Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Nov 4, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

The alarm went off at 0400 and breakfast was served at 0415. We dressed hurriedly, and I had our driver take us down to the docks. I had chartered a fast fishing catamaran with a local captain and deck hand for the day to take Cody on his first Ocean Fishing trip. It was not Salmon season, so we would just be bottom fishing. Even at our speed, it was going to be a 2 hour run to our destination, the Farralon Islands off San Francisco, home to a variety of Marine Life, and especially home to great white Sharks. However, we would not be fishing for sharks, rather for something more edible.

We were greeted by our captain: a surly wrinkled overweight man who appeared to be in his 70s and smelled like fish. On board was a tall skinny kid who introduced himself as Tyler, our deckhand. Cody beamed when he met Tyler, and this reminded me that Cody really needed more time with other teen guys.

Once we got out of the bay, the Captain gruffly called Tyler and said "go down to the galley and cook breakfast for all of us, NOW". Tyler rushed down to the galley, presumably to cook for us.

Cody asked me "hey dad, can I go down below too"? I responded that he was of course welcome to do so.

Fifteen minutes later, Cody and Tyler emerged with fried egg and bacon sandwiches, coffee, and coke for Cody. As they approached, I could hear that Cody was chattering away at, what appeared to be, his new found friend.

At that point, I made a study of Tyler. He was about 5-11, quite thin, and seemed a little awkward. He was one of those tall young men who perhaps did not know what to do with his height, and would kind of slump and fold his arms and his legs in as though he wanted to minimize his size and not be seen. Eye contact wasn't real good, and it was clear that he was afraid of the Captain. Tyler had a quiet, perhaps subtly feminine, or just not confident, voice: not quite a lisp, but a vague hint of one. I guessed that Tyler was 16 or 17 based on the fact that he had not shaved that morning and looked like he needed to do so, at least on his upper lip. A mop of unkempt brown hair stuck out from under his hat.

"Tyler, damn it, stop chattering and go get the Gear ready" the captain bellowed, cutting off Tyler who was quietly telling Cody about our destination. Cody looked at the Captain, a hint of anger in his eyes, and then looked at me. With my eyes, I told Cody to leave it alone, and we all started eating.

Afterward, Cody asked if he could go into the stern and learn about the equipment we would be using. I told him that of course he could do that, and that I expected Tyler could teach him about it.

About 1 hour later I saw the outline of the islands we were approaching, then 30 minutes later we slowed down and the captain began studying his fish finder. I went into the stern and got ready to fish, listening a bit to the conversation of Cody and Tyler.

Cody said "Wow, I never been fishing before, it must be really cool to do it all the time".

Tyler responded "Well it's OK, but pretty much it's a job for me. I mean I don't really get to fish, I just help other people fish".

Cody then asked "is the Captain always mean to you"?

Tyler looked quite nervous, and looked up to see who was there. I made eye contact and nodded, making it clear that whatever he had to say was OK with me.

Tyler then said "yeah, he's pretty rough but it's one of the jobs I got to have".

Cody then responded "How come you have to have more than one job"?

Tyler looked like he didn't know whether to answer or not, and I spoke up: "Tyler, it's ok speak freely" I said.

Tyler then said that he was having to live on his own, and needed the money to eat.

At that point the Captain yelled down "Fish below, drop down".

Tyler dropped Cody's bait down expertly, cranked it up a few times turns from the bottom, and then before he could even give it to Cody a fish obviously took the bait. Tyler set the hook, and then handed the rod off to Cody.

Cody had little idea of how to hold the rod, or that he needed to lift the rod, then crank down and bring the tip of the rod close to the surface, then repeat. Tyler however expertly talked him through it, and after about 15 minutes, Cody had a nice Red Rockfish of about 5 lbs weight. Tyler swiftly unhooked it and tossed it into the ice chest, praising Cody as he did so: "dude, you did a great job on that, can't believe you have never fished before". This led to a broad grin from Cody, who seemed to love being praised by a peer.

We had drifted off that spot, so the Captain spent about 10 minutes finding another, and then told Tyler to drop down.

Almost instantly, Cody had another fish on, this one obviously larger. It took him about 30 minutes to get this one in, and it was a beautiful Ling Cod of about 15 lbs in weight. Tyler gave Cody advice and encouragement while the fish was being fought, then gaffed it for him.

Tyler then said "wow, I never seen anyone do it that well their first time" as he clapped Cody on the back.

Cody beamed, turned a little red and said "thanks".

Tyler rebaited and helped Cody to drop own and hook another Ling Cod of even greater size. After boating it I said to Cody: "Son, we don't catch what we can't eat. We already have enough fish for us and the guys doing security, so I think we'll just cruise around and see if we can figure out how to find a shark for you to see".

