Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Nov 2, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

The next morning I woke Cody up at 6 and tossed him a pair of shorts and t shirt "Cody, we're getting fat and out of shape, let's start with a run" I said, then I went and put on my running shorts, shoes, and t shirt.

We started out easy, jogging downhill next to the cable car tracks to the waterfront. Turning right, we jogged down to the Bay Bridge, along the open area where the Embarcadero once stood. I looked over and Cody was breaking a sweat, but breathing easily and keeping up with a smooth stride, like a natural runner. We did a U turn and jogged along the waterfront to fisherman's Wharf, then continued around to the Marina District.

"OK Cody, now we are going to see what you are made of" I said, and we turned uphill, running all the way up to "pill hill" where the Hospital was.

Cody now had a heaving chest and his t shirt had turned black from sweat around the arms. I was in better shape than that, but also breathing and sweating heavily.

"Ok back down son" I said and we ran down the hill, all the way to the Wharf, then turned right for a couple of blocks. Setting my sights on another hill I said "OK Cody let's do it again".

"Dad... Jeese..." Cody said, but he was clearly enjoying the challenge and took off up the hill ahead of me as if to race me. I raced up after him, wanting to continue a good pace and see Cody push himself.

About halfway up, he started to slow down and I said "No stopping Cody, but we can just jog the rest of the way up".

We turned left and worked our way over a few more blocks, and then I said "race you down son" and took off fast downhill with Cody racing after me. Near the end I intentionally slowed a little bit, and let Cody just squeak by me as we hit the flat ground in the financial district.

I stopped, leaning over with my arms on my thighs, and Cody did the same while excitedly saying "I won, I beat you dad" with a big smile on his face. I gave my very sweaty son a big hug and we walked back to the cable car that would take us back to the Hopkins and waited for it, then rode up, choosing to stand on the outside in true San Francisco tradition.

We got back and Cody says "I'm beat, let's get cleaned up".

"Not so fast son, we need to go lift now" I said.

Cody groaned, rolled his eyes, and then grinned with that infectious smile of his. We spent 2 hours in the gym, spotting for each other, and lifting until the burn prevented either of us from lifting more.

"OK Cody, now we can get cleaned up" I said, and we went back to the Suite and stripped down. I looked Cody up and down and said "Wow, son. You are really pumped up. I can't believe you are the skinny little boy I adopted. Look at you!"

Cody smiled, then proceeded to flex a couple of times and laugh "I'm still kinda skinny but at least I got muscles now" he said.

We hit the big shower together and shampooed each other and got cleaned up.

Once we were dressed, I noticed that it was 11 am.

"Cody, its 11 am and we haven't eaten, let's go I'm starving".

I didn't feel like calling for our car so we grabbed a cab and took it to this famous Dim Sum restaurant. We were early enough, and it was a weekday, so we got right in.

The carts started rolling by and I began ordering basically one of everything. I even ordered the chicken feet and jelly fish to see what Cody would say. He crinkled his nose, but tried one of each. I had to explain what everything was as Cody had never had Dim Sum, those wonderful little Chinese appetizers, before. We gorged ourselves for the next 90 minutes, managing to run up a $200 bill on Dim Sum (No alcohol, just food) which to me was a major accomplishment (my previous record with a guest had been $100). It is safe to say that we put away more food than a medium sized Chinese village could have eaten in that period of time.

Afterward I told Cody I had a surprise for him. Being a 14 year old boy, he immediately tried to guess what it was.

"Movie Dad"? he asked.


"Helicopter ride over the bay"? he asked.


"Fishing trip dad"?

"Not yet" I said.

"I give up" he said.

"OK son, well let's flag a cab and go there" I replied.

We grabbed a cab and I handed the cabbie a note with our destination: The Sony Metreon. The Metreon is a great place for kids where Sony showcases all of their entertainment devices and new technology not yet available in the stores. It has fantastic games and displays of things like 3 D TV that does not require the special glasses.

