forward, his dick completely inside Nicky, Robin now bent, took Nicky's dick in his mouth.

Then started a mad rhythm of lust and desire. Robins started moving his body in and out.slowly first, faster later. His hips were moving in one steady movement, fucking Nicky to the core. Nicky was mad with desire and clamoured for an early release as Robin's rod pierced him through and through and was a feeling he had never experienced and never ever imagined. There was something so primal, so animalistic and yet something so tender in Robin's touch.

"Robin I am gonna come" screamed Nicky as his prostrate rubbed with Robin's steady dick and as Rob's mouth twirled, swirled over his own dick.

Robin too was now mad with a frenzied fear for a release. He started to take out his cock all the way till only the head was inside Nicky and then pushed in with all his might, each stroke, splitting his friend into two. He felt Nicky's balls rise and he sucked harder, till his nose was in Nicky's pubic and his throat had all of Nicky in him. Suddenly without a warning, Nicky moaned and let out a shot that filled Robin's mouth to the brim and trickled out his parted lips, plugged by Nicky's rod. At the same time, the feeling of swallowing his friend's load was so great that Robin too shot into Nicky's tight hole..the dick was trapped in a prison and he never wanted to be freed. Robin shot for what seemed to be an and lot.

Finally he stopped cuming and his body shivered and came to a rest. Robin wanted to keep his dick in the hole, going limp slowly. Soon he was small and fragile again. The lovely monster was tired. Robin pulled out of Nicky and there was an emptiness in both of them. They wanted it to go on for ever but knew this was not to be. Slowly, the two naked bodies, bathed in the last glows of the camp fire, met once again, hands exploring, mouths glued to each was the last night in college for Nicky, but he knew that it was his first night for a new life. He was with his chocolate and he wanted his own body to melt into Robin's warm, luscious body for ever. Robin dressed Nicky up and slowly kissed him, loving, passionate, a kiss which said "I love you and u am never going to let go of you again." Nicky let a sigh and pulled Robin's body closer.

Both of them reveled in the glow of what they had just shared and their bodies came closer, knowing more about the other person than themselves..

"Robin, this is not your first time, is it?" asked Nicky.

Robin was silent for some time.."No Nicky, it is not the first is Infact the third time.I have had sex before with the same guy.two times."

"Then why did you stop. I mean why did you just.." Nicky pondered.

"Because I knew I loved you Nicky.." Robin's breath melted in his as Robin leaned forward to kiss him. "Because I loved relationship with Ashu was on a purely physical level. There was no much love.we just enjoyed each other's bodies."

"What? " Nicky gasped."Ashu is gay.I mean since when..?"

"Why are you so interested?" asked Robin.

"Because Chocolate, he was my first crush. Don't you know Ashu and were in the same school. I have envied him and loved him ever since he joined my class in the tenth grade. I have helped him with his studies and I have spent nights with him.extremely frustrated because I wanted his body so much and I couldn't get it.and now u tell me that he is gay."

"But I don't understand it you still want him?"

" No, if I have you, I dont want anything or anyone are my true love Robin. You have been my only friend in college..."

" I know" kissed Robin. " But Ashu is a nice guy...You will like him .....dont you think he has an amazing body?"

"Ya, that he does...i have lusted for him for quite some time but...I love you...You only."

" And i love you Nikki. You are my babe. I cant do without you, but if we both love Ashu too, then cant we just share our love with him?"

"I dont mind at all....If you are there with me...I just dont care...I mean I love Ashu and I would love to share this with him....oh Robin I love you."

"Well then maybe we will tell him tommorow...I love you too." and Robin again hugged Niki fiercely.

"And I love you both" said a voice. Nicky suddenly looked up and there was Ashu, standing there with his guitar, smiling away at both the lovers, who were sprawled on the ground their bodies entwined into one another. All the three looked at each other for some time.and they all knew that before the night was over, they were all going to be close friends.very close.

End of Part I.

This is my first attempt at fiction. If you liked it, let me know at Do you want to know what happened next? Do you want to know how Niki gets his coffee and chocolate togather? let me know..real soon. Constructive criticism is accepted but please try to be a little gentle about it. I am only 20 and still new at this game. thanx.

Next: Chapter 2

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