Cody replied excitedly "A shark dad... wow that would be so cool".

I went up to the pilot house, leaving Cody and Tyler to chat. I explained to the Captain that we weren't interested in slaying large numbers of fish that we could not eat, but that it would be great if we could try to find a shark for Cody.

The captain understood, and took the boat in to about 40 feet of water and rigged the lines to catch mackeral. It didn't take long to find a school of them, and we were catching them 4 at a time. We boated about 100 of them, then headed back outside to a deep trench that approached quite close to shore.

"Boy, start cutting those mackerel and chumming, the customers want to see a shark" bellowed the Captain at Tyler.

"Yes Sir" he said, and began chumming for shark. Cody looked at me again, clearly angry at how the Captain was treating Tyler, and I subtly shook my head `no' to indicate that I did not want him to create a scene.

Soon we had a flock of seagulls diving around us, and had raised various types of fish to the surface.

It took about an hour, but then we saw what we were looking for: a relatively small great white (6 feet), coming up the chum line. Tyler started to throw in whole mackerel, and the shark headed in toward the stern.

The shark worked his way up the chum line, and started devouring the mackerel. Tyler then threw in all of the rest of the bait, resulting in the great white going into a feeding frenzy about 15 feet in back of the boat.

Cody clapped with excitement "Dad... that's so neat... look at that thing eat... Man I'd hate to fall in... look at those teeth" he said.

Cody was laughing and excited; Tyler was throwing in bait and also smiling, clearly appreciating Cody's joy at seeing this for the first time.

Once the bait was gone, the shark swam off and I asked the Captain to give us a tour around the Islands.

As the tour started, the Captain again bellowed at Tyler "Kid, get your ass down and fry up some fish. I don't know what you think you are doing today but you are acting like a guest not crew".

Tyler looked afraid and scurried back to the galley as Mike and I went into the pilot house for our tour.

About 30 minutes later, our fish and chips arrived, along with two cokes.

The Captain, apparently displeased at how long it had taken said to Tyler "What the fuck. Why did it take so long"?

Tyler averted his gaze and mumbled that it took a while to clean the fish and peel the potatoes.

I sort of rescued Tyler by asking an inane question about a bird I saw, and Tyler scurried to the cockpit and began cleaning up.

After an hour or so, the tour was over, and I indicated that we would be happy to head back to shore. The Captain plotted his course, and Cody and I went down to the cockpit to just sit and enjoy the fresh air.

Tyler was scrubbing away, working hard, and appeared a bit uncomfortable. I said in a low voice "Tyler, will you get in trouble if we talk with you"?

Tyler nodded his head yes.

I then took out my card and wrote my number down and said "Tyler, Cody and I would like to take you to dinner tonight. Call this number when we get to shore and you are out of sight of the Captain.

Tyler stuffed the card in his pocket and nodded, then went on about cleaning up the rest of the boat.

When we got to shore, we were presented with the remainder of our catch: in filet form and vacuum packed, on ice sealed in a bag. I tipped the Captain quite well for a day trip: $200 in twenty dollar bills. In part I did this to see what he would share with his deckhand.

As we stepped off the boat, I saw the Captain throw 20 bucks at Tyler.

"Cheap bastard" I thought to myself, knowing that such a low percentage of the tip was not expected or appropriate.

Cody and I called for our car, and went back to the hotel. We handed the fish off to our driver to share with the security detail, and then hit the shower to wash the fish smell off.

Just as we got out of the shower together, the phone rang. I had Cody answer it, but on speaker phone.

"Uh... Hi... um... This is Tyler... Um you said to call" the boy on the phone stammered.

Cody immediately responded and said "Tyler, cool, thanks for calling"!

Tyler then continued and said "Um... I don't think I can do dinner... sorry... it's not you...".

I then stepped in and said "Tyler, how come dinner won't work for you"?

Tyler then beat around the bush a bit: "Ah... well it's like this... It's not like I don't want to... but like I can't stay out late... And I don't have any clean clothes".

I then responded again: "Tyler, we can order food in, but how come you can't stay out"?

Tyler then responded, again in a pretty circumstantial way: "Well... it's like this... damn... this is embarrassing... they lock the doors and I won't have anywhere to sleep if I'm not there for dinner".

Cody then jumped in "Where dude, I mean why don't you have a place to sleep if you eat dinner with us"?

Tyler then responded... "Well, like I don't have a place to live. I'm at the Shelter and that's how it works".