Cody had never heard of the place, but as soon as we got inside he got excited and made sure that we looked at every possible exhibit in detail. Thus the next 3 hours were spent at the Metreon.

When we came outside, I suggested that we walk for a while, then pick up a cab to go back to the Hopkins. Eventually we found ourselves walking up Polk Street where, at that time, an eclectic set of adult book stores, panhandling homeless guys, and street prostitutes would be seen hanging around.

As Cody and I started up the street, an aggressive homeless guy stood in our way and said "Gimme 10 bucks I'm hungry". Wanting to set a reasonable example for Cody, I said the following "I won't give you cash, but if you want to walk across the street to that restaurant I will buy you anything you want to eat". The guy became enraged that I did not give him money, undoubtedly because what he wanted was alcohol not food. He began yelling at Cody and I.

"You fucking faggot, why don't you just take your little fag boy somewhere and fuck him up his tight little ass" he said.

I intended to just keep walking, as it is never worth getting into street fights one can avoid. However, Cody surprised me when he jumped toward the guy and landed 3 punches in his face, using reasonable technique from his boxing lessons. The guy then swung at Cody, and he used his footwork to easily avoid the punch.

"Cody"! I exclaimed, stepping forward to pull him away.

That's when I saw the homeless guy reach for and grasp his knife. Before he had it fully out, I advanced, placed him in an arm bar resulting in his dropping the blade then put his face on the ground and held it there.

"Cody, you will walk two blocks up hill and wait for me there" I said in a very serious and authentically angry voice that left no room for argument.

Cody headed up the hill and I leaned down toward the man "First of all that is my son. Second, I apologize for his attacking you. He knows better than that and I will deal with the matter. Third, you can pick up your knife in the first trash can I encounter on my way up the street. Fourth, if you see us again and attempt to pull a knife, I will kill you. Understood"?

"Yeah, I get it" the guy said.

I picked up the knife, released the guy, turned and walked up the hill. I met Cody two blocks up and dropped the knife in a trash can.

"Dad, that was so cool"! Cody exclaimed.

I was really mad and turned to Cody and snapped: "What was cool. That you attacked a guy you didn't need to attack? That you almost got yourself knifed doing it? That my son doesn't have the self control to ignore a few nasty words from a crazy homeless guy? What's so fucking cool CODY?" I spat, in a very loud voice that resulted in stares from those walking by.

Cody didn't know what to say. He started to cry right there.

"Cody, we will deal with this at the hotel" I said, and flagged down a cab.

It was a short ride to the hotel with no talk between Cody and me, just the sound of him crying a bit.

I tipped the cabbie and took Cody up to the suite and to sit down.

I stood in front of him and began the lecture.

"Cody, this is one of those times when even though I love you, I am so mad I could just strangle you. What were you thinking"?

Cody looked up at me and said "That guy said really bad stuff to you and to me and I wanted to teach him a lesson".

"Cody, people say bad things. We can't just go beat them up every time" I explained.

Cody shook his head and said "Sorry, I was just really mad about what he said".

I replied "Cody, I am teaching you to defend yourself, not to attack those who make you angry. You had no valid reason to attack, and in doing so you nearly got yourself stabbed. That forced me to step in and take the knife away, and while that didn't lead to my getting hurt it could have. So you not controlling yourself risked both your life and mine".

Cody nodded and said "Sorry dad".

I then said "Cody, take off your pants and underpants and stand at the end of the bed, I am going to punish you".

Cody looked at me and said "Do you have to dad, I won't do it again"?

"Yes Cody, I have to son. Now don't argue or it will get worse" I said.

Cody pulled down his 501s and boxer briefs (he now wanted to wear the same kind I wear) and stepped out of them. He went over to the bed and stood there.

