Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 26, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I slept in until 9, then was awakened by Cody shaking my shoulders.

"Dad!....... DAD wake up" he said. I woke up and looked around to see what was wrong.

"What's wrong Cody" I asked.

"Nothing dad but its late and I want to go do stuff" he said.

I said "for that you woke me up"? then grabbed him and tickled his sides for several minutes while he struggled and gasped and laughed hysterically.

"OK Son, I'll call room service to bring something up and have the car readied. Let's get cleaned up".

We were both cleaned up and coming out in our robes 20 minutes later when breakfast arrived. I tipped the hotel staff who brought the breakfast, and then Cody and I ate. Afterward I asked him "OK Son, what's on for today"?

"Dad, I want to go to Marin and Stinson Beach and the Muir Woods" he said.

"OK Son, but let's get a picnic lunch packed first" and I called down to have it ready and waiting in the car.

I looked outside and it was a bit cloudy and cool so we dressed warmly and I told Cody to also bring his rain gear.

The morning traffic was over, so we made Marin pretty quickly. After wandering around for a time, Cody decided that for now he was more interested in our other stops and we went to Stinson Beach.

The fog was rolling in and it gave the jutting rocks of Stinson beach a surreal appearance. Cody couldn't get enough of it, knowing little of the ocean, and so we spent hours there. He was even treated to seeing the large seals that inhabit that part of the coast, several with big scars on them where they had encountered sharks. Cody asked me what happened to them, and I explained about the sharks and the food chain and how things work in the Wild.

We had a pleasant, if damp, picnic lunch then continued to check things out, until Cody asked if we could please go see the Redwoods. I said of course, and we were off to Muir Woods.

As usual, Muir woods was both crowded, and drizzling. With our rain gear on, we wandered around the Redwoods. Cody was in awe that a tree could be that big, and eagerly read the little displays about the trees. I probably took 50 pictures of him, panning for the camera, and just being a happy overexcited kid.

As it was approaching 4 pm, we got on the road to try to beat the traffic across the Golden Gate. Unfortunately we did not, so we stopped off at Golden Gate Park to look at the bridge and fabulous view of San Francisco. Cody was excited about the Bridge and how it was constructed, as he had also been reading about this. I told him that we would download the History Channel special on it when we got back to the hotel and watch it together.

We got back on the road, and it took an hour to reach the hotel. On the way, I had decided we both needed a treat, so I called the hotel and had two masseurs arranged for after dinner.

Being a kid, Cody wanted pizza rather than something fancy, so we found a place and ate. He demolished a large Pizza himself, reminding me of how much he was growing. I had a half pitcher of beer, and was nicely buzzed when the car took us back.

Waiting in the room were two masseurs, dressed in traditional white, with the tables laid out for both of us. There was a top sheet on each, but I undressed and just lay down on top of it, and Cody followed suit. It is probably just me, but I think the masseurs spend half the time pulling sheets around to protect modesty that I don't have, so I always just lie on top of the sheets. Additionally, I am not ashamed of my body and did not want Cody to be ashamed of his.

We were massaged in stereo over the next 2 hours, and Cody was essentially asleep when it ended. I carried him off to bed, and then tipped the masseurs. By now it was 10 pm. The show about the building of the Golden Gate would have to wait for another evening.

Though I was tired, I wanted to train my bitch Mike some more, so I went down to the car and headed off to his seedy hotel.

Mike was kneeling, naked, as previously arranged. He had his leather gear arranged and had done a reasonable job of getting it clean. I snapped on the collar and leash, had him put on the revealing leather shorts, and then took him out for a walk.

The first people we saw were two homeless kids. Both looked to be older than Cody, and they were pretty clean for homeless kids. They asked me where I was taking my "faggot" and I said that I was out to humiliate him. The two boys looked at each other and asked if they could help, and I said sure, and we all stepped into a poorly lit alley.

