Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Sep 14, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I was up at 0400and by 0500 had packed, and taken the deer meat down, leaving it a half mile from the cabin for the animals to consume. It was a cold day, and I hiked quickly to stay warm. By 10 am, I was at the Lodge, where I was greeted by Sergeant Kowalski and the janitor/cook.

I made a little small talk with Kowalski, then said I needed to shower and shave, then have breakfast, but I would like him to assemble the staff in an hour for a meeting.

I went up to the Master Suite, with its commanding views of the land and mountains. I still could not believe that I was living here.

Entering the huge bathroom suite, I looked at the large Jacuzzi tub, sauna, steam room, and the shower with multiple shower heads. Setting the temperature to 104 degrees, I stripped down, placing my dirty clothes in the hamper, and stepping into the hot water. I scrubbed the dirt off 3 times before I felt really clean, and washed my hair, then shut off the shower and stepped out.

On the heated towel rack were 4 huge and high quality towels. I grabbed one, dried off, and threw it in the hamper. Walking back to the master suite, I realized that I had not moved my clothes to this room yet. None the less, I walked into the closet, and discovered that all of my clothing was hanging up, clean and organized. I opened some bureau drawers, finding underwear and socks, and put them on. Next, I put on a pair of 501's and quilted wool shirt.

I went down to the kitchen, and a huge breakfast was served: country ham, eggs, toast from fresh baked bread, and home fries. I chased this with a large mug of coffee, then refilled and went up to the conference room. The door was open, and all of the staff were waiting for me. As I entered, they stood up, almost at attention. I said what my grandfather said "At ease" and sat down at the head of the huge conference table. The 12 most senior staff sat around the table, and the others sat in chairs against the wall.

"I am sure you are curious as to how things will be now that my grandfather is gone. I have thought a great deal about it, and decided to change essentially nothing. All of you will remain in your current roles, remain at your current pay scale, and carry out the orders of Sergeant Kowalski".

I could feel the tension ease in the room, and knew that my words had been a great relief to them.

"Are there any questions?" I asked. However, there were none.

"Thank you for your service to my grandfather and me. You are dismissed. Sergeant, could you stay behind for a moment?"

The others filed out, leaving just the sergeant and I.

"How am I doing Sarge?" I asked with a grin. He had known me for many years and was kind of a father figure to me.

"You are doing great John. These men are as loyal to you as they were to your grandfather. They will be fine, and so will you".

"Great" I replied, then said "now it is time for some business".

I am heading to town in the morning. Please have the Gulfstream and pilot ready to go at 0800. I would like breakfast in the room at 0730 before the flight. I would also like to stay at my grandfather's... well my penthouse there. Please have it prepared, and make arrangements for the Pilot to be in the area, on call if I need him. I do not expect to return for a week or so. Also, please contact Mr. Harrison and ask him to clear his afternoon so that we can go over the investments. Finally, we really used up the supplies for the medical suite when my grandfather was near the end. I will e mail you a list of what is needed so that it can be ready to go and placed at the Penthouse".

"Will do" he replied.

Oh and if you don't mind, would you please send up the masseur? I will be in the sauna.

The sarge and I ended our meeting, and I headed back up to the Master Suite. Walking in, I noticed immediately that the bed had been made with fresh crisp sheets and the bathroom had been cleaned as well. All I could think was "wow, this is going to take some getting used to".

I stripped down, grabbed a terrycloth robe, and headed to the bathroom suite. The Sauna was already hot, but how this need was anticipated was a mystery to me. I got in the Sauna, and removed my robe and just lay back. After 20 minutes, I put on my robe and got up, wondering where the masseur was. In fact, he was waiting for me just outside the bathroom suite. The table was set up, and soothing music was playing.

The masseur is definitely good at what he does. He is trained in a variety of massage methods; knows the human body from his work as a medic; and to be blunt, is just gorgeous. He is the youngest of our staff, being 21 years old. At 5-11 and 160, he was lean with a swimmer's build and blond with a lean hungry look.

I lay down on the table, face down, and he placed the lift under my ankles to relax the back.

"What type of massage would you like Sir" he asked. I replied that really I wanted around a 2 hour massage, beginning with Swedish, then deep tissue, then ending on the shower table in the bathroom suite to remove the oil".

"Yes Sir" he replied, "How should I be dressed"?

The question surprised me. As a kid, he massaged me a few times but he was always fully clothed. I confess I had always wanted to see him nude, and said "make yourself comfortable".

I looked at him as he stripped down completely, noting his smooth swimmer's chest and six pack, the blond trail leading down, and his groomed pubes and shaved balls that bulged out of his tight scrotum. He actually looked like he was starting to get hard, but I dropped my head and relaxed for the massage.