"Son, put your arms and face on the bed and don't get up until I tell you to" I said, in as gentle a voice as I could. I took a few seconds to try to calm myself, as I was so angry. As I thought about this, I realized that I was in fact having mixed emotions. Part of me was quite proud of how well my son and handled himself in the fight. While not ready for a street fight, he had stepped in and was winning a fight with a guy who outweighed him by 50 lbs. However, this was a lesson he had to learn.

I took the heavy western belt out of my own jeans and doubled it over. Standing on Cody's left side, I placed my left hand on the small of his back and said "Cody, I expect you to remember this and not make me do this to you for this behavior again".

Cody was already crying and sniveled "yes dad'.

I lay on the first 5 blows fast and hard. Poor Cody yelped and jumped with each one as each left a livid red loop mark on his right cheek. As I gave him the next 10, he began sobbing loudly and saying "Please dad... please...ow that hurts... please dad".

I was really feeling like shit, but had to do this. After 25 blows I stopped and said "Stay in position son, I am changing sides".

I then delivered 25 blows to his left cheek, each leaving an angry raised red belt mark and resulting in my son breaking into huge sobs with shaking shoulders and begging by the end.

When I finally finished, I had tears in my eyes and I threw the belt across the room and told Cody to stand up. When he did, I hugged him and kissed his forehead and the top of his head and cried with him, as I held him close.

"Cody, I hated doing that to you son. I love you so much though that I had to do it. I don't want you getting hurt or killed on the street because you don't have self control. I'm so sorry I had to do that Son" I said.

Cody stopped crying and said "It's OK dad, I deserved it and that's your job. You promised the judge when you adopted me".

I broke off the embrace and grabbed a robe and tossed it to Cody and said "Put this on son". Turning, I undressed and put one on myself. I was again really disturbed that something about this had turned me on. While no longer erect, I had leaked and formed a large stain on my boxer briefs during the punishment.

We went over in front of the entertainment center and I used my computer to download the history channel story of the building of the Golden Gate Bridge that I had promised we would watch. Sitting next to each other in our robes, we watched the show with my arm around Cody's shoulder, rubbing and playing with his soft blond hair at times, and massaging his shoulders at others.

At the end of the show I said "Cody, you need to go to bed because I will be waking you up early. I'm going to go out for an hour then will come to bed myself".

"OK Dad, he said and headed off to bed".

"Forgetting something Cody"? I asked, and he smiled sheepishly and walked back over to me where we exchanged hugs.

"Love you Dad" he said.

"I love you too Cody" I replied.

With Cody off to bed, I went out and headed to Mike's hotel room. I had already decided that I was not taking him out that night, but I was on fire and needed to get off.

When Mike came to the door I entered and said "Boy, strip and go stand in front of the bed".

"Yes Sir" Mike replied and did so.

I also stripped down, and removed the belt from my 501s. Standing by his side I said "Boy, now bend over the bed and keep your arms and face on it while I spank you".

Mike complied, and I doubled over my belt. Looking down at his tight smooth ass, awaiting my belt, made my dick rock hard, just as it had been earlier in the day, but substantially harder.

I slashed down on his right cheek 25 times hard, resulting in a sobbing and begging slave boy. He was sobbing at least has hard as Cody had earlier in the day, when I switched sides and repeated it on his left cheek.

As soon as the last blow landed, I stood behind Mike and put on a condom. I viciously raped his ass for about 15 minutes while he squealed and moaned. I was possessed with lust as I drove my thick 8 inches in and out of Mike's asshole while I started into his face. I lifted his legs up with my arms and fucked him in that position for a while, hammering his prostate and intentionally making it painful. He was wincing with each thrust, but clearly excited. I fucked like an animal.

Finally, I shot a huge load into the condom as I rammed my thick cock in ass hard as I could. Stepping away, I noticed that at some point Mike had cum too.

"Slave, We'll deal with that unauthorized cumming another day" I said, as I got dressed and went home to sleep, finally free of that aroused feeling that had developed during Cody's whipping.

I am curious as to how readers are finding the story and whether it is worth continuing. Hoping to get a bit of feedback. John

Next: Chapter 26

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