I told the bitch to strip, and he did so, immediately popping an erection. The two boys laughed and said "guess he's into it" I assured them that he was, and that they could do anything safe to him. They said "ANYTHING?" and I replied yes, that is what I had said.

Both boys dropped their jeans and shorts, revealing erections. The younger looking of the two had a long but skinny circumcised dick; the older of the two who had some chest and body hair, had a short but fairly thick uncircumcised cock.

They told the Bitch to get on his knees, and then he sucked the younger boy. The boy said "Hey, he's not doing it right, can we punish him"?

I replied that of course they could, and the older boy went and got his belt. It was light enough to see that Mike had lost the redness from our prior evening of fun.

The older boy then doubled over his belt and starting swinging it as hard and fast as he could on my slave's bared ass. Each blow left an obvious loop mark, and slave Mike was sucking for all he was worth. The younger boy blew a load after about 5 minutes, and then switched places with the older one. The younger one could not whip as hard, but he did his best while Mike chocked on his friend's thick cock. Eventually the older boy also blew a load.

I ordered Mike to thank each of the boys for their gift, and he thanked each one, addressing them as Sir.

"No problem bitch" they both said, as they got dressed and went down the street laughing.

Mike got his shorts on and we continued our walk. There was a bathhouse that we stopped in front of, and I checked us both in getting only our lockers and towels.

Mike kept his collar and leash on, but was paraded bare assed for all to see. I made him spot for me while I lifted in the gym, and a crowd developed to watch me working out, spotted by a freshly belted young hot slave.

After my workout, I took Mike into a room with a sling. Putting on a condom, I stared down at my 21 year old slave, ass hanging over the edge of the sling. My cock rested against the moist opening and I looked into his eyes. Mike's boyish face, tight nipples, 8 pack abdomen, and lithe body quievered in anticipation of what he knew was coming.

I rammed my dick in as hard as he could and he cried out "Ooooh". Then, using the swing so that my bitch rocked back and forth and all I had to do was stand with my thick 8 inch uncut rod up his pussy, I rode the boy as an audience gathered.

Mike was soon moaning with pleasure and saying "Please Sir... Oh God... Fuck me Sir... Oh fuck...". At that moment I shot my load, but to my dismay, so did Mike. He shot 5 spurts, landing from the top of his head to the top of his abdomen.

"Bitch", I screamed... "Did I give you permission to cum Bitch"?

"No Sir, Sorry Sir... it was an accident Sir... I swear" he whined.

"What happens to you when you cum without permission boy"? I asked.

"I get punished Sir... but please Sir not here in front of everyone" he whined.

"Boy, you will not tell me where or when to punish you. You should have thought about this before you shot that miserable load" I said.

I then announced that I would be taking my errant slave to the showers for punishment, and about a dozen guys followed me. I went to my locker and got out a belt, but used it to tie Mike's hands to the shower head. Then I took my towel and wet the end.

In High School I was famous for being able to use a rat tail better than anyone. I could raise a welt with it.

Taking aim at Mike's balls and dick, I snapped the towel hard. He yelped as a livid red strip came up on his thigh. I had missed.

Taking aim again, I landed a perfect rat tail on his balls. He screamed out and writhed and twisted.

"Boy, now any of the other men here who were offended by your behavior can do the same thing" I said.

One by one ten guys took aim. Some were better at it than others, but all connected with his dick, balls, or both. Mike was screaming and writhing after each one so the whole thing took about 10 minutes as he had to stop moving before the next guy could take aim. At the end he had a bright red and swollen scrotum.

I released Mike and had him shower me, then himself. Dressing, we went outside where I dumped him on the sidewalk and headed back to the hotel.

When I got back, Cody was lying on his bed, still bare after the massage, but fast asleep. I took him in as I stared at my sleeping son, and again noticed that this boy was growing fast, and not only in height. He must have been dreaming, as he had a full erection. My son had grown to well over 7 inches and while not as thick as me, was clearly getting there quickly. I took out a blanket and covered him, then went to bed myself.

Next: Chapter 25

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