Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Sep 14, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I was pumping adrenalin after that nightmare scenario as I left the building. When I am like that, I tend to be super vigilant. I caught a glimpse at the corner that looked strangely like my Mercedes. It was not really a surprise, these guys were not going to let the boss go get killed.

I went into the parking garage, and saw a kid standing next to the Bentley. He was pretty scruffy, but not touching the car. I approached him and he said "hey is this your car"? I replied that it was and he looked astonished. As I got closer, I realized that this was a really young kid. He looked about 13; maybe 16 if he was a really late bloomer. He was around 5 feet tall; not just lanky but skinny and unhealthy looking as he looked poorly nourished. He might have weight 95 lbs, soaking wet. He unkept blond hair badly needed a haircut, and a good wash wouldn't hurt it either. I also noticed when he smiled that is teeth looked stained, as though he had not been to a dentist in a long time. My read was that the kid was in a bad situation.

"So what's your name", I asked.

"Cody" he replied. I then said "I'm John" and extended my hand.

"How old are you Cody"? I asked.

"18" he said, with eyes averted in an obvious lie. I decided to let it go, he might have thought I was a cop or social worker ready to hall him off somewhere.

"Cody, you hungry" I asked.

"Uh... yeah" he said.

"I am too, how about if I buy you a meal" I asked him.

"Sure" he said, but he was looking at me as though he expected some ulterior motive. He then reached down and lazily cupped his genitals, in a not too subtle gesture.

"Cody, I'm not looking for that. The meal is free and I am not into taking advantage of kids who are in trouble" I said.

"Uh... OK" he said, blushing a bit.

I had spotted a Mexican place around the corner: your basic taco joint, run by an immigrant family.

"You like Mexican kid" I asked.

"Uh yeah sure".

We walked to the taco dive and ordered. I told him to order anything he wanted. He ordered an enormous combination platter, enough to feed me! I ordered the same thing, but figured I would wind up throwing out half of his. We both got large Cokes.

We sat down in the corner booth, and I noticed he naturally chose the bench that allowed him to have his back to the wall. This was just further confirmation of what I saw.

"So Cody, are your parents around here", I asked.

He darted an angry look at me, and I said "just asking, I'm not going to do anything; I already know you are homeless" I said.

"I'm not homeless I live in a house not far from here, with some guys I met" he said. I just nodded, thinking to myself that wherever this mythical house was, it wasn't clean and he wasn't being well fed.

He dug into his meal like a starving man. In between bites he told me a little bit about his story. He never knew his dad, but his mom was a hardworking single mom. Unfortunately, she had bad taste in boyfriends and her last one was a drunk, and abusive. I didn't ask the details. His mom then died suddenly of some heart condition, and the boyfriend kicked him out. He made his way on the street, did what he had to to eat, and had been on his own for 6 months.

"Cody, doesn't seem like a good place for a young `18 year old' to be (looked him in the eye and smiled a bit as I emphasized the word 18).

"Look Mister, can we take a ride in that Bentley" he asked.

I smiled, realizing that somewhere under the grime and thin frame was a kid whose mom had loved him and taught him to call adults "Mister".

"Sure Cody" I replied, lets head over to the garage, but AFTER you finish eating your meal.

He downed the rest of it in about 3 bites and I found myself thinking of one of my grandfather's comments about me as a kid which generally suggested I was hiding my food in a hollow leg.

We went to the Bentley, and I showed it to him. I opened the hood so he could see it, then had him buckle in. About 20 minutes later, we were out in the suburbs, and I stopped at a park and rolled the windows down. Cody looked frightened, and I again said "Cody, I'm not into kids and I'm not going to hurt you".

"Ok" he said, but still looking worried.

"Look Cody, I can help you get off the streets and out of this situation. Maybe find a nice family to take care of you in a good neighborhood".

"No way" he said emphatically. He then blurted out "I'm safer on my own".

I replied to him that this seemed doubtful to me, and he asked to go back to the garage.

When we arrived, I took out a card with my cell phone number on it. I handed it to him with a $100 bill and told him to start eating regularly. I also told him to call me if he ever needed help. He looked like he was going to cry, and bit his lower lip, then bolted from the car.

Next: Chapter 7

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