Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Sep 15, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I drove back to the penthouse thinking about the kid. Whatever age he was, he didn't belong where he was. Still, there is only so much a person can do. I went up the private elevator, unlocked the door, and went inside.

The seriousness of the situation I had gotten myself into really began to sink in. I had been playing a dangerous and stupid game, and it could have cost me my life.

I also felt dirty, and stripped down in the bathroom suite. Looking at the mirror, I saw that my ass was black and blue from the beating I got. I wasn't surprised based on what it felt like.

I showered for a long time, then went to the fridge and got a beer. I went out onto the private deck, and sat in the hot tub, listening to the sounds of the city at night, and thinking about my new life.

I had responsibilities now, and needed to step up to them. People count on me, and I need to grow up and put this kinky shit out of my mind. By the time I was ready to go to bed, I was on my 4th beer. I went inside and fell asleep as soon as I dried up.

That morning the guys came by at 8 to check in with me. I already knew that they knew where I had generally been, even if they did not know the sordid details. I asked them how they were coming on the medical supplies, and they told me that they would be picked up tomorrow. I said good, and told them I was going to take a run, then workout in the gym but that I would then be going out in the Bentley for the afternoon.

After a hard run and hard work out, with my muscles pumping, I took a shower and got dressed to go out. I took the elevator down to the Bentley and took off, intent on seeing if I could find the kid again.

I drove around the neighborhood quite a bit, then spent an hour at the taco dive, hoping he might come by. I had no luck, and was getting ready to leave, when my cell phone rang.

"Hey its Cody, you gotta stop driving around looking for me. People think you're a cop and that could get me in big trouble. Thanks for lunch, but get out of my life". He then hung up.

I went out that night with friends from college. We got pretty drunk, and blew off some steam. Nothing dangerous, but definitely a good time. I rolled in at about 0400, and slept until noon. Upon arising, I got cleaned up and headed to the club for lunch. After a 2 hour lunch, I went down to the waterfront and walked around for a while, looking at the boats as they came and went. I decided that it was time to get back to the lodge so I called the guys and told them we would fly out the next day.

I went home, worked out, and went to bed early. At around 11 pm, the phone rang and it was a short breathless message "John, it's Cody, come quick I'm in trouble", then he hung up. I could hear something in the background that sounded loud and threatening, but couldn't make it out.

I called the guys and they arrived within minutes, just as I was checking the load on the Colt1911 in the gun safe of the Penthouse. It was properly loaded, and there was an extra clip.

"Hey boss, you going hunting"? they asked.

I said "no, I'm going to go find a kid who is in trouble".

"You mean the homeless kid right" they said in unison.

I looked at them a bit pissed that they had followed me to know all of this, but then said "yeah, he called me and it sounds bad. Problem is that he didn't tell me where he is, just to come quick".

The guys exchanged looks and said, "we followed him too and know where he is. Its basically a crack house about 6 blocks from that parking garage".

"Let's go get him" I said.

"Wooooow boss, that's how you get hurt. Sit down and let's think this out.

With that, the guy who was the primary pilot picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. "Get up here" was all he said.

A minute later, 6 more of my "security" detail arrived. Apparently they had been part of following me and were there as back up.

I went over what I knew, and that I had no idea what we were walking in on.

The leader of this second team drew up sort of a map of where the kid was, and what the entrances and exits were. It was a 4 bedroom run down house, frequented by a particular gang that trafficked crack. Further, the boy had been acting as a runner for them, and was therefore an insider. The hypothesis was that the call he made was correct: the dealers thought he was talking with a cop (me) and he was in serious trouble.

The larger gun safe was opened, and out of it came eight 9mm barettas, with silencers. Night vision goggles also came out. These guys were ready to go.

It was decided, and my input was not sought, that I would stay in the cargo van they had brought down with the driver. We would drive by the house, dropping off one man who would shoot out the street light and the electric cable going to the house on command. The others would be dropped off in the alley, and simultaneously kick in both doors. This was like a movie to me, but it was deadly serious.

We got to the location, and huddled for a minute by the parking garage. Roles were reviewed exit plans decided on, and we went forward with the plan. The street light went down, the electricity to the house went down, one second later the doors were kicked in, and the teams walked into the darkened room with guns drawn. Immediately, by the moonlight and using their night vision equipment, they spotted 4 men, each reaching for handguns. Each was dispatched with a single, silenced head shot. Then they went through each room, clearing it. When they got to the final bedroom, they found the kid, but he was in a bad way. The goal was to get out quickly though, and they scooped him up and came into the alley, covering their retreat. Everyone was in the van, the whole thing was over in 60 seconds, and the kid was ours.