Every muscle on my back, thighs, buttocks, and legs was worked by him. After 40 minutes or so, he asked me to turn over. I did so, revealing to my embarrassment that I was rock hard. I caught him looking at it, and realized that he had not seen me bare since college. It was obvious from his reaction that he liked what he saw. He had a perfect, hard, uncircumsized dick; only 6 inches long but still well formed.

He started with my scalp and face, and worked his way down to my abdomen. When standing next to me, I could feel his dick against my side. I reached out and played with it, and his nice balls as the massage continued. He then moved down to my feet, brushing my dick and balls as he moved. I could feel the precum which now covered my dick and formed a puddle on my abdomen.

He worked his way upward, completing the massage per se. He then said "Sir, you still appear stiff, may I help you with that"?

I nodded, and he began licking my abdomen, lapping up all of the precum, then my balls, and finally my cock. This guy could really suck, and as usual I was horny. I shot a load in about 5 minutes. He swallowed it and said "thank you". I replied, no: thank You!

We then walked to the table shower where he used bath gel and a louffa sponge and washcloth to remove all of the oil from me. By the time he finished, I was ready for a nap.

"You are dismissed" I said, and he quickly dressed and left the suite, sporting a bulge not present when he had come in initially.

I walked over to the desktop computer, and took 20 minutes preparing a comprehensive list of what I wanted in the infirmary. As an ER doc, I did not want to be without anything. By the time I was done, I realized I could do almost anything an ER could do when these supplies arrived.

I laid down for a 45 minute nap, then awoke and dressed in my workout clothes. I began with an hour on the rowing machine, sweating heavily as I wanted a hard workout. Next I called again for the masseur, who spotted for me as I did my lifting workout. My muscles had a nice burn, and felt great by the end.

I took a 3minute shower, got dressed, and went downstairs. Entering the library, I began to read. However, my mind wandered to tomorrow, and the opportunities this would provide. I picked up the phone, called fratboy, and asked him if I could come over around 6 pm the next day. He said "yeah bitch, be there". I was given the address, and he hung up. My dick was hard again, but I left it alone, saving it for the big night tomorrow.

I grabbed my coat, and took one of the 4 wheelers down the road to the men's dormitory. Upon entering, the men stood at attention. "Relax guys, I just came down to eat with you and be sure the food is still good". As a boy, I loved to eat with the men in the dormitory, and I needed some company. Grabbing a tray, I went into the kitchen where everyone was being served a hearty meal. Roast Turkey, stuffing, gravy and fresh vegetables were all served. I had a good meal, reminisced with the men about my grandfather, and then went back to the lodge around 9 pm.

I was up at 0600; shaved and showered by 0630, and read the news on line until breakfast arrived. I took my time eating, then headed down to the Gulfstream. I had packed nothing, knowing that it would all be taken care of. Four of the staff were trained combat pilots, and two were flying me to the City. Using a Gulfstream for such a short trip was ridiculous, but it was also expected and time saving. I went into the jet, opened the fridge and grabbed a V-8, and the pilot and copilot buttoned things up. They had already completed preflight inspection, so 5 minutes later we were taking off. We landed in well under an hour at the smaller private business airstrip which was used by corporate planes. Upon leaving the plane, the Mercedes was waiting. The guys and I got in, and they drove the 15 minutes to the penthouse. Going upstairs, I entered and noted that the place had been prepared for me. New clothing ranging from casual to Formal filled the closet; all toiletries were stocked; and the fridge was well stocked. I had told them that I preferred to cook for myself and have some privacy on this trip, so everything as ready to go. They even had my favorite beer in the fridge, and the full bar was well stocked.

The guys then left, explaining they would be wait for me at the car to take me to Harrison's. I told them I would be down in an hour or so. I went into the closet, took off my ranch clothes, and dressed in khakis, dress shirt, and cashmere sweater. Then, I grabbed my coat and went downstairs.

"I know I am early, but let's go to the club for lunch" I said. They men knew where the club was, and as we pulled up, I said "you guys need lunch too, so just park and meet me upstairs".

I took the elevator to the 30th (top) floor, and entered one of the oldest gentleman's private clubs in America. I was greeted by the manager, who knew who I was and was polite to the point of being obsequious. I asked for a table, set for three, on the glass where I could view the City. I ordered a bottle of wine, and then the men arrived. We were given menus and ordered lunch. As I had ordered a dry white, we elected to order the sole. We spoke together, largely about my grandfather, but also about my expectation of privacy. I indicated that I would be going out this evening, did not need a driver, and did not need the Secret Service protecting me. I reminded them that my Martial Arts skills were as good as the best special forces soldiers, and that I could take care of myself. We left and drove the 5 minutes to Harrison's.