Cody started to respond, but I held my finger to my lips to indicate that he should be quiet. I then said "Tyler, it's OK, we have a huge suite here, you can spend the night here and I guarantee it's a better place to sleep than the shelter. Just tell me where you are, and I will send a car to pick you up".

Tyler then gave the address, and I phoned our drive and told him to go pick the kid up, be polite, and don't ask questions.

Thirty minutes later, Tyler arrived at our door. He was carrying a small backpack, and clearly had not showered.

Cody greeted him warmly, as did I, and I then said "Hey Tyler, you look like you could use to get cleaned up. I'm going to get you a razor and shaving cream. Why don't you go into the bathroom, strip down, and hit the shower"?

"Gee thanks" he said, and headed to the bathroom.

I let Tyler get into the shower, and then began to drew a hot bath in the giant soaking tub of our suite. Through the glass shower doors, I could see Tyler scrubbing himself and trying to get clean.

I then picked up his clothes, and examined them. They were filthy, possibly loaded with lice. I took the clothes and then opened up his backpack. The clothing inside was equally filthy, and there were no personal effects beyond the clothing in the backpack.

Stuffing the clothes in the backpack, I set it outside our door and called to have laundry pick them up and wash them. I also found and called a pharmacy, to order shampoo and lotion which would treat lice, as I was quite concerned that Tyler might have them.

Returning to the bathroom with Cody, we saw Tyler turn off the water. He stood in the shower and did not come out. I concluded that he was probably shy, and handed a towel over the top of the shower door and told him to dry off.

Then when Tyler came out, with the towel around his thin waist, I suggested that he shave, then take a soak in the tub.

As Tyler shaved, I called Cody out and gave him some money. I sent him to the drug store where I had phoned in the prescriptions, explaining what they were for.

Thirty minutes later, Cody returned with the lotion and shampoo.

I took both in to Tyler and said "son, I want you to use this shampoo, leave it in for 3 minutes, then rinse it out".

Tyler said "OK, what is it"?

As he shampooed, I explained what it was and why we were using it. Tyler just nodded, not visibly surprised that I was concerned about lice.

Once the shampoo was out I asked him to step out and dry off. Tyler hesitated and looked embarrassed.

"Tyler, I'm a doctor, and have seen thousands of naked guys. You don't have anything the others don't have, so just dry off, OK"?

Tyler got out of the tub and I handed him a towel. As he did so, I noticed that he had an abundant, really excessive amount of pubic hair, treasure trail leading down from his belly button, and a scant amount of chest hair. This confirmed my initial impression that Tyler was older than Cody. Nestled into the pubic hair was a circumcised penis of average size: likely not more than 6 inches when erect.

Once Tyler dried off, I had him apply the lotion to his body, and I applied it to the parts of his back that he could not reach. That done, I handed him a robe and invited him out to the main room of our suite.

Cody was waiting for us, and immediately smiled and told Tyler that he was really glad to have him here. Tyler smiled, and thanked both of us for having him over.

Reaching for the room service menu, I told the boys to pick out everything and anything they wanted. Cody and Tyler discussed the menu, and ultimately ordered enough food for 5 adults, as one might expect from two hungry teen boys.

While waiting for the food, I asked Tyler to tell us his story. Cody and I had to ask a lot of questions, but ultimately we figured out what was going on.

Tyler was a few months past his 16th birthday. His mom and dad died in a car crash when he was 13, and he moved in with his only relative: an uncle in San Francisco who had late stage HIV.

Tyler lived with and ultimately cared for his Uncle in the last 6 months of his life. When the Uncle died, Tyler had no place to live and wound up in a shelter. He had already dropped out of school to care for his uncle, but now needed to work to meet his basic needs.

As the story was being completed, room service arrived. The three of us ate heartily, and devoured all of the food including dessert.

After dinner, I excused myself to go to my bedroom and read and suggested that the boys just hang out and talk for a while. When 11 pm rolled around, I came out and they were still excitedly talking.

"Cody, time for you to go to sleep. You can sleep in here tonight and Tyler can have your bed" I said.

"Gee Dad, do I have to go to bed, I'm not tired" Cody replied.

"Yes Son, you have to go to bed. Now say goodnight to Tyler and come to bed" I replied.

Cody then looked at Tyler and earnestly said "I had so much fun tonight... I hope you did too. Goodnight".

Tyler responded that, yes, he had a good time too, and headed off to the King Sized bed. I could see he was really tired, and knew he would sleep well if his recent months had been spent on a Shelter cot.

Cody came in with me, and we sat and talked for a time. After a half hour, I turned off the light and told him to go to sleep. Holding my son, we both drifted off to sleep quickly.

Next: Chapter 27

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