"Boss, he is really hurt, you want us to take him to the hospital" asked the team leader.

"No. Not safe after all this. The whole story could come out". Wrap him up in some jackets, elevate his legs, and get to the penthouse fast. We made the 20 minute drive in 10, and raced the kid up to the penthouse as other team members deployed to provide defense if needed.

I had them put him in the bathroom, on the table shower which was well lit and the right height. Even as a seasoned physician I was sickened by what I saw, but the first priority was dealing with shock. He was naked, and I now realized had pissed and shit himself. His face was swollen and he had two black eyes. He was shaking and mute. His left forearm was deformed by an obvious fracture. He clearly had fractured ribs, and he was bruised all over. He had basically been used as a piñata.

One of the team members raced in with some of the medical supplies. I immediately started a large bore IV and opened up with Normal Saline. I placed a second IV and capped it off in case we lost the first one. Then I examined him from head to toe, or at least what I could see with him lying on his back. He was OK neurologically; responsive and the pupils were fine. His pulse was fast and a bit weak, which I quickly confirmed to be evidence of low blood pressure. He had 2 facial lacerations, and two large scalp lacerations, which were still oozing blood but not too badly. I could feel multiple fractured ribs as well. His scrotum and testicles were swollen, having obviously been kicked there too. The legs were fine, but for all of the bruises. There were, of course, abrasions from head to toe.

"Bring me that splint" I said, and used it to quickly and temporarily immobilize the arm.

"Body clippers are in the drawer" I barked, and they were handed to me. I quickly shaved all of the hair off his head so I could see the lacerations and clean them.

Having done that, I rechecked his pulse and bp: they were returning to normal. The pupils were still fine, and I was able to arouse him, get him to say his name, and tell me who I was.

At this point it seemed clear that he was going to be alright and that I could take my time with the lacerations and abrasions, then cast his arm. I used the table shower to clean him off. He was dirty before he was beaten, but adding his own filth to that and the blood had made him a real mess. I gently cleansed him from head to toe, then sat him up and washed off his back. One of the guys held him up, while I used the showerhead to clean off his ass and legs. It was clear that he was bruised all over his back and buttocks and thighs as well.

After he was clean, I took my time suturing his wounds. The facial lacerations were the real challenge as I wished to leave no scars. After an hour, I was through. All I had to do then was set and cast his arm, an easy task on a skinny kid.

We then put him in the bed, hanging the IV bag overhead, and applied an ice bag to his swollen testicles.

We had a small meeting to discuss where to go from here. The team said that the bodies would simply be felt to represent a gang hit. Further, the weapons used would be destroyed and replaced at the lodge. The question was how/when to transport, and providing security until then. I said we would assess him in the morning and decide, but the plane should be ready to go.

With that, I sat on the bed next to Cody and watched him breathe in an out. It was clear that he was in pain as he did so from the broken ribs, so I pushed a bit of morphine into his IV and he then went to sleep with a more comfortable appearance.

After 15 minutes I took the ice pack off him and then confirmed that he had to be about 13 or 14. His development was basically where it should be for that age in terms of hair, but like me at that age he was a lot bigger than one might expect in a kid. I covered him again, then woke him up to check his orientation. It was a sleepless night for me, as I woke him every 60 minutes. Around 2 am he needed to pee, and we took care of that using a vase. I was relieved that there was no blood in it.

We had a meeting at 0500. I described that Cody seemed to be doing as well as could be expected. We agreed that it would be best to fly him out at night so that a beat up kid did not attract attention. The medical supplies not needed were packed onto the plane, and arrangements made for our return. I had someone else watch him for a time while I got a couple of hours of sleep.

Cody was not yet able to eat, but I was ok with that as he was well hydrated. I sent one of the guys out to a store to pick up some sweatpants, a sweatshirt, underwear, socks and shoes for him. As night fell, we dressed him. It was really painful for him and he was crying and moaning. I pushed some more morphine and he fell back to sleep. An hour later he was on the plane with the two pilots and two security guys, and the others were heading back to the lodge.

Next: Chapter 8

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