The floor was what I expected. Harrison was a managing partner, so he was on the floor with the senior guys. The firm actually occupied 6 floors, where an Army of investment experts, accountants, and support staff managed the funds of the ultra wealthy. I was greeted by a very pretty young woman at the desk, who expected me and rang Harrison. He came out to greet me himself, and we walked to the conference room where papers awaited my review, and a powerpoint was prepared to update me on each of the 4 funds.

We slogged through the boring details of the finances, and I saw that 3 of the funds were up and one was even. It all seemed in order. Harrison also showed me the books for the ranch, and I was able to see the expenses broken down in a way that was easily understood. I then made arrangements for Harrison to have signing authority for up to 500 K a month, which was less than my grandfather had given him. He looked a bit wounded, but I was the boss and to me, 500 K a month of signing authority seemed ample.

By 4:30 we were through. I summoned the guys who drove me back to the Penthouse and I excused them for the evening, explaining that I would be using the Bentley and they were free to use the Mercedes.

I cooked a quick dinner of steak and a salad, then showered and went down to the car. I plugged in the address of fratboy, and headed there, planning to be there 30 minutes early to check out the neighborhood and find parking.

Fratboy was located in what one might call the Bohemian section of town. It was an eclectic mix of tie dye, burkas, ethnic restaurants, and sex shops. I found the address, which was a large apartment complex. I parked in a nearby garage, and went into a bar to have a beer. It was almost 6 pm, so I paid, took a piss, and walked across to the apartment. I pushed 302, and the buzz of the solenoid told me I was being let in. I walked up the stairs to 302 and found the door ajar. I knocked, and heard him "get in her cunt, then strip and close the door.

I was in a very dark room, unable to see much, but I stripped down. My hands were shaking as this seemed kind of freaky, but exciting. My dick was at attention. There was alternative music playing in the room as well.

"Get on you knees and face the wall cunt" was the next thing I heard from the darkness. I did so, and heard footsteps approaching me. A blindfold was placed, then my wrists were handcuffed behind me. I could see nothing at all.

I was beginning to think things weren't right. The guy's voice didn't sound young enough to be a frat guy. There were no other voices in the room either. I could smell alcohol on the breath of my captor as well.

"Turn around he ordered", and I did so, kneeling before him. A very hard slap hit my face and he said "you will reply Yes Sir when I give you a command".

"Yes Sir" I said. Then my face was drawn toward him, and stuffed into a pretty ripe smelling crotch. He buried my nose in his pubes, then his balls. Open wide "cunt" he said.

At this point, I knew things weren't right. The guy was drunk, not clean, and probably not who he said he was.

"Take off the blindfold and uncuff me" I said. The reply was a hard kick to the nuts and a laugh.

"You are in no position to give orders".

"Sorry Sir" I said, realizing that I was going to have to get oriented to handle this guy. He told me to get up, then walked me across the room. He had me bend over what I think was a chair, then he said "hold still cunt, I am going to teach you to mind".

The next thing I felt was a very hard blow from a very heavy paddle. I wasn't expecting it, so I gasped.

"Count them bitch" he said. I then counted each blow, and he stopped at 50. My ass was on fire and my eyes were watering. I had also been begging him to stop.

Next I was told to get up, and was led to another room. He pushed me backwards onto my back, and I immediately knew I was on a bed.

"I'm going to fuck you boy" he said.

"Please no Sir" I said, knowing that my opportunity was about to present it.

He lifted up my legs, then placed a hard dick against my virgin hole. I now knew his exact position relative to me. I locked my legs around his neck dragging him onto the bed and scissoring his throat. I began to strangle him, and he was gasping and struggling. After a minute or two, his struggles grew more feeble. "I am going to lighten the pressure just enough to allow one breath, then you will reach up and remove my blindfold.

I did, and he did. I could see a disgusting 50 year old guy; out of shape with a beer belly, and a red face that was probably permanently that way from drinking.

"Now you will show me where the keys are. You will crawl to the location and I will follow you. If you try to get away or attack me, I will kill you".

Shaking, he crawled back into the living room, where I turned on the light. I could see the whole set up now, including the paddle used on me. Next to the paddle was a handcuff key.

"Unlock me bitch" I said. He did so. I turned, punched him hard in the face, and he went down with a broken and bleeding nose. I got dressed and left, exiting the apartment and heading toward the garage.

Next: Chapter 6

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